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G843.148.3 20021882中国优秀女子足球运动员心理特征现状的研究=Theresearch on psychological character of Chineseelite women soccer players(刊,中,I)/孙文新,曾桂生,郑源∥中国体育科技.-2001.-37(12).-22-24图1表6参5(SML)足球∥中国∥优秀运动员∥女子∥个性心理特征∥心理素质对当前中国优秀女子足球运动员心理素质部分特征的现状进行了探讨与研究,其结果为高水平女子足球运动员的状态焦虑低于一般运动员,狭窄有效注意  相似文献   

运用数理统计、资料分析和比较法,对参加2003年女子足球世界杯与2003年中国女子超级联赛的女足队员的年龄、身高、体重进行了统计分析与比较。研究表明:世界优秀女子足球运动员的年龄、身高和体重有其特点和规律;与我国女子运动员相比,两群体在年龄、体重方面差异存在显著性;而身高方面差异不具有显著性。两群体不同位置队员的年龄存在非常显著性差异;而在身高和体重方面不同位置运动员之间的差异不具有显著性。此结果可为女子足球运动员的选材、训练提供参考。  相似文献   

体育活动场所经营者的安全保障义务   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用文献资料法、心理实验测量法和数理统计法,对我国部分优秀女子足球运动员进行了专项心理素质的研究。研究结果表明:优秀女子足球运动员专项心理素质结构是由快速反应因子、思维敏捷因子、协调稳定因子、注意因子、时间空间因子、触觉敏感因子、意志品质因子七个主因子构成;建立了优秀女子足球运动员专项心理素质的判别方程,可为优秀女子足球运动员的心理选材、科学化训练等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

优秀女子散打运动员心理状态监测与训练   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以女子散打运动的项目特点为切入点,运用心理测量法和心理训练法,对优秀女子散打运动员心理状态监测与控制训练状况进行探讨.结果表明:优秀女子散打运动员良好的心理特点由自信心、焦虑控制、注意力、反应能力、情绪状态调整构成;结合散打运动专项特点进行心理训练,可有效提高运动员心理控制能力、注意分配能力和自信心.  相似文献   

通过对兰州市女子足球运动员的神经类型和个性特征进行了比较研究发现,兰州市女子足球运动员的个性特征与她们的神经类型特征表现较为吻合,同一神经类型运动员的个性特征表现较为相似。但研究也发现,并非所有运动员个性特征表现都与其神经类型特征表现相一致,同一神经类型运动员的个性特征表现也存在差异性。  相似文献   

中国优秀女子足球运动员体质与选材的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
世界及中国优秀女子足球运动员的体质与科学选材研究尚处于雏形阶段,国际及国内在此方面的研究尚未见报道。本课题多年来对中国优秀女子足球运动员进行了形态、机能、素质方面的研究,探讨其特点,并制定了相应的选材标准,供各队科学选材时参考。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、心理实验测量法和数理统计法,对大连、山东、青岛等优秀女子足球运动员进行了心理素质的研究。为了更清楚,更科学,更合理地反映女子足球运动员心理素质的不同和存在的差异,分别对三个级别(健将级、一级、二级)运动员的心理素质各指标进行了两两比较,结果表明:健将级运动员和一级运动员在这些心理因素指标上表现出较高的发展水平,同时也反应出他们在心理素质结构特征上的特点。因此,可以把健将级运动员和一级运动员并为一组称为优秀组,二级运动员组称为一般组。为此,我们建立了优秀女子足球运动员心理素质结构及其评价的…  相似文献   

研究对象:参加2003年女子足球世界杯的16支球队的297名运动员,以及参加2003年中国女子足球超级联赛排名前12支球队的334名运动员。研究方法:文献资料法、比较分析法、数理统计法。研究结果与分析1.我国女子足球运动员年龄、身高、体重平均值均低于世界优秀女子队员的平均水平,在年龄和体重方面存在非常显著性差异,而身高差异不具有显著性。目前世界优秀女子足球运动员的平均年龄为24.7岁,平均身高为168.6cm,平均体重为60.8kg。而我国女子足球运动员的平均年龄为21.0岁,平均身高为168.1cm,平均体重为59.4kg。在身高方面我国女子足球运动员平…  相似文献   

2007年女子足球世界杯赛运动员跑动能力研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了全面掌握世界优秀女子足球运动员比赛跑动能力状况,使用SIMI°Scout技、战术分析系统对2007年在中国举行的女子足球世界杯比赛中的11支球队运动员的部分比赛跑动能力进行了定量测量.根据测量结果,从各国运动员全场比赛跑动能力比较分析,各国运动员不同强度跑动能力比较分析,各国不同位置运动员在不同强度跑动能力比较分析等几个方面进行了分析与讨论.  相似文献   

优秀女子足球运动员专项速度耐力水平的评价方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以我国优秀女子足球运动员专项速度耐力综合测试模型和影响因素教学模型为基础,提出了一套女子足球运动员专项速度耐力多因素综合评价方法体系,为优秀女子足球运动员的选材、有效地控制训练过程及检测训练效果提供了可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对2007年女足世界杯中国球员与世界优秀球员的身高、体重、年龄的对比分析,结果发现:中国球员3项指标处于亚洲领先地位,但与世界欧、美优秀球员相比在体重和年龄方面还有明显的差距;其中守门员3项指标都达到或超过了世界优秀女子守门员的平均水平;后卫球员身高处于世界领先地位,但体重过轻,年龄显示其处在竞技最佳形成阶段;中场球员的身高和年龄指标都达到世界先进水平,体重指标上还与同位置欧、美球员存在差距;前锋球员其平均身高处于世界领先地位且身高较统一,体重和年龄指标方面特征同后卫球员反映一致。  相似文献   

利用CYBEX-NormT等速测试系统对我国46名优秀女子足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速向心收缩测试与分析,结果提示:(1)提高我国女子足球运动员伸肌的最大力量和快速力量是提高运动能力的关键;(2)为防止腘绳肌的拉伤,应适当提高女足队员的膝关节屈肌的力量;(3)我国女子足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌比率不均衡是导致膝关节损伤的主要原因,力量训练中应加强屈、伸肌力量,尤其是伸肌的力量,以改善屈伸比率的不平衡,防止损伤的发生;(4)我国女子足球运动员存在两腿屈、伸肌力量不平衡现象,在力量训练中,应加强对弱势腿的力量训练,以保证两腿的肌力平衡,防止损伤的发生。  相似文献   


Soccer players are required to have well-developed physical, technical and cognitive abilities. The present systematic review, adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines, examined the effects of cognitive training strategies on motor and positive psychological skills development in soccer performance and identified the potential moderators of the “cognitive training–soccer performance” relationship. Thirteen databases were systematically searched using keywords related to psychological or cognitive training in soccer players. The review is based on 18 studies, employing 584 soccer players aged 7–39 years. Cognitive strategies, particularly imagery, appear to improve sports performance in soccer players. Regarding imagery, the combination of two different types of cognitive imagery training (i.e., cognitive general and cognitive specific) has a positive influence on soccer performance during training, whereas motivational imagery (i.e., motivational general-arousal, motivational general-mastery and motivational specific) enhance competition performance. Younger soccer players employ cognitive general and cognitive specific imagery techniques to a greater extent than older soccer players. Combined cognitive training strategies were more beneficial than a single cognitive strategy relative to motor skills enhancement in elite (particularly midfielders) and amateur (i.e., when practising complex and specific soccer skills in precompetitive period) soccer players. In conclusion, it appears that there are differences in cognitive/psychological training interventions, and their efficacy, according to whether they are directed towards training or competition, and the age, standard and playing position of the players.  相似文献   

In sports, fast and accurate execution of movements is required. It has been shown that implicitly learned movements might be less vulnerable than explicitly learned movements to stressful and fast changing circumstances that exist at the elite sports level. The present study provides insight in explicit and implicit motor learning in youth soccer players with different expertise levels. Twenty-seven youth elite soccer players and 25 non-elite soccer players (aged 10–12) performed a serial reaction time task (SRTT). In the SRTT, one of the sequences must be learned explicitly, the other was implicitly learned. No main effect of group was found for implicit and explicit learning on mean reaction time (MRT) and accuracy. However, for MRT, an interaction was found between learning condition, learning phase and group. Analyses showed no group effects for the explicit learning condition, but youth elite soccer players showed better learning in the implicit learning condition. In particular, during implicit motor learning youth elite soccer showed faster MRTs in the early learning phase and earlier reached asymptote performance in terms of MRT. Present findings may be important for sports because children with superior implicit learning abilities in early learning phases may be able to learn more (durable) motor skills in a shorter time period as compared to other children.  相似文献   

中国优秀女子足球运动员比赛能力现状的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
对中国13个优秀女子足球队(包括国家队)及8个外国队的比赛进行了研究,临场技、战术统计指标33项.研究结果显示,我国优秀女子足球队运动员在比赛中全场40.9%~54.4%的时间在跑动.跑、走、停3者比例为1∶1.7∶0.28,运动员整场比赛活动距离平均为5 128 m.国内、外女子足球队在采用基本阵型上比较接近.阵地进攻是各队采用的主要打法,中路进攻突破运用次数最多,成功率最高的是边路进攻,进攻手段中传切配合效果最佳.快速对抗情况下传球技术运用质量较高.无论是快速、慢速、原地情况下接球,非对抗接球的次数都明显高于对抗中接球次数.快速情况下抢球的次数明显高于慢速、原地情况下抢球次数.中前场是运用传球、接球、抢球技术最多的场区.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the focus of visual attention in expert soccer players together with the effects of acute bouts of physical exercise on performance. In two discriminative reaction time experiments, which were performed both at rest and under submaximal physical workload, visual attention was cued by means of spatial cues of different size followed by compound stimuli with local and global target features. Soccer players were slower than non-athletes in reacting to local compared with global targets, but were faster in switching from local to global attending. Thus, soccer players appear to be less skilled in local attending, but better able than non-athletes to rapidly "zoom out" the focus of attention. Non-athletes generally showed faster performance under physical load, as expected according to the hypothesis of exercise-induced increases in arousal and/or activation and in resource allocation. In contrast, soccer players showed a more differentiated pattern of exercise-induced facilitation that selectively affects specific components of the attentional performance and is interpreted by referring to the role played by individual expertise and cognitive effort.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined performance, heart rate response and construct validity of the Yo-Yo IR2 test by testing 111 elite and 92 sub-elite soccer players from Norway and Denmark. VO(2)max, Yo-Yo IR1 and repeated sprint tests (RSA) (n?=?51) and match-analyses (n?=?39) were also performed. Yo-Yo IR2 and Yo-Yo IR1 performance was 41 and 25% better (P??0.05). For top-teams, Yo-Yo IR2 performance (28%) and sprinting distance (25%) during match were greater (P?相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the focus of visual attention in expert soccer players together with the effects of acute bouts of physical exercise on performance. In two discriminative reaction time experiments, which were performed both at rest and under submaximal physical workload, visual attention was cued by means of spatial cues of different size followed by compound stimuli with local and global target features. Soccer players were slower than non-athletes in reacting to local compared with global targets, but were faster in switching from local to global attending. Thus, soccer players appear to be less skilled in local attending, but better able than non-athletes to rapidly “zoom out” the focus of attention. Non-athletes generally showed faster performance under physical load, as expected according to the hypothesis of exercise-induced increases in arousal and/or activation and in resource allocation. In contrast, soccer players showed a more differentiated pattern of exercise-induced facilitation that selectively affects specific components of the attentional performance and is interpreted by referring to the role played by individual expertise and cognitive effort.  相似文献   


Although elite athletes have been reported to be high academic achievers, many elite soccer players struggle with a stereotype of being low academic achievers. The purpose of this study was to compare the academic level (pre-university or pre-vocational) and self-regulatory skills (planning, self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, effort, and self-efficacy) of elite youth soccer players aged 12–16 years (n = 128) with those of 164 age-matched controls (typical students). The results demonstrate that the elite youth soccer players are more often enrolled in the pre-university academic system, which means that they are high academic achievers, compared with the typical student. The elite players also report an increased use of self-regulatory skills, in particular self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, and effort. In addition, control students in the pre-university system had more highly developed self-regulatory skills than those in the pre-vocational system, whereas no difference was observed within the soccer population. This suggests that the relatively stronger self-regulatory skills reported by the elite youth soccer players may be essential for performance at the highest levels of sport competition and in academia.  相似文献   

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