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依托学会构建团队提高陕西高职高专学报质量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
徐行  杨贤 《编辑学报》2008,20(4):317-318
陕西高职高专学报工作委员会根据会员单位实际需求开展学报编辑规范化建设、编辑素质建设和以特色栏目为主要特征的高职高专学报创新实践,有效地提高了陕西高职高专院校学报的整体办刊水平.  相似文献   

结合高职高专学报稿源质量差、编辑队伍弱的特点,提出积极的防范学术不端行为的措施:制定高职高专学报可操作性的学术规范,普及利用"科技(社科)期刊学术不端文献检测系统",建立偏重技术性、应用性的小同行审稿专家数据库,提高编辑自身的学术识别能力,设立高职高专学报同盟,联合抵制学术不端行为.  相似文献   

找准定位培育特色--论高职高专学报面临的2个重要问题   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
田振东  王纪安 《编辑学报》2005,17(3):216-218
论述我国高职高专学报面临的2个重要问题:定位与特色.认为:高校学报定位分主体定位与客体定位;不同层次、不同类型高校学报具有共同性,更具独立性,独立性决定定位;高职高专学报定位要不攀高,也不压低,要安于其位,乐于其位,专于其位.论述了特色的重要性,指出了特色形成的3个阶段:发掘特色,培育特色,发展特色;强调特色的形成需精心培育.  相似文献   

高职高专院校属于高等教育中的职业教育院校,目前还没有研究生教育,其学报作为“反映本校教学、科研成果为主的综合性理论刊物”,似乎与研究生教育关系不大。但事实上,大量在读研究生将其论文投向了高职高专学报;而高职高专学报也刊发了大量在读研究生的论文。这种状况使高职高专学报成为大量研究生学术成果的评判者、学术论文写作的指导者,...  相似文献   

湛江  朱宝林 《出版广角》2015,(12):67-69
文章研究不同类型的综合性高校学报的现状并与所有的高校学报进行比较,对学报转型问题进行思考.结果显示:自科类综合性高校学报的总体情况与社科类相差不大;综合性大学学报的情况略低于所有大学学报;综合性学院学报的情况明显低于所有学院学报;高职高专等学报整体情况较弱.提出综合性高校学报的发展和转型是必要的,我们应因地制宜,探索适合自身的综合性学报发展模式.  相似文献   

据2008年全国教育事业发展统计公报公布的数据,截至2008年底,全国共有普通高等学校2263所。普通高校中本科院校1079所,高职高专院校1184所。[1]高职高专学报400余种,占高校学报的1/5左右(不  相似文献   

在媒体融合背景下,新的形势对学术期刊提出了新的要求和挑战。在保证稿件学术质量和编校质量的基础上,不断更新办刊理念,形成特色栏目、品牌栏目,建立媒体融合矩阵,提高编辑的全媒体能力和服务意识,是期刊品牌发展的必由之路。文章以江苏省10种高职高专学报为例,探析高职高专学报的品牌化发展策略。  相似文献   

在内涵式、国际化发展背景下,地方普通高校学报的转型之路面临前所未有的挑战.选题策划作为学报编辑出版工作的头等大事,理应顺势而为,从以往的外延式野蛮生长转为专业化、学术化、特色化提质增效的发展模式,才能在打造高校学术品牌的同时助力区域发展建设.《攀枝花学院学报》的"金沙江文化"特色专栏坚持以科学专业、学术文本、特色品牌三个理念策划选题,整合学报的资源和优势,提升杂志的学术力,为地方普通高校学报的选题策划提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

分析首届中国高职高专核心期刊中的22种高职学报的服务地方经济与社会发展栏目设置的情况.结果显示:11种高职学报开设了服务地方经济与社会发展的栏目,近半数高职学报开设了行业特色明显的栏目.已开设服务地方经济与社会发展的栏目缺乏稳定性和连续性;栏目名称地方特色不够明显;栏目文章基本没有分类.为充分发挥高职学报在促进地方经济与社会发展方面的积极作用,应依托地域资源优势,创设地域特色明显的栏目;发挥编辑主体意识,作好专题策划;维持特色栏目的稿源数量和质量,多渠道开拓稿源;采取二级栏目分类,细分栏目;与行业、企业联合开设地域特色栏目.  相似文献   

高校图书馆肩负引领大学生阅读的责任和义务.文章以泰州高校首届"4·23"世界读书日活动为例,逐一探讨高职高专图书馆读书活动的统筹规划、组织实施及总结评价,并指出高职高专图书馆应优化资源、联合举办读书活动,以取得最佳效果.  相似文献   

吴学军  王亚秋 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):322-325
从学科覆盖、作者队伍、读者群、期刊统计数据以及学术环境5个方面分析高校学报的优势.通过高校学报与专业期刊的总被引频次、影响因子指标的对比发现,专业期刊并不具特别的优势,高校学报的影响力正在稳步提升.高校学报通过正确定位、重塑编委团队、以内容为王、融入创新、改革管理策略、建立健全编辑队伍激励机制等途径,提升高校学报的学术水平,走依靠高校学科特色、服务高校学科与科研、服务广大师生、发现并培养人才的正确办刊之路.  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑往往需要既懂专业知识又懂编辑知识,而专业人才就业时很难直接选择编辑行业。为发掘更多的高校科技期刊后备人才,本文通过对四川大学华西口腔医学院编辑部自2008年以来的实践进行总结。基于《中国口腔医学信息》学生采编部这一人才挖掘模式,以大学3~5年级本科生为培养对象,通过让其参与期刊信息采编这种职业尝试,深入了解编辑工作,培养对编辑工作的热爱,为其将来选择进入编辑行业打下基础。我们在培养过程中发现,这种潜在后备人才的培养走向是多维度的,不仅能为期刊发掘编辑人才,同时还因其在科研人员的成长早期就与之建立了亲密联系,为期刊培养了大量忠实的读者、优秀作者和专业审稿人。这种早挖掘、多维度的人才培养探索,有利于期刊后备人才的挖掘,值得推广。  相似文献   

The early days of the People's Republic of China saw the development of science and technology at home with an accompanying development of scientific and technical journals. A succession of natural disasters then weakened the economy and many journals had to cease publication. The disruption of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution followed and only twenty journals survived. Since the opening up of the economy the Chinese government has supported scientific and technical journals and these have developed rapidly. There are now a large number of journals but many of them are still of low quality and little impact, and too few are in English. The number in English will now increase considerably, as will their international influence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose was to determine the impact of online journals on the citation patterns of medical faculty. This study looked at whether researchers were more likely to limit the resources they consulted and cited to those journals available online rather than those only in print. SETTING: Faculty publications from the college of medicine at a large urban university were examined for this study. The faculty publications from a regional medical college of the same university were also examined in the study. The number of online journals available for faculty, staff, and students at this institution has increased from an initial core of 15 online journals in 1998 to over 11,000 online journals in 2004. METHODOLOGY: Searches by author affiliation were performed in the Web of Science to find all articles written by faculty members in the college of medicine at the selected institution. Searches were conducted for the following years: 1993, 1996, 1999, and 2002. Cited references from each faculty-authored article were recorded, and the corresponding cited journals were coded into four categories based on their availability at the institution in this study: print only, print and online, online only, and not owned. Results were analyzed using SPSS. RESULTS: The number of journals cited per year continued to increase from 1993 to 2002. The results did not indicate that researchers were more likely to cite online journals or were less likely to cite journals only in print. At the regional location where the number of print-only journals was minimal, use of the print-only journals did decrease in 2002, although not significantly. CONCLUSION/DISCUSSION: It is possible that electronic access to information (i.e., online databases) has had a positive impact on the number of articles faculty will cite. Results of this study suggest, at this point, that faculty are still accessing the print-only collection, at least for research purposes, and are therefore not sacrificing quality for convenience.  相似文献   

扬长避短办好高职学报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贺小凤 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):280-281
分析高职学报具有的优势和存在的不足,提出发挥优势、办出特色和克服不足、提高质量,办好高职学报的思路.  相似文献   

Scholarly journals have served he academic community well for almost 350 years. They are thoroughly embedded in the process of scholarly communication. These journals have developed their own genres and formats, supporting scholarship in subtle ways. As we move into the electronic age, scholarly journals will evolve and change. The role of librarians and scholars in guiding and nurturing the evolution of these journals into new forms is examined.  相似文献   

谭华  习琲 《编辑学报》2016,28(1):64-66
通过分析《保健医苑》的办刊实践,探讨在编辑主体意识的引导下,编辑不仅要强化传统时代要求的质量意识和服务意识,还要培养并树立新时期所要求的特色意识、创新意识、时效意识、社会责任意识和学习意识,努力将期刊打造成精品期刊.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an alarming increase in the number of “academic” papers published in vanity journals and publishers. Such journals, dubbed predatory because their main objective is making money out of authors, compromise or completely abandon the peer review system. An increase in publishing with such journals, which is common in developing counties, will affect the quality of science, excellence, development, and individual researchers' and institutions' professional reputation. In this article, the author discusses strategies for individual researchers and institutions for identifying and discouraging publishing in predatory journals. Moreover, suggestions on how to deal with faculty who have published and already bestowed positions on the grounds of papers published in predatory journals are also given. Strategies and suggestions discussed in this article can provide insights to librarians and publication officers on how to curb the problem of predatory publications.  相似文献   


The World Wide Web site tor Cataloging & Classification Quarterly(CCQ) was created to address a serious need-timeli-ness-in communicating the results of research among librarians, while at the same time providing a number of new benefits to enhance the journal's relationship to its readers. Brought online in early 1995, it was the first such Web site for a professional journal in librarianship, and its characteristic method of making abstracts available well in advance of the print version anticipated a practice later employed by journals in a variety of other fields. Historical background to electronic texts is discussed in context with the beginnings of the CCQ Web page, along with providing an orientation to the relevant aspects of the still-evolving World Wide Web. By using the CCQ Web page as an example, an attempt to characterize the current state of electronic journal publishing will be outlined. With the decision early this year by CCQ's publisher, The Haworth Press, Inc., to begin a pilot program of publishing a select number of its some 160 journals via the World Wide Web, the CCQ Web site can be regarded as an influential forerunner for the publisher's development of electronic journals.  相似文献   

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