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对我国110m栏运动进入世界先进行列的相关因素分析,结合目前我国高校110m栏运动的现状,试论其对我国高等学校110m栏运动训练的启示。  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、灰色关联度分析等方法,对中外优秀110m跨栏跑运动员主要技术指标与成绩的关系进行量化研究,结果显示:优秀110m栏运动员主要技术指标与成绩关联度排序是栏间3步的平均时间、冲刺平均速度、冲刺时间、保持最大速度经过栏的个数、起跑至H1速度、跨栏腾空时间平均值、最大分栏速度、平均分栏速度。同时发现栏间3步的平均时间、冲刺平均速度、冲刺时间3项指标是影响优秀110m栏运动成绩的关键技术指标。就此进行了探讨并提出了建议,对提高我国110m栏运动水平和科学化训练具有参考价值。  相似文献   

运用格拉布斯、因子分析、多元回归分析和灰色关联分析等方法,对刘翔、史冬鹏等31名我国优秀男子110 m栏运动员运动素质指标进行分析,确定我国优秀男子110 m栏运动员运动素质指标体系由速度、专项速度、速度耐力、速度力量、力量5个层面和12栏跨栏跑>60 m起动计时>110 m起跑计时>起跑至第1栏时间>起跑至第5栏时间>100 m跨步跳>深蹲7个要素构成。并建立起我国优秀男子110 m栏运动员专项运动成绩的预测模型。  相似文献   

本研究通过将我国男子110m栏优秀运动员的跨栏技术与国外110m栏优秀运动员的技术参数进行对比分析,找出了我国运动员技术中存在的薄弱环节、差距与不足,并提出了有针对性的训练建议,对进一步提高我国110m栏项目的运动水平有较高的参考价值。 作者应用文献资料法查阅了大量文献资料,对我  相似文献   

王自成 《新体育》2023,(12):98-103
田径男子110m栏项目是一项高难度的田径比赛项目,旨在测试运动员在短距离内的速度和技巧。比赛的跑道长度为110m,跨越10个栏架,每个栏杆高1.067m。运动员需要以最快的速度穿过每个栏杆,同时保持平衡和稳定。这项比赛对于运动员的反应速度、爆发力、协调性和耐力都有很高的要求[1]。男子110m栏项目在1896年第1届雅典现代奥林匹克运动会上被定为正式比赛项目之一。在我国,男子110m栏项目一直是田径运动中备受关注的项目之一,以刘翔为代表的中国男子110m栏运动员,以12.91s的成绩夺取了2004年雅典奥运会冠军,并在2006年以12.88s的成绩打破男子110m的世界记录。为我国跨栏项目取得了历史性辉煌成绩,我国运动员在国际比赛中也取得了很多优异的成绩[2]。经过数代人的顽强拼搏和积极探索我国男子100m栏运动员不断取得运动水平的提高和运动成绩的突破,到现阶段我国男子110m栏项目已具备世界先进水平。  相似文献   

探索一个竞赛项目的训练特征是该项目发展的必要前提,文章对我国110m栏训练特征的体能与技术两方面分4个阶段进行回顾、总结与分析。研究认为:①110m栏仍然延续跳栏→跨栏→跑栏的技术路线,栏间节奏是训练的核心之一;②栏间专项技术的衔接,平跑速度利用率是影响成绩的关键因素;③110m栏体能训练水平与技术训练水平是相互促进与相互影响的。  相似文献   

中外优秀男子110m栏运动员某些技术参数的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、数理统计等研究方法,对中外优秀男子110m栏运动员的某些技术参数进行了比较与分析,探讨我国跨栏运动员在技术与技能训练中取得的进步和存在的不足,旨在为我国110m栏运动水平进一步赶上和超越欧美强国提供参考。  相似文献   

中外优秀110 m跨栏跑运动员速度特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示中外优秀男子110 m跨栏跑速度分配的本质,提高我国男子110 m跨栏跑运动成绩和改进训练方法提供科学依据,采用动态分析法对男子110 m跨栏跑进行全程分析。结果表明,中外优秀的跨栏运动员在第3栏-第5栏间速度最快并保持稳定,从跨过第6栏后开始逐渐减速,减速至第9栏前速度达最小,在第9栏到第10栏间又出现加速,然后高速冲刺至终点;运动员栏间跑速度快,会造成过栏腾空时间长;9个跨栏周期的平均速度是影响运动员能否夺冠的主要因素。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法等研究方法对110m栏中的跨栏步技术动作和男子100m运动中途中跑的一个单步进行对比分析与研究,结果显示:支撑腿着地瞬间,刘翔的着地角相对小于博尔特的着地角,两者之间呈显著性差异;下栏着地瞬间,110m栏在着地角度比100m大10°左右,着地点与身体重心投影点距离也较100m近,但着地瞬间躯干前倾角110m栏与100m该指标的大小几乎接近。  相似文献   

刘翔科学训练的主要特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用访谈法、观察法和文献资料法,通过对刘翔110m栏的研究发现,其科学训练的特征主要表现为:神经系统与身体素质的协同发展特征;竞技运动水平阶梯性发展特征;速度、力量、技术等多位一体的整体性训练特征;运动训练的专项化特征;运动技术的精细化特征;运动能力的矩形发展特征。  相似文献   

武术--奥运会的新嫁衣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了入奥而对中国武术肆意删改不会促进武术的健康发展,任何单纯为了某一种传播方式而去“削足适履”的做法都只能让中国武术的发展道路越走越窄。都是不可取的。  相似文献   

周成林  章建成 《体育科学》2004,24(6):33-36,44
采用心理测量与统计法,时自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员不同难度动作最佳助滑速度知 觉控制范围值的构建、最佳控制范围值与运动成绩关系进行研究。结果表明,运动员不同难度动 作助滑速度知觉最佳控制范围值是在该动作助滑速度平均数±1.96 s,并具有随着动作难度的 增加运动员助滑速度知觉可调控范围缩小、准确性要求越来越高的特点;高水平运动员助滑速 度知觉调控范围相对较大并有较高的准确性。男、女运动员助滑速度知觉控制范围值相同;运动 员水池助滑速度知觉比雪上相同动作助滑速度知觉调控范围相对较小;运动员助滑速度知觉控 制范围值与运动成绩呈高度相关。  相似文献   

Perception of effort, also known as perceived exertion or sense of effort, can be described as a cognitive feeling of work associated with voluntary actions. The aim of the present review is to provide an overview of what is perception of effort in Exercise Science. Due to the addition of sensations other than effort in its definition, the neurophysiology of perceived exertion remains poorly understood. As humans have the ability to dissociate effort from other sensations related to physical exercise, the need to use a narrower definition is emphasised. Consequently, a definition and some brief guidelines for its measurement are provided. Finally, an overview of the models present in the literature aiming to explain its neurophysiology, and some perspectives for future research are offered.  相似文献   

郧阳医学院学生与全国城乡大学生的体质比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1992年和1999年郧阳医学院大学生体质与健康调查资料为依据,对郧阳医学院学生与全国大学生的身体形态、机能发育和身体素质等方面进行了比较分析。结果表明:8年来郧阳医学院学生的身高、体重发展趋于稳定,胸围出现窄胸现象,机能呈下降趋势,速度、力量素质发展不平衡。  相似文献   

国内外体育高校在专业设置方面有着同向异构的差别,即相同专业人才的知识与能力结构的设计有重大差异。这种差异主要体现在课程体系的结构上,具体表现为在课程结构的层次配置上,一般基础薄弱,专业基础窄。在课程结构的要素配置上,我国高等体育院校的课程体系有以下特征:重实践轻理论;重术轻学;重自然科学轻社会科学;重传统的竞技运动项目,轻非竞技类的体育技能;重知识传习轻能力培养;重直接经验轻间接经验;重深度轻广度;重必修轻选修。  相似文献   


Photometric analysis of racing wheelchairs used by athletes at the 1980 Olympic Games for the Disabled, held at Arnham, Holland, was undertaken. Chairs were classified by the level of success achieved in them and by the distances over which they were raced. For each chair the position and orientation of the seat was measured, as were the length and the width of the wheelchair frame. In addition, mainwheel camber and handrim diameter were measured.

Significant differences (at or beyond the .05 level) in wheelchair construction were recorded. The more successful wheelchairs were characterized by (1) lower seats, (2) the seat base at a comparatively higher angle to the horizontal, (3) narrower frame, (4) smaller handrims. The chairs used in distance events differed significantly from those used in sprints in (1) a more rearward placement of the seat, (2) lower placement of the seat, (3) longer chair frame and (4) narrower frame construction.  相似文献   


One of the most fundamental skills on the pommel horse is double leg circles (circles). Circles can be performed on all parts of the pommel horse. It was hypothesized that the different sets of physical constraints of the apparatus require a gymnast to adapt circles technique. The purpose of this study was to quantify how gymnasts modify their technique during circles to accommodate different physical obstacles due to different support surfaces and body orientations. To investigate these adaptations, a comparison of the two most common circles on pommel horse – namely, circles in cross support (cross-circles) and circles in side support (side-circles) – was carried out. Seven elite male gymnasts performed three sets of 10 cross-circles and side-circles on a pommel horse. Three-dimensional coordinates were acquired using 12 Qualisys ProReflex motion tracking cameras operating at 120 Hz. Temporal characteristics, the motion of the centre of mass, and the body angles – flexion and lateral flexion – were analysed. We found that cross-circles took less time to complete a single circle (0.92±0.02 vs. 0.95±0.02 s), had a smaller ratio for the rear support phase (0.15±0.02 vs. 0.18±0.03), a narrower supporting-hand distance (0.33±0.03 vs. 0.52±0.00 m), greater flexion of the body over the rear support phase (44±12° vs. 27±8°), and less lateral flexion of the body over the single-hand support phase (entry: 20±5° vs. 35±3°; exit: 26±4° vs. 33±4°) than side-circles. Our results suggest that gymnasts adapt their technique to the physical constraints imposed by the shape of the pommel horse and the location and orientation of the circles. Cross-circles were characterized by a high rear support position with a narrower hand-spacing, which would require excellent shoulder flexibility and strength. Consequently, lack of these traits may explain the need for greater body flexion in cross-circles than in side-circles during rear support. Understanding the technical differences will facilitate an effective transfer of the technical similarities among different types of circles.  相似文献   

Failures of awareness are common when attention is otherwise engaged. Such failures are prevalent in attention-demanding team sports, but surprisingly no studies have explored the inattentional blindness paradigm in complex sport game-related situations. The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between breadth of attention, inattentional blindness, and tactical decision-making in team ball sports. A series of studies revealed that inattentional blindness exists in the area of team ball sports (Experiment 1). More tactical instructions can lead to a narrower breadth of attention, which increases inattentional blindness, whereas fewer tactical instructions widen the breadth of attention in the area of team ball sports (Experiment 2). Further meaningful exogenous stimuli reduce inattentional blindness (Experiment 3). The results of all experiments are discussed in connection with consciousness and attention theories as well as creativity and training in team sports.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of step width during running on factors related to iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome. Three-dimensional (3D) kinematics and kinetics were recorded from 15 healthy recreational runners during overground running under various step width conditions (preferred and at least ± 5% of their leg length). Strain and strain rate were estimated from a musculoskeletal model of the lower extremity. Greater ITB strain and strain rate were found in the narrower step width condition (p < 0.001, p = 0.040). ITB strain was significantly (p < 0.001) greater in the narrow condition than the preferred and wide conditions and it was greater in the preferred condition than the wide condition. ITB strain rate was significantly greater in the narrow condition than the wide condition (p = 0.020). Polynomial contrasts revealed a linear increase in both ITB strain and strain rate with decreasing step width. We conclude that relatively small decreases in step width can substantially increase ITB strain as well as strain rates. Increasing step width during running, especially in persons whose running style is characterized by a narrow step width, may be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of running-related ITB syndrome.  相似文献   

竞技武术作为武术的重要组成部分,其在传播武术的过程中起着至关重要的作用。随着社会、经济的发展,竞技武术运动员的退役问题已亟待解决。通过调查已退役的高水平武术套路运动员148名,从中得知运动员对退役这一概念的认识及运动员的理想与需要。研究发现:我国现役运动员缺乏对退役的规划,就业目标较狭窄,往往集中在教师、教练员等岗位;运动员存在着训练和文化课学习时间冲突的问题,为取得好名次长时间的武术训练使得他们仅有较少的时间进行文化课的学习;运动员在退役后的转型期过渡期存在着心理上的不适应等。针对这些问题,提出相应对策,以期使高水平竞技武术套路运动员能搞顺利解决退役问题。  相似文献   

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