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学习科学视域下的案例推理机制为案例教学带来了新的行动方向,其核心思想是"类似的问题有类似的解决方案"。文章通过梳理五种案例推理认知模型后,建构了案例推理学习模型,研发了基于案例推理的学习模型以及供学习者自主学习的游戏化学习平台。学习结果分析表明,基于案例推理的学习模型是以学习者为中心,关注学习过程,可以促进学习者主动推理反思,实现知识迁移,探索复杂多变的现实问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

在类比、建模、推理和论证中解决问题,这是通向有意义学习的强有力思维模式,此时学生有最大的认知参与度和创造性学习活动。聚焦问题的学习必然要求参与深层次的信息加工并得到更有意义的知识类型。为了增强学习者学会解决问题的能力,应该创设支持创造性思维的学习环境。  相似文献   

在分析社交学习网络特点的基础上,文章探讨了情感识别与学习者学习状态之间的关系;通过将学习者脸部表情、眼动、人体姿态与情感图文等多模情感作为识别的指标,并结合学习者的学习认知状态和学习行为,构建了社交学习网络情感交互模型。该模型可以促进学习者的认知发展,支持大规模的远程学习;也可以对社交学习网络进行更好的监督与指导,为该网络在学习上的应用提供新思路与新方法。  相似文献   

画像技术在当前精准营销中的应用非常广泛,而其在教育领域尤其是在线学习者的特征识别方面研究较少。文章从学习者的一般特征、学习准备、学习风格、行为特征四个方面对学习者进行分析,提出在线学习者画像描述的总体框架。同时,通过机器学习对在线学习行为数据进行挖掘,文章分别从以上四个方面对学习者画像进行建模研究,重点讨论了学习风格的建模过程,并通过对在线学习者个案分析,阐述了学习者画像在指导学习资源精准推荐、评估在线学习者学业失败或退出风险等方面的应用,为个性化教育实施提供了实践案例。  相似文献   

目标导向的学习环境(Goal-orientated Learning Environments,简称GOLEs)设计原理认为:学习环境与学习过程共生共存,学习目标贯穿整个学习活动过程,持续指导学习环境的设计;学习者通过一定的技术中介与学习环境建立互动关系;学习环境设计围绕学习活动全面展开。笔者据此建立了学习目标导向的学习环境工作图、学习者与学习环境的互动模型和目标导向的学习环境设计流程图,并详细阐述了GOLEs设计原理及其各个要素。  相似文献   

智慧学习环境下的教学更加关注学习者的个性化诉求,自适应学习系统能够为实现个性化学习提供技术支持。文章针对传统层状自适应学习系统模型未阐明学习系统内部运行机制的不足,基于自适应逆控制理论研制了一种自适应学习系统动力模型。学习者的学习目标选择促使学习系统开始运行,学习者的初始学习目标与其后的学习成效之间的差值是维系学习系统继续运行的内在动力。学习系统在领域模型、学习者模型、认知诊断和自适应模型四者的协同作用下向学习者不断推送适切的学习资源,旨在消除学习目标与当前学习成效之间的差值,从而使系统重新归于稳定。文章从系统动力机制视角,设计了自适应学习系统包含的领域模型、学习者模型、自适应模型和认知诊断模型。研究将为自适应学习系统的设计与实现提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

移动学习环境下海量无序的信息资源,对学习者学习资源的选择以及学习活动的开展造成了极大干扰。文章综合考虑移动学习环境下的学习情景、学习者个性特征等多种因素,将遗传算法应用于移动学习路径研究,并结合博物馆参观学习的应用案例,探索移动学习路径的生成机制,根据移动学习情景生成个性化学习路径。该研究能为学习者推荐符合其学习需求和情景特征的学习资源序列,使学习者取得更好的学习效果。  相似文献   

本文从在线学习者的具体学习活动出发,对在线学习情境下学习者对教学内容的选择、阅读和知识的意义建构等学习行为特点进行研究和分析,应用知识建模方法对单元教学内容进行知识网络分析,设计专用在线学习平台对学习者的学习活动进行实时跟踪记录,对学习者的知识点选择和意义建构过程及其所形成的学习路径和选择性学习行为进行分析。研究表明,学习者在开放自主的学习环境下,能够主动参照教学目标的要求和教学内容的知识网络模型特点,依据自己的学习需求,选择合适的自主学习策略组织自己的学习活动。在线学习过程中学习者对教学资源的选择可以聚合成为一条较为稳定的学习路径,该路径体现了学习者在意义建构过程中对外部资源的意义建构需求。因此在线教学中依据教学内容知识网络特点设计合理的教学活动,有效应用信息技术实现个性化的教学内容信息推送,会促进在线学习者的学习效果和学习效率。  相似文献   

关于技术促进学习的五定律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先将学习情景定义为“对一个或一系列学习事件或学习活动的综合描述”,学习情景包含学习时间、学习地点、学习伙伴、学习活动四个要素,而作为学习情景核心的学习活动,包含学习任务、学习方法与评价要求三个基本组成部分;其次,按照学习情景组成要素的或缺程度,将典型情景分为课堂听讲、个人自学、研讨性学习、边做边学与基于工作的学习等五大类型;第三,将有效学习活动定义为“学习者在预期的时间内完成学习任务、达到学习目标的过程”,并阐释了有效学习活动的五个条件为:以真实问题为起点,以学习兴彬意愿为动力,以学习活动的体验为外显行为,以分析性思考为内隐行为,以指导、反馈为外部支持;最后提出为实施有效学习活动,利用技术促进学习需要满足数字化学习资源、虚拟学习社区、学习管理系统、设计者心理、学习者心理等五个定律,即TEL五定律。  相似文献   

网络学习活动设计的根本目的是促进学习者内部的心理活动变化,尤其是促进学习者由低层次学习向高层次学习的转换过程,而经验是学习活动中学习者心理活动的纽带。该文在学习者经验转换模型的基础上,探究学习活动中学习者的心理活动模型;独到地提出学习活动设计的心理模型分为心理表象学习活动心理模型和内化知识学习活动心理模型,对应于网络学习活动中学习材料的学习设计与网络学习活动中协作活动的设计,以期为后续的网络学习活动设计者提供理论依据。  相似文献   

学习者模型是自适应学习系统的重要组成部分,然而传统的学习者模型往往是封闭的,学习者无法知晓模型的具体内容。文章从学习者模型内容开放的视角,设计了能够表征学习者认知状态和知识结构并推送学习路径与学习同伴的开放学习者模型——学习认知地图。基于学习元平台,文章从认知状态评测、知识结构计算和可视化呈现三个方面对学习认知地图的构建过程进行了阐述。之后,文章将构建的学习认知地图应用于中学信息技术课堂,实践结果表明:学习认知地图能够提升学生的学习态度,同时学生对具有学习认知地图支持的在线学习方式满意度更高。文章设计并检验了作为一种开放学习者模型实践样态的学习认知地图的效果,以期为开放学习者模型的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

A new approach to moral education using blended learning has been developed. This approach involves 10 scenarios that are designed as a web-based game and serves as a basis for group moral-consequence-based reasoning, which is developed based on a hypothetical-deductive model. The aim of the study was to examine the changes in students' blended learning interest and reasoning ability in a time series experimental design. After playing the game with the 10 initial scenarios during the first week of the study, participants were subjected to five blended learning sessions that required them to discuss the consequences of one of the 10 scenarios using hypothetical-deductive reasoning. After six weeks, the data from the 110 participants were analyzed using time series statistics. The results indicated that players were highly interested in the game, although their interest had a tendency to decrease slightly over time. Repetitive game play (i.e. practice) was positively associated with the players' moral reasoning performance. The study results may lend support to the design of a game with additional or more highly complex content for players to further develop students' consequential reasoning ability.  相似文献   

A learner‐centered approach is a central feature of instruction based on a constructivist learning model. However, there is some confusion regarding the requirement for behavioral activity as a prerequisite for a learner‐centered environment. We offer evidence in this article that some types of behavioral activity can interfere with cognitive learning processes. We recommend that instructional professionals focus on cognitive activity and summarize evidence‐based methods that support appropriate cognitive activity in behaviorally passive and active learning environments.  相似文献   

自适应学习系统中学习者特征模型及建模方法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要通过文献分析法,总结归纳自适应学习系统中学习者特征模型的建模方法,研究国内外自适应学习系统及其中关键的模型——学习者特征模型,比较分析国内外学习者特征模型建模的异同,以期为自适应学习系统的研究和开发提供帮助。  相似文献   

Here is a distinction that appears very simple, looks compelling and seems to be deeply rooted in our reflections on learning. The distinction is between activities of learning that involve training and those that involve reasoning. In the former, the pupil is a passive recipient of habits of mind and action. The mechanism by which they acquire these habits is mimesis, not reasoning. In contrast, learning by reasoning involves considerable mental activity by the pupil who has to work out what to think and do. The very mechanism by which the pupil learns is her own capacity to reason, to things work out for herself.

In this paper I argue that there is no basis for this distinction. I argue that, contrary to the dominant empiricist thinking about such things, learning by reasoning is the only credible form of learning. I start with a brief characterisation of the distinction and an account of why it seems so compelling. In §2 I review the empirical evidence from developmental psychology for a rationalist account of language learning as learning by reasoning. In §§3 and 4 I provide a philosophical argument against the place of training and in favour of a rationalist model of learning by reasoning.  相似文献   

刘美娟 《丽水学院学报》2010,32(1):99-101,110
普通话学习是一项技能性训练,学习者能否在认知和行为上积极主动地参与,将极大地影响学习的效率和效果。所以,培养学习者的自我调节学习能力,就显得尤为重要。学习者在学习过程中有明确的学习目标和具体任务,重视研究个性化的学习策略,并能自觉进行自我监控、自我反思,同时注意调控非智力因素,这不仅能有效提高普通话水平,对学习者思维水平的提高也会有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

为尊重学习者个体差异性,实现基于微信公众平台的泛在学习资源个性化推荐和个性化学习,增强学习者与学习资源的相关性,帮助学习者提高学习效率,论述了泛在学习的内涵,阐述了泛在学习公众平台相关研究现状。基于行为主义学习理论和因材施教理论设计了包含学习者层面、教师层面、系统层面和管理员层面的泛在学习资源个性化推荐微信公众平台相关功能模块,可为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

学习策略是衡量个体学习能力的重要尺度,也是制约学习效果的重要因素。受传统学习模式和远程学习环境的影响,在当前的远程教育中,远程学习者缺乏对学习策略的理解和有效运用。为此,应对以在职成人为主的远程学习者进行特征性分析,并将远程学习活动与学习策略相结合,构建有针对性和实效性的远程策略模型,以解决远程学习者低起点、低动力、低投入和低策略的问题。  相似文献   

Internet evolution has affected all industrial, commercial, and especially learning activities in the new context of e-learning. Due to cost, time, or flexibility e-learning has been adopted by participators as an alternative training method. By development of computer-based devices and new methods of teaching, e-learning has emerged. The effectiveness of such programs is dependent on powerful learning management systems. In this paper, a neuro-fuzzy approach is proposed based on an evolutionary technique to obtain an optimal learning path for both instructor and learner. The neuro-fuzzy synergy allows the diagnostic model to imitate instructor in diagnosing learners’ characteristics, and equips the intelligent learning environment with reasoning capabilities. These reasoning capabilities can be used to drive pedagogical decisions based on the learning style of the learner. The neuro-fuzzy implementation helps to encode both structured and non-structured knowledge for the instructor. On the other hand, for learners, the neural network approach has been applied to make personalized curriculum profile based on individual learner requirements in a fuzzy environment.  相似文献   

This study examines Taiwanese English as a foreign language (EFL) graduate students’ perspectives on paraphrasing strategies. A two-layer scenario survey was developed to identify the reasoning behind students’ judgments that certain paraphrasing is appropriate or inappropriate. The first-layer scenario survey is in a true–false format that consists of nine paraphrasing scenarios and that served to elicit from students their declarative knowledge of appropriate paraphrasing strategies. The second-layer scenario survey is in an open-ended question format that explores students’ explanatory knowledge underlying their first-layer choices. In addition, an attitude survey and a demographic survey were designed and implemented to explore learner variables in relation to the learners’ perspectives on paraphrasing strategies. A total of 141 EFL graduate students participated in the study. The results shed considerable light on students’ diverse perceptions and reasoning regarding paraphrasing strategies. More than half of the students considered surface-level paraphrasing (patchwriting) to be acceptable strategy use. Significant correlation was found between students’ responses to the acceptability of paraphrasing strategies and the following factors: (1) perceived difficulty in paraphrasing, (2) perceived value of appropriate source use, (3) perceived competence in overcoming the temptation to plagiarize, (4) perceived disadvantage as a foreign-language learner with paraphrasing, (5) gender, and (6) paraphrasing-related training. Pedagogical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

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