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全纳教育自1994年在西班牙召开的世界特殊教育大会上首次提出后,澳大利亚响应这一号召,经历了数十年的发展,致力于促进全澳大利亚人对全纳教育的认同和构建一个和谐的全纳氛围。在全纳教育的实践与发展过程中,澳大利亚坚持了自己的教育理念,对全纳教育有自己独特的见解,形成了其独有的特色。同时也存在一定的问题,面对这些问题,澳大利亚提出了相应的对策,对中国全纳教育的发展有着一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳社会   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念 ,也是国际教育研究的一个新领域。全纳教育的理念需要全纳学校来实践 ,因而全纳学校是不同于以往的普通学校和特殊学校、也不同于后来的一体化学校 ,它是一种新型的教育模式 ,在教育、社会、经济方面均具有极大意义。全纳教育理念和全纳学校实践的目的是要促进形成一种追求社会公正、机会平等和民主参与的全纳社会。为此 ,在现存社会中对阻碍这种追求的任何障碍都应该加以确认、质疑和消除。全纳教育的理念指导我们实施全纳学校 ,全纳学校的实践促使我们走向全纳社会。  相似文献   

自全纳教育于1994年首次提出后,加拿大响应这一号召,在本国推行全纳教育。在全纳教育的发展过程中,加拿大坚持自己的教育理念,并发展出了其独有的特色。当下存在两种对立的全纳教育的观点。面对这一挑战,加拿大就在全纳教育发展中存在的不足提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念,其呼吁全社会重视多样性,主张学校、社区以及社会开展协作,欢迎并重视每个个体。全纳教育的实施依赖于全纳学校的建立。全纳学校的出现向当前的普通教育提出了全面改革的要求,本文将从更新教育的目的、创建支持性的学校氛围及重构课程、教师培养观、管理和评价观等五个维度建构全纳学校。  相似文献   

我国全纳教育实践领域,在理论构建和本土实践上不可避免地都受到来自发达国家的影响,全纳教育与特殊教育的概念含糊,泛化的"理想主义"理念常常取代概念,导致实践和研究本身也含糊其辞。因而,本文试图厘清全纳教育的概念并结合实际分析我国全纳教育的"应然、实然、必然"。  相似文献   

加拿大安大略省从2010年开始推行全日制幼儿园,于2016年完成了《幼儿园大纲》的修订工作。修订后的新大纲提出了一个基于幼儿成长需求的幼儿园课程四框架,主张在探究文化中遵循基于游戏学习的基本原则,倡导多方合作协调的幼儿园公平和全纳教育,实施"让儿童的思考和学习看得见"的叙事性评价。这些对我国学前教育纲领性文件的修订、幼儿园课程改革都富有启发意义。我国学前教育纲领性文件也有必要融入文献、案例,兼具指导性和操作性,应当将全纳教育的理念渗透到幼儿教育实践之中,构建一个以儿童为本的幼儿园课程框架。  相似文献   

全纳教育是一种全新的教育理念,也是目前国际教育研究的一个新领域。本文在全面分析全纳教育的核心理念以及关注民主、关注平等、关注合作的三大基本价值取向的基础上,重点探讨了全纳教育在构建和谐社会的现实意义。  相似文献   

李军胜 《考试周刊》2012,(48):22-22
全纳教育于1994年正式提出后,中国和加拿大积极响应号召,推行全纳教育。在全纳教育的发展过程中,中加都坚持了公平、公正的教育理念,并有着各自的特色。面对当下存在的两种对立的全纳教育的观点,中加在全纳教育的发展过程中提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

全纳教育的提出,给传统教育带来了挑战,也要求普通学校的教师具有相应的素质,教师教育的改革势在必行。通过考察加拿大新不伦瑞克省三所学校的全纳教育师资培养的实践,我国教师教育应该借鉴加拿大的经验:转变意识,开设全纳教育课程;灵活设置,提供多层次、多种类全纳教育课程;提供保障,完善教师资格证书制度。  相似文献   

随着教育平等、教育民主化以及全民教育观念的深入人心.全纳教育的理念日益得到世界各国的认同。全纳教育主张要加强学生的参与和减少学生的被排斥。工读教育是一种特殊的教育形式.由于其特殊性,工读学生遭到社会的误解和排斥。文章从全纳教育的角度。对我国工读教育存在的问题进行了分析与思考,旨在将全纳教育的理念渗透到工读教育中,促进我国工读教育的发展。  相似文献   

"全纳教育"呼唤中国完善特殊教育政策和教育立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"全纳教育"是有影响的国际共识之一。意大利、美国、英国等发达国家是世界上较早实施全纳教育政策的国家,拥有成熟和完善的"全纳教育"体系。将这些国家的"全纳教育政策"与中国的特殊教育政策进行对比,可以找出中国特殊教育政策的不足。国际与国内的教育发展形势需要中国在"全纳教育"基本理念的指导下完善特殊教育政策和特殊教育立法。  相似文献   

本研究采用Sharma等人编制的<教师融合教育自我效能感量表>以及<融合教育忧虑量表>对上海市110名特殊教育学校教师以及213名普通学校教师进行了调查,结果发现:两类教师对开展融合教育具有一定水平的自我效能感;特殊教育学校教师的自我效能感要高于普通学校教师;普通学校教师在开展融合教学以及与他人合作方面的自我效能感普遍低于特殊教育学校教师,但在行为管理方面,则与特殊教育学校教师没有差异;两类教师对开展融合教育抱有中等水平的忧虑,且融合教育自我效能感与其忧虑水平存在显著负相关,教师对开展残疾学生教学的自信心水平越高,则对融合教育的忧虑越少.教师融合教育忧虑程度对自我效能感的方差贡献率超过50%以上.  相似文献   

This article presents the first comprehensive study of the Georgian inclusive education system launched nationwide in 2006. An internationally recognised tool, the ‘Pathway to Inclusion – Barometer of Inclusive Education’, was applied within the country to highlight the current position of inclusive education in Georgia. The collected data were analysed against results from other countries. The comparison shows that Georgia has made progress towards inclusion; however, considerable work is still required to address drawbacks in policy and its implementation. The development of a monitoring system is advised as an effective means of advancement towards increased inclusion in the education system.  相似文献   

特殊教育师资的有效培养是促进我国特殊教育事业发展的先决条件和重要途径。在“大特殊教育”理念的指导下,全纳教育的发展趋势带给特殊教育的师资培养和发展新的要求和挑战。在全面理解全纳教育内涵的基础上,寻找我国特殊教育师资培养的问题及出路,并提出教育理念的接纳与转变、教师队伍的专业化、开放的培养体系及资源整合等建议,为我国在全纳教育背景下特殊教育师培养和发展途径提供理论参考。  相似文献   

全纳教育是当代教育重大发展趋势之一,它将教师和学生共同纳入教育视野,倡导师生在教育教学过程中的共同参与、共同体验、共同享受和共同发展。在全纳教育理念的观照下,教师的教学个性具有更加重要的价值,教师鲜明的教学个性成为培养学生个性、实现师生共同成为教学主体以及充分合作的必要条件。但现实教学中又存在教师教学个性缺失的问题。培养教师的教学个性,除了教师个人的自我提升,还要从日常教学管理、师资培训和教师评价制度等方面进行改革。  相似文献   

This study explores reflections of a group of postgraduate early childhood students in relation to their self‐reported attitudes towards inclusive education. Participant self‐reported attitudes towards inclusive education were measured using an adapted version of the Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale (ATIES) and an adapted version of the Concerns about Inclusive Education Scale (CIES). Data were collected at the commencement and conclusion of a university unit focused on difference and disability. Within this unit, participants undertook individual self‐directed projects in which they identified, researched and provided recommendations to address issues of particular concern to them in relation to inclusive early childhood education. Participants’ written reflections were also examined in the context of the quantitative data in order to provide greater insight into the changing attitudes of pre‐service early childhood teachers over the course of one university semester. The findings of this provide some evidence to suggest that engaging in self‐reflection on attitudes and beliefs, along with developing practical skills for educating children of diverse abilities, may lead to more positive views of inclusive education. Furthermore, the importance of developing confidence in the ability to teach all children is highlighted through the student comments and responses to the ATIES and CIES.  相似文献   

Ever since the proclamation of the Salamanca Statement (1994) and the Dakar Framework for Action (2000), several countries across the globe have been improving their education systems making remarkable efforts towards inclusion. Furthermore, the Muscat Agreement (2014) proposes a global goal and targets for education post-2015. The goal envisages equitable inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030. This article inquires how Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous part of Tanzania along the East African coast, started to transform its education system in an attempt to make it inclusive. First, the commitment to and process towards Inclusive Education (IE) is described in the time frame of changes in education. Second, thematic analysis is conducted to examine the contextualisation and definition of the concept of IE, the introduction of relevant legislation, introduction of Inclusive and Learner Friendly Education Policy, and the support provided for teachers to implement IE practices in the classrooms. Finally, the IE development in Zanzibar is compared to similar processes in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in attitudes, teaching efficacy, and concerns about inclusive education in a sample of 2361 teachers in Hong Kong who took a professional learning course about inclusive education. Participants completed a questionnaire seeking demographic information and their perceptions about these three aspects of inclusive education both before and after their course. Items were selected from the Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education Scale Revised and Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices scales that were of relevance to the objectives of this study. The results indicate that in all three areas of acceptance, teaching efficacy, and concerns about inclusive education, positive improvements were made as a result of training, although generally this improvement was strongest in areas that teachers felt were under their direct control. The small amount of change in areas that teachers felt were not under their control may indicate that whatever change initiatives are put in place, they need to be holistic and systemic.  相似文献   

全纳教育——当代教育发展的方向、内涵和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全纳教育是当代教育重大发展趋势之一。从时代特征和文本释义的角度对产生这种趋势的必然性、全纳教育的内涵及特点进行分析是一种新的探索,其目的是通过这种探索获得有益于我国教育特别是特殊教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

Inclusive education in South Africa has not been promoted as simply one more option for education but as an educational strategy that can contribute to a democratic society. After the end of the Apartheid era the new democratic government committed itself to the transformation of education and key policy documents and legislation stress the principle of education as a basic human right as enshrined in the Constitution. White Paper 6: Special Needs Education, building an inclusive education and training system (2001) provides a framework for systemic change for the development of inclusive education. As a philosophy, the concept of inclusive education in the South African context embraces the democratic values of equality and human rights and the recognition of diversity. Research however indicates that multifaceted societal changes, encompassing educational reforms and contextual changes, including the management of diversity in schools, have had a negative impact on the implementation of inclusive education. After ten year of democracy, the enduring tension between changing the structure of education and changing the process of education is still influencing progress. Enhancing the recognition and acceptance of the basic rights of all South African children to be accommodated in inclusive school communities therefore remains a challenge.  相似文献   

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