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国际出版集团与中国科技期刊合作的互利分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丽 《编辑学报》2009,21(1):49-50
国际出版集团与中国科技期刊合作是互利的。国际出版集团可以通过合作来树立形象,丰富产品,推销商品;参与合作的中国科技期刊可以"借船出海"扩大影响,获取国际先进的出版理念和资讯,快速提升编辑工作水平。  相似文献   

护理期刊面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张立新 《编辑学报》2007,19(3):212-214
护理期刊面临着发展的机遇:护理学科的发展推动了护理期刊的发展;护理人员队伍不断壮大为发行量的增加创造了条件;护理服务范围的扩大丰富了期刊的内容.同时,护理期刊也面临着挑战:激烈的市场竞争;优秀稿件欠缺;经营管理经验不足;广告资源缺乏.对策:紧跟学科发展,及时调整期刊定位,注重期刊的个性化;吸引更多专业领域和更基层的读者;利用期刊平台,提高护理人员科研和论文写作水平;强化经营意识,建立企业运营机制,促进编辑的全面发展.  相似文献   

Publishers and learned societies in the scientific marketplace are faced with new challenges as they move their existing journals from the traditional print format and distribution to an electronic environment. Many of the traditional marketing approaches need to be modified to reflect new features and benefits that online publications offer. In addition, the electronic environment, specifically the World Wide Web (WWW) offer different types of opportunities beyond traditional marketing channels. The following paper will cover several different aspects of marketing electronic journals: traditional marketing considerations; translating traditional methods into electronic marketing strategies; and an emerging marketing channel referred to as the virtual community.  相似文献   

Scholarly journals, especially in non‐English‐speaking countries, may perform very different functions depending on whether they are published for national or international audiences. Four hundred and sixty‐six academic physicians and non‐academic general practitioners in Croatia were surveyed on their knowledge about two Croatian medical journals: Lije?ni?ki vjesnik (published in Croatian) and Croatian Medical Journal (published in English). The physicians were also surveyed about the importance of all national and international journals published in Croatia, and the types of articles they thought should be published in these journals. More respondents rated national (n = 329, 72.6%) than international journals (n = 275, 63.5%, P < 0.001, Wilcoxon test) as very important for the medical profession. On the other hand, publishing in international journals was more often rated as important than publishing in national journals (n = 184, 42.5% vs. n = 125, 27.8%; P < 0.001, Wilcoxon test). Guidelines for clinical practice were rated as the most important publication item in national journals, and original scientific articles in international journals.  相似文献   

This article discusses the emergence of academic publishing in a fast‐growing transition economy, Vietnam, where the race has heated up to publish in international journals, preferably with a high impact factor, and to accelerate the indexing of domestic journals. Within the fields of SSH alone, the publication output grew by 17% a year in the 2008–2018 period, encouraged by government policies and financial incentives for researchers. This review demonstrates an environment where there is sufficient financial growth to support increased R&D but limited skills and knowledge of how to increase quality publication output, either within national or international journals. The article highlights the drivers of increasing scientific publication output, as well as the traps and pitfalls that follow this competition. It suggests that there are opportunities for publishers and other organizations to improve ethical and practical publishing issues and to develop co‐publishing agreements that will increase the visibility of the country in international academia. The article indicates the harsh reality of pursuing higher publishing standards in academia, a world that has long been dominated by authors and publishers from industrialized countries.  相似文献   

Scholarly publishing scams and predatory journals are emerging threats to academic integrity. During the last few years, the number of bogus journals has dramatically increased, defraud authors by promising fast review and prompt publishing. The current research investigates the contribution of Iranian researchers in predatory open-access journals in 2014. In this research, a total of 21,817 articles published by 265 journals from Beall’s list of predatory standalone journals were investigated. Although Beall’s weblog was taken offline on January 15, 2017, data was collected between January and March 2016 when his weblog was accessible. Results of the study revealed that Iranian researchers have contributed to 1449 papers from 265 journals, ranked this country as having the second largest contributor after India. Surprisingly, institutions with the highest share of publication in predatory journals are among the most reputable and well-known universities of the country. Un-vetted papers published in predatory journals can hurt individuals’ reputation and be a base for future low-quality research in Iran and other world countries. To avoid being victimized by questionable journals, researchers should be more familiar with scholarly publishing literacy skills to recognize and avoid publishing scams.  相似文献   

运用文献计量学方法,对国内9种图书馆学核心期刊的外文引文数量、引文文献类型及引用期刊的学科分布等方面进行统计分析与比较。认为该结果对了解国内图书馆学研究者获取国外先进信息的能力、图书馆学研究的热门领域和国际专业主流期刊及其获取渠道有较大的参考价值,可为评价国内图书馆学核心期刊的学术价值提供参考。  相似文献   

高校学报在“双一流”建设中的机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育“双一流”建设中,一流学科建设的任务和路径为高校学报在新时期的发展提出了新的机遇和挑战.“双一流”建设内容是高校学报发展的根本所在,“双一流”评价标准使得高校学报功能定位获得重新认知.根据“双一流”的建设路径,高校学报应该依托所在高校和学科,规划好近期建设任务和中长期发展目标,发挥学报在学校师资队伍建设、人才培养、学科建设、科学研究、社会服务、国际交流、文化传承等方面的独特作用,从源头上推动我国期刊质量的提升,维护我国科技期刊的成果首发权,掌握学术评价主导权,进而提升我国在国际科技界的话语权,更好地提升科技创新能力和服务于广大科技工作者.  相似文献   

张明明 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):256-259
研究者是科技期刊的作者、审稿人、编委和主要读者.为了高效联系全球海量研究者,提出了3种利用期刊数字出版资源结合计算机工具软件快速搜集国际研究者姓名、邮箱和机构等联系信息的方法,即PubMed文献XML文件提取、商品化网站采集工具和定制Java采集程序.比较了常用的函件群发方法.实践证明,3种采集方法实用、高效、易操作,极大地节约了劳动力.函件群发平台是目前比较好的函件群发方法,可用于期刊电子函件营销;因此,通过计算机工具软件批量提取研究者联系信息并通过函件群发平台发送函件,极大地提高了与国际研究者沟通的效率.  相似文献   

The medical libraries of Vietnam maintain high profiles within their institutions and are recognized by health care professionals and administrators as an important part of the health care system. Despite the multitude of problems in providing even a minimal level of medical library services, librarians, clinicians, and researchers nevertheless are determined that enhanced services be made available. Currently, services can be described as basic and unsophisticated, yet viable and surprisingly well organized. The lack of hard western currency required to buy materials and the lack of library technology will be major obstacles to improving information services. Vietnam, like many developing nations, is about to enter a period of technological upheaval, which ultimately will result in a transition from the traditional library limited by walls to a national resource that will rely increasingly on electronic access to international knowledge networks. Technology such as CD-ROM, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and satellite telecommunication networks such as Internet can provide the technical backbone to provide access to remote and widely distributed electronic databases to support the information needs of the health care community. Over the long term, access to such databases likely will be cost-effective, in contrast to the assuredly astronomical cost of building a comparable domestic print collection. The advent of new, low-cost electronic technologies probably will revolutionize health care information services in developing nations. However, for the immediate future, the medical libraries of Vietnam will require ongoing sustained support from the international community, so that minimal levels of resources will be available to support the information needs of the health care community. It is remarkable, and a credit to the determination of Vietnam's librarians that, in a country with a legacy of war, economic deprivation, and international isolation, they have somehow managed to provide a sound basic level of information services for health care professionals.  相似文献   

开放科学目录收录了迄今为止几乎所有的开放存取期刊。通过对该目录的调查发现,目前开放存取期刊的发展现状并不像人们宣传的那样好,有些期刊只向部分地区开放,有些则须经过一段时滞后用方能获取全文。开放存取期刊的发展尚处于起步阶段,并没有达到黄如花教授所讲的可以与传统期刊相抗衡的地步。本调查研究显示了目前开放存取期刊的整体状况是“部分开放存取期刊多,完全开放存取期刊少;延时开放存取期刊多,即时开放存取期刊少”。由于部分OA和延时OA存在着诸多缺陷,这给我们的启示是,图书馆在进行文献资源建设时既要利用免费的开放存取期刊以充实馆藏,又不能轻易放弃纸质传统期刊的订购。  相似文献   

高校工科学报面向企业的理性思考   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
高校工科学报面向企业是市场经济条件下发挥其潜在效益、谋求发展的重要举措.高校工科学报应调整编辑方针,注重理论与实践相结合的组稿原则,兼顾企业科技人员,扩大读者面,在为高校教学、科研服务的同时,有针对性地面向企业服务,走高校教学、科研与企业生产联动的可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]同行评议作为一种评审制度一直受到"主观"而不够"客观"的批评。公开同行评议可以在一定程度上缓解这个问题。学者对公开同行评议的接受度如何是学术期刊实施该制度首要考虑的问题。[方法/过程]首先通过文献调研对学术论文公开同行评议的概念、相比传统同行评议的优势和不足进行论述,接着就公开评审流程中的公开内容对来自中国各个学科及研究领域的研究人员进行问卷调查,获得中国学者对学术论文公开同行评议的接受度数据,并对中国学者对论文开放同行评议的接受度进行分析。[结果/结论]问卷调查对象来自不同的学科领域,其中100%有发文经历,70%以上具有审稿经历,40%以上曾为国际期刊审过稿。调查结果表明,半数(占50.33%)中国学者对学术论文公开评审是接受的,在学术论文评审的不同阶段,中国学者的接受度不同。经过非参数统计检验,不同学科同行评议者接受度有所差异;是否具有国际期刊审稿经验的同行评议专家接受度差异不明显。论文相关分析数据可为中文学术期刊实施公开同行评议制度提供支持。  相似文献   

开放存取期刊的出版模式及其"获取"途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
重点对开放存取环境下国际OA(开放存取)期刊的运营机制、多样化的期刊OA模式、OA期刊的质量控制及其影响力、OA期刊的版权模式等最新研究进展进行了分析;同时对ID/OA模式下的非OA期刊文章的"存档"与"获取"策略进行了分析研究,最后就我国如何借鉴国际开放存取的实践、提高中国期刊影响力和科研人员的学术影响力、如何利用OA资源等提出了建议。  相似文献   

医学期刊既有传播医学知识、交流科研成果、引导学术发展方向等功能,又有传承和构建人文精神,展现人文关怀的社会责任和义务.应在选题策划中自觉导入人文性原则,在来稿登记回复、审稿及退修、退稿信的撰写等环节上体现尊重、平等和公平正义等人文精神,并在编辑加工中强调期刊编辑的主体意识,保持期刊的风格和特色,在更高层次上体现期刊内在的人文素质.  相似文献   

科技期刊学术质量评价体系的动态优化   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
姜联合 《编辑学报》2001,13(5):251-252
在科技期刊学术质量评价静态指标(影响因子、被引频次、即年指数)的基础上,提出测定科技期刊学术质量发展趋势的动态指标-趋势指数,及测定期刊学术质量稳定性的动态指标-稳定指数。据此对科技期刊学术质量评价体系进行动态优化,并对国内外24种植物学期刊运用层次分析法进行了综合指数的评价。  相似文献   

论农业学术期刊的品牌建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐红梅 《编辑学报》2005,17(6):444-446
随着加入WTO,我国农业学术期刊面临着非常严峻的竞争形势.农业学术期刊要在激烈的全球化市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须走创立品牌之路.探讨农业学术期刊如何实施品牌战略,提出了主要对策:明确期刊品牌的定位,全面提高农业学术期刊质量,重塑营销渠道,畅通进入国际权威检索系统的途径.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey on citation behaviour of Malaysian researchers. It is part of a wider study gauging quality and trustworthiness in scholarly communication in the emerging digital environment. The survey questionnaire was distributed between 1 October 2014 and 31 January 2015. A total of 391 respondents, from four research areas (humanities, life sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences) completed the questionnaire. The finding indicated that motivations for citing were complex and multi‐faceted, but in all four disciplines, researchers cite a work because they regard it as an authoritative and trustworthy source, which provides a context or building block to their own research. Although researchers have moved from a print‐based system to a digital one, it has not significantly changed the way they decide what to trust. Peer reviewed journals are still the most influential. Open access journals will be cited if they have been peer reviewed. Citing on the basis of high altmetrics and other social judgements, such as mentions, likes, and use, was not prevalent. Measures of establishing trust and authority do not seem to have changed profoundly in Malaysia.  相似文献   

The validity of academic knowledge largely rests on the reviewing procedures employed in scholarly publishing that shape and produce it. Drawing on fieldwork and in-depth interviews with journal editors and researchers, the paper aims to give an account of the rise of anonymous review among communication journals in mainland China, which has been modeled after western (especially the US) practice and added to, instead of replacing, the existing editor-leading three-stage reviewing approach. The paper examines the way by which journals articulate the ‘international convention,’ the negotiation between the emerging practice and the old institutional environment, and its implication for the legitimacy of journal publication. This paper contends that the cross-societal imitation of anonymous (peer) review is an attempt to obtain procedural legitimacy when the official legitimacy falls into crisis. Ideally, it functions as a ‘strategic ritual’ which lays a general foundation for journal organizations to claim credibility and provides resources for gatekeepers to defend their cultural authority and shield them against criticism or unfavorable requests. But in reality, the extent of adoption and implementation of anonymous review is largely restricted and reconfigured by the real institutional environment (i.e., the danwei system) in which it takes shape.  相似文献   

江霞  颜志森 《编辑学报》2015,27(2):172-174
科技期刊出版业由传统的出版与经营管理转变为数字化出版,利用电子商务平台进行数字化、网络化营销已成为科技期刊的发展方向.认为:可开展基于科技期刊自建网站的电子商务营销;通过专业的电子商务平台开通科技期刊的旗舰营销店,实现科技期刊的多元化、多渠道的电子商务营销;通过手机付费平台进行科技期刊的网络化营销.科技期刊利用电子商务平台营销过程中需重视多方合作并加强管理,加强电子商务平台的内容建设及服务营销,加大培养电子商务专业化营销与管理人才的力度,不断扩大科技期刊的社会效益与经济效益.  相似文献   

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