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图书馆的人文传统与情报科学的技术传统   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
From a point of view of academic thinking, the paper puts forward and expounds the humane tradition that runs library science through, and also the technical tradition that runs the information science through. Moreover, the paper holds that the integration of the humane tradition with the technical tradition is not only the way forward for the development of receiprocal replenishment of the said two departments of science but also the major trend of the present-day development of information control. 33 ref.  相似文献   

China has achieved brilliant success in library research however,quite a few problems still exist,among which,there are two major problems existing in the order of the research:the thought of aca-demic authorities is weakening and the excessive defendence  相似文献   

图书馆学基础理论研究概述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Since Mr.M.W.Schrettinger of Germany used the term"library science"for the first time in1807,quite a few Chinese and foreign library scientists have been trying to explore its nature,and theobjects,contents and methods of study,at the same time to explain  相似文献   

图书馆进化初论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Based on the theories of Tao Shuxian s "Three Essential Factors"(1929),Du Dingyou s"Three Essential Factors"(1932), the "Four Essential Factors"(1934) of Liu Guojun and the hbrary systematic theories, the paper, with the combination of the principles and methods of the communication studies, makes a factor decomposition for the library documentary information transfer process and analyses the transfer of factor focal point in the process of libary evolution. Thus it can be seen that the process of library revolution is at the same time also the process of gradual opening.ill.1,3,ref.26  相似文献   

关于图书馆学研究方法的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Five problems should be emphatically probed and solved in the study of library audience research methods: 1) Distinguish the differences and connection between the research meth- ods and the working methods, 2) Probe into the System of library science research methods, 3) Know and apply accurately the methodology of system science, 4) Maintain a proper balance in the relationship between methods of quality and those of quantity, and 5.) Adopt a correct attitude towards and derive from the achievements in scientific research of related subjects.8 refs.  相似文献   

剖析情报学理论体系流派的用户观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses informations, information systems, information users and the interrelations among them. It generally evaluates the user concepts of each of the following schools of information science:the interchange school, the knowledge school, the decision school and the communication school. 3 illus. 9 references.  相似文献   

美国图书馆学情报学核心期刊文献分析研究述要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Generally speaking,library literature,especially the periodical literature is the most possible oneto reflect the research level of a certain discipline.American began its comprehensive analysis from allangles of its library and information science nucleu  相似文献   

梁启超先生对我国图书馆事业的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the modern history of China, there was a renowned man called Liang Qichao (1873-1929), who is celebrated both as a politician, a thinker and a scholar in China. Even since his early years, Liang had been engaged in the "modern bibliotheca movement" and had initiated the "new library movement". In 1925, he proposed the thought of "Chinese library science", the systematic framework of which may be concluded with the following 5 categories:1) The nature of the Chinese library science; 2) Conditions that make the Chinese library science come into being;3)The research content of the Chinese library science;4)The ways and means of establishing the Chinese library science;5)The position and function of the Chinese library science in that of the world.Liang had made great contributions both to the thoery and the practice of the library science in China.  相似文献   

中美两国图书馆管理比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper compares from 3 phases of professional work, finance and personnel affairs management, the similarities and differences of Chinese library administration with those of the United States. At the end of the paper, the author records the code of conduct both for the library authorities and the librarians under the leadership of them. This plays an enlightening role for improving the Chinese library administration.  相似文献   

关于中国近代目录学史的断代问题、进而其中的历史分期问题,目前学术界尚无定论。本文提出:中国近代目录学史的断代应为1840年至1949年,与中国近代史相始终;其中,1840年至1895年为近代目录学的孕育时期,1896年至1917年为近代目录学的萌芽时期,1918年至1937年为近代目录学的构建时期,1938年至1949年为近代目录学的衰退时期。  相似文献   

以1920年文华图书科的创建作为中国现代图书馆学教育诞生的标志,中国图书馆学教育已经走过了百年的历程,回望中国图书馆学教育百年的发展历史,可以分为六个时期:①发轫期(1920年-1941年7月);②成长期(1941年8月-1949年9月);③转型期(1949年10月-1966年4月);④停滞期(1966年5月-1976年10月);⑤恢复发展时期(1976年11月-1992年9月);⑥突破变革时期(1992年10月-)。中国图书馆学教育百年历史演进路径为:①专业化、规范化不断提升;②学校教育由单层次向多层次再向高层次演进;③培训教育始终是图书馆学教育的重要形式;④图书馆学教育"盲点效应"愈演愈烈。  相似文献   

中国近代图书馆的历史是中国近代社会历史中的组成部分。自1840年中国进入近代社会,图书馆则于1904年进入“近代”。从社会学角度出发,对中国近代史的研究产生了二次高潮。对中国近代图书馆史的研究,则是产生在第二次中国近代史研究高潮中。图书馆界在对近代图书馆史的研究过程中,借鉴了许多研究中国近代史的方法与成果。  相似文献   

建国后中国图书馆学的学科进展及存在的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建国后中国图书馆学是中国现代图书馆学的自觉主体。从发展轮廓、发展路径、发展方式、研究范式、方法论、理论基础等6个方面论述该学科进展的基本特点,指出它存在着“乱”、“浮”、“实”、“粗”等4个方面的问题。  相似文献   

李燕亭是中国图书馆事业的开创者和奠基者之一,其《图书馆学讲义》构建了一个简明精炼、逻辑严谨的图书馆学体系,颇具中国特色,是目前图书馆学基础理论和本土化研究中值得借鉴的成果之一。这位本不该被遗忘的中国早期图书馆学人,其图书馆学著述却长期被尘封在历史深处,其不乏真知灼见的图书馆学思想至今仍处于被遮蔽状态。  相似文献   

本文运用文献计量学方法,对1949年以来我国清代藏书学术思想研究论文统计分析发现:清代藏书学术思想的相关研究论文仅200篇,主要分布在包括25种核心期刊在内的95种期刊上,核心作者仅12人,主题分布主要为清代藏书思想专题研究和个案研究,表明清代藏书学术思想研究比较薄弱,建议从研究方法、研究主线、研究内容与层次等方面加强清代藏书学术思想的研究.  相似文献   

金敏甫对图书馆学术研究的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴稌年 《大学图书馆学报》2011,29(1):117-122,95
金敏甫早期主要研究图书馆学术史,20世纪30年代后,他的研究方向全面转入到了编目学的研究。金敏甫明确了中国图书馆学术的起始期,并对中国图书馆学术研究进行了分期、归纳统计了图书馆学术研究的重点与方向,阐述了图书馆的发展趋势。在研究编目学的过程中,对中外编目史进行了分期研究,从学术研究角度,对图书馆字体的学术性和应用性作了论述。  相似文献   

中国图书情报学理论与实践建设述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国图书情报学理论与实践建设述评陈俊民Abstract:Basedonthestatisticaldatafrom1949~1992,thepaperIntroducesthebasicconditionofthetheoreticalresearc...  相似文献   

该文对建国70年来我国图书馆学教育的历史进程进行了系统的回顾总结。在全面介绍培养模式、专业目录制订、课程设置、教材建设、各个层次和类型的专业教育基础上,认为应通过不断创新实现图书馆学教育体系在高层次上的完善,通过对外交流并坚持发扬中国优秀文化传统建设中国特色的图书馆学专业教育,通过供应侧改革实现专业人才教育与社会需求的供需接轨,在新理念的引导下实现我国图书馆学教育事业发展与时俱进。  相似文献   

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