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7~12岁不同发育类型儿童少年力量素质的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用纵向追综的研究方法,探讨3种不同发育类型儿童少年力量素质的特征和发展变化规律。选取北京市海淀区3所小学7岁男女生为实验对象,拍摄手部X光片,根据“G—P图谱法”判定受试者的骨龄,确定发育类型,并对受试者的4项力量指标进行测试,连续追综6年。调查结果表明:儿童少年力量素质的发展规律是随着个体骨龄的增加而增加,发育成熟度高的,力量素质提高的幅度相对较大,主要体现在立定跳远、仰卧起坐和双手掷实心球3项指标上。成绩均值提高幅度的顺序依次为:早发育>正常发育>晚发育。屈臂悬垂由于受到不同发育类型各自体重增长规律的影响,增长规律性较差,今后在选择指标时应充分考虑到这一特点。  相似文献   

儿童少年在生长发育过程中,一直存在着两种不同的年龄。一是生活年龄,二是生物年龄。生活年龄是指一个人的实足岁数;生物年龄是指有机体各器官各系统的实际发育程度,一般用骨龄代表。目前国内外一般用拍摄左手腕骨X光片,通过对31块手腕骨的发育变化确定骨龄。骨龄是评价人的发育程度,鉴别发育类型的重要指标。骨发育的早晚快慢与运动成绩有密切关系。骨发育分九种类型,通过研究及训练实践证明,早发育和晚发育都很难成才,只有正常发育的延长型才是最终取得优异运动成绩的登峰人才。竞技体操是一个对人的神经、骨骼、肌肉等系统机…  相似文献   

目的:运用Actigraph GT3X传感器测量青少年体力活动能量消耗水平,探讨Actigraph GT3X传感器在青少年体力活动测试中的应用。方法:以10~17岁在校学生为研究对象,在超声骨龄片和青春期发育量表问卷筛查青春发育分期(青春前期、青春中期、青春后期3个组)基础上,基于随机分层抽样的原则,每组抽取男、女生各50人,共计300人,受试者佩带Actigraph GT3X传感器。结果:青春前、中、后期受试者每天体力活动能量消耗无明显差异,中、大强度体力活动随着年龄的增长呈下降的趋势,男生的体力活动较女生活跃。结论:除青春前期受试者中、大强度体力活动时间接近国际推荐标准外,中期和后期受试者均低于国际推荐标准。建议采取措施增加青少年中等强度和大强度的体力活动,以增强其体质。  相似文献   

对北京市海淀区五所中学中1987年9月至1988年8月出生的男生457人和三所小学中1989年9月至1990年8月出生的女生450人拍摄了X射线骨龄片,并请专家按CHN法对每张骨龄片进行了判别,从中筛选出了男、女生早发育组、正常发育组、晚发育组每组30人,共计180人作为实验对象,在对其进行了生理、心理、社会三位一体的测试之后,为既能全面、科学的评价不同发育类型学生的综合发育状况,又能使评价体系便于推广,在科学的筛选原则的指导之下,采用因子分析的方法对各围度指标进行筛选,并确定其权重,最后根据国民体质监测的方法对其进行综合评价,以便家长和教育者能够及时了解学生的发育状况,从而为有关部门制定相关政策提供依据,为实现《全民健身计划纲要》中的国民体质监测提供科学数据,为家长及老师提供具有针对性的教育策略。  相似文献   

对北京市海淀区5所中学中1987年9月至1988年8月出生的男生457人和3所小学中1989年9月至1990年8月出生的女生450人拍摄了X射线骨龄片,并请专家按CHN法对每张骨龄片进行了判别,从中筛选出了男、女生早发育组、正常发育组、晚发育组,每组30人,共计180人作为实验对象,对实验对象采用瑞文推理、心理健康量表、艾森克人格问卷和Piers-Harris自我意识量表进行了调查,较好地了解了目前青春发育突增期3种发育类型学生的心理特征,较深入地了分析了青春发育突增期学生在此方面存在的问题,并提出了干预方案,为今后更好地对青春发育期学生进行健康教育提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

青春发育突增期高峰年龄不同发育类型学生身体素质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京市海淀区5所中学中1987年9月至1988年8月出生的男生457人和三所小学中1989年9月至1990年8月出生的女生450人,拍摄了X射线骨龄片,并请专家按CHN法对每张骨龄片进行了判别,从中筛选出男、女生早发育组、正常发育组、晚发育组每组30人,共计180人作为实验对象。该研究按照国民体质监测的方法和程序对实验对象进行身体素质与运动能力以及体育课和体育锻炼习惯的调查,较深入细致地了解了不同发育类型学生的身体素质特征,存在问题,从而为有关部门制定相关政策提供依据,为实现《全民健身计划纲要》中的国民体质监测提供科学数据,为家长及老师提供具有针对性的教育策略。  相似文献   

中国人手腕骨发育标准—CHN法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
受试者为哈尔滨、石家庄、西安、长沙、重庆、福州市22160名0~19岁健康儿童、青少年.依经过修改的 TW_2骨发育等级标准评定手腕部每骨的发育程度.采用将各骨得分总差方和委小化和数学迭代方法计算各骨权重及各等级得分.结果在本方法中排除了6块变异程度大且评定困难的骨,使方法更加简便、易学。经过和南北方儿童、青少年骨龄差异的比较及其它6城市8416名受试者的检验,说明 CHN 骨龄标准代表了中国汉族城市儿童、青少年的骨发育状况。  相似文献   

本研究随机抽取北京市第27中学的初一、初二年级学生为研究对象,通过国民体质标准测试工具和双能量X线吸收骨密度测量仪对受试者的身体成分及相关形态指标进行测量。结果显示本研究中男生受试者大部分身体形态发育指标均与全身的骨矿含量和骨密度呈高度正相关(P〈0.01)。男、女受试者的瘦体重,肌肉组织重量等与骨量呈高度正相关,而体脂率指标与全身骨矿含量和骨密度都呈较低的相关度。这提示影响青春期少年骨发育的重要因素是其瘦体重及肌肉组织重量,而处于青春突增期的少年体脂率与骨量的多少并无太大相关性。  相似文献   

研究同一年龄不同骨龄少年运动员的身体形态、机能、运动能力,从中找出它们之间的差异和变化规律。研究结果表明,同一年龄不同骨龄的少年运动员有不同的发育类型特征,其身体形态、机能、运动能力存在着明显差异。因此,以生活年龄和骨龄进行体质评价和竞赛分组肯定存在着一定的局限性、片面性和不合理性。在体质评价和运动竞赛时,应按同一生活年龄中不同发育类型来确定分组,在运动员选材中也要根据不同项目的要求按同一生活年龄中不同骨龄和发育类型来确定。  相似文献   

5~19岁儿童青少年超声速(SOS)与骨发育曲线的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
超声技术应用于骨龄的检测目前还处于探索阶段,超声速(SOS)在超声骨龄判读中是一项重要的指标,本文将儿童青少年发育过程中SOS变化特点进行探讨。试验对象为5~19岁儿童青少年,共4146名。结果在规范操作条件下,声速值的测试结果比较稳定可靠,SOS骨发育曲线年龄特征明显。此结果为通过超声判读骨龄可行性提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   


This study estimated upper and lower limb bone mineral content (BMC) and bone area (BA) in 48 children tennis players (24 boys, 24 girls) aged 7–13 years. The sample comprised four age groups (8.2 ± 0.44, 9.5 ± 0.13, 10.5 ± 0.33, 12.2 ± 0.58). BMC and BA were measured via DXA, and sexual maturity by the Tanner scale, then used as a binary: prepubertal vs peripubertal. Total training time (TTT) included all playing years. Arms were asymmetric and legs symmetric. Boys were more asymmetric than girls in BMC (18% vs 13%) and BA (11% vs 8%). Pre-pubertal children were less asymmetric than peri-pubertal in BMC (14% vs 18%) and in BA (9.4% vs 10%). Bone growth changed with age and TTT markedly better in the dominant arm. The linear combination of TTT, sex, and maturity binary extracted 59% of BMC asymmetry and only 21% of BA asymmetry. For both bone parameters the sex effect was significant only for the pre-pubertal children. Training time constitutes the best predictor of bone asymmetry compared to age, sex, and maturity; when adequate, playing arm bone hypertrophy may be detectable at the age of 7–8 years. These results have health and performance implications.  相似文献   

The accumulation of bone mass during puberty is related with bone health in adulthood. This accumulation is influenced by diverse factors such as body mass index (BMI), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), hours of training and years of sport practice. For this reason, the objective of this study is to analyse the influence of these variables on bone mass in young female athletes. The sample is formed of 120 healthy girls with ages between 9 and 13 (11.32?±?1.6?years old), divided into two groups depending on their BMI, VO2 max, hours of training and years of sport practice. The participants completed a series of tests to evaluate level of sexual development, body composition (fat mass, lean mass and bone mass) and physical condition. The results show higher values of total lean mass, total fat mass and percentage of body fat in the groups with higher BMI in prepubertal girls and pubertal girls (p?2 max, in the prepubertal group, girls with lower VO2 max had higher values of total fat mass (p?p?2 max also showed a higher total fat mass (p?相似文献   

通过判读手掌和手腕骨的X光成像图片来评价青少年骨龄是体育和医学界一直使用的传统方法,长期的实践应用已证明它是行之有效的。但为变革其固有的缺陷对新的评价方法的探索一直没有停止,其中以色列阳光公司研制的BoneAge超声骨龄检测仪利用定量超声原理来评价骨龄,已批量投入市场且已为国内部分省市的体育部门所采用。研究目的:对BoneAge超声检测方法和传统X光拍摄方法进行方法学比较分析,检验新方法的准确性和有效性,以维护骨龄检测的权威性和科学性。研究对象:5-17岁男女青少年322名。研究方法:(1)超声骨龄仪的可重复性试验(实验对象93名);(2)X光片判读结果与超声检测结果的比较。对223名男女青少年拍摄手掌(腕)骨进行X光拍摄后随即使用BonAge超声骨龄检测仪对同批对象进行手腕部超声扫描。将超声骨龄结果与两位专家对X光片盲式读片结果的平均值进行比较分析。研究结果:(1)对超声骨龄仪的可重复性实验结果表明,两次测试的骨龄均值无显著性差异且呈高度相关,提示该仪器总体稳定性良好;(2)对超声骨龄结果与X光骨龄均值比较的显示,无论是区分年龄段还是性别,两种评定结果之间均有较大的系统误差和随机误差,且这种误差随年龄段的增大而有所加大;对年龄段较高的人群,超声检测结果更易高估对象的骨发育程度;单因变量多因素方差分析表明,骨龄评价结果主要受到评定方法和年龄段因素的影响,而与性别因素关系不大;对超声骨龄和X光骨龄的相关程度和直线回归分析表明,尽管总体人群的两种评价结果存在高度相关,直线回归效果较好,但引入年龄段因素后,相关程度明显降低,回归效果较差,提示这两种方法之间不能相互替代。  相似文献   


Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are the basic building blocks of more advanced, complex movements required to participate in physical activity. This study examined FMS proficiency across the full range of Irish primary school children (n = 2098, 47% girls, age range 5–12 years). Participants were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development, 3rd edition (TGMD-3), Victorian Fundamental Movement skills manual, and the balance subtest from the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOT-2). Independent sample t-tests and a one way between groups ANOVA with planned comparisons were used analyse sex and age differences. Mastery or near mastery of skills ranged from 16% for overhand throw, to 75.3% for run. Girls scored significantly higher than boys in the locomotor and balance subtests with the boys outperforming the girls in object control skills. Improvements in ability can be seen over time (F(8,1968) = 70.18, p < 0.001), with significant increases in FMS proficiency seen up to the age of 10, after which proficiency begins to decline. The findings demonstrate the low levels of FMS proficiency amongst Irish primary school children, the differences between sex that exist, and highlights the need for more programmes that focus on developing these FMS at an early age.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse whether there are differences in bone mass in girls playing different sports. Two hundred girls (10.6 ± 1.5 years old, Tanner stages I–III) participated in the study and were divided into groups of 40 (swimmers, soccer players, basketball players, handball players and controls). Bone mineral content and bone mineral density (BMD) (whole body and hip) were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The degree of sexual development was determined using Tanner test, and physical activity habits were recorded through a questionnaire designed ad hoc for this research. Girls were divided by pubertal stage and the type of sport. In the prepubertal group, intertrochanteric BMD was significantly higher in both handball and soccer players compared with the control group (< 0.05). Furthermore, in the pubertal group, total BMD, mean arms BMD, pelvis BMD, femoral neck BMD, intertrochanteric BMD and Ward’s triangle BMD were significantly higher in soccer and handball players compared with the control group (< 0.05), and the swimmers showed significantly higher values in the mean arms BMD compared with the control group (< 0.01). Our data suggest that sport practice during puberty, especially in activities that support the body weight, may be an important factor in achieving a high peak bone mass and improving bone health in girls.  相似文献   

骨龄是衡量少年儿童骨骼发育程度的重要解剖生理指标,在医学和体育领域有广泛应用。对目前常用的各种骨龄评估方法(图谱法、计分法、自动评判系统)进行比较分析,为更有效地促进骨龄评价的科学性和便捷性提供参考。  相似文献   

本文在国内首次对广东珠江三角州地区八市体工队、运动学校7-18岁青少儿男女运动员1970人进行了骨龄拍摄,采用中国人手腕骨发育标准(CHN)法进行了评定。经分析研究,科学地论证了珠江三角州地区青少儿男女运动员CHN骨龄、骨发育水平、骨发育特点等的真实现状与特征,为运动员科学选材、育材提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Relationships between skeletal maturation and fundamental motor skills and gross motor coordination were evaluated in 429 children (213 boys and 216 girls) 7–10 years. Skeletal age was assessed (Tanner-Whitehouse 2 method), and stature, body mass, motor coordination (Körperkoordinations Test für Kinder, KTK) and fundamental motor skills (Test of Gross Motor Development, TGMD-2) were measured. Relationships among chronological age, skeletal age (expressed as the standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age) and body size and fundamental motor skills and motor coordination were analysed with hierarchical multiple regression. Standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age interacting with stature and body mass explained a maximum of 7.0% of the variance in fundamental motor skills and motor coordination over that attributed to body size per se. Standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age alone accounted for a maximum of 9.0% of variance in fundamental motor skills, and motor coordination over that attributed to body size per se and interactions between standardised residual of skeletal age on chronological age and body size. In conclusion, skeletal age alone or interacting with body size has a negligible influence on fundamental motor skills and motor coordination in children 7–10 years.  相似文献   


The throwing and prediction performances of first, third and fifth grade boys and girls were analyzed within the framework of a four-part taxonomy originally conceived by Fitts (1965). Throwing performance was assessed under task conditions which varied the motion states of the thrower's body and the target (stationary or moving) by use of a dual pendulum apparatus. Accuracy scores were highest in a condition where both body and target were stationary, and lowest where both body and target were moving. Task conditions requiring motion of only target or of body were of intermediate difficulty, and scores for these tasks were not significantly different from each other. There was evidence of learning across trial blocks for all tasks, but no indication that rates of acquisition differed for the task types. Likewise, significant main effects were observed for age levels but no age X task type interactions were disclosed. Boys were more accurate than girls across task conditions, most noticeably on the two most difficult tasks. Comparison of subjects' ability to predict, from a stationary body position, the coincidence of the moving target with a standard reference point, and their ability to predict the coincidence of their moving body with the same reference point revealed lower error scores on the former prediction task.  相似文献   

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