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In view of risk analysis and forecast, the risk of book selection decision consists mainly of risks of value,lacuna,duplicates and funds. In order to lessen the book selection risk, first,purchase of duplicates should be done according to the lower limit in numbers, and secondly, archive for the purchase of books and periodicals should be established  相似文献   

高频词与低频词的界分及词频估算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mr. J.C. Donohue, in 1973, believe that there was a critical value in the demarcation of high-and low-frequency terms used in articles, and at the same time he proposed formulas of calculation. On the basis of adopting maximum value to determine grades of terms, this article brings forth and introduces a new formula of demarcating the high-and low-frequency terms which is not only simple and direct in the process of calculation but also more practical as compared with that of Mr. Donohue. Having made a study of ways of calculating for various kinds of terms with similar frequency,the article also gives a formula of calculation and reveals the inheret law governing the number of frequency of terms ans terms with similar frequency.The author holds that the frequency of terms appeared in the article and the number of terms with similar frequency have something to do with the number of different terms but have nothing to do with the length of the articles.10 formulas.5 tables.4 references.  相似文献   

美国图书馆学情报学核心期刊文献分析研究述要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Generally speaking,library literature,especially the periodical literature is the most possible oneto reflect the research level of a certain discipline.American began its comprehensive analysis from allangles of its library and information science nucleu  相似文献   

Liaoning Provincial Library was prepared to build in 1947 and inaugurated in 1948.There were234000 items of holding in the library in 1987.This library has 3 features in the holding:1.Pos-sessed the vivid local colour;2.It has grown into a centre Chinese  相似文献   

图书馆要积极开发文献资源   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
图书馆要积极开发文献资源卢淑敏ABSTRACTDepthandwidthofdocumentdevelopmentarecriteriaforthequalityoflibraryservices.Libraryshouldimproveitscol...  相似文献   

On the basis of its actual situation, the Library of Railways has established concrete rules and regulations for applying the collocation methods of the "Classification (?)f Chinese Books and References Materials" to the Library, including aspects of 3 types of collocation functions, 6 items of collocation rules, 2 kinds of collocation methods and 4 kinds of the arrangement of classification numbers.  相似文献   

《中国文献编目规则》编撰阐要   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
《中国文献编目规则》编撰阐要●罗健雄ABSTRACTAcordingtotheAuthor′sPracticeandExperienceofCompiling《CataloguingRulesforChineseDocument》formanyyea...  相似文献   

中国文献资源保障与共享的出路——文献保障中心藏书界定公式与两级文献保障中心论王积和ABSTRACTThedemarcationformulaofthecentralizedcolectionofdocumentresourceassuranceisp...  相似文献   

我国综合性文献光盘数据库的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国综合性文献光盘数据库的比较研究●何建新ABSTRACTAcomparativestudyisconductedonthetwokindsofdo-mesticcomprehensiveopticaldiscdatabases:the"databa...  相似文献   

中国文献资源建设理论研究述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国文献资源建设理论研究述评刘省泉曹臻ABSTRACTAfterasurveyoftheoriginanddevelopmentoftheconceptsandsystemsofdocumentresources,theauthorsproposes...  相似文献   

论地方文献机读目录的质量控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金文坚 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(5):154-156
就地方文献在编目过程中的附注内容、主题词、非控主题词、分类号等的选取,提出了自己的看法,并就地方文献的机读目录的各种规范提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

主题词和关键词是共词聚类分析法中最常用的分析对象,但在相同的条件下,两者是否有相近的聚类效果?针对同一文献标本,采用同样的常规处理过程,对关键词和主题词的聚类效果进行对比统计分析,结果显示在高频词、类团成员及聚类质量上,存在较大差别。表明在共词聚类分析法的具体应用中,选择不同的对象时,不能简单套用相同的数据处理过程。最后,就共词聚类分析法的应用、处理规范等方面提出一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

学科馆员的新工作   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从自建数据库文献主题分类标引和学科分类标引及编制专业“主题、学科分类”和“关键词”词表等两个方面论述了学科馆员在新形势下的新任务。  相似文献   

自动化辅助分类工具   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自动化辅助分类工具是采用专家系统技术实现在PC286、386微型机上的一个辅助分类用的软件系统,它是将文献的主题词等分类特征作为产生式系统的初始值,通过分类索引知识得到若干相关分类号,再据分类规则知识和文献的其它特征对分类号集合进行裁剪,在最小分类号集合中,由用户决定最终正确的分类号。  相似文献   

《美国国会主题标题表》(LCSH)是由美国国会图书馆(LC)制定并负责维护的一套英语主题标引系统,历经一个多世纪的发展,以强大的生命力适应时代的发展变迁,成为世界图书馆主要采用的主题标引与检索工具。LCSH标题数量庞大,结构严谨,应用规则严格,随着主题规范合作项目SACO的开展,以LC为首的越来越多的图书馆参与到LCSH的建设中,并形成了一套相对成熟的建设机制。本文以LCSH长期以来形成的建设机制为切入点,对主题规范文档建设中遇到的包括文档更新、书目更新、名称主题词的归属、建设基础等若干关键问题进行深入思考,并对我国当前主题规范控制工作实践如何借鉴国外有益经验提出思路。  相似文献   

"Zhong Tu Fa" has been twice revised to a relatively wide extent since it came out in 1975.So far as the third edition is concerned,the class headings revised amount to 10442 which is the problem of ,as the Chinese saying goes,"pulling one hair and the whole body is affected."The author holds that it is better for the future revision of it to adopt the system of consecutive revision and puts forward four problems needing attention,i.e.combining the "expert line"with the "mass line",maintaining continuity and stability,carrying out the principles of document guaranty,etc.  相似文献   

The assignment of subject headings to local theses and dissertations can be a time-consuming and costly activity in libraries where catalogers lack subject specialties. However, for many libraries subject analysis for theses and dissertations is a worthwhile task. At the Sterling C. Evans Library at Texas A&M University a program was instituted to remedy this situation by asking the student to suggest Library of Congress subject headings that accurately reflect the content of his or her work. This article reports the findings of an evaluation of this program and some considerations for its improvement. The authors believe that the use of such a program could speed the cataloging process as well as provide improved subject access to local theses and dissertations.  相似文献   

打造专业出版领域知识服务平台,首要任务是构建优质内容资源基础.要将出版社传统的内容资源转换成知识服务平台需要的知识资源,就要充分利用XML结构化内容单元、领域本体、主题词表来实现内容资源的知识组织,以满足知识服务平台的功能需求.挖掘整合行业资源,打造"深度短时阅读产品"的专业领域知识服务平台资源基础,是我国专业出版领域知识服务平台构建内容资源数据基础的发展方向.  相似文献   

The problems of culture and ideology have been studied in phenomenology, structuralism, and historical materialism, but they fail to make connections between theory and social reality. To solve this situation, Pierre Bourdieu proposes the Theory of Practice. This Theory of Practice, together with his notions of Cultural capital, Field, Habitus, Social reproduction, Symbolic power, and so on, are the subjects of 23 books written by Bourdieu up to 1991. Because the purpose of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is to guide users to the subject(s) of a given book, one would expect to find those conceptual categories present in the subject headings assigned to Bourdieu's books. This paper is a study of the subject headings given to those 23 books, and their different translations into English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German, comprising 89 records in OCLC as of December 1991. However, due to lack of availability one book and its respective record were eliminated, reducing the universe to 22 books and 88 records. It was found that most of the books erroneously received headings that do not correspond to their content, as the headings were assigned from the functi onalist paradigm. In general, LCSHs ignore the conceptual categories of other paradigms, do not match the current vocabulary used by social scientists, and are ideologically biased.  相似文献   

Nine principles are proposed to formulate a consistent policy for form of names for literatures in LC subject headings. The proposals in part conform with existing LC headings and in part suggest new types of headings.  相似文献   

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