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教育惩戒之问题表现为惩戒权责难辨,教师在该惩戒时不敢惩戒;惩戒尺度难以拿捏,惩戒方式难以选择;惩戒法规不清,教师在不该惩戒时滥用惩戒。分析其原因有:赏识教育理念落实中存在偏差;学生对惩戒存在认知偏差,心理应力较低;家长对惩戒的过度关注和过度解读以及网络媒体对教育惩戒施加的压力。解决路径:教育主管部门应"听取""研讨"到"完善",以法律法规为惩戒正名;教师要艺术惩戒,实现从"敢用""慎用"到"不用"的转变。  相似文献   

教育惩戒叙事是以不同方式对教育惩戒的解释性或说明性描述的故事或表现。叙事刺激群体产生无意识,无意识影响人类行为。教育惩戒叙事内在逻辑是,对家长群体的影响起决定作用,确定性使不当惩戒叙事影响力更大,最终影响教师惩戒行为的选择。惩戒与赏识、师道尊严与师生平等、育与罚等重要叙事影响着教育惩戒活动。  相似文献   

惩戒权是教师权益的重要组成部分,是维持教育教学活动秩序、保证教育教学活动正常开展的合法职权。受社会转型等各种因素的影响,我国教师权威走向式微,教师日渐变得被动地履行教书育人的职责。教师惩戒权的缺位或丧失首先源于人们对教师惩戒权与惩戒教育的认识偏差与失误。教师开展惩戒教育至少有以下几方面的学理基础,即惩戒教育是教师的一项基本教育权、是教师施教育人的一种手段、是落实社会规范的一种方式、是对人性复归与高扬的一种展现。因此,在廓清与明确教师惩戒权的学理基础与基本内涵前提下,学校、家长及社会应理解与支持教师合情、合理、合法地开展惩戒教育。  相似文献   

张宏炜 《林区教学》2020,(3):112-114
国家已明确要制定教育惩戒权的实施细则,这在法律方面为教师惩戒权提供了保障。但是,教师惩戒学生面临的困境来源于自身、家长及社会等多方面。解决教育惩戒的实施困境,离不开教师对教育惩戒的正确认识、家长和社会的监督与支持。  相似文献   

惩戒作为学校道德教育的辅助手段之一,具有不可小觑的教育价值.然而现实生活中,许多教师并未正确剖析和厘清惩戒的边界,存在惩戒观念偏失和惩戒行为失度等问题,使得教育惩戒一度陷入低谷当中.德性伦理学和政治伦理学中关于道德边界的观点与教育惩戒存在相契合之处,借助道德边界观,重新审思教育惩戒的实施现状和改进途径,对教育惩戒的理性实现可有所益利.  相似文献   

教育惩戒的本质是一种教育行为,具有育人属性和发展属性,其价值目标在于培育学生的规则意识。在学校教育教学管理与服务中,需要厘清教育惩戒的概念和学生规则意识的内涵,明晰教育惩戒视角下学生规则意识培育的立论基础,通过增强学生对规则的认同,鼓励家长参与规则制定,提升教师实施教育惩戒的实效等途径,切实培养学生的规则意识。  相似文献   

近年来,关于教师该不该被法律赋予惩戒权以及需要怎样的惩戒权成为社会讨论的热点。从名家理论、教育人类学等理论观点来看,教师惩戒权存在着价值诉求的可行性和必要性,在实施时要遵循教育性与规范性、公平性与差异性、确定性与艺术性等基本原则。尽管我国还存在将惩戒与体罚混为一谈、教师与家长认识不对等以及法律保障不够完善等问题,但通过完善法律、多元融合、重塑权威等方式能实现教师惩戒权的良性发展,走向生命自觉。  相似文献   

教师惩戒权是教师在教学过程中依法对具有过错行为的学生实施惩戒的职权.这项职权是维护良好的教学环境,促进学生的全面发展所必需的职权.然而在教学实践过程中,大多数教师存在因无法掌握清晰的惩戒边界而导致惩戒失当的情况,影响学生身心的健康发展.对此,教师应明确教育惩戒的边界,依法行使惩戒权,保护学生的合法权益,矫治学生的不当行为.文章从三重维度对教师惩戒边界进行分析,即教师行使惩戒权的前提、原则与程序.  相似文献   

班规班约规定教育惩戒措施在我国有独特的历史渊源和理论基础,是扎根中国大地办教育的重要经验。质疑班规班约规定教育惩戒措施合法性的论点,忽视了教育惩戒权规制的中国特色,在逻辑起点、法理分析和现实感知等方面存在误差。在实践中保障班规班约规定教育惩戒措施的合法性,应当严守班规班约规定教育惩戒措施的类别边界,落实教育惩戒的程序规定,提高教师实施教育惩戒的能力。  相似文献   

王海燕 《文教资料》2009,(26):137-138
惩戒教育与赏识教育,看似对立的两种教育行为在实施新课程的跑道上遭遇,一味地力挺赏识,而对惩戒的错误理解和不规范的操作,给一线教师带来很大的伤害.本文力求正确面对教育惩戒问题,在教育立法方面确立教育惩戒权,并思考如何用好惩戒权,让教育惩戒真正为育人服务.  相似文献   

教师教育惩戒不同于学校惩戒,通过对《关于深化教育教学改革全面提高义务教育质量的意见》的解读可以发现,其中所使用的“教师教育惩戒”一词与广义上包含了警告、退学等学校处分在内的惩戒概念不同,而是属于狭义上的惩戒概念。通过与日本中小学教育惩戒权中相关狭义惩戒内容的比较分析,研究者认为,当前我们的视野不应该仅仅局限在如何设定教师教育惩戒的方式与程序上,而是应该将学生失范行为当作一个更大的课题。教育惩戒的目的在于帮助学生遵守正确的校内规范并进一步养成健全的人格,其所要面对的不仅仅包括违反课堂纪律、不认真对待学业,更有可能包括但不限于校园欺凌、校园暴力等等,而后者的问题很难单纯地通过教师教育惩戒进行应对。应该允许教师在实施教育惩戒上具有一定的裁量权。如果认可教师教育惩戒包含一定物理有形力的行使,那么有必要在惩戒方式的客观必要性、相当性与实施主体的主观目的正当性上进行限定,根据事件的具体情境进行判断,防止惩戒过当变为体罚。  相似文献   

Despite the Bologna agreement implementation in 2008, teachers' education in Portugal has not changed significantly from earlier practice. The major modification in the requirements of master’s level teacher education programmes was the introduction of a strong component of educational research in a master’s degree; this is designed to replace an educational monograph in the typical 5-year ‘Licenciatura’. Both a professional one-year in-school pedagogical stage and a fifth year as a university student continue to be mandatory, as well as the stage co-supervision of the university and the school. However, existing government regulations imply that in the very near future the full professional education of teachers will have to be complemented with an in-service probation year conducted under the supervision of a school mentor. The current study has been designed to try to determine: (a) how the activities of the probation year should be organised in order to improve this stage of professional education; and (b) how probation years could be used to promote school–university partnerships that could provide for more effective in-service teacher education and/or possible shared educational action research. Drawing on the survey data from pre-service students from four different universities, novice teachers, stage supervisors and school principals, information was collected on the perceptions of the quality and scope of the professional education of future teachers from the beginning of their programmes through their pedagogical stage. A high degree of agreement among all the respondents enables us to point towards the perceived high quality of several components of the teacher education programmes, e.g, teachers’ ability to plan a lesson using different teaching strategies and the high value-accorded school–university collaborations. The results also show the weaknesses of other components, e.g, teachers’ skill with controlling badly behaved students and their ability to capture students’ attention and motivation. Based on these results and on our knowledge about the type of professional support needed to promote teaching practice, we conclude with a holistic plan designed for teachers’ professional education during the pre-service pedagogical stage and the in-service probation year.  相似文献   

法津规范的是人们的行为,学校、教师对学生不论是用肯定的教育方式还是用否定的教育方式进行管理都应符合法律规范。但在教育实践中,教师对学生进行管理时,往往因理解有误或使用方法不当而违反相关的教育法律。文章从教育法津关系讨论否定的教育方式“惩”,其意在于通过正确地把握教育法律关系中“惩”的实质,使学校、教师在运用教育之“惩”时,可以“惩”得合理、“惩”得合法,“惩”得收到预期的教育效果。  相似文献   

A look at corporal punishment and some implications of its use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author notes several legal, social, philosophical and educational attitudes common to Canada and the United States which have, for centuries, characterized the uses of corporal punishment with children. Specifically, corporal punishment is viewed as a technique for developing discipline within the school system. Inconsistencies in both Canada and the U.S. are noted regarding court decisions and their application in the classroom. Recent revisions to The Ontario Child Welfare Act are discussed in light of its implications for parents and teachers who physically punish their children or students. Research findings related to corporal punishment and their implications for schools are cited. Negative side-effects of administering punishment are also described. The evidence suggests that corporal punishment besides being an ineffective learning technique, is not the uncomplicated, quick solution many may think it. The author concludes by proposing that because of their important role in the lives of developing children and considering the resources devoted to teacher training, teachers should be held as legally accountable for their use of corporal punishment with children as parents are. As well, he indicates the need for (1) increased teacher training in the areas of child management, classroom management and interactional processes; (2) greater opportunity to devise creative problem-solving strategies; and (3) a re-ordering of priorities at universities, colleges and faculties of education which would benefit not only teachers, but ultimately their students.  相似文献   

对于未成年学生的教育惩戒问题,国内外教育学界早有关注。总体上经历了从绝对惩戒教育到“无批评式教育”再到强调惩戒合理性的演变过程。学界对教育惩戒的认识还存在一定的分歧。法学界学者一般将《教育法》《义务教育法》等教育法律法规中规定的学校“处分”学生的措施视为教育惩戒;而多数教育学界学者则将教育惩戒与纪律处分区分开来,教育惩戒强调教师惩戒学生的权利。在教育相关的立法层面上试图区分教育惩戒与纪律处分,并将二者结合使用,细化教育惩戒和纪律处分的具体措施,分梯次使用惩戒与处分,进一步规范中小学纪律处分措施,构建未成年人惩戒与处分等学校不良记录封存的制度。  相似文献   

新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突.为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强...  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper, conceptions of trainee teachers are defined, together with their importance for the process of teacher education. Many studies concerning teacher conceptions and models of teacher development show that the conceptions of instruction, knowledge, and teacher and learner roles are a key part of the teacher’s professional equipment. They affect his/her thinking, experiences and actions, and thus directly determine the quality of instruction and the teacher’s professional growth. The Slovene school system has been undergoing many changes in the past decade. The success of the reforms largely depends on the way teachers perceive knowledge and other basic educational categories. The purpose of the present study was to identify the conceptions of knowledge, teacher and learner roles held by the student teachers in primary education at the beginning of their professional training. Numerous categorizations of these conceptions were reviewed to form a four‐tiered hierarchic taxonomy of conception categories, ranging from teacher and content centred to learner and learning centred. The study shows that trainee teachers largely hold conceptions typical of the transmission model of education. The key question arising from this is how to shift the students’ conceptions towards a modern, cognitive‐constructivist model of education, which is an important basis for the didactic reform of the Slovene school system.  相似文献   

日本文部科学省为适应社会经济变革、以学生"生存能力"为培养目标的教育改革以及培养教育领域高层次专门人才的要求,在各大学设立了教师教育研究生院。其教师培养课程体系的基本框架包括两部分,即确定以实践能力为核心的教师教育培养目标和由必修课程、学科领域的选修课程及学校现场的教育实习构成的研究生层次的教师教育课程体系。其借鉴意义在于,研究生层次的教师教育应以培养"实践能力"为目标,应强化实践性、应用性课程内容。  相似文献   

教师运用惩戒权具有重要意义,但由于现实生活中人们把惩戒和体罚混为一谈,加之立法规定的不足,致使教师惩戒权处于混沌状态,影响了教育功能的正常发挥。事实上,惩戒和体罚有着本质区别。我们必须科学界定教师惩戒权,并对其进行正确运用。  相似文献   

This article investigates inclusive education practices in schools under the jurisdiction of Thai local government through a study of schools in Khon Kaen Municipality in Northeastern Thailand. Thailand’s 1997 Constitution and 1999 National Education Act both legislated that the educational system must become inclusive, and under these laws schools are required to admit all groups of children, including children with special educational needs (SEN). This study sheds light on the situation of inclusive education in schools with regard to administrators’ policy implementation, teachers’ practices, and parents’ perception of inclusive education management. The findings derive from a survey of 11 school administrators, 114 teachers, and 274 parents (of 137 regular and 137 students with SEN), together with six focus groups with administrators and teachers from six schools. The results demonstrate that most school leaders support inclusive classrooms, most teachers are willing to work with SEN students, and parents of regular students accept the concept of inclusion. Actual practices of inclusive education vary, however, depending upon the perception of administrators and the will of the teachers to implement inclusive education. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the policy of the municipality may have resulted in the development of inclusive practices in schools under its jurisdiction.  相似文献   

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