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This study investigated the effect of including explicit nature of science (NOS) content in read-alouds of elementary science trade books on the teaching and learning of NOS. We focused on three aspects of NOS: the creative, the empirical, and the inferential NOS. The trade books were read aloud by teachers in three hierarchical levels: Level I served as a control and consisted of a trade book that remained unmodified, Level II consisted of a trade book that had been modified to include explicit references to NOS, and Level III consisted of a modified trade book accompanied by educative curriculum materials that were aimed at improving the teachers' views of NOS as well as supporting teaching about NOS. We used the Views of Nature of Science Questionnaire-form CE (VNOS-CE) preintervention and postintervention to determine changes in teachers' views of NOS and interviews preintervention and postintervention to determine changes in students' views. Audio recordings of read-alouds were used to determine changes in teaching practice, including the frequency and the quality (i.e., naïve or informed) of the NOS references in the discussions. Interviews were used to determine teachers' perceptions of the modified trade books and educative curriculum materials. We found that both teachers and students developed more informed views of the targeted NOS aspects after the intervention and that teachers addressed NOS more often, and in a more informed manner, when they had trade books that explicitly supported NOS instruction and educative curriculum materials that supported their learning about NOS. Furthermore, they perceived the intervention materials favorably. Teachers' views and practices were able to change in tandem because of the intervention materials that supported explicit NOS instruction. We highlight the need for more widespread development of similar educative curriculum materials.  相似文献   

Previously, heavy use of biocides for the treatment of objects made of organic materials in museum collections (e.g. ethnographic, historical collections) was very common. Now suitable decontamination methods/technologies are being sought. A decontamination treatment by li-CO2 was optimized that considered the specific requirements of museum objects. The treatment was tested on model materials artificially contaminated with biocide solutions containing dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), pentachlorophenol (PCP), lindane, and permethrin or cypermethrin. High decontamination was achieved for DDT, lindane, PCP, and permethrin on artificially biocide loaded wool and wood model materials. Optimal process parameter settings for li-CO2 decontamination include a single 30?min cycle for woolen materials and three sequential 30?min cycles each for wood. These methods allow a reduction of at least 90% of all biocides for wool and between 70% and 85% for wood. Decontamination of the latter was more effective for less polar biocides as DDT and permethrin. Despite a significant improvement in decontamination for wood using co-solvents such as acetone, ethanol, and methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), their use is not recommended due to the increased risk of damage to the objects, in particular if a surface coating is present.  相似文献   
以广东轻工职业技术学院高分子材料加工技术专业为例,分析了高职院校开展科研工作在专业建设中所起的作用。科研对于专业的可持续发展,师资水平的提高以及专业对外服务能力的提升起到重要推动作用。同时,也分析了目前高职院校开展科研工作的不利因素。  相似文献   
从文化资源的角度研究了图书资料价值问题,以价值发现和价值创造的思路讨论了图书资料的开发利用及其现状,以期实现图书资料带给社会的巨大财富效应。从版本、类别、作者、时空、收藏方式以及再版售买、租借、汇编成书、载入传媒、融入教研课题和社会服务、基本保障等方面,指出了价值发现和价值创造的方法和途径,为图书资料资源的开发利用提供一种新思路、新方法和新的价值观。价值发现和价值再创造是图书资料最有创新价值的开发利用。  相似文献   
本文根据漆画教学经验,着重对漆画语言的探索,加强对漆画的局限性与表现力、工艺美与艺术美、质材美与技艺美的表现,融古贯今,推陈出新,创造出具强大张力及引力,富时代气息与民族特色的现代漆画艺术。  相似文献   
李合平 《天津教育》2021,(8):122-124
在新课程改革背景下,高中历史五大核心素养中包含了史料实证。就目前的高考实际情况来看,关于史料解析的考题越来越多。不仅如此,教科书上也出现了大量的史料,这些史料大多数都和教材中的重难点相关,非常典型且具有针对性,在现阶段的高中历史教学中的比重越来越大。历史学科与其他学科的不同之处就在于,它有许多内容需要记忆,如果教师使用不恰当的教学方式,那么就会使学生对历史学科产生厌烦的心理,打消学生对历史学习的积极性,也会因此影响高中历史的教学效率。  相似文献   
杨芳 《天津教育》2021,(9):141-142,153
对历史材料分析,不仅可以培养学生的学习能力,还可以激发学生对我国历史的热爱。而在新课程标准中,也明确指出:在初中学习阶段,学习历史的主要原因是培养学生对历史材料的分析能力,而不是让学生通过学习历史知识去应付考试。  相似文献   
天然多糖作为微胶囊材料在很多领域得到了广泛的应用。通过微胶囊技术可以保护活性物质免受外界环境的影响,从而提高其稳定性。该技术已经广泛应用于食品、医药、农药、化妆品等工业当中。本文综述了多糖的性质、微胶囊制备方法、以及多糖作为壁材制备微胶囊的机理和应用,为多糖在微胶囊上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
《张治中回忆录》是张治中在生前留下的一份自述。它由张治中和余湛邦共同撰写,三易其稿,历时十年而成,不仅详细记述了张治中过去六十年在政治、军事和教育等方面的种种活动,生动地展现了他为国为民而奋斗的一生,而且还保留了丰富的原始档案材料,具有重要的史料价值,对于学术界深入研究张治中的各种思想、抗战初期湖南的社会状况、新疆的和平解放、国共关系的发展以及两次淞沪抗战等有要作用。但同时受主客观因素的影响,该书也不可避免地带有一定的局限性。  相似文献   
如何在专业知识传授的过程中把思想政治教育以一种“润物细无声”的方式融入教学当中,让两者相互交融、相得益彰,是工科类专业课程思政教学改革实践中亟待解决的关键问题。通过从课程知识点与思想政治元素的有机融合、多元化混合式教学平台、纳入思想政治知识点的课程评价方式三方面开展材料类专业主干核心课程“材料科学基础”的思想政治教学改革实践研究,探索了具有“润物细无声”教学效果的思想政治教学改革方式。  相似文献   
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