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The records of 137 students for whom complete data files were available were examined in order to determine the extent to which pre-assessment data (teacher referral information and standardized reading test scores) could successfully be used to predict the handicapping classifications decided on by child-study teams. We were specifically interested in the predictive power of pre-assessment information above and beyond that provided by handicapped children's race and gender. Results of our analyses indicated that pre-assessment data can successfully predict the handicapped classifications of the majority of special education students, as well as differentiate students who are found eligible for special education from those found to be ineligible.  相似文献   

This article examines secondary school teachers’ perceptions of corporal punishment in India. Although it has been banned in Indian schools, various types of corporal punishment are still used by teachers. It has been mainly used as a mechanism for controlling disciplinary problems in schools. Based on a pilot study of 160 secondary teachers, the result of the research reveals that teachers still perceive corporal punishment as an effective method of controlling indiscipline in class. However, some teachers state that corporal punishment is ineffective in deterring students from misbehaving. Corporal punishment is not a good method to maintain discipline. Adopting harsh methods indicates a lack of proper training in managing students in a classroom situation and a poor understanding by the teachers of students’ mental states. An awareness program for secondary school teachers about the effects of corporal punishment on children is needed. The solution is proper training for teachers and student-teachers in the use of counseling to manage behavioral problem. Also full-time counselors can be appointed in schools.  相似文献   


The author examined corporal punishment practices in the United States based on data from 362 public school principals where corporal punishment is available. Results from multiple regression analyses show that schools with multiple student violence prevention programs and teacher training programs had fewer possibilities of use corporal punishment, whereas schools that served a greater percentage of ethnic minority students and special education students had a 2.1 times greater and a 1.8 times greater likelihood of use corporal punishment, after controlling for students’ problem behavior and school characteristics. Policy implications for an equal implementation of corporal punishment practice were offered.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that compared the practice of corporal punishment in ten basic schools in the Greater Accra District in Ghana. Five of the ten schools were designated as inclusive project schools (IPS) and the other five as non-inclusive project schools (NIS). The primary purpose was to find out if the inclusive project schools were more effective in eradicating corporal punishment from their schools than were the non-project schools. One hundred teachers responded to a six-item questionnaire. A further 22 participants comprising ten teachers from the survey group, ten pupils and two directors of education were interviewed. Observation of the classroom practices, where these teachers work, substantiated the questionnaire and interview findings. The overall results indicated that corporal punishment still persists in both school sites at relatively the same scale. Three themes were found to underpin the administration of corporal punishment to students in these schools. (1) Punishment as an effective learning imperative (2) Punishment as a moral imperative (3) Punishment as religious imperative. The implications of these findings pertaining to inclusive education are discussed.  相似文献   

Physically handicapped students in higher and further education and disruptive behaviour in primary schools were among the themes that prompted recent questions in the House of Commons.  相似文献   

对于未成年学生的教育惩戒问题,国内外教育学界早有关注。总体上经历了从绝对惩戒教育到“无批评式教育”再到强调惩戒合理性的演变过程。学界对教育惩戒的认识还存在一定的分歧。法学界学者一般将《教育法》《义务教育法》等教育法律法规中规定的学校“处分”学生的措施视为教育惩戒;而多数教育学界学者则将教育惩戒与纪律处分区分开来,教育惩戒强调教师惩戒学生的权利。在教育相关的立法层面上试图区分教育惩戒与纪律处分,并将二者结合使用,细化教育惩戒和纪律处分的具体措施,分梯次使用惩戒与处分,进一步规范中小学纪律处分措施,构建未成年人惩戒与处分等学校不良记录封存的制度。  相似文献   

This paper provides detailed evidence regarding the nature of selection into a school voucher system. We use micro-data on scholarship applications matched with state student-level records on test scores, schools attended, and demographic background characteristics to describe the attributes of students who choose to participate in Florida's Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program, a means-tested scholarship program that is the largest of its type in the United States. We find evidence that those who choose to participate in the program tend to be lower-performing students from poorly performing schools, and that students of different backgrounds tend to choose different types of private schools. Students participating in the program tend to select schools that have more white students and fewer minority students, regardless of student race.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between children's experiences of three different types of violence and academic achievement among primary school children in Kingston, Jamaica.MethodsA cross-sectional study of 1300 children in grade 5 [mean (S.D.) age: 11 (0.5) years] from 29 government primary schools in urban areas of Kingston and St. Andrew, Jamaica, was conducted. Academic achievement (mathematics, reading, and spelling) was assessed using the Wide Range Achievement Test. Children's experiences of three types of violence – exposure to aggression among peers at school, physical punishment at school, and exposure to community violence – were assessed by self-report using an interviewer administered questionnaire.ResultsFifty-eight percent of the children experienced moderate or high levels of all three types of violence. Boys had poorer academic achievement and experienced higher levels of aggression among peers and physical punishment at school than girls. Children's experiences of the three types of violence were independently associated with all three indices of academic achievement. There was a dose–response relationship between children's experiences of violence and academic achievement with children experiencing higher levels of violence having the poorest academic achievement and children experiencing moderate levels having poorer achievement than those experiencing little or none.ConclusionsExposure to three different types of violence was independently associated with poor school achievement among children attending government, urban schools in Jamaica. Programs are needed in schools to reduce the levels of aggression among students and the use of physical punishment by teachers and to provide support for children exposed to community violence.Practice implicationsChildren in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean experience significant amounts of violence in their homes, communities, and schools. In this study, we demonstrate a dose–response relationship between primary school children's experiences of three different types of violence and their academic achievement. The study points to the need for validated violence prevention programs to be introduced in Jamaican primary schools. Such programs need to train teachers in appropriate classroom management and discipline strategies and to promote children's social and emotional competence and prevent aggression.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to study the attitudes towards teaching handicapped pupils among a group of Nigerian student teachers. A 13-item Likert-type scale, specially constructed to measure attitudes towards the teaching of handicapped pupils, was administered to 149 Nigerian student teachers, of differing ethnic and educational backgrounds. The respondents were also questioned about their preferences for teaching certain types of handicapped pupils.It was found that female student teachers had a much more favourable attitude towards teaching the handicapped than male student teachers. Student teachers under twenty-five had more favourable attitudes towards teaching the handicapped than older student teachers. Ibo students showed the most favourable attitudes towards teaching the handicapped, and specialist-trained students showed more favourable attitudes towards teaching the handicapped pupils than their counterparts who had not been specially trained.When it came to preferences for teaching certain categories of handicap, a clear sex difference appeared. Almost half of the 101 males nominated teaching the mentally handicapped as their first choice, with only about 10% selecting the visually handicapped as their first choice. The situation was reversed in the case of the females, with over a third selecting visual handicap as their first choice, and only about 10% selecting mental retardation as their first choice.  相似文献   

法津规范的是人们的行为,学校、教师对学生不论是用肯定的教育方式还是用否定的教育方式进行管理都应符合法律规范。但在教育实践中,教师对学生进行管理时,往往因理解有误或使用方法不当而违反相关的教育法律。文章从教育法津关系讨论否定的教育方式“惩”,其意在于通过正确地把握教育法律关系中“惩”的实质,使学校、教师在运用教育之“惩”时,可以“惩”得合理、“惩”得合法,“惩”得收到预期的教育效果。  相似文献   

Mounting evidence indicates that students of color are more likely than their white peers to receive exclusionary discipline (out-of-school suspensions and expulsions), but alleviating these disparities requires an understanding of what drives them. In this study, we use seven years of student- and infraction-level data from every public school in Arkansas to examine disproportionalities within and across districts and schools. Prior analyses of the same data found that black students are more likely to receive exclusionary discipline than their white peers, even after controlling for the nature and number of disciplinary referrals, but most of the differences occur between schools, rather than within. We build on these findings in two ways: (a) by estimating the racial disparities in the likelihood of referral for particular infraction types and (b) by estimating whether the racial disproportionalities in the use of exclusionary discipline, after controlling for reported behavior, differ according to the types of infractions reported. We find that for common, subjective infractions, black students are at a higher risk of referral and at a higher risk of exclusionary discipline, conditional on referral. In addition, disparities appear to be driven by differences across school districts (rather than within). These findings have important implications for designing and targeting discipline reforms where they are needed most.  相似文献   

在美国,公立学校对学生实施体罚一直都是备受争议的话题。传统上,对学生的体罚被看作是合理合法的行为。1977年的英格拉罕案判决具有重大意义。美国联邦最高法院判决,公立学校体罚学生并未违反联邦宪法修正案第八条"禁止残酷和异常惩戒"的规定,公立学校中的体罚涉及修正案第十四条所规定的实体性正当程序权利。此案例可以看,美国法院相关判决对学生实体性正当程序权利的侵害标准规定得过于严苛和僵化,不利于学生权利的保护。因此,这一标准应该加以改变,以便为学生提供更高程度的保护。  相似文献   

The authors of this exploratory study examine the influence of the Georgia science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) model; gender; race; and other achievement on elementary students’ science outcomes in Title I schools. Results of the study demonstrate that a positive relationship exists between students participating in a STEM-certified school and science achievement at the third-grade level (n = 339), and that race, gender, and mathematics and reading achievement did not significantly explain science achievement. At the Grade 5 level (n = 279), a negative relationship was found between science achievement and type of school, with students participating in STEM schools scoring lower than those students participating in non-STEM schools. Moreover, in Grade 5, the combination of demographic variables, race and gender, did significantly explain science achievement. The practical and empirical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

“盲、聋、培智学生群体教育”是我国基础教育的一个重要组成部分,是针对身心发展有缺陷或残疾的少年儿童,即智力、听觉、视觉、肢体、语言、情绪等方面发展障碍的儿童少年的特殊教育。特殊教育学校的“体育教育”是指对在听力、视力、语言、智力、肢体等方面有缺陷者,通过身体练习,以增强体格体质、促进身心健康、帮助缺陷康复、培养个体意志品质和生活自理能力,帮助他们融入社会所进行的体育教育活动。  相似文献   

惩罚作为维护社会规制权威、实现良好社会秩序的重要手段,被广泛地运用于社会各个领域。作为专门的育人机构,学校中的惩罚与一般意义上的惩罚相比,其特殊性主要表现为:学校惩罚是道德教育的必要手段,学校惩罚的本质是确证过错,学校惩罚的目的是维护规则的权威性,学校惩罚的功能是教育,学校惩罚的价值取向是个人价值、学校价值、社会价值的有机整合。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure, through naturalistic observation procedures, the use of time among handicapped students in four special education alternatives--regular class, resource room, special class, and special school. The sample included 230 elementary age students enrolled in 58 classes in 16 schools. ANOVA comparisons revealed that the least restrictive alternatives, particularly the resource room, made more in-class learning time available. Discussion includes recommendations for increasing learning time.  相似文献   

农村中小学的隐性伤害主要表现为体罚、变相体罚、心理惩罚和校园欺侮,而落后的教育观念、教师素质低下、学生自身的素质、学校教育中的"过度社会化"等是造成隐性伤害的主要原因。为了减少农村中小学隐性伤害事件的发生,必须要改变落后的教育观念、提高教师的综合素质、保护特殊群体学生的身心健康、实施人性化管理、重视家庭教育,以加深对农村中小学隐性伤害的认识,促进农村中小学教育教学工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   


The authors examined the differential effects of teachers on female, minority, and low-socioeconomic status (SES) students’ achievement in Grade 4. They used data from a randomized experiment (Project STAR) and its follow-up study (LBS). Student outcomes included Grade 4 SAT scores in mathematics, reading, and science and student demographics included gender, race, and SES. The authors used multilevel models to determine how teacher effectiveness interacted with student gender, race, and SES. We also explored whether teacher effects were more pronounced in schools with high proportions of minority or female students. Results indicated that all students benefited from having effective teachers. The differential teacher effects on female, minority, and low-SES students’ achievement, however, were insignificant. There is some evidence in mathematics that teacher effects are more pronounced in high-minority schools. Finally, teacher effects seem to be consistent within and between schools.  相似文献   

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