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青少年运动员是体操运动的后备力量,是体操发展的未来,这支队伍的训练水平如何,将直接决定我国以后的体操水平。我们对2007年全国体操青年锦标赛跳马项目进行了调研,为此项目的教学训练提供参考。  相似文献   

通过现场观察2005年全国青少年体操锦标赛的比赛情况,采用数理统计法、专家访谈法、文献资料法,从青少年男子体操运动员的比赛成绩,分析我国青少年男子体操运动员的竞技实力,对进一步提高其运动成绩,为国家一线队伍输送优秀运动员,备战2008年奥运会,进行科学且有针对性的训练提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

以苏州市体校青少年游泳运动员为研究对象探究游泳运动员的气质类型。方法:使用艾森克个性问卷,对研究对象的气质类型进行测量和分析。回收有效问卷42份。对收集到的原始数据进行处理后,使用卡方检验,结果表明:不同性别运动员的气质类型有显著差异,不同项目距离的运动员的气质类型有显著差异。建议:在青少年运动员选材和游泳主项设置时,运动员的气质类型具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

优秀健美操运动员气质特点的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过健美操运动员的气质类型测试,结果发现:健美操运动员的气质类型为混合型,同一气质类型的运动员无性别差异;优秀健美操运动员的气质类型以多粘混合为优势气质,建议在选材时以此气质类型择优选录。与运动员气质类型相关的因素有其动机、体格、柔韧、协调和艺术素质。在运动训练中应根据不同气质类型的强弱表现,采取针对性强的训练手段。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家调查和实证研究等方法,收集整理我国少年女子体操运动员力量训练的原始资料,深入挖掘我国少年女子体操运动员力量训练的特点和规律,创新性地总结、提炼力量训练的原则,即包括优先发展、突出下肢核心并全面协调发展、训练量与训练强度合理安排和专项能力主导性等四个原则;构建了力量训练的内容及相应参数模式;通过案例实证分析揭示了少年女子体操运动员不同年龄段、不同部位力量训练的负荷特征和有效的训练方法与手段,期望能为女子体操运动员的力量训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

我国青少年体操运动员各项目起评分的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据全国体操比赛裁判员评分的原始数据 ,分析我国青少年体操运动员当前各项目训练水平的现状  相似文献   

优秀少年体操运动员的气质类型与选材   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对上海市48名优秀少年体操运动员(8~14岁)进行了问卷测试,发现其气质类型的分布趋势为:粘液质兼型人数最多(36人),多血质兼型其次(29人),纯单一气质类型的人数甚少。从理论分析及众多教练员的经验都说明,这两种气质类型与体操运动的内在要求有着密切的联系,因而认为可以将其作为体操运动员选材条件之一。  相似文献   

本研究通过先后两次对我国12省、市75个体操班、887名男运动员的调查,阐述了《体操教学训练大纲》实施以来的训练效益,分析了运动员年龄结构的特征,提出了设计最佳运动员梯队的数学方法,论述了运动员淘汰率的变化规律,对男子体操训练的战略安排及宏观控制提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

气质类型是运动员所必须具备的重要的心理素质。它与个人技术特长有密切的关系。目前,国内外篮球训练都非常重视个人特长的培养,因为它是个人攻击性最稳定、最有效的武器,也是衡量一名优秀运动员的重要标志。因此,运动员的气质类型及其选材问题日益引起教练员高度重视。本文的研究目的是通过对篮球运动员气质类型的测定,进一步探讨和分析篮球运动员气质类型的分布特点以及不同气质类型运动员在某些技术指标上的差异,分析气质类型与技术特长、位置的关系,为篮球运动员  相似文献   

霍尔金娜的成就对我国女子体操训练的几点启示:因材施"训"、辩证施"训";培养运动员始终保持活泼向上的心态;严格控制体重保持良好体形;科学的保护与脱保、力保运动员健康成长;强化艺术训练、加强艺术修养;不断强化运动员的专业思想;努力延长运动员的运动寿命,方能促进我国女子体操培养与训练最优化,进一步充分发掘我国女子体操运动员的巨大潜力,最大化发挥体操高级人才的作用,不断提升我国女子体操运动水平及其实力。  相似文献   

为实现中小学体育器材规格的科学化与规范化,对中小学健身类器材爬竿、攀网、平梯进行了体育学的理论与实践研究,认为:爬杆高4m,直径3.8cm和高4.5m,直径为4.2cm;攀网高3m,宽2m,顶网长1.5m,网格20cm×20cm和高3.5m,宽2m,顶网长1.5m,网格20cm×20cm;平梯高2.4m,长4m,抓握横杠间隔0.35m,横杠直径3.2cm和高2.6m,长4m,抓握横杠间隔0.35m,横杠直径3.2cm的器材规格分别适用于小学和中学。同时提出,城市中学体育教学应加强学生上肢力量与身体灵巧性训练。  相似文献   

The body has become a vital research object in several disciplines in recent years. Indeed, in the social sciences and humanities, a corporeal turn in which embodiment has become a key concept related to learning and socialisation is discussed. This cross-disciplinary paper addresses the epistemological question of how we know what we know and theoretically and empirically contributes to current arguments of a shift from embodiment to emplacement. In other words, this study strives for understanding of the intersection of mind, body and place through a focus on how bodily knowing is formed as part of a moving world. The purpose of the paper is to explore the kinaesthetic experience as bodily knowing in emplaced semi-formal teaching. Through long-term ethnography in a Swedish skateboard setting and in-depth analysis of digital visual material, this paper demonstrates how kinaesthetic experience might be viewed as knowing and how a particular type of this experience might be interpreted as explosiveness and, as such, an act of physical remembrance and energy transformation. Knowing is formed along paths of movement and rhythm, and kinaesthesia is identified as a multisensory experience. It is argued that a fruitful way of bridging the mind–body divide is to view the body as un/knowing, rendering it both knowing and not knowing simultaneously. Moreover, emplaced via its senses in a sociocultural and spatio-temporal environment, this conceptualisation of a moving body in a moving world might allow for re-thinking regarding how a body in context knows, teaches and, possibly, learns.  相似文献   

党的十八大开启中国特色社会主义新时代以来,我国竞技体育结构性改革的特征显著,体现在从单一管理向多元治理的体制结构转变、从要素驱动向创新驱动的组织结构转变、从金牌至上向展现综合实力的复合型目标结构转变、从服务国家的单一价值向满足社会需要的多元价值结构转变。面对新时代体育强国建设的新使命、新要求,竞技体育存在主动融入经济社会发展的体制结构亟待优化,运动项目结构发展不均衡现象依然突出,多元主体协同参与的治理结构还未形成,多层次、多途径培养后备人才的组织结构不协调等问题。新时代的竞技体育要尽快补齐结构性短板,打造政府、社会、市场多元协同治理体系,构建多层次竞赛体系和人才培养体系,建立均衡协调的运动项目发展新格局,发挥竞技体育服务新时代国家发展需要的多元价值。  相似文献   

We propose a Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) which is an amalgamation and extension of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat, the model of adaptive approaches to competition and the debilitative and facilitative competitive state anxiety model. In the TCTSA we posit that self-efficacy, perceptions of control, and achievement goals determine challenge or threat states in response to competition. Distinct patterns of neuroendocrine and cardiovascular responses are indicative of a challenge or threat state. Increases in epinephrine and cardiac activity, and a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPR) characterise a challenge state and increases in cortisol, smaller increases in cardiac activity and either no change or an increase in TPR characterise a threat state. Positive and negative emotions can occur in a challenge state while a threat state is associated with negative emotions only. Emotions are perceived as helpful to performance in a challenge state but not in a threat state. Challenge and threat states influence effort, attention, decision–making and physical functioning and accordingly sport performance. The TCTSA provides a framework for practitioners to enhance performance, through developing a challenge state, and encourages researchers to explore the mechanisms underlying performance in competition.  相似文献   

According to the cultural sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, gaining access to a social space or a position within a social space requires a specific capital. For teachers, this is normally indicated by a valid teaching certificate with relevant subject knowledge. However, when no qualified teachers are available, which is the case for the subject of school sports in Sweden, other assets gain recognition. Drawing on Bourdieu's conceptual framework, this paper examined the conditions for school sports in Sweden, and based on questionnaires answered by 109 teachers, explored the competencies, education and backgrounds teachers in upper secondary school sports possess. The paper address the question: what valuable resources are required to become a teacher of school sports and gain recognition as symbolic capital? The results show that while school sports in Sweden are carried out through a school subject and thus regulated by the government, it is influenced by both the fields of education and sport. Furthermore, the questionnaire results show that a majority of the teachers are employed as coaches instead of teachers and that less than half of them (45%) have a teacher education background, while 95% have a coaching education background. However, the results also show that teachers assessed their competencies for teaching school sports as high, especially with regard to competencies in specific sport skills. In conclusion, this paper shows how coaching education and experience in competitive sports are an important resource required to become a teacher in school sports and is thus recognized as symbolic capital. Therefore, school sports cannot be viewed as a legitimate part of the field of education but can be viewed as a part of the field of sport.  相似文献   

郑芳  徐钊 《浙江体育科学》2010,32(2):17-20,26
球迷是体育俱乐部和联赛生存的前提和基础,球迷忠诚可以确保一个稳定的球迷群体,俱乐部品牌形象的建设对于球迷忠诚的培养来说意义重大。文章结合国内特殊的职业体育背景,运用归纳和演绎逻辑的方法构建了一个俱乐部品牌形象测量模型,并提出了一个俱乐部品牌形象与球迷忠诚关系模型,为俱乐部品牌形象的建设和球迷忠诚的培养提供了参考。  相似文献   

科学训练是一个系统工程,必须从理论上系统思考和理解其深刻内涵,才能准确把握科学训练的理论、方法和手段。如果不能从理论上对科学训练的实质和内涵进行系统思考,就不可能正确地运用科学的训练方法和手段指导训练,更不可能快速提高科学化训练水平。从管理的角度对科学训练进行全面的思考和阐述,对于指导和推进科学训练具有参考价值。  相似文献   

调节变量在体育科学研究设计中的理论作用和统计计算   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张力为 《体育科学》2001,21(4):87-90
调节变量(moderator)界定着自变量和因变量之间关系的边界条件,是影响自变量和因变量之间关系强度或关系方向的变量。调节变量的引入,往往使科学研究摆脱困境和走向深入。分析了调节变量的性质;介绍了4种不同条件下计算调节作用的统计方法,即1)调节变量与自变量均为类别变量时的统计方法,2)调节变量为类别变量、自变量为连续变量时的统计方法,3)调节变量为连续变量、自变量为类别变量时的统计方法,以及4)调节变量与自变量均为连续变量时的统计方法;还通过实例讨论了调节变量在理论发展过程中的作用。  相似文献   

张连涛  朱成 《冰雪运动》2010,32(5):33-37
把握世界冰雪运动发展格局的变化趋势,对我国冬季体育项的目可持续发展具有重要作用。以冬奥会为切入点,认为冬奥会比赛项目的增加将成为一种常态;冬奥会奖牌依然集中在少数冰雪体育强国,呈现美亚趋强,欧洲滞涨的发展趋势;亚洲冰雪运动开始了新一轮的崛起,中国冰雪运动进入新的起点。提出我国应加强对冬奥会新设项目的研究,并积极利用洲际性冬季项目运动会创立新的比赛项目,只有成为冬奥会新比赛项目的设计者、推动者和先行者,转变增长方式,才能真正成为冬奥会竞争中的强者;总结和吸取自身与别人成功经验与失败的教训,创新思维,转变观念,勇于实践,善于总结,中国跻身世界冰雪运动强国之列是可以实现的。  相似文献   

This lecture considers how it might be possible to make a career as a university scholar at a time when the university is becoming increasingly corporatised. Consistent with the intent of the Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) Special Interest Group (SIG) Scholar Lecture, I draw on personal experiences from my own career as a university teacher, researcher, teacher educator and leader to consider the extent to which the hegemony of corporatisation might be challenged and subverted, the kinds of resistance that can and should take place, and the central importance of collegiality and scholarship to the sustainability of the university as an institution of higher learning. I will consider more specifically what it means to develop a career as a scholar in a practical and marginalised field such as PESP, and the possibilities that exist to secure the future of the field of research and praxis.  相似文献   

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