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A professional learning program for teachers of junior secondary mathematics regarding the content and pedagogy of senior secondary mathematics is the context for this study of teachers’ mathematical and pedagogical knowledge. The analysis of teachers’ reflections on their learning explored teachers’ understanding of mathematical connections and their appreciation of mathematical structure. The findings indicate that a professional learning program about senior secondary mathematics can enable practicing teachers to deepen and broaden their knowledge for teaching junior secondary mathematics and develop their practice to support their students’ present and future learning of mathematics. Further research is needed about professional learning approaches and tasks that may enable teachers to imbed and develop awareness of structure in their practice.  相似文献   

《初中数学课程标准(2011版)》指出,数学课程能使学生掌握必备的基础知识和基本技能,培养学生的抽象思维和推理能力,培养学生的创新意识和实践能力数学的发散性思维能力是"问题解决"的基础,是培养数学推理能力和创新意识前提要求。数学发散性思维作为用学科自身的品质陶冶人、启迪人、充实人。"问题解决"是人的高级数学思维。高级思维的学习,可以使学生充分享受思维的快乐,可以让思维自由飞翔。本文就初中数学发散思维的培养谈几点体会,通过创设问题情景、设置开放性试题、发挥学科优势等教学策略,着力培养初中学生的数学发散性思维能力,实现有效教学。  相似文献   

陶文中 《教育研究》2006,27(3):77-82
采用问卷法、访谈法、测验法及资料分析法等方法对北京市小学一年级至四年级和初中一年级课程改革实验进行监控与评价,结果表明:四年来,北京市基础教育国家课程改革实验的成绩主要表现为国家课程计划和目标总体上得到落实,教师教学观念和教学行为发生了显著变化,学生语文基础知识和技能掌握较好,小学生数学计算技能依然保持优势;存在的主要问题是教学任务过重与计划课时不足的矛盾依然存在,学习方式存在认识误区与实践偏差,学生阅读能力普遍较低,初中一年级学生数学基础知识和技能掌握还存在较大差距,学生基础学科学习过早两极分化,教学质量评价改革滞后于教学改革,教师培训工作落后于课程改革发展的需要。  相似文献   

吴新锋 《天津教育》2021,(3):120-121
我国新课改明确指出,当前面向初中生的教育应以提高他们的综合素质为主,在教学中教师除了应重视知识教学内容,还要不断创新教学方法,提高学生的自主学习能力,培养学生对学科内容的兴趣,做到学以致用。所以,全面提高初中学生的素养已经成为我国教学的未来发展方向,我国的初中教育工作者应利用科学的手段完善教学方式。在初中阶段数学教学中应用体验式教学法,能有效培养学生学习能力,符合初中阶段学生的心理特点以及我国新课改的相关要求。  相似文献   

AI教师与真人教师联袂执教的双师课堂课程开发已成为重要课题。从缘起、主题与方法三个层面进行考察发现,当前国内外双师课堂课程开发活动,主要聚焦于“AI教师的选用与开发”“双师课堂课程开发”和“双师课堂课程开发的学习效应”三大主题。文章创新性地采纳超学科哲学范式,采取整体主义行动研究方法论,采用融通性混合方法,结合逻辑分析、技术建模、行动研究、量化方法和质性深描技术等,系统地探索与建构AI教师的选用模型、AI教师开发的关键技术、双师课堂深度学习模型、双师课堂课程开发整体模式、AI整合性课目学习知识研究方式、双师课堂课程开发促进深度学习的效应以及双师课堂课程开发促进深度学习的内在机理,以期为双师课堂课程的适切开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

In order to promote scientific inquiry in secondary schooling in Taiwan, the study developed a computer-based inquiry curriculum (including structured and guided inquiry units) and investigated how the curriculum influenced students’ science learning. The curriculum was implemented in 5 junior secondary schools in the context of a weeklong summer science course with 117 students. We first used a multi-level assessment approach to evaluate the students’ learning outcomes with the curriculum. Then, a path analysis approach was adopted for investigating at different assessment levels how the curriculum as a whole and how different types of inquiry units affected the students’ development of conceptual understandings and inquiry abilities. The results showed that the curriculum was effective in enhancing the students’ conceptual knowledge and inquiry abilities in the contexts of the six scientific topics. After the curriculum, they were able to construct interconnected scientific knowledge. The path diagrams suggested that, due to different instructional designs, the structured and guided inquiry units appeared to support the students’ learning of the topics in different ways. More importantly, they demonstrated graphically how the learning of content knowledge and inquiry ability mutually influenced one another and were reciprocally developed in a computer-based inquiry learning environment.  相似文献   

In this study we created, implemented, and evaluated the impact of proportional reasoning authentic investigative tasks on the mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge and attitudes of pre-service elementary and middle school mathematics teachers. For this purpose, a special teaching model was developed, implemented, and tested as part of the pre-service mathematics teacher education programs conducted in Israeli teacher colleges. The conclusion of the study is that application of the model, through which the pre-service teachers gain experience of and are exposed to authentic investigative proportional reasoning tasks with incorporation of theory (reading and analyzing relevant research reports) and practice, leads to a significant positive change in the pre-service teachers’ mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge. In addition, improvement occurred in their attitudes and beliefs towards learning and teaching mathematics in general, and ratio and proportion in particular.  相似文献   

This paper examines a problem described as widespread and long-standing in mathematics education: supporting pupils into multiplicative reasoning, a form of reasoning that has been noted as central to large tracts of secondary mathematics and beyond. Also noted, however, is a persistent perception of multiplicative situations only in terms of repeated addition – a perception held not only primary pupils, but also among primary teachers and curriculum developers. The focus of this paper is to synthesize literature on multiplicative reasoning as a conceptual field together with a sociocultural discussion of the role of mediating artifacts in the development of this conceptual field. Bringing MR into the primary classroom can then be achieved, I propose, through a pedagogy oriented toward model-eliciting and teacher appropriation of pupils’ models as pedagogic tools with the subsequent re-appropriation of refined models by pupils. This pedagogy is illustrated through the analysis of two vignettes from a teaching experiment which demonstrate the beginnings of MR as an emergent conceptual field in the classroom. The paper concludes that it is possible to move primary teaching and learning toward understanding the functional aspects of multiplicative reasoning, but that any such moves requires attention to teachers’ pedagogic and content knowledge.  相似文献   

The mathematics classroom in Beijing,Hong Kong and London   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports a classroom observation study which intends to characterise the instructional practices in junior secondary mathematics classrooms in Beijing, Hong Kong and London, focusing on the different cultural beliefs pertaining to mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning between the Chinese and Western cultures. The results show that there are striking differences in classroom practices between the three places, and the differences seem to be related to the differences in attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. The findings point to the potential of the cultural perspective in interpreting results of comparative curriculum studies.  相似文献   

Mathematics teacher education aims to improve teachers’ use of mathematical knowledge to support teaching and learning, an aspect of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). In this study, we interviewed teachers to understand how they used mathematics to make sense of student solutions to proportional reasoning problems. The larger purpose was to find accurate ways of categorizing teachers’ ability to do this vital aspect of teaching and thereby to inform assessment, teacher education, and professional development. We conjectured that teachers’ PCK for proportional reasoning could be reliably described in terms of attention to quantitative meanings in story problem contexts and in terms of understanding naïve forms of proportional reasoning. Instead, our findings reveal that individual teachers used a variety of means to make sense of (1) cognitively similar student solutions to different tasks and (2) mathematically related steps of a student solution within a single task. These findings illustrate the complexity of PCK for the topic of proportional reasoning and suggest the limits of what can be inferred about teacher knowledge from teachers’ evaluations of student solutions. We discuss implications for teacher education and assessment.  相似文献   

初中学生的知识结构、认知特点、年龄特征决定其在数学学习过程中有自身的发展规律和模式。初中数学教学要有效地促进学生数学学习,就必须在充分分析影响学生数学学习的各种因素的基础上,针对学生数学学习业绩具有影响力的本质因素进行教学。学生学习数学知识的认知心理特征和由不同性质的学习内容所决定的不同学习方式,是影响学生的数学学习最本质的因素。文章就初中学生的认知心理和知识结构两方面,对初中学生的数学学习过程进行分析。  相似文献   

Educative curricula, curriculum materials that intentionally foster teacher professional development, can serve as a site for teacher learning through their use in daily instructional practices. The present article introduces a framework, Teacher Learning Opportunities in Mathematics Curriculum Materials (TLO-Math), for designing and evaluating mathematics curriculum materials’ educative features according to seven theoretically based variables: (1) mathematics content knowledge for teaching, (2) teacher knowledge of student thinking in mathematics, (3) teacher knowledge of disciplinary discourse in mathematics, (4) teacher knowledge of assessment in mathematics, (5) teacher knowledge of differentiated instruction in mathematics, (6) teacher knowledge of technology use in mathematics, and (7) teacher knowledge of mathematical community. Each variable is illustrated with a definition, guiding questions, discipline-specific literature, and examples from two sets of elementary mathematics curriculum materials. The development of the TLO-Math framework is a critical first step for further study of the use of mathematics curriculum materials as sites for teacher learning.  相似文献   

几何证明在本质上是一种方法论,学生学习欧氏几何、经过这种论证方法的训练是很有益处的。数学教学必须尊重学生身心发展的规律,有关逻辑推理的数学教学不能出现得太早。小学阶段主要是认同;初中阶段可以逐渐建立概念以及在此基础上的逻辑推理,但必须有物理背景;到了高中,才可以逐步渗透形式化的概念以及在此基础上的逻辑推理。过分强调演绎逻辑的数学教学,是不利于创新人才培养的。归纳推理有利于发现新的命题,是培养创新型人才所必需的。  相似文献   

运用文本分析法,发现特级教师在深刻理解数学的基础上形成了文化取向的学科知识;课程的知识体现了数学知识的发生发展和结构特点,并考虑了学生的认知特点;学情的知识切合了学生心理发展的特点,并能以具体内容为载体推动学生心理的发展;教学的知识拟合了做数学的过程。提高教师的学科素养能促进教师对教学理论、课程编排及学生认知心理的认识;充分考察认知的文化性,也能促进教师对上述三者的认识,从而有效地发展学科教学知识。  相似文献   

李艳 《天津教育》2021,(9):112-113
随着新课改的推进,在初中数学教学中,教师要采用先进的教学理念及方法去培养学生,激发学生学习主动性,以此促进他们得到发展。本文将详细阐述学习主动性的内涵、如何运用数学特性激发学生学习兴趣以及新课改下初中数学教学中培养学生学习主动性的措施。  相似文献   

解析几何里蕴涵着丰富的数学思想方法,其为数学思想方法的教学提供了一个很好的知识平台。师专数学专业主干课程《解析几何》中的数学思想方法可按核心数学思想方法和一般数学思想方法来划分。  相似文献   

当前很多初中生都认为数学是初中学科中最难学的,无论是学习效果还是学习成绩都不太理想。对此,学校和家庭要联合起来,寻找可能阻碍初中数学授课成效的相关原因。笔者在总结以往的课堂经验和教学效果的过程中,发现在课堂上应用数形结合的教学思想时,教学效果是最佳的。将数形结合与初中数学教材知识点相结合,能够降低知识点的难度。对此,笔者经过研究分析,简述了在初中数学课堂中使用数形结合法的好处,并根据初中数学中的重难点,对数形结合法在数学教学中的科学应用展开了论述。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate progress in reasoning capacity and knowledge base appraisal in a longitudinal analysis of data from summative evaluation throughout a medical problem-based learning curriculum. The scores in multidisciplinary discussion of a clinical case and multiple choice questionnaires (MCQs) were studied longitudinally for 213 students from years 2 to 5. The capacity of core knowledge delimitation was calculated as the difference between the levels of average ascertainment degrees given for correct and incorrect answers at MCQ. For both multidisciplinary discussion of a clinical case evaluation and self-estimation of core knowledge, the capacity increases throughout the curriculum. The reasoning capacity assessed through multidisciplinary discussion of a clinical case is positively correlated with MCQ scores and the capacity to discriminate the mastered core knowledge. In conclusion, this study indicates that self-estimation of core knowledge is associated with an increase in reasoning performance through a well-organised knowledge base. Since that ability is related to success or failure, it is suggested that student awareness about delimitation of mastered core knowledge is considered as part of learning.  相似文献   

在新课改向纵深发展的过程中,初中数学课堂教学暴露出了很多不足,如数学教师缺乏对学习技巧的指导,学生盲目地学习;教师通过题海战术来提高学生的运算能力,学生学习兴趣不高。因此,精讲精练受到越来越多教师的关注,成为当前初中数学教师广泛使用的教学方式。教师应该遵循学生的个性特点和认知规律,注重对学生数学思维的培养,将精讲精练落到实处,摆脱“高投入,低产出”的局面。  相似文献   

深度教学是一种全新的教学方法,其立足于学生长远发展,要求教师运用科学有效的教学方法,带领学生探索知识深处。在实际教学过程中,教师要更新教学理念、创新教学方法,让学生从数学学习中获得快乐。教师要深入提问、反复追问、促成反思,使学生的数学思维走向深层次。教师要深入浅出、由浅入深地引导学生探索数学知识的奥秘。文章从教学目标、教学导向、教学策略、教学原则等方面对初中数学深度教学的“深”进行分析和论述。  相似文献   

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