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当时光流逝,我们已老去,是否还记得曾经为之欢笑泪流的日子?是否还记得曾经有一群人我们为之疯狂为之感慨,为之拍案叫绝为之垂头顿足?那些鼓励与赞赏,咒骂与憎恨,都是一种情感一种寄托。承载着无限的爱。Hala Madrid !当夜深人静我还在默默赶作业时,是什么支撑着我孤独与寂寞的心灵?当亚历山大想要放弃学习沮丧时,是什么给予着我努力与奋斗的决心?我不会忘记至始至终坚持着的梦想,灵魂的支柱,人生的信仰;我不会忘记是什么让我有了战斗到最后一刻的努力与信心;我不会忘记那些个曾为之努力拼搏挥洒汗水的日日夜夜。啊!矗立在西贝雷斯广场的丰收女神,我是  相似文献   

王潮  王铮图 《中国排球》2013,(11):66-69
改装后的VEGAS8-BALL外形并不庞大,甚至在有些角度上还有灵巧之感,但随着1731cc磅礴动力的输出,瞬间激起的万丈尘埃和浑厚低啸的声浪,都会让你为之一震,随即发现这是个不容小视的家伙!  相似文献   

杨天举 《钓鱼》2013,(9):42-43
洱海系国家级重点风景名胜区,云南境内仅次于滇池的第二大湖,是中国第七大淡水湖。以湖形若人耳,波浪大如海而得名。洱海古称叶榆泽、昆弥川、西洱河、西二河,是大理白族自治州人民的母亲湖。位于大理市区西北的点苍山与大理坝之间。湖面南北走向,面积256.5平方千米,长42.58千米,最宽9千米,湖岸线长30千米,水均深10米,最深21.7米,容水量29.5亿立方米,为滇池2倍。湖区海拔1972米,素有"高原明珠"之称。洱海北起洱源县江尾乡芘碧湖,源头为黑谷山,北有弥直河注入,东南收波罗江水、西纳苍山18溪,南至大理下关,出水口在下关镇,经西洱河流出。洱海水源丰沛,故有供水、农灌、发电、航运、旅游、  相似文献   

TeD——曾卓是中国少有的UD造诣颇深的War3选手。曾几何时,韩国的7大鬼王和欧美的MaDfroG笑傲群雄,唯独中国没有一位世界顶尖级的UD。但一名少年18岁就加入了WE战队,并在接下去的几年成功的接过了世界鬼王手中的大旗,在UD弱势的情况下坚持着为这个频临堕落的种族续写辉煌,这个人就是TeD。  相似文献   

说到萨克斯,大多数人一定都听过一首妙的乐曲——《回家》,是的,一说到萨克斯会在脑海里回荡的这首曲子,就出自有"浪漫子"之称的萨克斯风音乐家:肯尼·基。这个古典爵士乐乐器与现代流行元素巧妙结合的音人,使萨克斯这个拥有特别嗓音的乐器在世人中留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   

由于2020年全球新冠疫情的缘故,世界仿佛放缓了脚步,原定于2020年举办的东京奥运会,也终于在2021年姗姗来迟。奥运会的影响力是庞大的,随着全球疫情被逐渐控制,乒乓球的线下比赛也开始逐步恢复,各路新品也如潮水般涌动。  相似文献   

TeD——曾卓是中国少有的UD造诣颇深的War3选手。曾几何时,韩国的7大鬼王和欧美的MaDffoG笑傲群雄,唯独中国没有一位世界顶尖级的UD。但一名少年18岁就加入了WE战队,并在接下去的几年成功的接过了世界鬼王手中的大旗,在UD弱势的情况下坚持着为这个频临堕落的种族续写辉煌,这个人就是TeD。  相似文献   

亚运会迫在眉睫。 与1990年的北京亚运会相比,游泳比赛的四个项目肩负的任务要重得多。 仅仅从广岛亚运会的设项上,中国人似乎就要“损失”近50枚金牌,还不要说日本和韩国因为东道主增设项目而获得的利益,以及原苏联中亚五国的加盟。  相似文献   

当代论坛编者:汉家军己经组建半年多时间,大大小小的热身赛也进行了近10场,通过这些比赛,我们能看出什么吗?本期我们特邀嘉宾赵黑和周海亮两位朋友谈谈他们的看法。指点江山、激扬文字,“当代论坛”欢迎各位读者朋友们的来稿。  相似文献   

新赛季的欧洲联赛已经拉开帷幕,我们的旅欧军团又开始了新的征程,本期我们特邀嘉宾赵黑和文化公园谈谈“旅欧三人行”。  相似文献   

湖南省二、四年级大学生的最大吸氧量及体育行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用12min跑推算法对湖南省、理、工、医、农5大类专业400名二、四年级男、女学生的蕞大吸氧量(VO2max),及湖南省四年级大学生体育行为进行调查研究,结果表明:不论男、女二年级学生的最大吸氧量均高于四年级学生;且其规律性与用直接法测得的我省一般大学生VO2max的结果一致。提示用12min跑推测大学生VO2max是适合的。高校体育教育对大学生体育行为的形式具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

儿童最大有氧活动能力的追踪研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报告了60名10~15岁儿童(31名男童,29名女童)最大有氧活动能力的追踪研究结果。应用Jaeger LE/6型步行机运动,使用Jaeger自动气体分析仪作气体分析,发现男女童的VO_2max、VO_2max/Ht、VO_2max/Ht~2及VO_2max/HR均随年龄增长而增加,VO_2max/Wt及VO_2max/LBM均未随年龄而增长的规律。男童VO_2max绝对值及各项相对值均明显高于女童。以生活年龄为基础的VO_2max年增长值,男童呈随年龄增长而增加的趋势,女童除13~14岁外,呈随年龄增长而减少的趋势;VO_2max/Wt年增长值男女童在年龄组间均未见到规律性的变化。以身高突增高峰年龄(PHA)为基础的VO_2max,男童从PHA-2到PHS 2持续增加,女童从PHA-1到PHA 1呈下降趋势,以后略有上升;VO_2max/Wt年增长值,男童在PHA前为负值,以后为正值并逐渐增加,女童无规律性变化。以生活年龄或以身高突增高峰年龄为基础的最大吸氧量年增长值的个体差异都很大。  相似文献   

目的:探究肥胖对大学生心肺功能和身体素质的影响,为肥胖大学生制定科学的运动处方和体育教学提供参考依据。方法:将研究对象分为实验组和对照组。实验组为肥胖大学生,对照组为正常体重大学生,运用quarkb2型运动心肺功能测试仪测得受试者的最大摄氧量、氧脉搏、肺通气量等指标。在运动场测得受试者引体向上、立定跳远、50m跑和1 000m跑成绩,运用SPSS11.0统计软件对测试数据作差异统计学分析。结果:实验组的最大摄氧量绝对值大于对照组,而最大摄氧量相对值表现为对照组大于实验组。无氧阈表现为对照组大于实验组。氧脉搏绝对值表现为实验组大于对照组,相对值为对照组大于实验组。肺通气量绝对值表现为实验组大于对照组,而相对值表现为对照组大于实验组。对照组的四项身体素质测试成绩均明显好于实验组。结论:①由于多余体脂的影响,肥胖大学生的有氧耐力比较差。②肥胖者的最大摄氧量、最大氧脉搏绝对值高于正常体重者,是个体为克服过多体脂造成的过重负荷而表现出的生理性代偿。③肥胖大学生的骨骼肌对VO2max的利用率比较低。④肥胖是影响大学生心肺功能和身体素质的一个不良因素。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of extensive endurance training (15-25 h per week) on the development of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) in boys from puberty. Maximal oxygen uptake was measured a number of times each year from the age of puberty and for the next 6-9 years in seven young male elite cross-country skiers. Mean VO2 max was measured as 76.3 and 80.1 ml kg-1 min-1 at the ages of 14 and 15 years respectively. Despite the fast rate of growth during puberty, maximal aerobic power showed seasonal variations from the age of 14, reaching a plateau at the age of 15, whereas VO2 max (ml kg-2/3 min-1) increased continuously. It is concluded that, during puberty, boys probably attain significant increases in VO2 max when appropriate amounts of endurance training are undertaken.  相似文献   

朱威  曹峰锐 《精武》2012,(20):1-2
目的:对最大摄氧量和氧脉搏同800m跑、12min跑成绩的相关性作探讨,以确定哪种方法更适合作为高校普通大学生体育课体能测试的评定方法。方法:研究对象为太原理工大学20名普通在读大二女生。运用意大利科时迈(COSMED)公司生产的quarkb2型运动心肺功能测试系统测得受试对象的最大摄氧量。在标准的400m田径场上分别测得受试对象12min跑和800m跑成绩。运用SPSS11.0统计软件对测试结果进行数据处理。结果:①女生12min跑成绩同最大摄氧量绝对值、最大摄氧量相对值和氧脉搏成低度正相关。②女生800m跑成绩同最大摄氧量绝对值、最大摄氧量相对值和氧脉搏成低度负相关。结论:12min跑比800m跑更适合用于评定高校普通大学女生有氧能力的体能测试方法。  相似文献   

Seven elite male cross-country skiers trained for 3 weeks at an altitude of 1900 m. Haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]), haematocrit (Hct) (obtained from venous blood), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and energy expenditure during a standard submaximal workload were measured before and after training at altitude, and 1 year later while training at sea level (control). Both [Hb] and Hct increased significantly, and the skiers with the lowest initial [Hb] and Hct experienced the largest increases during training at altitude. The increase in blood lactate (BLa) concentration (using haemolysed capillary blood) during a standard submaximal exercise test was significantly lower after training at altitude than before it or 1 year later (control). A significant correlation was found between the magnitude of increase in [Hb] and Hct and the difference in the lactate response to the standard submaximal workload pre- and post-altitude training. Although VO2 max remained unchanged, lower BLa concentration during the submaximal test probably reflects an improved ability to exercise at higher submaximal workloads shortly after training at altitude compared with pre-altitude training. It is suggested that subjects with low initial [Hb] and Hct improve their aerobic performance capacity most during altitude training.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the alterations in oxygen uptake kinetics following endurance training in previously trained athletes. Sixteen competitive cyclists completed 8 weeks of supervised endurance cycle training. Ventilatory threshold, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), oxygen uptake kinetics and simulated 40-km time-trial tests were performed three times over a 4-week period before training, and then after 4 and 8 weeks of training. The protocol for measuring oxygen uptake kinetics consisted of three square-wave increments from unloaded cycling to a power output of 78 W followed by a single increment from 78 to 156 W. No significant differences in any variables were observed over the pre-training period. The ventilatory threshold and VO2max increased, and the time for 40 km decreased (P < 0.05) with training. Shorter VO2 time constants and lower heart rates were observed during the protocol for measuring oxygen uptake kinetics (same absolute power output) post-training. These results indicate that oxygen uptake kinetics may be improved with endurance training in previously trained athletes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of a new primary field test method based on test equating to address inconsistent classification among field tests. We analyzed students' information on the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER), mile run (MR), and VO2max from three data sets (college: n = 94; middle school: n = 39; elementary school: n = 96). Using the college and elementary school data, the equivalent relationship between PACER and MR scores was first established by the Kernel equating method. This yielded MR scores derived from PACER (mile run PACER equated [MR PEQ]), which were used to predict maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and classify students according to the FITNESSGRAM Healthy Fitness Zones. We compared the results to the predictions and classifications based on measured VO2max, MR and PACER-predicted VO2max and cross-validated the relationships using the middle school data. We found the test conversion to be accurate and that the MR PEQ scores functioned similarly to the original MR scores. Both performed better than the original PACER scores in predicting VO2max and classifying students. The middle school data generally supported these results. The proposed method is accurate and effective in setting a new field test onto the same scale of a primary field test and determining its cut-off scores.  相似文献   

The influences of growth, training and various training methods were investigated by analysing long-term training effects in young cross-country and biathlon skiers (n = 129). Some athletes (n = 49) were studied six times in three years and some at least once a year during a four year period (n = 48). During three summer training periods skiers emphasized either intensive training or distance training or continued to train normally. The results indicated that maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and heart volume increased between 15 and 20 years of age and the most significant changes in heart volume were observed between 16 and 18 years of age. International level skiers were able to increase their VO2 max and heart volume even after 20 years of age. Anaerobic threshold (AT, ml kg-1 min-1) increased like VO2 max but when expressed as a percentage of VO2 max, the AT was similar in every age group over 16 years of age. Intensive training at the intensity of anaerobic threshold or higher was observed to be most effective in producing improvements in VO2 max. Low-intensity distance training was more effective in producing improvements in anaerobic threshold.  相似文献   

为了解广西仫佬族7~15岁学生体质发育差别及其变化趋势。根据2010年《中国学生体质与健康调研报告》中的测检方法,对1419名7~15岁仫佬族学生进行检测,并与全国汉族和广西汉族、壮族乡村学生水平进行比较。结果显示仫佬族男、女生身高、体重指标低于全国和广西汉族乡村学生平均水平;肺机能状况优于全国汉族和广西壮族乡村学生的平均值;女生柔韧素质较低于全国汉族乡村学生,优于广西汉族和壮族乡村学生;视力不良率低于全国汉族和广西汉族、壮族乡村群体学生平均值。该地区仫佬族学生身体形态发育水平与汉族乡村学生有一定的差距,建议采取干预措施,提高学生体质健康水平。  相似文献   

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