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Among the studies of the internal efficiency in higher education, most have focused on the scale of university (the economies of scale), but little on internal operating efficiency in higher education, especially on the combined efficiency of outputs (the economies of scope). There are few theoretical discussions or experimental research on whether teaching resources are complementary with research resources, or whether resources in undergraduate cultivation are shared with those in postgraduate training. In the background of the resource scarcity, it is significant to study the economies of scope in higher education to realize intensive development of higher education. Based on the multiproduct cost function and the data of universities attached to the Ministry of Education, this paper attempts to deal with the complementarities of resources used in undergraduate cultivation, postgraduate training and research to find that universities produce these outputs without sufficient resource sharing, the diseconomies of scope in postgraduate training is highest. As far as the quality of teaching and research are concerned, diseconomies of scope of the outputs are great. The main reasons are as follows: poor distribution of facilities, teachers and books, overlapping internal management systems, and the current postgraduate cultivation model. Therefore, relative departments should take internal resource sharing in higher education into account when making the administration policy of higher education. __________ Translated from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学 版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2007, (2): 81–91  相似文献   

This paper estimates economies of scale and scope for 36 Australian universities using a multiple-input, multiple-output cost function over the period 1998–2006. The three inputs included in the analysis are full-time equivalent academic and non-academic staff and physical capital. The five outputs are undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD completions, national competitive and industry grants, and publications. The findings indicate that ray economies of scale hold up to about 120% of current mean output though product-specific economies of scale hold only for undergraduate teaching. Global economies of scope prevail in the sector, increasing with the level of mean output, while product-specific economies of scope arise for all outputs except publications. A cost efficiency index constructed using the sector benchmark indicates that the universities of Ballarat, Southern Cross and Flinders have a high level of cost efficiency, while New South Wales, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and James Cook are cost inefficient.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,知识的重要性越来越凸显。全国各个院校在做好本科生教育的同时,也在积极的致力于研究生教育的研究与发展。研究生教育作为高层次的学校教育,它担负着培养知识创新、技术尖端的高级人才的重任。在这个科技迅速发展,知识日新月异的时代,研究生的教育与培养关系到一个国家的竞争力和发展。国家对于高层次人才的需求导致研究生的招生规模不断扩大,也引起了人们对研究生培养问题的关注和探讨。本文从实际出发,在做好研究生理论知识培养的基础上,着重探讨研究生实践能力的培养方式,锻炼他们分析问题与解决问题的能力。结合目前多数大学的现状,提出充分利用学校现有的实验室资源和导师的项目资源,投身科研工作,于实践中培养科研能力。  相似文献   

基于SaaS的高校教学科研资源共享平台的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教学优质科研资源的有效共享,可以实现高校之间的优势互补,提升高校的整体教育教学质量。通过SaaS的介绍及对国内高校资源共享情况的简要分析,提出了可应用SaaS思想的高校教学科研资源共享的应用服务场景,设计了一个高校教学科研资源共享平台的架构,并对各层的功能进行了阐述。希望能为国内教育信息化的进一步拓展,让高校的优势资源得到更加有效的利用,提供一个新的技术选择方案。  相似文献   

在建设一流大学、一流学科的新形势下,提升研究生培养质量迫在眉睫。文章深入分析了目前地方高校研究生培养模式、教学模式、师资队伍等方面的不足,提出了建立健全研究生教育质量保障体系,通过加强对研究生培养质量的过程督导及教学模式改革,强化研究生创新能力及研究能力的培养。  相似文献   

建设一流本科教育是当前高校为国家战略服务的重任。一流本科人才培养的核心特征是创造精神与创新能力。要培养创造性人才,需要优化人才培养方式,特别是要构建多元化的课程体系、推行研究性的教学方式尤其重视本科生参与科研、搭建丰富多彩、宽松自由的非课堂教学空间。人才培养方式的优化,须依赖优良的高校内部治理。通过强化学术权力弱化行政权力、实行校院两级分权治理、学生参与管理、行业精英介入人才培养过程等学校内部治理,促进和保障一流本科教育培养出创造性人才。  相似文献   

拔尖创新人才自主培养是新时代教育强国、科技强国和人才强国建设的关键衔接点,具有重大时代意义和引领效应。在高等学校分类发展体系下,拔尖创新人才也应积极构建分类培养体系。拔尖创新人才的基本命题是人才培养,在世界一流大学创新人才培养实践中,高质量教学是贯穿其中的核心。在我国的拔尖创新人才培养中,促使教学与科研良性互动,匡正科研崇拜与补救教学缺失,需要在理论与实践上不断地反思与探索。宁波大学阳明创新班基于交叉融合探索的“六融合”拔尖创新人才培养模式,对构建与优化具有中国特色精英本科人才培养模式有积极的实践价值与启示意义。在当前国家明确职业教育类型定位后,高等职业教育也应确立拔尖创新人才培养理念,以深化中高职协同发展为突破、以产业学院为抓手、以职业本科教育为引领,推进技术技能型拔尖创新人才培养。  相似文献   

企业和高校之间存在人才需求端和人才供应端的联系,但两者性质、职能、价值目标、对社会变化反应速度等方面差别阻碍了产教融合进程。企业转型升级、高校人才培养急需产教携手,产教融合成为高等教育界和企业界的共同呼声。产教融合的实现基础是互信机制,即价值取向的互信认同、校企资源的互信共享、人才培养的互信联动,校企须遵循的价值取向应注重经济效益与社会效益的统一性、长期性、双向性和兼顾性,摒弃价值取向的短视性、单向性和片面性;充分认识校企拥有的物质资源和科技资源的互补性,构建资源的产教共享机制;积极挖掘双方人才培养中的合作潜能,企业认可及信任高校人才培养理念、方向、质量、规格,高校认同及信任企业人才培养不可替代的能力及作用,校企双方在人才培养方案修订与实施、理论教学与实践教学、工程能力培养与特殊技能培训三方面联动。  相似文献   

比较中国高校地理学研究生培养方案,识别高校地理学研究生教育的空间性及其生产机制。研究发现:(1)研究生培养单位分布区域不平衡显著,隶属关系与区位差异直接影响培养方向、目标、创新能力等方面育成途径差异,地理学研究生培养日益重视学科内部交叉,以及与生态环境、测绘、海洋、经济、城乡规划与资源环境管理等外部学科交叉衍生;(2)中央政府直属高校自然地理人才培养面向全球变化、资源利用与自然灾害,人文地理人才培养集中在经济、城市、旅游等三级分支理论研究及其服务国家发展规划,地理信息系统人才养集中在资源环境遥感原理与应用、生态环境监测;省属高校地理学研究生培养更加注重地方发展、资源环境利用与中学师资等方向。  相似文献   

There are broad concerns in Italy about public sector efficiency. Within the public sector higher education (HE) has a major role, providing the economy with research outputs and graduates. Italian universities claim to have expanded teaching and research services to keep pace with the growth of the “knowledge society.” An important question is whether this expansion is benefiting the Italian HE sector. To address this issue, the cost structure of Italian university system is examined. A quadratic cost function is employed to test both the existence of efficiency linkages between teaching and research services and the presence of scale economies. These results are used to investigate the implications of a more specialized HE sector.  相似文献   

不同地区高校的内部效率--从范围经济角度考察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
范围经济是评价高等教育内部效率的一个重要工具。本文运用鲍莫尔等人(1982)提供的多产出组织分析框架,对教育部直属高校的样本数据的范围经济进行了实证分析。发现不论采用那种处理办法,考虑高校所在地区所得到的范围经济结果同没有考虑时(总体样本)的结果是不同的,说明在从范围经济的角度考察高等学校的内部效率时,高校所在的地区是需要考虑的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the economies of scale and economies of scope for the Chinese research universities by employing the flexible fixed cost quadratic (FFCQ) function. The empirical results show that both economies of scale and economies of scope exist in the Chinese higher education system and support the commonly belief that universities as multi-product organizations.  相似文献   

科研训练作为高校培养创新型人才的有效途径,是目前实施本科教育教学质量工程,提高人才培养质量的重要环节。本文根据三峡大学的实际情况,探索以"基地班"(复合型人才培养实验班)建设为契机,把本科生科研训练融入课堂教学体系,进行理论与实践相结合的科研教学,指导和培养本科生的基本科研素养,以提升学生的创新素质,达到重新评估和改进现有的本科生教学和科研工作,切实提高本科生培养质量的目的。  相似文献   

本科教育的质量是本科院校生存和发展的基础,是新建地方本科院校的生命。随着1999年以来高校不断扩招,提高教育教学质量是本科院校急需解决的问题。教师团队的教科研水平直接关系到人才培养的质量,如何加强师资队伍建设,促进新建地方本科院校的教学改革,使本科教育的质量和人才培养质量再上一个台阶成了新建地方本科院校直面问题。文章沿着"什么是新建地方本科院校教学团队-教学团队有哪些类型-为什么要建设教学团队-如何建设教学团队-在建设过程中存在哪些问题"的研究思路,探讨新建地方本科院校在教育教学改革过程中所面临的一些现实问题。  相似文献   

The current study examines costs, measured by educational and general (E&G) spending, and cost efficiency at 252 public master’s institutions in the United States over a nine-year (2004–2012) period. We use a multi-product quadratic cost function and results from a random-effects model with a first-order autoregressive (AR1) disturbance term to calculate economies of scale with regard to undergraduate enrollment, graduate enrollment, and research. We also employ a slightly modified version of Kumbhakar et al. (J Prod Anal 41(2):321–337, 2014) multi-step approach, involving the use of stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and taking into account spatial interdependency, to decompose cost efficiency into long-term stable (persistent) and short-term (residual) efficiency. The key results of this study include evidence that: (1) regional clustering of costs exists; (2) there are economies of scale in undergraduate education and diseconomies of scale in graduate education; (3) relatively few institutions are cost inefficient; and (4) cost inefficiency tends to be long-term and persistent rather than short-term and residual. This research also identifies public master’s institutions that are the most cost efficient. Our inquiry has implications for future research as it points towards specific institutions, which may be engaged in effective practices to keep costs low, for possible follow-up case studies. Going forward, the techniques used in this study could be applied to examine economies of scale and scope as well as cost efficiency among other types of higher education institutions, such as public or private research universities, baccalaureate institutions, and community colleges.  相似文献   

高校核心资源是教学与科研资源,促进资源利用效能的提升是时下高职院校教学科研改革的关键所在,而实施跨专业教学科研团队建设是一条有效的途径。在实施过程中,面临的瓶颈是组织方法问题。只有不断探索高职院校教学科研资源配置的规律,着力强化学院内部虚拟化团队建设;注重构建校际间的跨学科团队;科学搭建校企合作的新框架,并以此形成长效机制,才能保证高职院校人才培养目标的实现。  相似文献   

随着体制改革的深入和教育市场的逐步开放,学校的办学行为有了更深的经济学特质。提高高校的内部效率,充分利用已有的办学资源,已经成为高校经营的主要目标之一。范围经济理论将为提高高校内部效率提供一种新的解决思路——通过将高等院校看成是一个包括了教学、研究和社会服务等三种产出的多产出组织,利用范围经济理论对高校的内部效率进行衡量,从而使高校资源配置更为合理。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated economies of scale and scope in higher education as a means of providing public and private providers of college and university teaching, research and other services and their stakeholders with knowledge of the cost structures that underpin provision in this economically and socially important sector. However, debate continues on the precise nature of the economies of scale and scope in higher education given the mixed findings, largely because of significant institutional and other differences across studies. To address this, we employ meta-regression analysis to explore not only the overall level of scale and scope economies across more than 40 international studies conducted in Australia, the US, the UK, Italy, China, and elsewhere since the early 1980s, but also those factors that potentially affect their presence in the higher education sector. Our findings suggest that functional form and allowances for managerial efficiency have a significant impact on the estimated scale economies. In contrast, for scope economies, the key discriminating factors appear to be when the analysis was conducted, the diversity of the sample, and the national level of economic development.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展是重庆发展的历史机遇,也面临着许多的挑战,重庆高等教育资源有着自己独特的优势,可以通过重庆高等教育资源共享,在统筹城乡发展中发挥重要作用,包括为统筹城乡发展提供智力支持、提供产学研一体化研究平台、培养统筹城乡发展所需的各方面人才等。同时,为保证高等教育资源共享机制发挥有效作用,应重视构建多资源共享渠道,克服现实障碍,构建长效机制,并且使高校在促进统筹城乡发展中,扩大高等教育的影响力。  相似文献   

康乃尔大学作为美国"常春藤名校"中本科生规模最大和最具有教育多样化的学校,长期以来把追求平等教育、重视本科教学作为学校办学的核心。在本科教学中特别重视对教学计划、课程设置、教学实践、学分制度、教学考核以及学生人格培养等环节的管理,注重培养学生的实践技能、创新能力和塑造健康人格。康乃尔大学本科教学的先进经验为我国建设研究型大学、提高本科教育教学质量提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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