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分析了锁相频率合成、直接数字式频率合成和混合式频率合成新技术,阐述了频率合成技术的新进展及发展趋势,介绍了频率合成技术在现代通信与电子系统中的各种应用.  相似文献   

综述了间接电氧化和成对电合成有机地结合起来建立的一种新的电合成方式,即成对间接电氧化合成有机物,从目前成对电合成种类上又给予丰富.在论述了该合成成功的典型例子后,作者提出了研究成对间接电氧化合成有机物的意义.  相似文献   

β沸石是一种性质独特的催化材料,其在石油炼制及精细化工中得到了广泛应用。简述了β沸石合成中的模板剂,不同介质条件下β沸石合成的含杂原子β沸石的合成,单型体β沸石的合成。以及其它方法合成β沸石,并展望了β沸石合成的研究趋势。  相似文献   

阐述了异黄酮类化合物的化学结构、生理活性及其应用,介绍异黄酮的天然来源及提取、分离方法。分类报道了我国在合成异黄酮化合物方面的研究进展及合成方法,尤其详尽地介绍了合成方法,并合成了依普异黄酮,最后分析异黄酮合成的发展趋势,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

本文综述国际上在杯芳烃类化合物合成的新进展,评述了一锅合成法,分步合成法和碎片合成等反应和制法。  相似文献   

本文论述了利用极性转换合成某些有机物的方法,对实现某些不能直接合成的有机物提供了可能的合成途径。  相似文献   

氨基酸的不对称合成是不对称合成方法学中不可缺少的重要组成部分,从合成方法学角度出发,综述了近年来手性氨基酸及其衍生物的不对称合成研究进展包括化合物衍生化、外消旋体拆分、膜拆分法、酶催化、色谱法等合成方法,并对其研究的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

特殊功能的无机材料合成工艺的实现必须借助于特定的装置。该文探讨常规无机合成以外的液相诱导合成方法,介绍了大分子液相诱导无机合成的机理,以及实现该合成工艺的实验装置的设计及应用。  相似文献   

莫达非尼是一种新型的中枢神经精神兴奋药物,毒副作用小,Lafon公司首先报道了莫达非尼的合成路线。改进了莫达非尼合成路线,优化了合成工艺条件,大大地缩短了反应时间,反应条件温和,合成操作简便。主要产物用IR、MS、1H-NMR表征了结构。  相似文献   

成对间接电氧化合成有机物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了间接是民氧化和成对电合成有机地结合起来建立的一种新的电合成方式,即成对间接电氧化合成有机物,从目前成对电合成各类上又给予丰富,在论述了该合成在成功的典型例子后,作提出了研究成对间接电氧化合成有机物的意义。  相似文献   

What should be learned? How should it be organized for teaching? These seemingly simple questions are deceivingly political. Curriculum theorists are preoccupied with the politics of the first question at the expense of the realpolitik of the second. Instructional designers are preoccupied with the realpolitik of the second question at the expense of the politics of the first. I argue that conceptual distances between curriculum theory and instructional design are based on divisions of labour established during the 1960s. After decades of neglect, curriculum theorists, and specifically critical theorists, appear clueless when it comes to curriculum design and the realpolitik of their causes. When it comes to the realpolitik of practice their political causes are formless. Quite the opposite of critical theorists, instructional theorists nearly mastered the realpolitik of form but have no political causes. I argue that, to contradict the status quo of C&;I, curriculum theorists will have to dirty their hands with the realpolitik of form and instructional designers will have to clutter their heads with theory.  相似文献   

This article explores the question: Why are students of worth? Educationally, an answer often involves a Kantian response: They are of worth because they are always ends and never means. This response is usually connected to a notion of autonomy interpreted as individual, rational self-determination. The article argues for a different answer. The essay begins with a recent educational example of construing worth as rational autonomy. Meira Levinson, in her book The Demands of Liberal Education (1999), argues for a version of rational autonomy which is taken in the essay as a Kantian response to the question. The essay then turns to Kant’s own understanding of intrinsic human worth as ends. Although the essay agrees in general with the notion of end, it criticizes Kant’s version of rational autonomy. Instead, it argues for a notion of worth as irreplaceable singularity. Both the critique of the Kantian answer and theessay’salternative are shaped by the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. Here technical notions of “the other,” proximity and singularity are brought to bear on the question of human worth. The Levinasian alternative, so the essay argues, better answers the question of student worth by highlighting the incomparability of the student as a singular other.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论与信息技术相结合对教学产生积极影响,本文就影响的五个方面进行讨论:1.教师角色转变。2.学生学习的变革。3.教学手段的变革。4.教学环境的变革。5.教学模式及方法的变革。  相似文献   

论老子哲学的“无”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老子对其“道”有着一以贯之的思路,即道是对生命本真存在的体悟。“无”在老子道论中具有核心地位,“无”是道的超验性的指称。因此,道之“生”,并非宇宙论的化生,而是出于生命的体验,其本质就在于“无”之生,是“无”之心体对万物的当下成就。以“无”为本体的“无—有”一体化运作形成道的内在结构,“无”在“言”出“有”中踏入了超验性与经验性的两难境地,而“有”对“无”的当下回归使物我保其真性。在这个结构中,“真”是“无”的内涵,“虚”与“静”构成了“无”的动力机制。  相似文献   

Students have to be punished if they have made a serious transgression. Avoidance of punishment will lead to serious complications. But punishment is inseparably linked with guilt and forgiveness. The inability of individuals to forgive themselves was regarded by Kierkegaard to be an emanation of individual false pride, a kind of vanity. This type of despair, a psychological and spiritual disorder, is a serious and debilitating problem. The inability to escape this despair of forgiveness can lead to a loss of genuine humanness. Unchecked, this despair can lead to unrelatedness of self to itself and fear of the possibility of freedom. Thus the self-knowledge attainable in despair over the forgiveness of an offense would lead to what we would call a successful rehabilitation of the individual and his or her conjunct reintegration into society. Kierkegaard's ideas on punishment are interesting — historically and philosophically speaking — because they represent a softening of a harsh view of punishment by stressing the humanizing aspects of guilt and forgiveness.  相似文献   

理本论是朱熹哲学思想的核心和最高范畴,也是朱熹整个学术思想的核心和理论基础。这是一个具有客观唯心主义性质和伦理本位色彩的哲学范畴。其本体论哲学的构建是通过对传统文化中儒、道、佛三家思想的全面吸收和改造而完成的。具体讲:吸收佛学本体论的思维模式并将之改造为道德本体论;吸收儒学的道德学说并将之改造为伦理本位的哲学:吸收道家的认识论思想并将之改造为伦理体验的认识论。  相似文献   

文明是劳动的积累和积累的劳动,是人类智慧和汗水的结晶,是人们开创新的历史的既得力量。人类社会的进步取决于人类文明的历史传承与创造,社会个体的价值寓于个体自身在历史发展过程中对人类文明的传承与创造。历史的实现方式在于人们对人类文明的历史传承与创造。英雄人物在历史中的作用取决于其是否融入创造历史的群众运动中去。人类文明的传承与创造是人类历史走向进步的重要基石,也是人类历史得以延续与发展的社会基因。人类文明的历史传承与创造积淀成历史的现实与现实的历史,人类历史的演进与人类文明的传承与创造齐头并进。  相似文献   

It is known by entropy theory that image is a source correlated with a certain characteristic of probability. The entropy rate of the source and ? entropy (rate-distortion function theory) are the information content to identify the characteristics of video images, and hence are essentially related with video image compression. They are fundamental theories of great significance to image compression, though impossible to be directly turned into a compression method. Based on the entropy theory and the image compression theory, by the application of the rate-distortion feature mathematical model and Lagrange multipliers to some theoretical problems in the H.264 standard, this paper presents a new the algorithm model of coding rate-distortion. This model is introduced into complete test on the capability of the test model of JM61e (JUT Test Model). The result shows that the speed of coding increases without significant reduction of the rate-distortion performance of the coder.  相似文献   

国外死亡态度量表发展述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外从上个世纪五六十年代即展开对死亡态度的研究,至今已经发展的相当成熟。在发展过程中,死亡态度量表起着重要的作用,它在初期推动了死亡态度的研究,随着死亡态度研究的不断深入,研究成果应用于死亡态度量表,促使其不断发展,二者之间形成了一种相辅相成的关系。回顾死亡态度的发展其实就是回顾国外死亡态度研究的历程,希望通过回顾这一过程,对国内死亡态度研究的开展有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

海德格尔认为"美"源自审美状态,而审美状态并非是主体的某种精神状态,而是"存在"的本然状态。美是存在者自身的显现,"存在"即是美的本质,也是美的功用,美不是显现的结果,而是"显一现"这个动态过程。存在之显现之所以美是因为,人无法在流变的世界中领会与观照存在之本质,存在必然在生活的日常状态中被遗忘,只有打破了这种遗忘状态,人才能获得真正的自由,获得存在之澄明,这种获得存在之澄明状态过程,就是获得美的本质与本源的过程,美就是存在者的澄明之光,是存在之光。  相似文献   

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