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体育是“一带一路”倡议人文交流的重要依托,体育赛事对实现民心相通发挥积极作用。英联邦运动会的长期举办推动了英联邦国家的整体发展,是体育赛事交流的典型案例。通过对英联邦运动会与“一带一路”体育赛事的对比,分析其对“一带一路”体育赛事的借鉴作用,并探讨“一带一路”体育赛事交流的构想与策略。认为:开展“一带一路”体育赛事交流应建立“一带一路”体育组织,组建相应的工作机构,举办“一带一路”国家运动会;构建“多边体育合作机制”,不断扩大“一带一路”体育赛事的覆盖面,重视赛事风险并避免负面影响,鼓励、支持多国举办“一带一路”体育赛事。  相似文献   

How does a small community college library, without marketing experience or budget, advocate for its value to a campus community and its administrators? We did so by creating an engaging, bright, and easy-to-read “pocket-graphic.” In this column, we reflect on the process of shaping a multi-use product out of a mountain of data. Through research in design practices, field observations of popular information tools, and an uncomfortable step into braggadocio, we learned to articulate the successes of our library. Our “pocket-graphic” told our story, yes – but it also provoked surprise, questions (“you really have all that?”) and delight in the lesser known successes (“you really DO all that!”). In the process, we connected our students more deeply to helpful services and resources, faculty to supportive instruction, and positively changed the tone of conversation with all our stakeholders. By turning data points into selling points, we found insights and a focus that moved our own development forward, helping ourselves to define improved priorities for advancing our critical role in student success.  相似文献   
重大体育赛事的举办在一定程度上能推动承办城市转型发展,但也可能对当地经济产生某种不良影响,这主要源于对重大体育赛事与城市经济发展的内在规律和作用机制认识不够清晰。以2000-2017年22项具有全国影响力的重大体育赛事为基础,利用中国70个大中城市面板数据,采用双重差分法,分析重大体育赛事对城市经济发展的影响。发现:全样本数据下重大体育赛事的举办会促进城市第一产业向第二、第三产业发展;对比国内和国际赛事,重大体育赛事对第三产业的促进作用均显著高于第二产业;以1 085家上市公司数据为样本,采用事件研究法进行分析,发现不同行业利用重大体育赛事的窗口期存在显著差异。  相似文献   
目的:探析短道速滑个人项目两届冬奥会及冬奥会与世锦赛体力分配策略规律差异。方法:收集整理索契、平昌冬奥会,以及2014—2017年世锦赛短道速滑个人项目相关数据,分析单圈用时、肯德尔相关系数。结果:(1)冬奥会各单项单圈用时不同程度地少于世锦赛,平昌不同程度地少于索契;(2)除2016世锦赛500 m,其他赛事均全程具有显著相关(P<0.05);(3)除索契冬奥会女子1 000 m,其他赛事均较早出现显著相关(P<0.05),平昌冬奥会男子与女子均在第7、8圈为高相关(r≥0.70);(4)平昌冬奥会1 500 m男子第12、13圈,女子第13圈为高相关(r≥0.70),两者均从第9圈开始出现显著相关(P<0.05)。结论:500 m出发位置尤为重要,高速滑行中稳固站位能力需求突出,冬奥会中对全程维持速度能力的要求逐步提高;冬奥会1 000 m与1 500 m比赛争夺有利位置战术的实施位置较以往更为靠后。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2020,23(5):824-837
The purpose of this study was to explore nostalgia’s effect on MiLB spectators’ psychological, emotional, and behavioral responses. Mobile encephalography (EEG) headsets were used to monitor attendees’ neurological responses that may be indicative of nostalgia, while an ecological momentary assessment (EMA) permitted the capturing of spectators’ self-reported nostalgic levels. This approach allowed participants’ mental scores to be analyzed in relationship to their nostalgic occurrences. Brainwave frequencies emblematic of inward attention and arousal were significantly related with the number of instances spectators reported feeling nostalgic, which denote mental dispositions prevalent among attendees more prone to nostalgia. Moreover, PROCESS macro regression highlighted nostalgia’s ability to influence spectators’ behavioral intentions. Results also revealed environmental stimuli originating from sight, sound, and sociability to be especially prominent in triggering nostalgia. Overall, the study’s findings reveal unique characteristics present in baseball that render both immediate and enduring effects.  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):615-625
The purpose of this study was to investigate influences of environmental and personal factors on volunteers’ behavioral intention. More specifically, the authors examined the relationships among work climate, intrinsic motivation, attitude, emotional exhaustion, and continuance intention through the lens of environmental psychology model. Survey forms tapping the interested outcomes were collected from 924 volunteers of a national sporting event in China. Results of structural equational modeling supported all hypothesized relationships, except the negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and continuance intention. This study expanded the understanding and application of the environmental psychology model in the context of volunteerism in sport.  相似文献   

We present the determinants of the length of stay (LOS) of Porto Street Stage that integrated the program of the 52nd edition of Rally de Portugal. Sport events assume an important role in the marketing of tourism destinations. However, when we compare them with other segments in tourism, it still remains underexplored. This study represents an opportunity to contribute to the literature, and it could become a significant toll for the organizers, public entities and other stakeholders. We contemplate a set of information and data that may improve the management of the future editions in a more rigorous and effective way. As we are dealing with an international event, it is an occasion to enlist tourists and promote the tourist destination. We applied a quantitative analysis and considered the sociodemographic characteristics of the spectators, factors that influenced the trip, expenses per day in the city, level of satisfaction with the event, and the intention to return. An OLS regression model, a Weibull survival model and a zero-truncated negative binomial regression model were estimated, and the results were compared. On the LOS determinants it is not common to consider the influence of each item of expenditure during the stay and the satisfaction levels with the event and different effects were observed. The travel and accommodation expenditures present a negative effect on the LOS. In the opposite side the satisfaction level and intention to return, both present a positive effect on the LOS. The sociodemographic characteristics have diverse impacts on the LOS.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate videos as potential triggers of behavior. Therefore, we applied the theories of triggers and media richness to learn about the triggering efficiency of mobile marketing videos on participants’ behavioral intentions. The experiment involved three distinct test groups, each comprising 41 student participants. From the perspective of media richness theory, we observed that the different kinds of videos had quite similar effects in terms of triggering behavioral changes. However, the mechanisms explaining why triggers were present differed for each video. Further, the results reveal that the consumer's position in the information search process was the most significant reason for the triggering of any kind of effect. In addition, the instructionally designed videos were able to exert an affective triggering effect: the more participants liked the video, the more it affected their participation intention and recall scores. This study extends the media richness research by demonstrating that the effects of media richness can vary within technically similar videos, as they form different logical connections among non-verbal visual cues related to a video's storyline.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、实地调查等研究方法,对我国高校体育场馆对外开放突发事件应急管理现状进行调查分析。发现目前我国高校体育场馆对外开放过程中,存在缺乏突发事件应急预案的研制、对安全风险评估不足、缺乏急救设施的配置、场馆现场管理人员缺乏应急管理的培训与演练、场馆现场管理人员数量不足的问题。在高校体育场馆突发事件应急管理发展现状基础上,依托应急管理理论与应急救援理论,架构由突发事件识别与评估模块、决策系统模块、应急救助体系模块、应急预案选择模块、应急救援的执行模块所组成的我国高校体育场馆对外开放突发事件应急管理机制。建议:完善场馆管理规章制度,形成场馆对外开放突发事件应急长效管理机制;加强员工的应急管理理论培训与技能学习;制定各类应急预案并进行演练;保持突发事件应急救援稳定的对外联系畅通。  相似文献   
摘要:群众体育是我国体育事业的重要组成部分,经多年发展,逐步形成了“政府主导、部门协同、全社会共同参与”的发展模式。随着市场经济改革进一步深化,我国社会主要矛盾转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,现有群众体育发展模式已无法满足人民对健康生活的追求,迫切需要在国家治理体系层面上对其进行改革完善。通过文献资料分析法,对群众体育发展模式的结构进行剖析,对未能明确的主要问题进行梳理,发现现有模式存在主体不明、承担者模糊、发展方式单一,体育社会组织参与不够等问题。由此,提出群众体育发展模式的新思路及结构模型,明确政府、社会组织、市场在群众体育发展模式当中各自的作用、发展主体及性质。群众体育“政府引导、社会参与、公民主体、市场推动”的发展新模式将成为新时代体育事业发展的源动力。暨人民中心和公民主体地位充分体现,政府引导方式和责权范围明晰,体育社会组织参与主办承办者身份明确,社会自我组织有效管理,市场参与度高,体育服务供给丰富。以期对我国群众体育的长效发展提供建议及切实有效的发展路径,深入落实全民健身战略,提高人民健康水平。  相似文献   
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