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高职计算机网络专业实践性环节的教学改革与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实践性环节是高职计算机网络专业教学的重要过程。从社会需求入手,提出了实践性教学改革的目标和基本思路。通过实践,改革了实践性教学探索的主要内容,从建立校内网络实训中心、重视学生职业资格考证培训等几个方面,建立起一套卓有成效的实践教学体系。  相似文献   

五年制高等护理专业实践教学的目标是使学生具有较强的临床护理能力,教学模式应以临床需要为中心,从实践教学目标、实践教学环节、教学基地开发与建设、教材定位、教学日常管理等方面入手,采用技能型、应用性人才的培养模式,加强临床技能和实践性环节的教学。  相似文献   

从工程的本质、工科学生的“工程化”教育入手,构建了“机械设计制造及自动化专业”实践性教学环节的基本框架和具体内容。  相似文献   

环境艺术设计专业园林设计课程教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林设计课程是环境艺术设计专业实践性很强的课程,但在教学中存在着师资薄弱,教学方法陈旧,考核方式单一等问题,要改变这些问题必须从加强师资队伍建设,注重学生综合能力的培养及教学方法多样化等环节入手。  相似文献   

法学专业已经成为很多综合性大学的必设专业之一,而我国的法学教育存在着教学实践与理论研究环节严重脱节的弊端.文章从我国目前法学教育实践环节的主要缺陷分析入手,构建了较为完善的法学专业实践性教学体系.  相似文献   

提高土木工程专业实践教学质量的思考与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土木工程专业具有很强的专业性、实践性、综合性和社会性。实践性教学在土木工程教学中占有十分重要的地位,通过分析目前我国高校土木工程专业实践性教学存在的问题和不足,提出应该从优化实习环节、多方面多层次开展实验教学、加大师资队伍建设等方面提高土木工程专业实践教学质量。  相似文献   

建筑环境与设备工程专业的实践教学方法改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对实践性教学环节在整个教学过程中的地位和作用,本文分析了上海水产大学建筑环境与设备工程专业在实践教学中存在的一些问题,提出了加强实践环节教学工作的新思路,并从实验教学改革,实习、实训教学改革,课程设计和毕业设计教学改革等三方面入手实施相应的改革措施和方法,使本专业的教学质量和教学水平迈上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

金融专业实践性教学应定位于培养和提高学生的综合素质,培养其发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。金融专业实践教学改革,要从构建实践性教学体系、加强金融专业实验教学与校外实习基地建设、建立实践教学考核标准、加强专业教师队伍建设四个方面入手,以促进实践教学发展和教学质量提高。  相似文献   

实践性教学环节是高职物流管理专业教学的重要内容,对于提高该专业人才培养质量和市场就业能力有重要意义。现阶段在该专业实践性教学环节中存在着教学计划不合理、缺乏科学系统的实践教学评价标准和校企合作机制不完善等问题,需提高实践性教学环节系统化和规范化建设、构建科学有效的实践性教学评价机制和创新高职物流管理专业校企合作机制,不断提升高职物流管理专业人才培养质量。  相似文献   

深化学校的教学改革,加强和改进实践教学环节提高学生的实际动手能力,实现学校可持续发展,从而增强学校的综合竞争能力.机电专业是我校重点专业,为提高职业教育的专业性和突出职业技能培养,围绕机电专业实践性教学环节,我们倡导以实践为主,从改革实践教学体系入手,使教改深入每一个教学过程中.在机电专业的实践教学环节中进行了模块学、理论与实践相结合,以考促教,提高了实践教学的效果.  相似文献   

教学媒体研究的实证传统与历史反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡建东 《现代教育技术》2007,17(6):88-90,38
文章对教育技术学研究的重要一支——教学媒体研究的实证主义研究传统进行了历史回顾。研究表明,早期教学媒体研究的实证主义深受当时学术背景的影响,在其问题与方法的嬗变过程中又经历了一个从粗放到不断精致的过程。论文最后对教学媒体研究中,实证主义长期“一统天下”的现象进行了历史反思,并做出了新的解读。  相似文献   

This article is a response to Hammersley's allegations that my discussion of positivism and differentiation‐polarisation theory (d‐p), previously published in this journal, was misguided, incoherent and prejudiced against positivism. I refute those allegations by demonstrating that Hammersley has either misunderstood or misrepresented my position. Furthermore, by revealing inconsistencies in Hammersley's arguments about positivism and d‐p I expose his incoherencies and prejudices regarding the role of political values in social research. Finally and constructively, I suggest that the ‘enlightenment’ aspect of the ‘political arithmetic’ tradition has much to recommend it as a framework for progress in sociology of education.  相似文献   

逻辑实证主义根源于西方哲学的两大传统:分析的传统和内在论传统.分析的传统有两个基本的特征,一是重视概念,二是注重逻辑.这种传统贯穿于西方哲学的始终,这种传统特别表现在西方的逻辑学的发展中.逻辑实证主义继承了这种分析的传统,具体表现在它对语言分析的强调,对数理逻辑的运用,维特根斯坦的命题——哲学就是对命题的逻辑分析——成为了逻辑实证主义的哲学观的核心.不仅如此,逻辑实证主义还是对西方哲学中的内在论传统的继承.  相似文献   

在《社会学方法的准则》中,杜尔凯姆将社会学的研究对象界定为社会事实,并且强调社会事实的客观性以及对行动者的制约作用;他主张研究者抛开已经形成的关于社会事实的常识观念来理解、解释社会事实,创造出符合科学需要的专门术语;他还以孔德和斯宾塞的实证主义社会学思想为主要批判对象,形成了他的实证主义社会学的方法论纲领。吉登斯在《社会学方法的新规则》中则以杜尔凯姆的实证主义研究方法为主要的批判对象,重新界定行动与结构、常识与科学之间的关系,在批判并超越传统的基础上阐明他的社会学研究中方法的新规则。  相似文献   

Our conceptions of educational research depend very much on our philosophical views. Positivism, in its various guises, is the dominant tradition. Three key positivist notions are considered and evaluated in the light of recent work in postpositivist philosophy of science. The first is foundationalism and the theory-ladenness of observation; the second is verification and holistic revision; the third is value-freedom and epistemic virtues. It is concluded that even if positivism is rejected, a scientific account of educational research can still be retained.  相似文献   

方法论问题一直是比较教育学界十分关注的问题,这是由于比较教育学科的特殊性所决定的。借鉴主义方法论、民族主义方法论、实证主义方法论是为比较教育方法论的历史传统,20世纪70年代以后则是比较教育方法论的现代变革时期,主要有人文主义方法论、马克思主义方法论、后现代主义方法论。基于方法论问题在比较教育学科的重要性,比较教育学界仍需关注此一问题。  相似文献   

This paper documents some of the `bad press' that Positivism has received inscience education; it delineates the varied, and sometimes contradictory, waysin which educationalists characterize positivism; it indicates that Constructivismshares the same philosophical commitments as the instrumentalist tradition inpositivism; and it suggests that there is considerable educational gain in reconsideringthe philosophical and educational commitments of the non-instrumentalist, logicalempiricist, tradition in positivism. The paper proceeds by examining and elaboratingupon two educational papers of Vienna Circle members Philipp Frank and HerbertFeigl. It is argued that a number of the philosophical and educational `principles' ofthese foundational positivists are of value to educators facing a worldwide drift fromnatural sciences in schools and universities, and an increasingly strident anti-sciencelobby in universities and society. There are at least some positivist babies that shouldnot be thrown out with the educational bathwater.  相似文献   

Task instruction may be presented in many forms. However, training system designers are often forced to depend on intuition when choosing a presentation medium. Though past research has investigated the effectiveness of instructional media types, results have been mixed with no clear recommendations of which medium to use for instruction. An organizational framework for matching the appropriate medium or media to a learning situation is necessary for progress to occur in this research area. Through three experiments, we investigated the attributes of audio and video as instructional media, identified tasks for which we might predict the most beneficial instructional media, and tested our proposed organizational framework by manipulating the difficulty of the task and the complexity of the instructions. Older and younger adults participated in the experiments to help us understand differences in training needs for varying cognitive and perceptual abilities. We provide the basis for a taxonomy of instructional media and task demands, to be added through further research.  相似文献   

Conclusion A careful review of the arguments and counter arguments presented by Clark (1983; 1994) and Kozma (1991; 1994), responses published in the past 20 years (Jonassen, Campbell & Davidson, 1994; Morrison, 1994; Reiser, 1994; Shrock, 1994) and existing instructional design literature (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2001; Reiser & Dick, 1996; Smith & Ragan, 1999) indicates there is, and always has been, significantly more agreement on this subject than the debate would indicate. Clark never said that a textbook could deliver an instructional method requiring the use of a 3-dimensional graphic representation as effectively as a computer, nor did Kozma maintain that the computer was the only medium with the capabilities to do so. Both acknowledged that the two instructional components — the instructional methods and the delivery medium — must be aligned to facilitate learning. The debate is, and always has been, about the ability of more than one medium to support a selected instructional method, whether or not any given medium has capabilities that cannot be replicated by another medium, and the validity of the research. We believe that today, in 2005: • Computers are capable of supporting instructional methods that other media are not • Computers, by means of their unique capabilities, affect learning • Computers are often the most cost-effective, efficient delivery method for any given unit of instruction We also: • Acknowledge the limitations of media comparison studies • Acknowledge the need to align the message, the medium and the learning task • Agree that some media are interchangeable and • Support the use of the most cost-effective, efficient delivery method for any given unit of instruction We believe that after 22 years it is time to reframe the original debate to ask, not if, but how media affects learning. We agree that media comparison studies are inherently flawed and support the argument that we must identify research designs that will provide answers to this question in significantly less time.  相似文献   

后现代主义是对现代主义所产生的负面过程或结果的反思,它为人们重新审视三维教学目标提供了新的视角。新课程三维教学目标一方面在后现代主义的比照下其目标分类、科学理性取向等品质凸显出来,另一方面在后现代理论的涤荡下,三维教学目标又呈现出了:批判逻辑实证主义,构建概念模糊性教学目标;否定"理性人",塑造"游戏人"和"文化人";消解中心和边缘的界限,倡导多元情感价值观;反对结果至上,重视过程生成性等一些后现代特点。  相似文献   

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