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Variability analysis has been used to understand how competitive constraints shape different behaviours in team sports. In this study, we analysed and compared variability of tactical performance indices in players within complex I at two different competitive levels in volleyball. We also examined whether variability was influenced by set type and period. Eight matches from the 2012 Olympics competition and from the Portuguese national league in the 2014–2015 season were analysed (1496 rallies). Variability of setting conditions, attack zone, attack tempo and block opposition was assessed using Shannon entropy measures. Magnitude-based inferences were used to analyse the practical significance of compared values of selected variables. Results showed differences between elite and national teams for all variables, which were co-adapted to the competitive constraints of set type and set periods. Elite teams exploited system stability in setting conditions and block opposition, but greater unpredictability in zone and tempo of attack. These findings suggest that uncertainty in attacking actions was a key factor that could only be achieved with greater performance stability in other game actions. Data suggested how coaches could help setters develop the capacity to play at faster tempos, diversifying attack zones, especially at critical moments in competition.  相似文献   

翟红哲 《安徽体育科技》2000,21(1):44-45,66
对新赛制排球比赛的影响进行探讨,提出新赛制的实施有利于排球运动的发展,只有不断提高和改进种种上技、战术、训练手段,才能适应新赛制的需要。  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to analyse game interruptions of league soccer in detail and the tactical use of game interruptions. Sixteen matches of a German first league soccer team were observed. An observational system was designed to assess interruption types, score, duration of interruption, location of interruption, time of interruption and number of occurrences. Results showed that there is an average of 108 interruptions per match. Throw-ins (40) and free kicks (33) were most frequent. Goal kicks (17), corner kicks (10), substitutions (4), and kick offs (3) occurred less often. Drop balls, penalties, and injuries occurred least often. For 38% of the total match time observed, matches were halted. The mean duration of running and interrupted match parts were 32.1 s and 18.7 s, respectively. The analysis showed significant differences concerning the influence of the location of interruption, score, and time of interruption on the duration of different interruption types (P < 0.05). The results of the study showed the tactical use of game interruptions during league soccer matches, e.g. goal kicks of the leading team take longer towards the end of the match. Examining game interruptions has turned out to be a valuable source of information adding to our knowledge of soccer. We have shown evidence that the durations of many interruptions serve tactical purposes, a well-known hypothesis in practice.  相似文献   

现代排球比赛水平越来越高,竞赛更为激烈,而最终比赛取胜主要靠思维,其次靠体力。由此可见,对排球意识的研究一直受到排球界格外重视,而对战术意识的研究尤为突出。本文对排球进攻战术意识与防守战术意识进行了较为详细的分析与探讨,并提出了培养与提高战术意识的方法与途径,供广大教练员与运动员参考。  相似文献   

排球比赛中球队得分结构对其成绩排名有重要意义和作用。综合运用资料调研、数据统计、相关性分析等方法对世界女排强队比赛(以2009年、2010年世界女排大奖赛决赛为例)得分结构与球队成绩排名的相关性进行分析研究。通过计算皮尔森相关系数表明:球队比赛排名与球队拦网得分、拦网平均每局效率显著相关且正相关,与扣球平均每局成功率相关性较大,与发球及发球平均每局得分相关性并不显著。对于此规律的认识对排球训练有重要参考意义。  相似文献   


The objectives of the study were to analyse game interruptions of league soccer in detail and the tactical use of game interruptions. Sixteen matches of a German first league soccer team were observed. An observational system was designed to assess interruption types, score, duration of interruption, location of interruption, time of interruption and number of occurrences. Results showed that there is an average of 108 interruptions per match. Throw-ins (40) and free kicks (33) were most frequent. Goal kicks (17), corner kicks (10), substitutions (4), and kick offs (3) occurred less often. Drop balls, penalties, and injuries occurred least often. For 38% of the total match time observed, matches were halted. The mean duration of running and interrupted match parts were 32.1 s and 18.7 s, respectively. The analysis showed significant differences concerning the influence of the location of interruption, score, and time of interruption on the duration of different interruption types (P < 0.05). The results of the study showed the tactical use of game interruptions during league soccer matches, e.g. goal kicks of the leading team take longer towards the end of the match. Examining game interruptions has turned out to be a valuable source of information adding to our knowledge of soccer. We have shown evidence that the durations of many interruptions serve tactical purposes, a well-known hypothesis in practice.  相似文献   

运用录像观察法和文献资料法等研究方法,对中国女排在北京奥运会与巴西、俄罗斯、美国、古巴女排比赛中的技术链运用情况进行分析,结果发现:在获胜局中中国女排的一攻得分率和反攻得分率都高于对手,而在输局中均低于对手;中国女排无论两点攻或是三点攻时进攻技术链条数都偏少。中国女排个人技术影响整队进攻技术链的数量,进而影响比赛的结果。  相似文献   

现代男子排球比赛中发球的意义、技术效果和战术运用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用文献资料法、调查访问法,以2000-2001年“步步高”怀男排比赛前6名队伍的40场比赛为研究对象,对发球对男排比赛胜负的影响、发球的技术效果、战术运用进行了研究。结论:(1)“每球得分制”情况下,发球既可能得分也可能失分,并在比赛的各个阶段都存在着战术性;(2)“每球得分制”使发球在比赛中的战术作用明显提高,因此应该将发球融合到本队整体战术中去考虑;(3)大力跳发球将是今后男排比赛中发球的主要技术,它对破坏对方的一攻起到了明显的扼制作用,并能直接得分。但也存在着失误率较高的问题,如何提高其技术的稳定性,将是以后发球研究面临的一个课题。  相似文献   

In team sports, tactical periodisation refers to the planned manipulation of training loads with the aim of prioritising athlete readiness for matches of greatest importance. Although monitoring of athletes’ physical condition is often used to inform this planning, the direct influence of external factors on match difficulty has not been well quantified. In this study, a ‘match difficulty index’ (MDI) for use in Super Rugby was developed, based on the influence imparted by five external factors on previous match outcomes. Specifically, information relating to match location, days break between matches, time-zone change and opposition ladder position (both current and previous year) were collected for matches played during the 2011–2013 Super Rugby seasons. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess the importance of each of these factors with respect to match outcome (win/loss), with opposition ladder position and match location (home, domestic away or international) exerting the greatest influence on match difficulty. Three separate cross-validated models were constructed, with match outcome classification performance reported as 66.2%, 65.5% and 63.7% respectively. The three MDI models emanating from this study can each be used to inform tactical periodisation program design both prior to and during the regular season.  相似文献   

运用数理统计、逐步回归分析、u检验等方法对2002—2005赛季全国女排甲A联赛总决赛天津队与八一队的全部4场16局比赛进行录像统计,比较双方的攻防效果与特点,并分析在这3次争夺冠军的决赛中天津队三连冠的制胜原因。经分析得出,天津队的接发球到位率、防反中的后排防起能攻率和胜局的反击质量要优于八一队;一攻扣球中天津队以打战术攻为主,八一队则以强攻为主;防反扣球中双方均以强攻为主;出色的防反能力是天津队三连冠的根本原因。  相似文献   

中学生男子软、硬排球赛比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
软、硬排球赛相比,排球基本技术战术通用,运动量没有显著差别,攻防来回争夺;软排每分触球数显著高于硬排,比赛较为流畅,且更具观赏性和激烈的竞争性,但比赛胜负结局仍缺少偶然性与悬念感,与硬排相比强弱队排名格局基本照旧。  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to establish which indicators of mobility are associated with successful wheelchair rugby performance and determine whether these indicators differed across classification. Data were collected from 11 international teams during 30 matches (353 match observations) using a radio-frequency-based, indoor tracking system across two tournaments. Players (n = 111) were first grouped by team rank as determined by their International Wheelchair Rugby Federation (IWRF) world ranking (LOW, MID, HIGH) and then into one of four groups based on their IWRF classification: Group I (0.5), Group II (1.0–1.5), Group III (2.0–2.5) and Group IV (3.0–3.5). The volume of activity (relative distance and mean speed), peak speed and time spent within classification-specific arbitrary speed zones were calculated for each individual. Although no differences were identified in the volume of activity, playing time was significantly reduced in LOW (34:51 ± 8:35) compared to MID (48:54 ± 0:51) and HIGH (45:38 ± 9:53), which was further supported by the greater number of substitutions performed by LOW. HIGH achieved greater peak speeds (3.55 ± 0.40 m · sˉ1) than LOW (3.27 ± 0.42 m · sˉ1) and MID (3.45 ± 0.41 m · sˉ1). Peak speed was further shown to be classification-dependent (P ≤ 0.005), whereby HIGH Groups III and IV players achieved greater peak speeds than LOW and MID. The time spent performing high-intensity activities was also greater in HIGH compared to LOW and MID, whilst further influenced by classification (P ≤ 0.0005). To conclude, peak speed and the ability to perform a greater number of high-intensity activities were associated with successful performance in wheelchair rugby.  相似文献   

2013年世界女排大奖赛总决赛中、巴之战是2008年以来,中国女排第13次落败于巴西队,为什么总是遇巴而败,为什么一传到位率在举国体制下的中国仍旧成为战败的主要问题;为什么面对欧美高大进攻队员仍旧势单力薄,单人拦网率居高不下;为什么丰富全面的战术预案下,调整球永远是公诸于众的四号位强攻,通过比赛录像的分析统计,运用文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析等方法,探秘中、巴怪圈,欲透过表象探析问题的本质,从根本上寻求切实有效的方式方法。作者认为,不论是差距的寻找,还是问题的解决,都需要从事物的根本性质进行分析,需要对主体内因进行剖析。排球运动的项目属性及根本特征才是决定战术打法、训练理念及比赛宗旨的根本,而主体的培养体制、训练环境,以及认知理念才是比赛结果的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过对2011年世界杯中国女子排球队与德、意、美、日4国女子排球队比赛中后攻技、战术应用优劣势比较,分析中国女子排球队在比赛中后攻技、战术应用现状。运用电视直播、录像回放和数据统计等方法,找出中国女子排球队后攻技、战术应用的优势和不足。以和合理论为依据,从克服组织惯性等社会心理学的视角提出了中国女子排球队伦敦奥运会参赛策略。结论:中、外女子排球队后攻技术应用差距明显,战术实施主要在6号位和1号位,后攻成功率高;群体情感效应受比赛分值影响大,和合创新能力较弱。大胆创新,独辟蹊径,发挥个体优势,形成共生效应等和合效应训练,克服组织惯性,扩展5号位的战术实施,是中国女子排球队后攻技、战术整合的有效策略。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002--2003 and 2003--2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of "set-pieces", were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   

主要采用录像法、文献资料法等,通过对2006年世界女排精英赛宁波赛区比赛的录像进行统计,分析各队在一攻中不同位置采取的进攻形式、扣球落点及效果,并找出了中国女排在一攻技战术上的优势和不足,以期为中国女排今后的训练和比赛提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

现代排球比赛中,各队的战术进攻都非常犀利,后排防守造成了很大的压力,为了使排球比赛的攻守更加平衡,本文对后排双手前臂挡球技术进行技术分析,为排球训练和比赛提供参考依据。  相似文献   

每球得分制新规则对男排比赛得分规律影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1998年“春泉王杯”男排锦标赛28场比赛的现场观摩、临场统计和专家访谈,发现新规则对训练比赛的指导思想产生了重大影响,在比赛中得分手段的排列顺序为:一攻、防反、对失、拦网和发球。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of “set-pieces”, were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   

通过现场拍摄世界女排大奖赛总决赛的15场比赛,对中国女排的各轮次战术进攻特点就行了研究,揭示了中国女排各轮次进攻打法和战术特点.结果表明:中国女排主要进攻战术特点是以2、3号位快速、多变进攻为主,结合4号位拉开进攻的高快结合进攻打法.中国女排强轮是第一轮,第一、二、六轮次主要是以薛明的3号位近体快、短平快为掩护,结合王一梅的拉开进攻打法为主;第三、四、五轮次主要以马蕴雯2号位的单脚背飞、背快为掩护,结合4号位的拉开进攻和后排进攻.4号位强攻、背飞、近体快是中国女排得分的主要手段.  相似文献   

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