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主体教育是针对我国教育中存在的忽视学生主体地位的弊端而提出的,其要义是培养学生的主体性。它科学地阐述了教学中的主体与客体、主动与受动的关系,其对立面是“客体教育”和“被动学习”。回顾我的语文教学,我深深体会到:教师应是启发学生思维的引导者,学生是学习的真正主人。在教学中注意启发学生自己去领悟,培养学生良好的创新思维能力,要精心设计足以启发学生思考的问题,创设有利于创新思维的环境和条件,  相似文献   

教学审美价值的本体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学审美价值是指在教学活动中,教学主体与满足教学主体审美需要的教学客体的属性之间的关系,隶属于教学价值的范畴。它具有的特征是,主体间性、多元性、体验性、自由性。澄清教学审美价值的本质特征,不仅有利于消除对教学审美的种种误解,而且有利于教学改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

在教学中教师与学生之间的关系具有现象学的主体间性的特征,这种主体间性是当代哲学消解一元主体,用对话和交往取代主体中心论。此观点恰恰与新课程的理念不谋而合。在课堂教学中,渗透着现象学的相关理念并运用中医中的望、闻、问、切的模式探索其本身的教学,有利于促进教学的实效性。  相似文献   

教学价值指在一定的社会历史条件下、在具体的教学环境中,教学主体与满足教学主体某种需要的教学客体属性之间的一种关系,这种关系的形成必须依赖于教学主体的实践活动。教师教学价值的实现体现了人的价值,促进了教师专业发展,有利于课程改革的推进;其实现的途径是:树立人本主义的教师观、发展性的学生观、自为的专业发展、适度改革的课堂教学。  相似文献   

论作为教学精神的教学对话   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学对话不单是一种教学方法、教学关系和教学认知方式,而是一种教学精神。其典型特征是共享智识、促进理解和创生意义。其表现形态有三:教学主体与课程文本的对话、教学主体与教学主体的对话以及教学主体的自我对话。  相似文献   

“结合式教学”模式下的教学有利于教师主导作用和学生主体作用的发挥,把“以教为主”的教学设计和“以学为主”的教学设计有机结合起来,将课堂教学与网络教学的优势相互融合,使教学主体与学习主体的交互关系得到充分体现。  相似文献   

教育部组织实施的本科教学水平评估,是一次具有浓厚行政色彩的评估。其虽具备适应形势发展的合理性,但也存在着不适应我国高等教育发展规律的因素。因而,本科教学水平评估引发的思考关键在于,应当根据高等教育发展的规律来处理政府参与、扩大代表性及取消行政利益关系等;同时分析探讨了以人大及其相关专门委员会代替教育行政部门作为本科教学水平评估主体的可行性与可能性,并认为人大及其专门委员会作为本科教学水平评估的主体将更有利于我国本科教学水平评估的发展。  相似文献   

教学对话不单是一种教学方法、教学关系和教学认知方式,而是一种教学精神.其典型特征是共享智识、促进理解和创生意义.其表现形态有三:教学主体与课程文本的对话、教学主体与教学主体的对话以及教学主体的自我对话.  相似文献   

复习课在整个初中数学教学中占有重要地位,它是帮助初中生重新认识所学知识的过程,有利于学生构建知识体系。针对初中数学复习教学中存在的惯用题海战术、无法充分体现学生主体性、学生参与两极分化严重等突出问题,提出诸如精心设计复习教学方案、重视学生主体地位、处理好知识与解题技巧关系等改进策略,以期进一步提高初中数学复习课的教学实效。  相似文献   

论教学文化研究现状及其存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学文化是教学的精神引领,是教学的环境塑造,是教学的制度规约,是教学的灵魂与核心。因此,探析国内外教学文化研究的现状及其存在的问题,有利于教学文化研究健康持续地发展,也有利于教学主体改进教学实践,建构完美的教学生活。  相似文献   

论教学存在的整体分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学是一种人为的和历史性的存在,实体、活动,关系及过程等作为有效分析教学存在的基本维度,共同构成了教学存在的整体分析框架和基本表征方式,透过对教学存在的系统结构所进行的静脉分析,以及对随着时代和社会文化历史变迁而发生的形态嬗变所进行的历时性考察,有可能合理地把握教学存在的整体意蕴,一般取向和历史特征。  相似文献   

教学生活:建构有灵魂的科学世界   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教学世界原本脱胎于生活世界,教学原本是生活的一部分,在片面追求知识与理性、真理与标准、分数与效率等外在目标的过程中,教学悄悄地异化为科学世界的一部分。因此,理性对待“教学回归生活”的口号,反思和清理科学世界、教学世界和生活世界之间的关系,在教学的科学世界中融入关爱人、发展人的教育灵魂,并在此基础上建构教学生活,是教学发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

“互联网+”背景下,以互联互通、资源共享、多元交流等为显著技术特征的教学存在新形态正在逐渐形成。相应地,教学价值革新与机制重建、教学思维方式的适应性转换等,构成教学理论与实践所面临的新的问题领域,新的问题与挑战则呼唤新的教学意识的引领与支撑。鉴于此,需要在诸如学习即联结、教学关系优先等方面,建立起新型教学思维和新的学理视域。  相似文献   

博约问题存在于教育领域的方方面面,对"博""约"的具体内涵、属性特征的当代理解及整体把握,有着理论与实践多方面的意义。在生成论教学哲学视域下,教学中的"博"具有普遍性、无限性、开放性,"约"具有特殊性、有限性、聚焦性。两者互动互应、螺旋交感,共同影响着教学的存在、运演及其效果。  相似文献   

历来关于教学美的研究离不开教学艺术、教学审美等视角,却相对缺乏从教学理论出发的研究。教学美是教学的某种特殊状态,探寻教学美的本质应该从教学的本质出发。以生成论教学哲学为理论基础,可以析出教学美有别于其他美的独特意蕴。教学美是教学达到自由阶段的特殊状态,是教学合规律性、合目的性与教学自由三者合一的独特状态。  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper describes how higher order political and educational conditions unintentionally emphasize the teaching-learning practice in a specific subject (eg. a first year chemistry course at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark). It is pointed out that the budgetary market economy model for financing higher education institutions that is currently used, the admission procedures and specific entrance requirements to that university, in addition to the chosen curriculum structure combine to single out the chemistry course as a gate-keeper governing the enrolment to that university. A high failure rate in this course was defined more as a teaching-learning problem rather than as a consequence of the higher order educational planning.  相似文献   

AN EXPLORATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL RESILIENCE OF TEACHING STAFF – This study focuses on the degree of resilience displayed by teaching staff with the aim of promoting their professional development and preventing job-related exhaustion. Seven underprivileged schools in Montreal were selected, and 24 teaching staff with contrasting personal profiles were interviewed on the subject of their work. The Alceste software was used to analyse the conversations, which revolved around techniques applied when dealing with critical incidents. The main analysis identified five different discourses among the respondents. Three of these were associated with the more resilient of the teachers and two were associated with the more vulnerable ones. Resilient teaching staff characteristically discussed dealing with aggressive behaviour, the teaching-learning relationship and the subject of social relationships, whereas vulnerable teaching staff focused on work beyond the classroom, people in positions of higher authority and the community. The authors note that teachers who are just embarking on their careers appear more vulnerable than more experienced teaching staff, which suggests that more resources should be provided to support teachers in their profession.  相似文献   


Although Web 2.0 has changed students’ roles, placing them at the centre of the teaching-learning process, attitudes towards Web 2.0 have been observed to have a relation with its use in a formal academic context. An instrument was applied to higher education students in Mexico to explore their perceptions by collecting information on students’ attitudes, training and use of Web 2.0, and its impact on higher education. The findings showed that training in Web 2.0 determines use of it, as well as the attitudes towards it and the possible impact these can have on teaching-learning processes. No differences were found regarding participants’ gender in relation to their perceptions of the use of Web 2.0 as a learning environment.  相似文献   

研究性学习课程设计性质中的教师专业发展取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习的课程设计在目标、内容与组织、评价、资源和教学过程方面具有与学科课程不同的性质。在知识技能取向、自我理解取向和生态改变取向以及三种取向的结合下,教师专业应有不同的发展,以应对研究性学习对教师形成的挑战。  相似文献   

AN EXPLORATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL RESILIENCE OF TEACHING STAFF – This study focuses on the degree of resilience displayed by teaching staff with the aim of promoting their professional development and preventing job-related exhaustion. Seven underprivileged schools in Montreal were selected, and 24 teaching staff with contrasting personal profiles were interviewed on the subject of their work. The Alceste software was used to analyse the conversations, which revolved around techniques applied when dealing with critical incidents. The main analysis identified five different discourses among the respondents. Three of these were associated with the more resilient of the teachers and two were associated with the more vulnerable ones. Resilient teaching staff characteristically discussed dealing with aggressive behaviour, the teaching-learning relationship and the subject of social relationships, whereas vulnerable teaching staff focused on work beyond the classroom, people in positions of higher authority and the community. The authors note that teachers who are just embarking on their careers appear more vulnerable than more experienced teaching staff, which suggests that more resources should be provided to support teachers in their profession.  相似文献   

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