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多媒体学习理论是一个贯通了学习理论与教学理论的科学体系。作为学习理论的多媒体学习认知理论基于双重编码理论、工作记忆模型以及生成加工理论,解释了学习者通过加工语词与画面所呈现的材料来建构知识的学习机制,属于解释性理论;作为教学理论的多媒体教学设计理论发展出一系列教学设计应遵循的原则,为教育实践提供了具有处方性意义的行动指南,属于处方性理论。解释性的学习理论为处方性的教学理论提供了扎实可靠的科学基础。在多媒体学习研究从学习理论向教学理论转化的过程中,多媒体教学设计理论是实现跃迁的关键环节,而认知负荷理论则是理论跃迁成功的关键变量。基于认知负荷理论,梅耶提出多媒体学习认知负荷三元模型,包括必要认知加工、外来认知加工和生成性认知加工。围绕这三类认知加工,梅耶及其同事进行了大量的实验研究,最终确定了12项与多媒体学习认知理论及其前提假设保持高度逻辑一贯性的多媒体教学设计原则。这些原则都是经得起实践检验的,但教学设计人员在应用的过程中,应明确各项原则的问题情境、适用范围等边际条件。  相似文献   

约翰·斯威勒提出的认知负荷理论,主张合理分配认知资源,对有效学习至关重要。如果教师在设计教学时能按照认知负荷理论,尽量减少学习任务中不必要的认知负荷,有助于提高教学的效果。因此,提出基于认知负荷理论的大学物理教学,可以通过物理知识的图表化、优化多媒体教学、融入物理学史等手段,管理内在认知负荷,降低外在认知负荷,增加相关认知负荷,以此减少学生的学习障碍,激发学生的学习兴趣,从而最终达到促进有效学习的目的。  相似文献   

本在对已有学习研究成果评析和梳理的基础上,提出了TC学习新模型。通过此模型,意在表明学习的认知建构观、社会建构观及学习的情意因素、学习环境因素和多样化的外部学习活动对学习的认知加工过程具有重要影响等学习观念,为进行有效教学设计提供更全面、更系统的理论指导。  相似文献   

梅耶的多媒体学习理论是建立在坚实的理论基础和可靠的实证经验基础上的科学体系。多媒体学习的认知理论是理解多媒体学习的关键。双重通道假设、容量有限假设和主动加工假设是梅耶构建多媒体学习认知理论的基石,也是整个多媒体学习科学体系的逻辑起点。这三大假设赖以成立的理论前提正是双重编码理论、工作记忆模型、生成学习理论和认知负荷理论,由此构成了多媒体学习的理论基础。具体而言,双重编码理论和工作记忆模型为多媒体学习的认知理论构建提供了关键概念与元素;生成学习理论则为多媒体学习的认知理论构建提供了基本的解释性框架;多媒体学习的认知理论正是由这些关键概念、元素和解释性框架整合而成;而认知负荷理论则以多媒体学习的认知理论为基础,进而为多媒体教学的系列设计原理提供了关键支撑。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,传统课堂逐渐趋向于一个充满技术和更加人本化的泛在学习空间,未来课堂概念应运而生。目前对于未来课堂的研究主要侧重于对未来课堂的空间设计、技术应用、特点特性等方面的研究,还缺乏与未来课堂特性相应的教与学方式及教学模式的系统研究。开展具有前瞻性的未来课堂教学设计有利于推动未来课堂实践。教学设计中隐含着关于认知和学习的理论。虽然传统认知观对教师主导的,以传授客观知识为主要目的的传统课堂教学设计做出了重要贡献,但是其作为面向学习者主动建构知识和实现意义理解的教学设计的理论基础不再是充分的。当代认知理论研究已完成了由离身到具身的范式转型。具身认知理论强调身体在认知过程中的关键作用及认知、身体与环境交互的重要性。基于具身认知的视角,未来课堂的教学设计不再仅仅是提供具体的可操作性步骤,而是为在教学中产生更多的可能性而做好准备,其具有学习内容的情境性、学习环境的无意识性、教学目标的生成性、教学过程的动态性以及学习活动的体验性等特性。  相似文献   

上世纪70年代,认知主义学习理论渐渐形成,我国从90年代起,人们将该理论引入多媒体课件开发领域,逐渐形成了认知结构化的课件开发思想。认知主义研究学习者内在的认知结构和外界环境相互影响,揭示学习的规律和学习本质。认知结构化的课件开发思想以带有认知主义理论色彩的学习法则来指导课件设计,在课件的信息结构、设计原则和教学设计倾向方面体现着认知主义学习理论的基本观点。  相似文献   

移动通讯技术的发展促进了学习理念的变革,给学习者带来了全新的学习方式。移动学习作为一种特殊的、全新的学习模式,其课程的教学设计受学习对象、呈现方式、传输载体等的影响,需在充分考虑认知负荷理论和多媒体学习认知理论的基础上,按照明确定位、界面简单、小模块呈现、随机进入、双通道、去除冗余、适当排序、情境认知等八大设计原则,设计既不增加学习者认知负荷、符合移动学习者特点和需求,又能充分发挥移动通讯技术、特别是多媒体技术优势的移动课程,实现高效的移动学习。  相似文献   

This article begins this special issue of ETR&D-Development by discussing what the cognitive approach to instructional design (ID) is and how ID practitioners can design training differently using the approach. Following some introductory comments about purpose, scope and perspective, the article is in two parts. The first part describes why the cognitive approach to ID is important and how the current approach to instructional design and training development is different from the cognitive approach. It then explains how learning occurs according to the cognitive point of view, and the different categories of learning according to one type of cognitive psychology. The second part describes a model that synthesizes and summarizes the components of a well-designed lesson, and describes what is different about this model from the current approach to ID. This model relates what learners have to do to learn to what instructional designers have to do to help them do so. It presents and briefly explains and exemplifies a general framework for instructional design based on cognitive psychology. Finally, it presents a table that can be used as a job aid to design training.  相似文献   

基于认知负荷理论的教学媒体设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先对认知负荷的概念含义、主要观点和分类做简单扼要的论述。认知负荷理论提出了一些能减少学习者认知负荷,提高学习效率,并对教学媒体设计有指导作用的教学效应:分散注意力效应、双重感官效应、独立交互元素效应、元素交互效应及冗余效应。在阐述这些教学效应的基础上,分别给出它们在教学媒体设计中应用的例子。  相似文献   

The combination of Open Sim and Scratch4OS can be a worthwhile innovation for introductory programming courses, using a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model as a theoretical instructional design framework. This empirical study had a threefold purpose to present: (a) an instructional design framework for the beneficial formalization of a virtual community, by utilizing a CoI model which consisted of 81 high school students and (b) the results of linear correlations to amplify the interrelationships among presence indicators (cognitive, social, and teaching) of a CoI model to learn basic programming concepts via a 3D multi-user game-like environment underpinned by Papert‘s theory of constructionism. The findings indicated that social presence (communication and cohesiveness of a group) had not only a direct correlation with the cognitive presence (learning process for the construction of knowledge), but also had a positive association with teaching presence (organization, planning, and guidance of learning activities), reinforcing them as well.  相似文献   

The field of cognitive science is contributing significantly to the research and theory on learning, and to the development of intelligent tutoring systems. The instructional design literature indicates an interest in cognitive theory as well as attempts to integrate it into our theory and research base. However, cognitive psychologists do not necessarily find this synthesis satisfactory. The purpose of this article is to point out the conflicts, so that instructional designers can be aware of the nature of our coexistence. This paper was written while the author was with Human Resources Research Organization, Alexandria, VA.  相似文献   

教学设计理论中亟待研究的几个问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目前的教学设计理论存在脱离教学实际,对教学问题的诊断、解决力度不够的缺陷,究其原因,我们认为教学设计理论本身存在着一些没有解决的问题。这些理论问题主要包括实用化的教学问题诊断方法、学习行为的分析方法、学习任务的设计方法、学习环境的设计方法和针对综合性教学目标的教学决策的依据。  相似文献   

What is the role of motivation in multimedia learning? Cognitive theories of multimedia learning tend to focus on instructional methods aimed at reducing extraneous processing (such as highlighting the essential material) or managing essential processing (such as breaking a lesson into parts), whereas motivational theories tend to focus on instructional methods aimed at fostering generative processing (such as adding appealing graphics or challenging scenarios). Moreno's (2005) cognitive affective theory of learning from media is intended to better incorporate motivation and metacognition into theories of multimedia learning, helping to extend or clarify Mayer's (2009) cognitive theory of multimedia learning and Sweller's (Sweller, Ayres, & Kaluga, 2011) cognitive load theory. The research presented in this special section examines motivating instructional features intended to promote generative processing—such as adding appealing graphics (Magner, Schwonke, Aleven, Popescu, & Renkl, 2013; Plass, Heidig, Hayward, Homer, & Um, 2013) or challenging scenarios (D'Mello, Lehman, Pekrun, & Graesser, 2013). Overall, motivational features can improve student learning by fostering generative processing as long as the learner is not continually overloaded with extraneous processing or overly distracted from essential processing.  相似文献   

作为当代美国教学设计领域的领军人物,乔纳森提出了建构主义学习环境设计的理论与模型,对教学设计的发展产生了很大影响。本文主要针对建构主义学习环境设计模型,以及与该模型相关的研究和案例进行了系统的分析与评介,并基于对乔纳森建构主义学习环境设计理论的理解,从教学设计方法、技术观和实践三方面提出了我国教学设计研究可借鉴的新思路或新路径。  相似文献   

教学设计视域:大学教学模式的局限与走向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以教学模式的基本构成要素作为考察思维框架,在教学设计视域的观照下,认为当前大学教学模式主要存在十大局限:即客观主义倾向的教学理念、低阶能力的培养目标、重知轻行的价值取向、“权威-依存”的师生关系、方法滞后的信息技术应用、单一化的教学组织形式和方法、程式化的教学设计、机械接受为主的学习方式、标准化的培养方式,以及背离学习者发展的教学评价。针对上述局限,作者进而论述了目前国内外大学教学模式改革的十大走向:即建构主义的教学理念、高阶能力的培养目标、知行合一的价值取向、双主体和互动对话的师生关系、建构主义的技术应用观、多样化的教学组织形式和方法、弹性、灵活、递归的教学设计、创新性的学习方式、个性化的培养方式,以及促进学习者发展的教学评价。  相似文献   

认知建构学习理论考察了学习过程中信息加工的三种运作,分别是选择、组织和整合,机械学习与意义学习的分野就是在于心理运作有没有到位。建构主义作为一种学习理论有其独特价值,但是这并不能作为教学处方的依据。依据认知负荷理论的研究,多媒体讲解教学是一种最佳的选择,其中促进主动学习是关键。  相似文献   

This article explores the opportunities to apply cognitive load theory and four-component instructional design to self-directed learning. Learning tasks are defined as containing three elements: learners must (a) perform the tasks, (b) assess their task performance, and (c) select future tasks for improving their performance. Principles to manage intrinsic and extraneous load for performing learning tasks, such as simple-to-complex ordering and fading-guidance strategies, are also applicable to assessing performance and selecting tasks. Moreover, principles to increase germane load, such as high variability and self-explanation prompts, are also applicable to assessment and selection. It is concluded that cognitive load theory and four-component instructional design provide a solid basis for a research program on self-directed learning.  相似文献   

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