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目的:编译中文版运动员睡眠筛查问卷并检验其信效度。方法:选取343名上海市职业运动员,完成中文版运动员睡眠筛查问卷,对样本1、2的睡眠困难分数与睡眠类型分量表进行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,以匹兹堡睡眠质量指数问卷作为效标工具,用于检验中文版运动员睡眠筛查问卷的筛查效果。结果:中文版运动员睡眠筛查问卷的结构基本与原问卷一致,有良好的信效度,问卷筛查结果与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数筛查结果中度吻合。结论:中文版运动员睡眠筛查问卷可以用来筛查运动员睡眠问题。  相似文献   

近年来,层出不穷的运动反社会行为已引起广泛的关注,如何有效预防和降低运动反社会行为的发生成为运动道德领域研究的重要议题。 研究采用运动员道德意识量表、运动反社会行为量表和运动道德推脱量表,对我国运动员进行测查,旨在考察运动员道德意识影响运动反社会行为 的心理机制,即探究运动道德推脱在两者关系中的中介效应。结构方程模型(SEM)发现:(1)运动员道德意识可以对运动道德推脱、运动反社会行 为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手)产生显著的负向影响,运动道德推脱可以对运动反社会行为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手)产生显著的正向影 响;(2)运动道德推脱在运动员道德意识与运动反社会行为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手)关系中起显著的部分中介效应。说明:道德意识水平越 高的运动员在运动中越少会使用运动道德推脱,也越少从事运动反社会行为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手);道德意识既可直接影响运动反社会 行为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手),又可通过运动道德推脱间接影响运动反社会行为(队友)和运动反社会行为(对手)。结果提示,在对我国运 动员进行职业道德教育时,应当加强对运动员道德意识以及运动道德推脱方面的教导,以更好地预防和降低我国运动员运动反社会行为的发生。  相似文献   

部分睡眠剥夺指一天的睡眠时间被限制在少于或等于6h以内的状态。通过整理相关文献发现,部分睡眠剥夺可能对运动员人群次日的运动表现产生负面影响,具体表现为传接球和击发球准确性下降、最大力量下降、反应时间增加、无氧表现下降和平衡能力削弱,同时可使运动员注意力下降、疲劳感增加和产生较多的消极情绪。研究发现根据时序特征可分为早起型部分睡眠剥夺和晚睡型睡眠剥夺,早起型部分睡眠剥夺对运动员人群次日的运动表现的危害可能较晚睡型更严重。建议加强运动员人群的睡眠教育;将运动员睡眠健康列入日常训练计划;对已经出现睡眠剥夺症状的运动员可采取午睡、咖啡因和褪黑素摄入等方法降低部分睡眠剥夺所带来的的危害。  相似文献   

睡眠对于运动员意义重大,然而大量调查研究表明,运动员正在遭受比普通人群更多也更为严重的睡眠困扰,但却只有少部分运动员会积极寻求外部帮助。通过对国内外已有研究文献进行梳理,从运动员的睡眠现状、睡眠质量的监控与评估,以及运动员睡眠干预方法和效果评价等方面进行综述,希望引起对运动员睡眠问题的重视,并通过切实有效的方法对运动员的睡眠质量进行测量和监控,进而进行有效的睡眠干预,提高运动员的睡眠质量。  相似文献   

目的:本研究通过监测雪车运动员完整睡眠过程、睡前自主神经状态和心境状态(POMS),探究雪车运动员冬训备赛期间,睡前自主神经和POMS对睡眠质量的具体影响,为解决雪车运动员睡眠问题提供合理的方案。方法:研究对象为8名国际级健将雪车运动员。使用空气垫式睡眠监测仪监测睡眠完整过程,Polar心率胸带和Ignite手表监测睡前自主神经,POMS量表评价心境状态。对睡眠状态、自主神经和POMS使用Spearman相关分析和概要T检验进行分析。结果:雪车运动员睡眠质量与正常成年人相比,睡眠潜伏期偏长,浅睡眠占比过多,深睡眠占比过少,睡前交感神经占主导作用,消极情绪较多。经相关分析发现,总睡眠时长与疲劳值呈高度正相关;浅睡眠占比与副交感神经指数、RR间期(2个QRS波中R波之间的时间)连续差值的均方根、精力值呈高度负相关,与交感神经指数和平均心率呈高度正相关;觉醒期占比与低频功率(LF)呈高度正相关,与慌乱值呈高度负相关;睡眠潜伏期与高频功率(HF)呈极高度负相关,与LF/HF呈高度正相关。结论:雪车运动员冬训备赛期间的睡眠质量存在睡眠潜伏期长、浅睡眠占比过多、深睡眠占比过少的问题,可能与睡前交感神经占主导作用及消极情绪较多有一定关系。建议雪车运动员调整睡前自主神经状态,同时进行心理训练和心理疏导,以此提高睡眠质量,促进身体机能恢复。  相似文献   

探讨太极拳对老年人睡眠质量的影响。采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数问卷,对吕梁市200名老年人进行测试。结果:进行太极拳锻炼的老年人的匹兹堡睡眠质量指数明显小于对照组的老年人(P〈0.05)。结论:太极拳能有效改善老年人的睡眠质量。  相似文献   

采用WT运动员性格量表和《优秀运动员意志品质评价量表》两大问卷,对广东省优秀羽毛球运动员的性格、意志特征的研究,探求运动员个性心理特征与运动行为之间的关系,分析了影响羽毛球运动员的个性心理因素,并提出相应的结论和建议。  相似文献   

睡眠与运动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对部分运动员睡眠状况的调查分析(包括持续时间、深度和质量等),研究了运动训练和竞赛中不同负荷、不同周期和不同阶段的睡眠特征,从而为运动员的恢复和心理调节,以及他们的训练质量和竞赛水平提供有关的参考依据。  相似文献   

为检测磁力床垫对中长跑运动员心境状态和睡眠质量的影响,采用文献资料法、实验比较法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,以现役29名中长跑运动员为研究对象,其中15名为实验组(使用磁力床垫)、14名为对照组(使用普通床垫),对他们大运动量训练后的心境状态和睡眠质量展开调查,结果表明:(1)使用磁力床垫的实验组在调节心境状态方面明显优于使用普通床垫的对照组,它能够明显缓解运动员疲劳、恢复精力、抚平慌乱情绪和有效处理纷乱情绪;(2)磁力床垫在中长跑运动员提高睡眠质量方面,主要体现在能够延长睡眠的有效时间。  相似文献   

探讨我国高水平手球队凝聚力是否对教练员领导行为、运动员角色投入与运动员满意度具有中介作用。赛前使用群体环境问卷对160名参加全国女子手球锦标赛的运动员进行凝聚力测试,赛后使用运动领导行为量表、运动员角色投入问卷、运动员满意度问卷对上述运动员进行了测试。运用Baron和Kenny(1986)线性回归分析方法对凝聚力的中介作用给予检验。结果表明,运动员所知觉到的领导行为和角色投入对团队成绩满意度、团队一致满意度影响显著,但该影响由于凝聚力的加入而变小或变得不显著。说明凝聚力对领导行为、角色投入与团队成绩满意度、团队一致性满意度具有中介作用。  相似文献   


The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of personalized sleep hygiene education on sleep indices in elite athletes. Nine elite male cricket players performed 3 weeks of baseline sleep monitoring (PRE), followed by group and individualized sleep hygiene education and a further 3 weeks of sleep monitoring (POST). Subjective sleep questionnaires included the Athlete Sleep Behaviour Questionnaire (ASBQ), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Objective sleep indices were monitored via wrist actigraphy. There were significant improvements (p < 0.05) in two of the sleep questionnaires (ESS and PSQI) and in sleep efficiency (+5%), sleep latency (?29 min) and sleep onset variance (?28 min) following the intervention, all associated with large or very large effect sizes (d= 1.38, ?0.85 and ?0.88, respectively). The current study reports that personalized sleep hygiene education using the ASBQ to target maladaptive sleep behaviours may be effective in acutely improving sleep indices in elite male athletes.  相似文献   

The Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire was developed to effectively measure affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects, represented by the interpersonal constructs of closeness, commitment, and complementarity, of the quality of the relationship within the context of sport coaching. The current study sought to determine the internal reliability and factorial validity of the long (the 29-item Long Version Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire) and short (11-item Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire and 13-item Greek Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire) versions of the Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire with a sample of 800 Chinese coaches and athletes. Results supported the internal reliability across all Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire versions examined, while confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) only supported the factorial validity of the three-factor first-order model of the 11-item Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

Purpose: Despite the perceived importance of sleep for athletes, little is known regarding athlete sleep quality, their prevalence of daytime sleepiness or risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) such as snoring and witnessed apnoeic episodes. The purpose of the present study was to characterise normative sleep quality among highly trained team sport athletes.

Methodology:175 elite or highly trained rugby sevens, rugby union and cricket athletes completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS) and Quality of Life questionnaires and an OSA risk factor screen.

Results: On average, athletes reported 7.9?±?1.3?h of sleep per night. The average PSQI score was 5.9?±?2.6, and 50% of athletes were found to be poor sleepers (PSQI?>?5). Daytime sleepiness was prevalent throughout the population (average global score of 8.5) and clinically significant (ESS score of ≥10) in 28% of athletes. OSA may be an important clinical consideration within athletic populations, as a considerable number of athletes (38%) defined themselves as snorers and 8% reported having a witnessed apnoeic episode. The relationship between self-rated sleep quality and actual PSQI score was strong (Pearson correlation of 0.4?±?0.1, 90% confidence limits).

Conclusion: These findings suggest that this cohort of team sport athletes suffer a preponderance of poor sleep quality, with associated high levels of daytime sleepiness. Athletes should receive education about how to improve sleep wake schedules, extend total sleep time and improve sleep quality.  相似文献   

Ramadan is a period in which Muslims fast during daylight hours and is associated with disturbances in sleep-wake behaviour and adverse effects on physical and mental health in normal volunteers. Studies using athletes are rare and remain equivocal as to whether Ramadan influences sleep-wake patterns. Notably, the standardized assessment of subjective sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in athletes has not been established. This study employed the Arabic version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale in nine football players aged 20-35 years (mean ± s: 26 ± 4) one week before and during the last week of Ramadan. Compliance rates with self-administration were high (71%) and the results demonstrated a robust decline in total sleep time (before Ramadan: 6.6 ± 2 h; at the end of Ramadan: 5.3 ± 1 h; P < 0.05, effect size 0.81). Compared with previous research, the study questionnaires offer improved methodology, including less time constraints plus standardization in scoring. Thus, this study demonstrates a framework for greater reproducibility and reliability in the assessment of subjective sleep-wake patterns in athletes before and during Ramadan.  相似文献   

Sleep is crucial for recovery and skill acquisition in athletes. Paradoxically, athletes often encounter difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep, while having sufficient sleep opportunity. Blue (short-wavelength) light as emitted by electronic screens is considered a potential sleep thief, as it suppresses habitual melatonin secretion. The current study sought to investigate whether blocking short-wavelength light in the evening can improve sleep onset latency and potentially other sleep parameters among recreational athletes. The study had a within-subject crossover design. Fifteen recreational athletes, aged between 18 and 32 years (12 females, 3 males), were randomly assigned to start the intervention period with either the light restriction condition (LR; amber-lens glasses), or the no-light restriction condition (nLR; transparent glasses). Sleep hygiene practices, actigraphy and diary-based sleep estimates were monitored during four consecutive nights within each condition. Sleep hygiene practices did not significantly differ between conditions. Results indicate that blocking short-wavelength light in the evening, as compared to habitual light exposure, significantly shortened subjective sleep onset latency (Δ?=?7?min), improved sleep quality (Δ?=?0.6; scale 1–10), and increased alertness the following morning. Actigraphy-based sleep estimates showed no significant differences between conditions. Blocking short-wavelength light in the evening by means of amber-lens glasses is a cost-efficient and promising means to improve subjective sleep estimates among recreational athletes in their habitual home environment. The relatively small effects of the current study may be strengthened by additionally increasing morning- and daytime light exposure and, potentially, by reducing the alerting effects of media use before bedtime.  相似文献   

Objectives: To improve well-being and performance indicators in a group of Australian Football League (AFL) players via a six-week sleep optimisation programme. Design: Prospective intervention study following observations suggestive of reduced sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness in an AFL group. Methods: Athletes from the Adelaide Football Club were invited to participate if they had played AFL senior-level football for 1–5 years, or if they had excessive daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS] >10), measured via ESS. An initial education session explained normal sleep needs, and how to achieve increased sleep duration and quality. Participants (n?=?25) received ongoing feedback on their sleep, and a mid-programme education and feedback session. Sleep duration, quality and related outcomes were measured during week one and at the conclusion of the six-week intervention period using sleep diaries, actigraphy, ESS, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Profile of Mood States, Training Distress Scale, Perceived Stress Scale and the Psychomotor Vigilance Task. Results: Sleep diaries demonstrated an increase in total sleep time of approximately 20?min (498.8?±?53.8 to 518.7?±?34.3; p?<?.05) and a 2% increase in sleep efficiency (p?<?0.05). There was a corresponding increase in vigour (p?<?0.001) and decrease in fatigue (p?<?0.05). Conclusions: Improvements in measures of sleep efficiency, fatigue and vigour indicate that a sleep optimisation programme may improve athletes’ well-being. More research is required into the effects of sleep optimisation on athletic performance.  相似文献   

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