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科学论文在正式发表之前请有关专家审稿裁定,并对其学术水平做适当的、确切的、全面的评价,是编辑的必备程序之一,也是把好稿件质量关、提高学报质量的关键。审稿的目的在于正确评价论文的理论价值与实用价值,及时刊用有一定学术水平的稿件,避免劣质的、毫无学术价值的文章见报。为了使具有真知灼见的优秀论文不无发表之地,也避免劣质论文浪费纸张、误人子弟,我校学报对文稿采用四级审定制,即编辑粗审、专家评审、编辑部初步定稿、编委会定稿。本文拟就医学论文的审定工作及如何提高学报质量等方面进行一些探讨。 1.编辑粗审。不同的作者对不同期刊的稿约不尽了  相似文献   

采用CrossCheck检测平台(http://www.ithenticate.com/)对英文科技论文进行比对,通过分析查重比对结果可初步判断该论文是否涉嫌学术不端,进而判断该论文的新颖性和研究热门程度.查重比对可为编辑处理稿件提供有力的支持,为审者审稿提供必要的参考,以便给出公正的审理意见.另外,讨论了审者信息及作者信息的核实对干预学术不端行为的作用.  相似文献   

学术期刊双向匿名评审制度若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言学术期刊双向匿名评审制度是建立在论文作者和论文评审者姓名互不公开基础上的一项稿件评审制度,又被称为双盲评审制度。与传统的审稿制度相比,它更加具有以下几方面的意义和功能:即有助于提升学术期刊的论文质量,提升刊物的学术影响力;遏制学术期刊论文选稿的潜规则,实现公正选稿;  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑审稿行为的主体性分析   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
赵文义  王磊  杨琦 《编辑学报》2008,20(5):382-383
审稿专家对学术论文价值的评审不可避免地受到诸多因素的限制,从而决定了审稿行为的有限性.基于对审稿行为局限性及国际名刊审稿行为实践的分析,认为必须充分发挥学术期刊编辑的主体性及其对学术论文的选择作用.学术期刊编辑对学术论文的选择应结合审稿意见、办刊宗旨及编辑标准来做出决定.  相似文献   

综述类论文的学术价值及其鉴审   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述是一种比较特殊而又重要的学术论文类型。由于其内容、结构和学术价值与一般的专题研究论文不同,对其学术质量和水平的鉴审也有其特殊性。简要探讨综述类论文的学术价值及其鉴审的侧重点。  相似文献   

论高校学报科技论文的评审   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为保证高校学报的学术质量,科技论文在发表前一般都实行三级审稿制(简称“三审制”),即初审(内审)、编委或特约专家复审(外审)、正副主编决审。经过三审,方能确定论文是否可以发表,并提出明确具体的修改意见。一、高校学报目前的审稿状况高校学报目前的审稿工作仍按国家规定的“三审制”执行。编辑部收到作者稿件后,责编对初稿从政治性、学术性、保密性、语法、逻辑、规范、标准等方面进行评审,根据自己学报的实际情况,择优选择稿件。初审通过后,根据稿件的学科分类,遵从“内稿外审,外稿内审”的原则,将稿件送有关专家进行评审,周期一般为20天。评审回来后,由主编或副主编再进行终审。终审要对稿件内容全面负责,如认为稿件尚有前两审未解决的问题,可提出异议,责成责编进行复审。三级审稿制度,是中宣部在1980年4月22日转发国家出版事业管理局制订的《出版社工作暂行条例》(中宣发806号文)①中正式提出的,目前全国的科技期刊基本上都沿用此制度。此制度能较全面地集编辑、专家、主编的意见为一体,能较公正地评价一篇科技论文的真正价值。但由于各地各编辑部在做法上各有所异,执行方法也各有不同,也还存在一些问题。二、初审工作收到稿件后,作为编辑部的责任编辑...  相似文献   

胡晓梅 《编辑学报》2019,31(2):187-190
科技期刊审稿专家在审稿期内对论文进行专业、具体、公正的评价是三审制的重要核心环节,直接影响论文的取舍与发表周期。但在实际处理稿件流程中,专家拒审或拖延审稿现象时有发生。文章通过分析专家拒审或拖延审稿具体原因,提出相应应对措施,以期减少此类现象发生,缩短期刊评审时间与出版时滞,提高刊物的时效性以加快科技信息的传播速度。  相似文献   

朱大明 《编辑学报》2011,23(4):368-369
学术期刊应向审稿专家提供哪些审稿辅助信息是值得进一步探讨的问题。除特殊情况,论文相关信息一般无须向审稿专家提供。期刊稿件录用率便于专家具体地把握与期刊发表水平相应的学术评审尺度,对专家审稿具有较好的辅助作用。  相似文献   

正根据《学术出版规范期刊学术不端行为界定》(CY/T 174-2019),审稿专家学术不端主要包括以下七种行为。1.违背学术道德的评审:在论文评审中姑息学术不端的行为,或者依据非学术因素评审等。2.干扰评审程序:故意拖延评审过程,或者以不正当方式影响发表决定。3.违反利益冲突规定:不公开或隐瞒与所评审论文的作者的利益关系,或者故意推荐与特定稿件存在利益关系的其他审稿专家等。  相似文献   

学报编辑审稿刍论任火判断稿件的学术水平,对大学学报编辑而言,是一个具有挑战意味的课题。其难点在于拥辑不可能对每篇论文都能完全看懂。因此,学报编辑还须将稿件送有关专家审阅。但是,这是否意味着编辑可以放弃对稿件学术价值的评审义务和权力呢?不是的。事实表明...  相似文献   

The current details of publishing in the scientific and technological field are analyzed. Attention is paid to the reinforcement of the information noise that accompanies administrative approaches to the improvement of the citation index. The roles and functions of publishers that deal with scientific-journal literature are investigated. The need for a strict ranking of scientific publications based on their scientific value established through high-quality peer review, as well as the difficulties in the organization of peer-review work, are highlighted. The possibility of organizing a centralized peer review of scholarly journal publications on the basis of peer-review centers is presented and discussed. It is assumed that this will help to eliminate one of the major barriers to open access to scientific articles.  相似文献   

Retractions are necessary to remove flawed research from citable literature but cannot offset the negative impact those publications have on science advances and public trust. The editorial peer-review process is intended to prevent flawed research from being published. However, there is limited empirical evidence of its effectiveness in identifying issues that lead to retractions. This study analyzed the peer-review comments (provided by Clarivate Analytics) for a sample of retracted publications (provided by Retraction Watch) to investigate how the peer-review process effectively detects the areas where the retraction causes lie and whether reviewer characteristics are related to the effectiveness. We found that a small proportion of peer reviews suggested rejections during the peer review stage, while about half suggested acceptance or minor revision for those later retracted papers. The peer-review process was more effective in identifying retraction causes related to data, methods, and results than those related to text plagiarism and references. Additionally, factors such as reviewer seniority and the level of match between reviewers’ expertise and the submission were significant in determining the possibility of peer reviews identifying suspicious areas in submissions. We discussed potential insights from these findings and called for collective efforts to prevent retractions.  相似文献   

设计并实现一个科技项目同行评议专家智能遴选系统,以专家信息和专家档案库为基础,采用基于统计的术语抽取技术解决未登录词问题,利用向量空间检索计算待评审项目和评审专家的相关性,根据相关性大小遴选出最合适的评审专家。  相似文献   

学术论文双盲评审的优势与可行性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
就双盲评审与其他2种方式作对比,阐述其优势和可行性.单盲评审的不平衡,容易导致审稿人责任的缺失以及个人偏见导致的不公正判断.开放评审相对公开透明,被国外一些期刊所尝试,但其还不成熟,不适应国内当前的实际情况,不能被广泛推广.双盲评审能弥补单盲的缺陷,保证审稿更加客观公正,受到多数研究人员的认可,并且有利于提高审稿质量,提高期刊的被引用率.在采用双盲评审方式时,编辑人员应发挥良好的桥梁作用.  相似文献   

New models of scientific publishing and new ways of practicing peer review have injected a recent dynamism into the scholarly communication system. In this article, we delineate the context of the traditional peer-review model, reflect on some of the first experiences with open peer review, and forecast some of the challenges that new models for peer review will have to meet. Our findings suggest that the peer-review function has the potential to be divorced from the journal system, so that the responsibility to judge the significance of a paper may no longer fall exclusively to formal reviewers, but may be assessed by the whole readership community.  相似文献   

蒋霞 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):372-376
基于发生在权威期刊的几桩典型学术丑闻,探讨同行评审如何系统性地应对学术论文不端行为。回顾性提炼丑闻事件的重要节点,从速度、数量、质量和评价标准4个维度来综合分析同行评审存在的关键问题;提出应在战略和技术层面上重新构建学术出版中的同行评审体系:明确同行评审中的各方责任,利用网络信息技术收集并开放数据。一个明确、健全和开放的同行评审体系有助于系统性地防范学术不端,提高同行评审质量。  相似文献   

Quality Matters is a program that certifies online and hybrid courses. For a course to earn Quality Matters certification, it must meet eight standards of online course design and pass a rigorous peer-review process. In fall 2008, this author's online Cataloging and Classification course went through the Quality Matters peer-review process and was awarded Quality Matters certification. It is the only cataloging course in the nation to earn this certification. The author's Quality Matters peer-review process is discussed as is the potential of the Quality Matters rubric to improve online cataloging courses.  相似文献   

交叉学科是原始创新的发源地,其科学评价问题倍受关注。针对交叉学科同行评议专家选择的难点问题,提出利用科学知识图谱来判定交叉学科相近研究领域及热点研究主题,并据此确定合适交叉学科同行评议专家遴选的方法,为同行评议专家的遴选提供科学合理的凭据。  相似文献   

This paper shows how bibliometric models can be used to assist peers in selecting candidates for academic openings.Several studies have demonstrated that a relationship exists between results from peer-review evaluations and results obtained with certain bibliometric indicators. However, very little has been done to analyse the predictive power of models based on bibliometric indicators. Indicators with high predictive power will be seen as good instruments to support peer evaluations. The goal of this study is to assess the predictive power of a model based on bibliometric indicators for the results of academic openings at the level of Associado and Catedrático at Portuguese universities. Our results suggest that the model can predict the results of peer-review at this level with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This predictive power is better when only the scientific performance is assessed by peers.  相似文献   

How can new media positively transform scholarly practices? In this article, we describe the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME). JIME's peer-review process is designed to promote multidisciplinary dialogue through the use of a purpose-designed web document–discussion interface. This innovative peer-review model and the resulting enriched digital documents illustrate some of the possibilities for promoting knowledge construction and preserving intellectual products in digital scholarly publications. We present JIME's technical infrastructure, editorial policy, and peer-review process, and discuss how these features are used to support the journal's goals. Finally, we conclude by considering what aspects of our approach might be suitable for e-journals in other disciplines.  相似文献   

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