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This article examines research by postgraduate students in education at the University of the South Pacific (USP) between 1968 and 2009. These experienced educators, who later return to their original education sector to influence policy and practice in some way, are producing new knowledge intimately connected to Pacific education systems. The article identifies broad trends in supervision, growth in completed degrees, research area, and national focus, and makes some comparisons with similar research in New Zealand. The article also focuses on how students position their research theoretically, using Lather??s research paradigm typology. The analysis indicates that many of these projects are positioned within an interpretivist paradigm, a few within positivist and emancipationist paradigms, and none at all within deconstructivist paradigms. The authors suggest that a Pacific education system underpinned by socially-critical theoretical perspectives, particularly deconstructive ones, can better respond to the twin challenges of creating universal and equitable access to education and arresting the loss of language, culture, identity, and life skills via rapid globalization.  相似文献   

It has long been acknowledged that adult and lifelong educators have exercised little influence over national education policies. This article addresses the issue, with particular reference to the research elements of policy advocacy. Researchers and policy‐makers are distinguished and related as communities of practice and intellectual categories of social function. It is argued that the concept ‘policy‐maker’ is too ambiguous to be of either theoretical or practical use, especially since the focus has shifted over the years away from the advocacy of adult education to the implementation of lifelong learning. Also, the concepts of both ‘policy’ and ‘research’ have undergone significant shifts of meaning, so that traditional ideas of the relation between research and policy are now outdated. We live in an age of public scepticism about the political uses to which research is put, and this also needs to be taken into account in the case of lifelong learning. Thus, the relation between research and the policy process needs to be reconceptualised in a future beyond lifelong learning in order to be meaningful, with the focus much more upon process than outcome. Only in this way could adult and lifelong educators expect to have any influence upon national policies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the organization of adult education in Turkey. From a historical perspective, it examines the development, organization and problems of post‐school adult education. It shows these to be related to the politics and position of Turkish society in the Middle East and to the high degree of centralization of educational decision making in Turkey. The paper argues a case for the decentralization of adult education services for better training of adult educators and better delivery of adult educational provisions.  相似文献   

高等教育质量观是人们对高等教育质量的基本看法和基本观点,体现了人们对高等教育发展程度的立场。多维的研究视角和丰硕的高等教育质量观研究成果,丰富了高等教育质量观的内涵,拓宽了研究的视域,但也导致了高等质量观迷失本性的深刻危机。回归教育性,体现教育的主体性意义和价值,是高等教育质量观的本然诉求。教育性高等教育质量观关注高等教育的内在规定性和终极价值,将人置于中心位置,反映了高等教育内部的教育要素、教育过程和教育品性。  相似文献   

当前,我国成人教育期刊与成人教育研究正处于"双高"发展时期,然而,在前所未有的大好局面深处,却凸显出"成教期刊与成教科研如何开创双赢共进局面"的现实命题。而解读这个命题的关键是认识与把握期刊与科研的内在联系,重点是调整双方的行进姿态,核心是改革双方的现存关系,建构互动式发展新机制,开创期刊与科研互进共赢的新局面。  相似文献   

随着成人教育学的学科发展与成熟,我国成人教育研究开始逐渐以更加专业的姿态对本专业领域展开系统而深广的研究。我国成人教育的研究取向逐渐由"成人教育"转向"成人本体"、由"人力资本"转向"文化资本"、由"阶段发展论"转向"终身发展论"。研究方法论由移植研究转向建构研究、由思辨研究转向实证研究、由单学科研究转向跨学科研究。研究内容呈现出新趋向,具体表现为研究领域呈现更加广泛的态势、研究热点贴合社会变革发展实际、研究着眼于不断寻求本土特色。  相似文献   

崔铭香 《成人教育》2009,29(4):13-15
目前关于成人教育与建设创新型国家方面的研究成果主要有:揭示了创新型国家的内涵及要求;阐明了成人教育在建设创新型国家中的地位和作用;设计了成人教育在建设创新型国家中的具体作为。其研究成果的主要特色及努力方向主要表现为:研究热情高涨,研究成果丰富;研究范围广泛,研究质量较高;研究深度有待拓展,研究实践性有待加强。  相似文献   

The ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ in Venezuela is conceptualised as a pedagogical project that aims to develop ‘twenty-first century Socialism’ through state-grassroots collaboration in the reorganisation of political space in order to develop participatory, democratic institutions and processes. The cornerstones of this project to deepen and expand democracy in and through education are the adult Education Missions, set up in parallel to existing educational structures, and with an explicit focus on socio-political education and community projects aimed at promoting a new hegemony based on active grassroots citizenship. While the struggle to extend democracy in and through education is not unique to Venezuela, the conceptualisation of democracy as protagonist and participatory, and the explicit links made between education and democratic social change within the broader framework of twenty-first century socialism, makes Venezuela a dynamic site to revisit and reinvigorate classical debates as to the role of education in promoting democratic social change. Based on 15 months of empirical research, this paper examines the extent to which adult education in Venezuela is contributing to the development of a counter-hegemonic movement to build socialism for the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

基于中国人民大学复印报刊资料《成人教育学刊》近十年收录文献,使用文献研究法,发现近十年我国成人教育领域研究热点分布呈现矩阵化,分别是以成人高等教育、继续教育、老年教育和社区教育为核心的终身教育形式研究,以终身学习、学习型城市和学习型社会为核心的终身教育理念研究,以学分银行和国家资历框架为核心的终身教育体系支持制度研究,以开放大学、广播电视大学和MOOCs为核心的远程教育研究。横向分析发现研究维度聚焦于价值取向研究、跨国比较研究、治理变革研究和质量监测与评价研究。结合政策的变迁将研究热点的演变路径划分为三个阶段,分别是:2010—2012年处于终身教育体系建设持续推进时期,2013—2017年处于信息化时代成人教育供给侧改革与融合创新时期,2018—2020年处于成人教育向现代化转型的治理变革时期。最后从成人教育学科理论框架进行系统构建,基于成人教育学研究方法的实践探索及面向积极老龄化问题和终身学习体系构建问题着力研究三个方面对我国成人教育研究的走向进行深入思考。  相似文献   

社会化作为社会学的重要内容之一,一直以来都是研究者探讨的热点问题。随着成人教育社会学的发展,成人教育学界将成人社会化与成人教育问题联系起来并形成一系列研究成果。在系统地回顾近年来我国成人社会化与成人教育研究状况的基础上,展望其发展态势,有助于充实成人教育社会学学科体系。  相似文献   

成人教育课程研究的发展态势表现在成人教育课程的构成要素、课程开发过程及其每一阶段的物化形态上。同时,课程概念的复杂性和课程研究的范式转换在成人教育课程领域更有可能产生突出表现。  相似文献   

农村现代化呼吁农民现代化.农民知识化是实现农民现代化的必然渠道。在推进农民知识化的进程中,平衡的农民价值观系统结构和牢固的农民主体地位是两个关键的要素。但是,在现阶段存在农民价值观系统结构失衡和主体地位丧失的难题,使农民知识化陷入了停滞不前的困境。为进一步推进农民知识化,须以调整农民价值观结构、完善农民主体回归机制为根本出路。  相似文献   

教育质量是成人高等教育的生命线,质量的保障与提高是成人高教问题研究的重点。成人高等教育作为一个完整的系统,从其系统特性出发分析如何保障成人高教质量的问题值得深究。  相似文献   

成人教育课程研究的发展态势表现在成人教育课程的构成要素、课程开发过程及其每一阶段的物化形态上。同时,课程概念的复杂性和课程研究的"范式转换"在成人教育课程领域更有可能产生突出表现。  相似文献   

This article examines the limits to children giving research consent in everyday school contexts that emphasises their conformity to comply with adult expectations, and highlights children’s competence and agency in navigating this conformity through different practices of dissent. It draws on research into children’s agency, using a multimodal ethnography of Year 1 classrooms in two English primary schools. The article includes a reflexive methodological focus, exploring the extent to which I counter the schools’ emphasis on conformity. This includes creating visuals for children to practice consent; positioning myself as the researcher in a non-teacher role, as ‘least adult’ and the one who ‘least knows’; and designing interview spaces markedly different from classrooms. The article examines how children navigate conforming discourses by finding different ways to dissent in the research. Firstly, children demonstrate a sophisticated awareness of the cultural norms of indicating refusals beyond saying the word ‘No’. Secondly, children achieve unnoticeability, by which they absent themselves from the ‘on-task’ classroom culture, and by extension the research process. Thirdly, they engage in playful dissent, demonstrating their political knowingness of the classroom social order. The article discusses the implications for educational research when the values of consent are in conflict with a schooling focused on conformity. This includes emphasising the limits of consent procedures, paying closer attention to how researchers recognise and respond ethically to children’s multiple practices of dissent, and using research to disrupt problematic power structures in education settings that limit possibilities for children’s consent.  相似文献   

"焦点小组访谈"作为一种研究方法,是对研究者拟定的特定话题,通过组员间交流对话,而进行的材料收集的方法。它以西方解释学理论及交往行为理论为依据,根据不同的研究目的,可分为"成员主体型"和"专家小组型"两类,强调成功开展访谈的相关要素及研究的问题设计。作为定性研究的一种模式,该方法拓展了国际教育比较的研究方法,在复杂的教育比较研究中,对于收集和掌握第一手材料,开展跨文化的比较教育研究,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The philosophy of radical behaviourism remains misunderstood within the field of adult education. Contributing to this trend is the field’s homogeneous behaviourist interpretation, which attributes methodological behaviourism’s principles to radical behaviourism. The guiding principles and assumptions of radical behaviourism are examined to highlight distinctions between the two philosophies. Significant differences are found in positions on private events, reductionism, mechanism, operationalism, and logical positivism. Examples of critical misunderstandings in adult education literature are detailed. The philosophy’s impact on adult education is discussed in three areas: instructional design, adult career and technical education, and human resource development. Recent advances in behaviour analytic research and practice are then presented to demonstrate its continued relevance to adult education. It is argued that a re-conceptualization of behaviourism is needed to position radical behaviourism as a unique adult education philosophy.  相似文献   

对2011年人大复印报刊资料《成人教育学刊》所转载论文进行统计分析,回顾这一年来,我国成人教育理论研究所呈现的特点是,一批学术期刊在本研究领域中的学术地位仍然保持稳定,其学术影响力有显著提升,所载论文采用的研究方法继续呈多元化趋势,研究领域进一步拓展和深化。成人教育理论研究着重从多视角探究成人教育的本质和内涵。成人教育作为构建终身教育体系和学习型社会的重要载体,适应我国社会经济发展的新形势,必须进行新的功能定位,成人教育转型发展势在必行。我国成人教育理论研究的未来走向:研究方法趋向多元,定性研究仍为主体;成人高教备受关注,转型发展成为焦点;开放大学成为热点,实践框架亟待构建;终身学习逐步升温,终身教育逐被取代;比较研究稳中有进,研究视域紧跟形势。  相似文献   

反思成人教育学科发展的思想历程,可以发现其关注焦点从“成人”走向了“教育”。进而,在“成人”与“教育”之间,生成了当代成人教育学科发展的困厄,同时也孕育着学科发展的潜力与未来。成人教育学科未来发展的核心课题是重建学科的研究范式,关键所在是重廓学科的研究边界,而回归成人的生活世界是成人教育学科未来发展的方法论选择。  相似文献   

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