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The current Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic has spread to about 220 countries of the world and has resulted in a significant number of deaths globally. Infections are still on the rise, and the impact on the global death rate could be devastating. There are fears over the likely impact of a large number of deaths on body sourcing and handling of cadavers for teaching and research. Historically, epidemics come with several challenges and have often led to some level of negligence of ethical practices and health and safety regulations associated with body sourcing and handling. The authors highlighted some emerging problems in this article, focusing on Africa and Nigeria in particular. These problems include a higher risk of coronavirus exposure for body handlers, shortage of cadavers for teaching and learning, a lack of standard regulations leading to unethical body sourcing and handling, and a lack of monitoring and collaboration needed for a well-coordinated Covid-19 pandemic response strategy. If these issues are ignored, the previous gains made in anatomical ethical practices may be destroyed. Some useful recommendations for policymaking geared toward prevention or curtailing these emerging issues have been instilled in this article.  相似文献   
As medical programs place increasing importance on competency-based training and surgical simulations for residents, anatomy laboratories, and body donation programs find themselves in a position of adapting to changing demands. To better assess the demand for “life-like” cadaveric specimens and evaluate the possible impacts that competency-based medical education could have upon the body donation program of McGill University, Canada, the authors tracked, over the course of the last 10 years, the number of soft-embalmed specimens, along with the number of teaching sessions and the residents enrolled in competency-based programs that are using cadaveric material. The results reveal that the number of soft-embalmed specimens used within residency training increased from 5 in 2009 to 35 in 2019, representing an increase from 6% of bodies to 36.5% of the total number of body donors embalmed in this institution. Correspondingly, the number of annual teaching sessions for residents increased from 19 in 2012 to 116 in 2019. These increases in teaching are correlated with increasing number of residents enrolled in competency-based programs over the last 3 years (Pearson r ranging from 0.9705 to 0.9903, and R2 ranging from 0.9418 to 0.9808). Those results suggest that the new skill-centered curricula which require residents to perform specific tasks within realistic settings, exhibit a growing demand for “life-like” cadaveric specimens. Institutions’ body donation programs must, therefore, adapt to those greater need for cadaveric specimens, which presents many challenges, ranging from the logistical to the ethical.  相似文献   
随着国家对武术发展的大力支持,近几年竞技武术赛事增多,对运动员提出了更高的要求。本文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、观察法等研究方法,从竞技武术套路训练现状的角度入手,分析了当今中国竞技武术套路训练现状,新规则对竞技武术套路及运动员的影响,并在此基础上提出了对策:加强竞技武术套路运动科学化训练,加强武术训练与科研的合作。  相似文献   
温芳芳 《图书情报工作》2019,63(21):117-127
[目的/意义]自引本是科学交流的一种普遍现象,但在科学评价问题上却陷入了长久的争议。自引研究综述有助于增进学者们对自引的认识和了解,理清对自引的偏见与误解,启发更多人对自引做持续的关注与思索。[方法/过程]通过国内外相关文献的系统调研分析,客观描述自引研究的发展历程与现状,梳理其学术脉络和演化轨迹,归纳主要成果和思想,指出当前研究存在的问题,预测未来研究重点与方向。[结果/结论]自引研究经历了长期的质疑和反复的求证,至今并无定论,分歧源于研究视角的差异。自引研究亟需新的突破,重心将从单纯的计量与统计分析转向数据背后规律和机理的深度挖掘与解析,自引在考察学术传承和知识扩散方面的功能也将被进一步发掘。  相似文献   
科学数据共享研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义] 分析科学数据共享的研究现状及其发展趋势,为促进国内相关理论研究与实践进展提供参考。[方法/过程] 通过对国内外文献进行梳理和归纳,提炼出与科学数据共享研究相关的三大类主题:科学数据共享发展需求、科学数据管理共享模式与机制和科学数据服务共享度与服务效果,并构建科学数据共享管理分析框架,该框架体现上述三类主题之间的因果关联,强调科学数据共享管理与服务的合理面、重要度、关键性。[结果/结论] 国内外现有研究尚存不足,未来研究在加强实证研究、着眼管理机制完善的同时,还需注重共享服务模式的创新。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 比较分析数据管理与数据治理差异与联系,为制定科学数据开放共享政策提供参考。[方法/过程] 运用比较分析法,解析数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域5个方面的异同,由此解析其对制定我国科学数据开放共享政策的启示。[结果/结论] 数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域上都有显著差异,但两者也有内在联系。数据治理是成功实施数据管理的关键。认清两者的关系有助于明晰目前我国科学数据管理政策的不足之处,为今后完善科学数据管理办法提供参考,从而规划与制定实用的科学数据开放共享细则。  相似文献   
自治、法治、德治“三治合一”的乡村治理体系,为探索民间武术组织服务于乡村治理提供了新思路。在传统社会,民间武术组织以武德传承强化乡村德治机制,以门规戒约规范乡村法治秩序,以家长制参与乡村自治实践。而进入现代社会,民间武术组织服务于乡村治理面临着传统德治弱化、法治建设不完善、参与自治机制不健全三方面的困境。提出,民间武术组织要建立新的道德体系,营造乡村治理的德治氛围;加强组织治理,强化乡村治理的法治理念;深化自治实践,主动承担乡村治理职责功能,旨在为更好促进民间武术组织有效治理、推动乡村发展提供参考。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,以新冠疫情期间太极拳、八段锦等民族传统体育对医患双方的身体康健和精神免疫为切入点,阐释民族传统体育在“国之大事”之际的“为民情怀”,及其表现出的至高的生命尊重。在此基础上,对民族传统体育的科学价值、人文精神、现代化发展进行反思。提出,民族传统体育学科建设,应利用好发展契机,积极承担和主导学术话语的建构;充分发挥中国文化的载体作用,以“世界性”的抱负,承担传递人类命运共同体思想的战略使命;扎根民间,立足中国,坚持中西结合、人文与科学结合。  相似文献   
学校体育是否具有伦理属性是能否以伦理介入学校体育理论与实践的前提,对其确认与把握将为学校体育伦理研究提供内在依据与理论凭借。学校体育活动开展的任何一个环节、过程都离不开人性取向的判断,人性假设是学校体育理论与实践的逻辑前提。伦理道德孕育于人的需要,而人的需要即人性或人的本性的折射,那么人性中必然内蕴着伦理道德,由此可以推断,人性内在必然具有伦理属性。按照事物推演的逻辑,既然人性内在具有伦理属性,而人性假设已经被确证是学校体育理论与实践的逻辑前提,可以确认学校体育内在必然具有伦理属性。伦理属性在学校体育中主要体现为:学校体育相关主体之间存在实质伦理关系,学校体育终极目标具有伦理蕴意,学校体育实践需要伦理的规范与约束。依据人性逻辑对学校体育伦理属性的确认与探索,既有利于明晰学校体育的伦理内涵,也有利于丰富学校体育伦理的研究体系。  相似文献   
The value that willed body donors provide to medical education is priceless. Their precious gift helps to teach anatomy, spatial relationships between morphological structures, anatomical variation, and professionalism to medical students in a way that plastic models, podcasts, and lectures cannot. They are also an important resource for medical research and a wide variety of postgraduate training opportunities. While many body donation programs throughout the world are nonprofit organizations, there are body donation companies in the United States that sell donors for-profit. These “body brokers” have accumulated large profits from this business. It is incongruous that others would profit from such a priceless, freely donated gift. To prevent this incongruity, it is proposed that the international anatomical community develop a normative culture (a bioethos) for body donation programs. This would involve the conscious and systematic development of ethical principles for the day-to-day policies and practices of institutions that collect and use human bodies. With the development of this bioethos, a cultural shift in how donors are treated would occur and, over time, this would become the normal practice. These principles would become fundamental and foundational for the procurement and use of priceless human tissues.  相似文献   
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