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美国大学竞技体育业余性溯源及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学竞技体育能够生存一百多年并在争议中获得完善发展,关键在于美国大学竞技体育的生存之道——坚持业余性。美国大学竞技体育坚持业余性有利于获得宽松的法律环境;有利于获得广泛的民众支持;有利于融入美国高等教育体系;有利于学生运动员接受更好的教育;有利于获得强有力的政治支持。通过对美国大学竞技体育业余性溯源及发展进行研究,深化对美国大学竞技体育的认识,为我国大学竞技体育价值定位及管理体制构建提供有益启示。  相似文献   
《顾拜旦与国际奥林匹克委员会》和《顾拜旦与业余主义》是本期介绍的两篇译文,它们分别由法国顾拜旦委员会副主任纳瓦赛勒(Gelffroy de Navacele)和秘书长罗丹富赛尔(Jean Rodenfuser)所著。文章介绍了顾拜旦发起成立国际奥委会的经过和他在建会时所确定的原则,这些原则至今仍为《奥林匹克宪章》所遵循。关于“业余主义”,从1894年第1部《宪章》就坚持职业运动员不得参加奥运会,但自1972年以来,这一规定开始松动,以致后来在《宪章》中取消了这一规定。究竟顾拜旦对“业余主义”是什么态度,作者作了论述。  相似文献   
美国大学竞技体育生存之道:坚持业余性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学竞技体育是美国高等教育缔造的产物。19世纪中后期以来,美国社会对大学竞技体育的争议不断,但是,美国大学竞技体育仍然得到持续的发展,并呈现出良好的持续发展态势,其生存之道在于坚持业余性。美国大学竞技体育坚持业余性有利于获得宽松的法律环境;有利于获得广泛民众支持;有利于融入美国高等教育体系;有利于学生运动员更好的接受教育;有利于获得有力的政治支持。坚持业余性是保证美国大学竞技体育最大限度发挥积极社会价值、有效规避不良社会影响的核心理念,是其持续健康发展的根本保障。  相似文献   
In this paper we explain how and why a specific ethos of amateurism was portrayed and embodied by various groups comprising the Gaelic Athletic Association in Ireland throughout its history. Interestingly, the discourse pertaining to amateurism has at times been de-amplified, instead being superseded by the vilification of professionalism. Since the 1970s, both amateurism and professionalism have been imbued with new meanings and interpretations by different social groups comprising the organisation. In tandem with this, both the discourses of professionalism and amateurism have been increasingly amplified. We explain how the structure of competitive and cooperative interdependencies, the we-identifications, tensions and insecurities generated by these, between groups at different levels of integration – social class, national, inter-organisational and intra-organisational – underpin these social developments.  相似文献   
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has recently been the target of many lawsuits challenging its definition and regulation of amateurism, which it holds as providing unique moral and social benefits for both its scholar-athletes and society at large. This conception of amateurism is inherited from nineteenth-century models of ancient Greek athletics via figures such as John Mahaffy and E.N. Gardiner. This influence is evident in legal cases involving the NCAA or athletics in general, and hence amateurism is cited by judges and others as a long-standing Western cultural tradition which encourages moral and social development. This is problematic, however, as not only is it historically questionable, but also the citation of cultural heritage in legal dicta has seen legal criticism or reversal.  相似文献   
Ordinary sports clubs and their annual sports have been largely ignored by historians of sport, whose focus has been largely on more mega-events and on larger clubs, and on the twentieth century rather than earlier periods. This paper provides a rare case study of a local athletic sports meeting, in late Victorian and early Edwardian north-east England, using club records, newspaper, census and other record-linkage material, and setting it in its local and national context. By doing so it shows how it is possible to shed light on its organisation and club membership; the age, status and home locations of competitors, and the linkages with other athletic and cycling clubs in the area. More importantly it also explores the vexed question of the ways in which amateurism functioned in areas less influenced by the middle classes of the metropolis and elite clubs, which have hitherto dominated discussion.  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,澳门文学批评有了长足的进步,批评的质和量都有所拓展.澳门文学批评队伍大体由学院学者、作家诗人和介于二者之间的“两栖”型人员组成.文学批评人员的批评实绩各有特色,各撞胜场.就批评队伍组成、批评对象范围和批评方法而言,澳门文学批评主要展现出本土性、业余性和杂糅性风貌.就批评本身的性质来看,主要呈示出温柔性和体验性特点.在澳门文坛,既有卓有建树的老一代批评家,也有崭露头角的年轻批评家.然而,与繁荣的澳门文学创作相比,文学批评尚显得有些滞后.  相似文献   

The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) is unusual in the world of contemporary sport. While at the organizational level it is wholly corporate and follows standard global models of maximizing revenue from media deals and sponsorship, the players remain entirely amateur. As a result, rather than profits being removed from the organization in terms of dividends, the income is recycled through the grassroots of the organization so that local communities benefit. This is at odds with the two other major sports in Ireland, soccer and rugby, which both spend a large percentage of their revenue on player contracts and therefore only recycle comparatively small amounts of money to their grass roots. Historically, the GAA did not embrace entrepreneurship due to the nature of the general national economy, a lack of modernization and the drain of emigration from the island. It was only until the economic boom of the 1990s that the GAA began to innovate entrepreneurially, and the success of this strategy is evidenced by a healthy profit that is underpinned by a commitment to amateurism.  相似文献   
在回顾了英美大学校际竞技体育“业余性”核心理念的发展历程的基础上,介绍了英美两国的BUCS(英国高等院校体育协会)和NCAA(美国大学生体育联合会)两种管理模式。从“政府与社会共管、业余性理念下的商业化运作、学术与体育运动并存”3个方面,探讨了“业余性”核心理念在英美大学校际竞技体育中的具体表现,并进而借鉴英美的经验为我国的大学校际竞技体育发展提出了“转变价值观、合理化管理架构、推进商业化运作”3点建议。  相似文献   
From their inception the modern Olympics have been characterized by controversy over the meaning of the games. The 1908 London games and their coverage in the Edwardian press illustrate the tension between the Olympic ideal of ‘friendly’ sporting competition and the reality of the intense national rivalry in Europe prior to the First World War. During the games, newspapers also addressed the parallel tension between amateur virtue and the desire to win. The press presented sporting achievement at the London games as a measure of national status and provided an introduction to issues surrounding international sporting competition which still persist today.  相似文献   
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