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随着我国体育事业的发展,体育越来越呈现出社会化、商业化和国际化等特征。体育蕴含着巨大的社会利益和经济利益,各方在利益的追逐与分配过程中,不可避免地导致体育纠纷的发生,错综复杂的体育纠纷已经严重制约了我国体育事业的发展。就目前我国体育纠纷解决机制建设看,单一的纠纷解决方式已经难以应对,当务之急是引入ADR机制,才能及时有效地解决体育纠纷。以我国社会转型时期为背景,从体育纠纷实发案例出发,探讨社会转型对我国体育事业的影响以及对体育纠纷解决机制带来的挑战,在结合ADR机制的特点和功能,并借鉴相关体育纠纷解决机制与发达国家应用ADR机制经验的基础上,提出完善我国体育纠纷解决机制的几点建议。  相似文献   

随着经济建设的深入发展,我国的体育事业也长足的进步,在体育发展的过程中难免产生体育纠纷。体育纠纷,是指在体育活动中以及解决与体育相关的各种事务中,各种体育活动主体之间发生的,以体育权利义务为内容的社会纠纷。体育纠纷从法律性质来分,分为体育民事纠纷、体育行政纠纷、  相似文献   

随着社会与经济的发展,我国的体育事业迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战,从而也加剧了各种体育赛事纠纷与争端的出现。相比于司法诉讼等体育纠纷解决方式,体育仲裁制度无论在仲裁程序、范围和效力上都更具有优越性和独特性。以体育仲裁制度为研究对象,对我国体育仲裁制度的系统化、程序化和法制化建设作了理论上的辨析,对我国体育仲裁制度的适用范围、仲裁效力和仲裁程序等环节的完善作了深入的探讨和分析,并提出了一些建设性的观点、对策和完善思路,为我国体育仲裁制度的发展提供了一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

随着经济建设的深入发展,我国的体育事业也长足的进步,在体育发展的过程中难免产生体育纠纷。体育纠纷,是指在体育活动中以及解决与体育相关的各种事务中,各种体育活动主体之间发生的,以体育权利义务为内容的社会纠纷。体育纠纷从法律性质来分,分为体育民事纠纷、体育行政纠纷、体育刑事纠  相似文献   

黄兰雁 《体育科研》2024,(2):41-47,59
随着体育运动的全民化、商业化、全球化,越来越多的人参与到体育活动中,引发了各种矛盾纠纷。体育纠纷的主体多元、类型多样,不同的纠纷解决机制各有利弊,需要综合运用调解、体育组织内部纠纷解决、仲裁、诉讼等方式解决体育纠纷。新修订的《体育法》建立了体育仲裁基本制度,填补了长期以来体育仲裁制度缺失的空白,但体育仲裁与商事仲裁、劳动仲裁之间的关系以及仲裁制度与其他纠纷解决机制的衔接还不够,需要理顺不同纠纷解决机制的关系,建立互相衔接、有机协调的多元纠纷化解机制。  相似文献   

论体育纠纷的争端解决机制   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35  
杨洪云  张杰 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):29-32
体育纠纷区别于民事纠纷和行政纠纷,具有其特殊性。在发生体育纠纷时,体育行政部门、各级法院在处理案件及适用法律上处处感到棘手。探讨了体育纠纷的3种一个合理的可供选择的基本框架。解决机制:体育仲裁、体育调解和体育诉讼,以求从理论上为体育争端的解决创设  相似文献   

体育纠纷既具有与一般纠纷某些一致的特点,亦具有技术性、专业性等个性特点。文章通过文献资料研究方法和专家访谈法,对体育纠纷解决机制重新定位,最后得出我国体育纠纷的解决机制有体育行会内部纠纷解决机制、体育纠纷诉讼解决机制、体育纠纷的外部仲裁与调解等三种解决方式。  相似文献   

ADR给人们提供了解决体育纠纷的多种途径实践中,大量的体育纠纷通过非诉讼纠纷解决方式得以消除.为了合理建构我国体育纠纷的ADR机制,从ADR释义着手,分析体育纠纷对ADR的诉求和我国体育纠纷的ADR途径,并从建立体育仲裁、完善体育调解和改进行业内部解决纠纷制度等方面提出了完善我国体育纠纷的ADR机制.  相似文献   

当前,体育调解、仲裁等非诉讼手段构成了我国解决竞技体育纠纷的主要手段,无论是解决效力还是社会公信度都有一定缺陷,引入司法介入机制是规范竞技体育发展的必由之路。本文在分析司法介入必要性的基础上,探讨了完善司法介入机制的理论论纲,以期为我国竞技体育事业的规范性发展提供有益参考。  相似文献   

法律是治国之重器,十八届四中全会全面开启了我国依法治国的新时代。在依法治国背景下,《体育法》修改成为我国体育法治建设的重要 任务,而体育纠纷解决机制的建立是《体育法》修改的重要内容。《体育法》第33条关于体育纠纷解决的规定在新形势下需要重新修改。文章采用文 献资料法、比较法、案例分析等方法就《体育法》修改中增设体育纠纷解决章节的必要性、基本理念和基本内容进行了探讨。研究认为:在新时期我 国体育事业发展、体育法治建设加速以及新《立法法》施行等新形势下,应该在《体育法》中以单章形式增加对体育纠纷解决的原则性规定。在立法 理念上,《体育法》增加体育纠纷解决章节的规定要依据依法治国的基本精神、符合我国体育事业发展的需要、与国际体育纠纷解决体系接轨、原则 性规定与授权立法相结合。在立法内容上,在体育纠纷解决章节对“体育纠纷”的概念加以界定,明确规定建立体育纠纷解决的多元机制,建立我国 体育纠纷的仲裁机构、仲裁机制和调解机制,并通过设置授权立法条款授权国务院制定具体的相关细则。  相似文献   

结合改革开放以来,以中原地区体育为代表的实践理论,分析了当前向社会主义市场转制过程中体育发展面临的新矛盾、新思路、新发展,提出了体育理论建设如何有效促进中原地区体育的发展。  相似文献   

本文运用文献分析和比较的方法,评述了解“Sport与社会之间关系”的机能主义理论与冲突理论,以求为中国Sport的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

我国体育市场发展的路径选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,我国体育市场要想更好地适应市场经济发展形势,在社会经济发展中发挥更加重要的作用,需要进一步厘清当前体育市场发展所面临的问题.研究通过对我国体育市场发展路径选择的机理分析和体育市场发展的制度变迁方式选择的分析,提出了我国体育市场发展的合理选择路径.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法和逻辑分析的研究方法,从文化学视角对全球化背景下民族传统体育文化与世界体育文化冲突的成因和后果进行了分析。研究认为,体育文化的冲突是在人类文化交流的大背景下产生的,实质是体育价值体系的冲突;冲突的后果表现为对民族传统价值观的冲击、对民族认同的冲击以及体育文化霸权的产生。  相似文献   

Republica Internationale FC is a socialist football club that is part of a broader international network of like-minded alternative grassroots clubs. Collectively the members play and campaign worldwide on a variety of issues in a variety of settings. This article reveals how the club has struggled to define and sustain itself more than 30 years. It explores what socialist football is, how the club was conceived and nurtured, how it is organized and how the international network was cultivated. It spans the clubs operations from the Sunday League mundane to the international spectaculars. It tracks how the club has adapted to confront many social and political challenges. It examines external and internal ideological conflict, the club's successes and setbacks, and how gender transforms the club. The article critically evaluates the club's credibility. It offers an insight into how leftist culture can flourish and be sustained in grassroots sport.  相似文献   

全球化视域下中国体育发展的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近半个世纪以来,在"与国际接轨"的口号号召下,中国体育发展呈现出追随全球化潮流的趋势。目前,中国体育发展基本上是以欧美体育标准为主,而中国民族传统体育处于弱势地位。针对中国体育在全球化环境里的发展现状,反思中国现代体育发展存在的问题及民族传统体育人文缺失的状况。面对全球化中不可避免的体育同质化现象,构思中国未来体育的发展方向。  相似文献   

The study of international relations purports to explain how nation-states and individuals interact around the globe. Yet one major area of such interaction – international sport – remains exceedingly understudied. This in spite of the fact that countries have gone to war over sport, fought for sovereign recognition through sport, and that citizens around the world have it as a daily part of their lives. Indeed it is astounding that a phenomenon that matters so much has been so little studied by a field that purports to explain relations between states and humans around the world. These deficiencies became more apparent in 2008 when we witnessed the world's biggest country hosting the world's biggest sporting event. The Beijing Olympics, though entertaining and exciting, showed how little we have thought about the link between sport and international politics. This article introduces a framework for understanding the link between sport and politics. Its point of entry is to argue that many of the questions about how China portrayed itself during the Olympics and whether the Games marked China's rise as a responsible power cannot be answered without first understanding how sport in general is related to a country's political development, and its sense of nationhood. My arguments do not represent new breakthroughs in political science, rather I attempt merely to offer a systematic way of thinking about how sports and the Olympics matter in world politics through three inter-related causal pathways relating to a country's sense of self, its diplomacy, and its capacity for change.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,公众对体育的需求越来越多样化,体育事业逐渐与商业紧密结合,体育和商业之间日益复杂的伦理关系正在影响着当代体育管理的过程。目前,利益冲突总体上尚处于一个合理的框架内,但是,国内各种各样的利益冲突越来越多。究其原因,大多只是利益冲突非正常爆发后形成的结果,是利益冲突的表现形式。因此,我国体育领域必须科学管理体育中的利益冲突,建立利益冲突的防范机制。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(5):667-681
In this article, the authors examine interorganisational conflict between provincial and national sport organisations in China. The authors theoretically ground the research in work related to interorganisational relationships and interorganisational conflict. The three case studies are artistic gymnastics, swimming, and cycling, and the authors conducted interviews with 11 staff from the relevant national-level sport organisations. Secondary data was sourced from official publications, websites, and influential domestic media. The key finding is that, whilst famed for its top-down bureaucratic system, there is considerable interorganisational conflict within the Chinese sport system. The extent and characteristics of the national-provincial conflict vary between sports. But there is also some consistency regarding the causes of the conflict and the measures adopted to mitigate the tension. Interorganisational conflict provides a useful heuristic for articulating and understanding the interorganisational relationships within the Chinese elite sport system and hence advances elite sport management research.  相似文献   

This article, based on archival records, published documents, interviews with elite sportswomen and three regional case studies, deals with the radical social, economic, cultural and political changes in the early years of the Communist China, the consequent changes in women's lives and the eventual extraordinary impact on elite women's sport. It analyses the complicated relations between the communist system, gender ideology, sports policy, international politics and elite women's sport. With the establishment of a variety of sports institutions, systems and structures women in increasing numbers took part in competitive sport and produced even increasingly remarkable achievements.  相似文献   

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