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20世纪70年代以来,成人转化学习逐渐引起国外研究者的关注,成为与成人学习活动相关的“第三条研究路线”,并取得一系列研究成果.文章选取具有代表性的麦基罗、弗莱雷、博伊德等人的成人转化学习理论,通过对其进行比较和分析,以探讨国外成人转化学习理论研究的发展.  相似文献   

赵小军 《职教通讯》2015,(4):35-37,42
转化学习理论博采众长,形成了自己独特的理论体系。它对我国成人高等教育具有较强的适切性,有助于提高成人学生抓住机遇的能力、批判反思的能力、交流互动的能力和转化整合的能力。基于转化学习理论,成人高等教育发展应该采取以下策略:开展情境教学,培养成人学生的反思能力;扩大教育对象,加强弱势群体的转化教育;利用理性交谈,建立成人师生间的对话教学;明确教育目标,促进成人学生的整体发展。  相似文献   

近年来,国内对成人转化学习的研究从舶来译介、基础理论研究向本土化、应用型研究过渡,但在将转化学习理论运用于成人教育领域的实践性研究中,存在研究范围窄化、研究方法单一化,研究内容以思辨为主,对工作场所教育的应用性和实践性案例研究较为鲜见。通过重点介绍美国学者将转化学习理论中的批判性反思以及故事讲述法、行动学习法运用到工作场所教育的实际案例,以期对国内成人转化学习从理论进一步走向实践提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

孔子的人本思想与梅茨罗的转化学习理论都折射着成人反思性学习的光辉。本文以学习缘起、学习内容、学习形式与学习目标为纬度对孔予人本思想与梅茨罗转化学习理论进行对比研究,进一步揭示了成人反思性学习的内涵,并在此基础之上初步建构了成人反思性学习模型。  相似文献   

转化学习是成人对已有意义观点或参考框架进行改变的过程,成人只有不断地批判、反思和转化自己的世界观、人生观和价值观,建立新的世界观、人生观和价值观,才能获得解放和发展,才能适应现实生活的各种变化。转化学习理论深入探讨了成人心理意义结构、扭曲的意义观以及成人学习的类型。转化学习理论的产生和发展有其深厚的哲学、心理学和教育学的理论基础。  相似文献   

王蕊 《成人教育》2012,32(6):46-47
转化学习是成人学习理论新进展的重要方面,通过转化学习,成人能够认清并更正原有扭曲的意义观点,对于成人的持续发展意义重大。但在成人教育的实践中,由于成人存在一定的"自我中心主义",在一定程度上阻碍学习者对根深蒂固的信仰、观念、判断标准等方面进行批判性反思,实现转化学习并非易事,因此成人教育应重视开发转化学习的针对性课程,力求促使成人形成更具包容性、开放性的意义观点,以便更好地适应生活。  相似文献   

二战后成人学习研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二战结束之后,成人学习研究进展很快,各种关于成人如何学习的新理论、新学说层出不穷,其中最有话语优势的是成人教育学、自我导向学习理论、转化学习理论和经验学习理论。  相似文献   

通过收集整理近十年来我国成人转化学习的相关文献,本文对关于我国成人转化学习的研究成果进行了系统的总结和归纳。重点对成人学习的认知转化、学习目标转化、学习方式转化、学习问题转化的成果进行了梳理与评价,并对我国成人转化学习的研究趋势进行理性展望,研制中国特色成人转化学习研究的新方向。  相似文献   

转化学习理论对建构主义理论、哈贝马斯的社会学理论和弗莱雷的解放理论等进行消化和吸收,同时又以生活情境下丰富多彩的成人学习现象为现实基础,形成了较为系统和完善的理论体系。转化学习理论对成人教师的专业发展提供了重要的启示,即专业发展是持续不断的过程,营造专业发展氛围,增强专业发展意识,注重批判性反思,走进生活世界。  相似文献   

常杉杉 《成人教育》2015,35(2):13-15
兴起于上世纪80年代末的转化学习理论是继诺尔斯成人教育学理论和塔夫自我导向学习之后的有关成人学习的核心理论,受建构主义理论、解放教育思想等的影响,其理论关键词是“经验”“批判性反思”和“理性交谈”.阐述转化学习理论的基本内涵及其理论的发展,在此基础上提出对成人高等教育中的成人学习者的启发和指导.  相似文献   

Although scholarship and research have demonstrated the positive impact of professional learning on academic teaching and learning, an inadequate amount of research has examined how professional learning is associated with transformative teaching for equity, diversity and social justice. This survey study explored the relationship between professional learning and teachers’ beliefs about diversity, transformative expertise, and transformative teaching by comparing two models of professional learning in 25 small urban elementary schools. Results indicated that factors in both the process and transformative content models predicted differences in teachers’ reported beliefs, expertise, or teaching. While some factors such as learning to teach for social justice consistently predicted increased transformative practices, other factors failed to predict or were associated with decreased transformative practices. After discussing the findings, implications for practice, theory and research are offered.  相似文献   

转化学习,作为继成人教育学、自我导向学习之后的成人学习新兴理论,已形成个人转化、组织转化、社会转化等流派,并且其研究对象、研究内容、研究重点、研究视角等已大大扩展,在成人教育领域产生了重要影响。农民工群体,作为我国特有的城乡二元经济体制下催生的一群特殊社会人群,其在走进、适应以及融入城市生活的过程中,存在着心理、社会、文化适应不良等问题,其城市适应的过程中蕴含着转化学习的要义。激发农民工转化学习。促进其城市适应势在必行。  相似文献   


While more is becoming understood about the effects of Indigenous Studies health curricula on student preparedness and attitudes toward working in Indigenous health contexts, less is known about how tutors in this space interpret student experiences and contribute to the development of preparedness. Reporting on a qualitative study, this article provides insight into tutors’ perceptions of tertiary first year health students’ transformative experiences in an Indigenous Studies health course. Twelve Indigenous and non-Indigenous tutors were interviewed about their teaching experiences within this context. Framed by Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, thematic analysis findings suggest tutors observe several precursor steps to transformative learning including disorienting dilemmas, critical reflection on assumptions, exploration of new roles, and trying on new roles. The content of these themes extends our understanding of how these precursor steps manifest, and the elements related to this. Findings also suggest tutors vary in their identification, interpretation and response to many of these pedagogical entry points. Within this learning context, the concept of teacher/student relationship is suggested as playing a meaningful role in the positioning and efficacy of tutors. This impacts tutors' understanding of transformative learning, the social construction of students, consequent interpretations of student experiences, and means of facilitating cognitive and affective learning. We propose a reconceptualisation of thinking around teaching in this space, with a focus on both further development of educator capabilities and student curricular opportunities to promote transformative learning appropriate to the stated goals of the Australian Indigenous Studies learning and teaching context. The findings indicate that institutional investment in the development of educators in this space remains vitally important.  相似文献   

作为一种实践活动,参与式教学诉诸主体价值取向和实践价值取向,其哲学要义是"共在"与"建构"。根据课堂教学类型和学习机制的不同,参与式教学可以分为有意义的授受式参与教学、发现式参与教学和超越式参与教学。教师和学生有默观式参与、引导式参与、反思式参与等参与类型。默观式参与体现了东方文化里"静观"、"无言"、"留白"的学习智慧,是一种无声的参与和倾听式的学习;引导式参与和反思式参与植根于西方文化的科学实证精神和批评性思考态度。这三种参与类型分别建构出了接力的、反思的或超越的课堂文化。  相似文献   

成人转化学习理论作为一种新型的成人学习理论,最早由美国成人教育家麦基罗提出。这种理论从它诞生之日起便受到了广大成人教育者的广泛关注,并取得了相对丰硕的研究成果。本文主要回顾国外成人教育学者对这一问题的理论研究成果,并在此基础上,对已有的研究成果进行评述,以期能够把握未来成人转化学习理论发展的趋向。  相似文献   

Action research and transformative learning in teaching development   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The article reports on an action research project, informed by transformative learning theory. Transformative learning involves individuals gaining an awareness of their current habits of mind, and resulting points of views accompanied by a critique of their assumptions and premises, an assessment of alternative views, a decision to negate an old perspective or view in favour of a new one, or to make a synthesis of old and new, resulting in more justified beliefs to guide action. The action research was designed to change the perspectives and practices of higher education teachers from a teacher-centred to a learning-centred dialogic approach. The research demonstrated that a transformation in teaching perspective could be achieved through action research that involved inquiring and interactive teaching. However, implementing the new perspective required additional sustained support. The research also confirmed that action research is a viable means of exploring transformative learning in educational settings.  相似文献   

Drawing from the Deweyan theory of experience (1934, 1938), the goal of teaching and learning for transformative, aesthetic experience is contrasted against teaching and learning from a cognitive, rational framework. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate teaching and learning of fifth grade science from each perspective across an entire school year including three major units of instruction. Detailed comparisons of teaching are given and pre and post measures of interest in learning science, science identity affiliation, and efficacy beliefs are investigated. Tests of conceptual understanding before, after, and one month after instruction reveal teaching for transformative, aesthetic experience fosters more, and more enduring, learning of science concepts. Investigations of transfer also suggest students learning for transformative, aesthetic experiences learn to see the world differently and find more interest and excitement in the world outside of school.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论与当前我国素质教育改革的价值取向是相契合的,而且有很多的启发、借鉴意义,因此有必要进行重新审视和研究。建构主义学习理论在知识观、学习现、学生观、教师观方面都有独到的见解。为我国当前教学理论的建构提供了心理学基础,为教学实践的深化提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

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