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第一次国共合作时期,中国共产党对国民党有过三次大让步,即中共对国民党二大的妥协,这是政治上的大让步;中共对中山舰事件的退让,这是军事上的大让步;中共对《整理党务案》的再退让,这是党务上的大让步。本文将从周恩来对三次大让步的描述、共产国际和陈独秀在三次大让步中的态度两方面对三次大让步进行一个较为清晰地阐述,从而对这段历史有个较为准确的理解。  相似文献   

The Door-in-the-Face (DITF) sequential message strategy was investigated in a three-study analysis of existing experimental findings. The current study predicted there would be a positive relationship between concession size and compliance rates in DITF studies. Study 1 included 25 comparisons where size of concession was quantifiable as measured by percentage reduction from initial to target request in the DITF condition. Study 2 data relied on a panel of undergraduate students to provide an index of concession size in 12 additional observations. A third study validated the panel procedure of rating concession size and also provided 9 additional independent observations from the pool of published studies on DITF. Results from each study indicated a positive relationship between concession size and effect size (r = 0.35, 0.55, 0.68, respectively). Study findings provide support for reciprocal concessions explanation for DITF effects.  相似文献   

《行政许可法》第12条第2款规定的特许权可以分为三种情况:第一种是对有限自然资源的开发利用特许所形成的特许权;第二种是对有限公共资源的配置特许所形成的特许权;第三种是对直接关系公共利益的垄断性企业的市场准入特许所形成的特许权。三类特许权的性质是不同的:第一、第二种特许权是一种民事财产权利;第三种权利是一种市场准入资格或能力,一般情况下不允许转让,因此不是一种民事财产权。  相似文献   

在系统功能语言学评价理论的介入系统中,让步是实现借言的语言手段之一,文献对让步连接词语篇功能的研究很多, 但对其人际功能的研究却相对缺乏。本文以评价理论的介入意义为依托,考察英语学术书评这种特定体裁和语境中评价部分让步介入资源的使用特点和对言语内容的介入意义。研究对语料中的让步语义资源进行了分类,同时认为在让步结构表达书评评价部分的五类内容中,介入所达到的效果侧重 点各有不同。本研究希望能对学术书评语篇的写作起到一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

上世纪30年代的中国电影繁荣于上海,上海特殊的租界文化语境影响了电影的表达.在30年代的电影中,上海租界中的典型公共空间具有隐喻与象征的色彩,成为一座陌生、罪恶的城市.30年代的经典影片,在叙事策略、内容等方面借鉴好莱坞电影的同时,实现了形式与内容的突围.  相似文献   

This study investigated issue ownership patterns in 602 U.S. House and Senate Democratic and Republican political campaign television advertisements from 1980–2000. First, the themes in these ads were about equally split between policy and character (unlike presidential TV spots from the same time period, which are roughly two-thirds policy and one-third character). Candidates from each political party addressed their own party's issues more than issues owned by the other party. However, unlike presidential spots, congressional ads discussed Democratic issues more than Republican issues (59% to 41%). Although candidates from both political parties discussed their own issues more, winners tended to discuss issues from the other party more than losers. There was no difference in issue ownership emphasis between the House and Senate ads in this sample.  相似文献   

总统选举人团制度,是美国独创的选举国家领导人的制度。美国政党的出现,使总统选举人不再具有原始的独立性,而变成了政党的工具;美国实行“总统选举人团”和“赢者通吃”的选举规则,这种选举制度有利于大党而不利于小党,从而产生和维护了两党制,在共和党和民主党两大党中,则更有利于共和党。  相似文献   

Petrocik's (1996) theory of political party issue ownership predicts that candidates will emphasize the issues on which their own party is considered most effective. This prediction has been confirmed in presidential campaign messages, but it has yet to be tested with non-presidential campaign discourse. Computer content analysis of over 1100 political television spots from 1980 to 2002 (most spots were from 2002) discovered that overall, Democratic candidates discussed their own party's issues more than did Republicans, whereas Republicans discussed Republican issues more than did Democratic candidates. However, local ads and US Senate spots from 2002 did not follow issue ownership predictions (candidates did not discuss their own party's issues significantly more than the other party's issues). Unlike presidential spots, non-presidential advertising discusses Democratic issues more than Republican ones; the Republican Party owns more national or federal issues such as national defense and foreign policy.  相似文献   

This study examines the instructional steps I took, based on gaps between what was happening in a graduate literacy class I taught and what I had intended to happen. This study describes the ways that I re‐imagined the class and what came about when I created a pedagogical approach that featured multi‐genre inquiry. I define inter‐discursivity as a signal of learning (i.e. when traces of language from one genre spill over into the language of other genres), and I searched for examples of this overlapping language in data. In doing so, I found that the multi‐genre approach led to moments of inter‐discursivity as teachers extended their understandings by appropriating language from one genre into another.  相似文献   

张爱玲在大陆的时光,基本上都是在租界度过的。租界文化不仅是张爱玲的成长背景,更奠定了她的文化背景。在对中西方文化的交融和新旧思想冲突的感悟中,张爱玲形成一种上海人特有的眼光,这种眼光在她的作品中体现为三个方面的特征:商业化的创作理念、世俗苍凉的审美体验和清醒务实的女性意识。  相似文献   

This study applies the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse to the television spots from the 2002 Korean presidential campaign. TV ads appear to have become an institutionalized component of the Korean presidential campaign; as yet no study has examined the most recent Korean presidential ads. Like American candidates, Korean presidential candidates rely more on acclaims (positive utterances) than attacks (negative statements). They also rarely defend in spots. The incumbent party candidate, Roh, offered more acclaims than the challenger Lee, whereas the challenger Lee used more attacks than did Roh. However, unlike American candidates (who emphasized policy over character), policy (issue) and character (image) were almost equally discussed in Korean advertisements. Unlike American presidential candidates, the winner in Korea in 2002 emphasized character more than policy. It is clear that presidential campaign messages from these two cultures possess both similarities and differences.  相似文献   

In this essay, I use the rhetorical approach of generic criticism to analyze issues management campaigns: instances of public relations discourse in which an organization makes explicit efforts to influence public policy. There are striking similarities among contemporary organizations’ issues management campaigns in terms of their organizing principle, situational requirements, and substantive and stylistic characteristics. Using a structurational perspective, I illustrate the genre rules (Yates &; Orlikowski, 1992) that serve as the medium and outcome of this discourse. Throughout the essay, I employ the University of Minnesota's recent attempt to increase its public funding during a period of institutional transition to explicate the genre rules.

This article outlines a framework for the analysis of issues management campaigns and provides a first step toward the development of a structuational theory of their genre rules. Moreover, it argues that a rhetorical approach to the study of such organizational communication creates fresh insights and understandings in an area traditionally dominated by a focus on effects.  相似文献   

义和团运动时期,帝俄不仅派兵参加了列强在京津地区的共同侵略行动,而且还单独出兵东北据我河山。为了解决交收东三省的问题,1901年1月至3月中俄双方在圣彼得堡进行了第一次谈判。俄国远东外交政策的缔造者维特不仅亲自参与了这次谈判,而且在谈判中起了重要作用。在谈判过程中俄国之所以对杨儒做过两次重大让步:同意废除增阿暂约并对俄国第一约稿进行了有限修改,当然与杨儒不辱使命坚持斗争有关,但也与维特在谈判中为了实施其有保障撤军的政策因而愿意就背离这一政策的有关内容作出让步有关。但由于杨儒最终拒绝在条约草案上签字,中俄第一次交收东三省谈判失败,所以维特有保障撤军的政策遇到了严重挫折。  相似文献   

基于遏制诉讼欺诈、弥补第三人利益保障体系的漏洞和开通纠正错误判决的新渠道为立法目的,我国在2013年民事诉讼法修订后新增了第三人撤销之诉制度。在他人间的生效判决对第三人产生不利影响时,为非因自身原因而没有参加程序的第三人提供事后的程序保障,以救济错误判决对第三人合法权益造成的不当损害。第三人撤销之诉起源于法国立法,在移植入我国特殊的制度环境后必然面临着各种适用和完善上的困难,因此本文在进行制度的立法目的和理论基础分析后力图描绘出第三人撤销之诉的立法导向和制度前景,为其后在立法和司法上的展开铺平道路。  相似文献   

第三人制度是行政诉讼中的重要制度。可以简化诉讼程序,保护第三人的合法权益,保证案件审判质量,监督行政机关依法行政。对第三人的确定应当结合适用实体标准和程序标准。据此确定行政诉讼的第三人资格后,可以围绕第三人制度的目标功能,对第三人概括分类。由此,诉讼第三人的分类应采取利害关系和诉讼地位的二元标准,分为:独立第三人、准独立第三人和事实关系第三人。  相似文献   

苏俄国内战争时期,“战时共产主义”的实行造成人民群众生活困难,并导致国内政治危机的出现。列宁及时认识到党和国家工作的失误并决定改变政策。一方面,列宁领导俄共(布)采取“紧急的措施’’直接帮助人民群众;另一方面,列宁领导俄共(布)实行以改善民生为着力点的新经济政策,其措施主要包括实行粮食税、租让制和商品交换。列宁的实践,对于今天中国特色社会主义建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

论海上保险代位求偿权的效力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海上保险代位求供权是保险人依据海上保险合同的约定向被保险人理赔后,取代被保险人之位向第三人请求损害赔偿的权利。该项权利的行使对保险人、被保险人以及第三人将产生不同的效力:保险人可以自己的名义行使代位求偿权;被保险人可就未获保险赔偿的部分向第三人索赔,同时负有协助保险人行使代位求偿权的义务;保险人或被保险人基于代位求偿权的法律规定向第三人作出债权移转的通知后,第三人若向被保险人进行赔偿,将不产生债的清偿效力。  相似文献   

第三方物流(Third Party Logistics,3PL)是一种由物流业务的供需双方之外的第三方去完成物流服务的物流运作方式。第三方物流不仅可以降低物流成本,提高服务水平,增强企业的核心竞争力,而且可以使物流实现专业化、系统化、高效率地运作,因而在国外得到了长足发展,并成为物流领域的一大热点。我国应借鉴国外的成功经验,大力发展适合我国国情的第三方物流。  相似文献   

语境框架语在科研论文中的语篇功能研究,旨在帮助语言学科研论文撰写者更好地了解语言学实证性科研论文各个部分语境框架语选择的规律,更加有效地阅读和撰写科研论文。通过研究我们认为:在整体上,起对照或让步功能的语境框架语使用的百分比最高,其次是表真实条件的;在实证性语言学科研论文的各个语轮中,各语境框架语的选择因其各自功能的不同所占比例也不同。  相似文献   

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