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The Internet clearly presents the opportunity for students to expand their knowledge at a fast pace, since they are able to access enormous amount of information. However, accessing the Internet also has its downside since not all information is of good quality. The study explored how 12th grade students at a high school in Ghana evaluated online information sources. These students and the head of the Information Communication Technology department respond to self-administered questionnaires and a semi-structured interview, respectively. The study found that most of the high school students did some kind of an evaluation of online information sources, however, they were not applying the right criteria. The study further revealed that students were not introduced to evaluation criteria at school and this had contributed to the gap in their evaluation competencies.  相似文献   
This introductory article to the combined special issue of Journalism Studies and Journalism Practice provides an overview of some of the key contemporary approaches to studying journalism and social order. It argues the need to step beyond a functionalist framework when considering the news media’s central role in shaping social connections, community and cohesion. To advance our understandings of social order, our paper suggests a greater emphasis of the significance of journalism’s relationship to the wider social sphere along with three other key considerations, including (1) a critical focus on the relationship between media, politics and social order, especially in defining and/or negotiating “anti-social” practices and social disintegration; (2) a more refined focus on the “imagined” and geographic boundaries of news audiences in digital spaces; and (3) the changing relationship to norms and conventions of journalism practice from trust and legitimacy to the role of journalists as arbiters and connectors across social spaces.  相似文献   
我国多数男生引体向上得"零"分,使上肢力量测评出现"地板效应"。采用量化研究和质性研究两种范式提高研究效度。量化研究对学生体质与健康调研数据和监测数据进行方差分析、多重比较和回归分析,结果表明:(1)每5~10年,男生的握力、体重、身高、BMI、引体向上均值差异显著;(2)年龄、握力、体重、身高、BMI分别显著预测引体向上成绩,体重和握力是影响我国男生引体向上成绩的主要影响因素。质性研究结果表明,引体向上"零"分主要有四个方面的原因:体重增长难挡,力量增长受限,个体认知偏差,社会支持薄弱。结论:我国男生引体向上"零"分的首要原因是体重增长较快,其次,主要肌群绝对力量和耐力增长不足,男生对引体向上的认知有偏差,学校、家长、社会支持较弱;借助政策控制体重、发展肌力、完善测评标准、促进男生积极练习引体向上十分重要。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义理论体系包括邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想以及科学发展观等重大战略思想在内的科学理论体系。  相似文献   
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies due to the social distancing norms and nationwide lockdowns. People and organizations all over the world have had to adjust to new ways of work and life. We explore possible scenarios of the digital surge and the research issues that arise.An increase in digitalization is leading firms and educational institutions to shift to work-from-home (WFH). Blockchain technology will become important and will entail research on design and regulations. Gig workers and the gig economy is likely to increase in scale, raising questions of work allocation, collaboration, motivation, and aspects of work overload and presenteeism. Workplace monitoring and technostress issues will become prominent with an increase in digital presence. Online fraud is likely to grow, along with research on managing security. The regulation of the internet, a key resource, will be crucial post-pandemic.Research may address the consequences and causes of the digital divide. Further, the issues of net neutrality and zero-rating plans will merit scrutiny. A key research issue will also be the impact and consequences of internet shutdowns, frequently resorted to by countries. Digital money, too, assumes importance in crisis situations and research will address their adoption, consequences, and mode. Aspects of surveillance and privacy gain importance with increased digital usage.  相似文献   
尽管宜宾市第三次全国文物普查全面而仔细,"全市乡村普查到达率均达到100%",但笔者对宜宾市戏曲文物调查时,又查出九座古戏楼,它们分别是江安县底蓬镇古戏楼、江安县蟠龙镇古戏楼、江安县桐梓镇禹王宫古戏楼、江安县夕佳山民居古戏楼、长宁县桃坪乡玉皇楼古戏楼、长宁县梅硐镇余家祠堂古戏楼、珙县洛表镇何家大院两座古戏楼、长宁县老翁镇文昌宫古戏楼。以上戏楼具有丰富的历史文化价值,笔者实地测量了相关数据,并采访相关人士发现了因把握文物的标准不同、建筑保存现状很差等原因造成这九座戏楼被普查遗漏了。  相似文献   
在新时代背景下,“金课”概念和标准的提出为高校思想政治理论课改革创新提供了新的契机,建设思政“金课”势在必行。“伟大民族精神”是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容之一,也是高校思想政治理论课的重要教学内容。基于“金课”建设的标准,以“伟大民族精神”内容教学的视角,着力探讨高校思政“金课”建设之道,提高思政课教育教学的实效性。  相似文献   
微博是90后大学生进行政治意识表达的主要载体,大学生的政治意识在某种程度上影响着社会大众的思想意识。在微博的影响下,大学生政治意识的主流虽然是积极、健康、向上的,但也出现了政治冷漠,盲目轻信甚至是群体极化的现象。因此,政府应该加强微博立法,高校应开设公共微博,培养一批意见领袖,而大学生也要努力提高自己的微博素养,才能保证微博上政治意识表达的有序运行。  相似文献   
“互联网+体育产业”生态域参考模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“互联网+体育产业”深度融合是体育产业未来主导的发展方向,是满足广大人民群众日益扩大健身需求的必由之路。在分析我国体育产业经济现状的基础上,建构了“互联网+体育产业”生态域参考模型,该模型以体育产品生命周期为主线,研究了“互联网+体育产业”生态域的资源维、服务维和组织维的构架。通过一足球赛事的实例验证,资源维、组织维和服务维之间以及内部存在复杂、非线性、动态的耦合关系,体育产品和服务全生命周期过程的各个环节均可看作由上述三维中的部分相互关联和映射而成,“互联网+体育产业”生态域参考模型具有一定的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
伴随“一带一路”战略的实施,高校作为人才的输出和储备的重要领域,其教育和管理思路需要及时进行调整,让学生能够更快地适应现代社会发展需求,培养具有创新意识和长远眼光的优秀人才。为此,高校应调整人才培养模式,结合区域经济推进科技创新与智力支持,不断拓展人文交流平台。  相似文献   
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