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为探索一种简便有效的评价人体心血管系统功能的定量运动负荷方法,采用3种不同负荷的蹲起试验方法对30名普通大学生的累积、即刻心功指数与他们的VO2max进行相关性研究,以相关系数的大小来判别各自的效度。发现60s60次蹲起测得的心功指数与VO2max的相关系数最高,45s45次蹲起的心功指数次之,30s30次最低,而3种不同负荷方法各自的即刻心功指数与VO2max的相关性均高于累积心功指数。认为60s60次蹲起试验测试心功能的方法(即刻心功指数)简单实用、评价效度高、易于实施与控制,有望成为简便有效的评价人体心血管系统功能的定量运动负荷方法。  相似文献   

利用击剑运动员连续蹲跳的动作速度监控结果来调整体能训练负荷,阐述监控结果与基础体能、专项体能之间的关系。方法:对13名男子击剑运动员(佩剑7名,重剑6名)进行为期3个月连续10次蹲跳的数据化监控,根据监控的即时结果对运动员进行训练负荷的调整。在实验前后进行1RM深蹲、深蹲相对力量、原地纵跳、30 m冲刺跑、30 s双摇跳绳、T型测试、5-10-5变向灵敏测试以及3 000 m耐力跑测试。结果:击剑运动员在1RM深蹲、深蹲相对力量、30 s双摇跳绳,以及3 000 m耐力跑上的提高有显著性差异。结论:基于蹲跳动作速度的科学化数据监控来调整的体能训练,对于击剑运动员的基础体能以及专项体能提升均有效果,确保力量水平与有氧能力获得同步增长,可作为训练的常规监控手段以提高训练效益。  相似文献   

本研究旨在针对肥胖幼儿特点建立科学、有效的减肥运动处方,改善幼儿体质,促进其身心健康发展。1.研究对象:幼儿园26名幼儿,其中4岁8人(男5,女3),5岁12人(男5,女7),6岁6人(男3,女3)。2.研究方法:对26名4~6岁肥胖幼儿进行渐增负荷乳酸阈运动实验,采用血乳酸─心率拐点法确定运动处方强度控制的靶心率,根据靶心率设计幼儿减肥运动处方,并对受试者进行8周减肥运动处方实验。结果:经过8周减肥运动处方实验,肥胖儿体重平均减轻1.31kg,皮脂厚度平均减小4.6mm,腰围平均缩小2.6cm;心功能较实验前明显增长(P<0.05),10m×2往返跑、立定跳远成绩较实…  相似文献   

中长跑在体育课时中占的比重较大,是增强体质,培养顽强拼搏意志的有效手段。然而在学生中,一听说体育课上中长跑,就感到“枯燥无味”。教师也大多认为教法单调,不易收到明显效果。为改变这种状况,我实验了如下的中长跑教学方案,以期较好地完成教学任务。其具体做法是: 一、搞一次中长跑的起点测验(见表1)。做一次定量负荷起点试验(30秒钟20次起蹲(见表2)。  相似文献   

心血管功能可以反映一个人的身体发育水平、体质的强弱和体育训练水平。在体育教学中为考查教学效果 ,一般多采用心功能指数。而常用的心功能指数如布兰奇指数 (BI)要测量血压 ,较为费时又不易准确 ,30次 / 30 s已有报道 ,认为负荷太小 ,台阶试验的负荷很难达到标准。而且上述三种方法都要组织专门测试 ,不易在教学课中实施 ,所以我们选用了 K=S( n) εdt(εd- R)心功能指数 ,有关该方法的研究报道尚未见到。式中 ,K :为心功能指数 ;S(n) :距离 (m) ;t:时间 (s) ;εd:3个 10 s心率之和 ;R:3个 10 s心率之差。1 研究对象与方法1.1 研究…  相似文献   

心血管功能可以反映一个人的身体发育水平、体质的强弱和体育训练水平。在体育教学中为考查教学效果,一般多采用心功能指数。而常用的心功能指数如布兰奇指数(BI)要测量血压,较为费时又不易准确,30次130s已有报道,认为负荷太小,台阶试验的负荷很难达到标准。而且上述三种方法都要组织专门测试,不易在教学课中实施,所以我们选用了K=S(n)εd/t(εd-R)心功能指数,有关该方法的研究报道尚未见到。式中,K:为心功能指数;S(n):距离(m);t:时间(s);εd:3个10s心率之和;R:3个10s心率之差。  相似文献   

目的:拟对某幼儿园大班幼儿在不同活动强度负荷方案下的心率变化特点进行研究,以期了解幼儿在不同物理负荷下运动时的生理变化特征,为建立安全有效的幼儿活动强度负荷方案奠定实验依据。方法:研究对象为某幼儿园大班幼儿128人,其中男生75人(6.06±0.30岁),女生53人(6.04±0.32岁)。采用Zephyr生理指标监控系统、ActiGraph三轴加速度计、台阶、体重计、秒表、电子节拍器、背包和沙袋等设备,分别进行负重负荷方案和台阶高度、频率负荷方案测试。结果:1.负重负荷方案中的负荷强度等级与心率之间存在低度相关(R=0.366);2.幼儿运动负荷方案随着等级增加,加速度计count值逐渐增大,且与上一等级相比均显示有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);3.台阶高度、频率负荷方案的负荷强度与性别对心率进行双因素方差分析,显示心率在不同性别和不同等级之间均存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01),性别和等级之间不存在交互作用。结论:负重活动强度负荷方案因其等级间心率区分度较差,且幼儿负重情况下较难维持平衡,致使该方案较难真实反映幼儿的活动强度水平。台阶高度、频率活动强度负荷方案的各强度等级间区分度较好,对不同性别幼儿的区分度较好,因此可作为日后幼儿体育活动强度测评中大样本数据采集的参考方案。  相似文献   

郑宏伟  闫苍松 《体育与科学》2004,25(1):66-69,59
研究目的:以提高短跑的途中跑能力为目的,考察采用普通下蹲姿势、宽足间距下蹲姿势、髋关节伸展下蹲姿势三种不同下蹲姿势的力量训练,记录下肢主要运动肌的肌电图反应和地面反作用力所产生的影响,从生理和力学的角度进行分析。研究方法:采用表面双相诱导法的肌电图检测及应用录像轨迹系统对三种下蹲动作进行三次元解析。主要结果和结论:采用髋关节伸展下蹲动作的下肢力量训练对短跑选手提高途中跑能力起到一定的作用;采用初动负荷法中的超等长收缩的蹲起方法对提高短跑选手的肌肉爆发力是有效的。  相似文献   

心功能指数评定标准的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
蔡睿  王路德 《体育科学》1993,13(6):40-43
本课题是经国家体委全国选材中心组专家提议,由湖北省体科所牵头,全国10个省市参加协作研究的简易心功能(即30秒30次蹲起机能试验)评定标准的研究。目的是为运动员科学选材、机能评定、体质评价提供较为可靠的参考资料。在对全国10个省市2223人按统一的测试细则进行测试后,通过数据审核、正态检验、曲线拟合、离差法等数据处理方法,进行统计计算分析,制定出适合我国青少年儿童生长发育规律的评定标准。研究还表明,这种机能试验在1岁生物年龄为界之间及性别间没有显著性差别。是否这种机能试验在负荷强度、时间上均还不够,需要做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

对田径、赛艇运动员下肢等负荷多组力量训练强度的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对43名2级以上运动员进行了50%/Fmax负重,20次/组,组间歇1min,共5组力量耐力测试。采集并测定安静和每组运动员练习后即刻的心率和血乳酸,测定了每一位受试对象每一次深蹲的蹲起速度。所有测试对象对该练习强度均产生较大的生理反应,血乳酸和心率在第2组练习后出现快速上升,蹲起速度则均表现出不同程度的下降趋势。不同专项运动员对等负荷多组力量耐力训练具有不同的反应,田径跳跃运动员对测试的强度表现出高的生理反应,心率和乳酸水平均达到或接近最大负荷极限,赛艇运动员介于中长跑和跳跃运动员之间,中长跑运动员的反应较低,心率一直保持在140次/min以下,血乳酸值在7mmol/L以下,并显示出典型的血乳酸“平衡状态”。  相似文献   

骑马蹲裆式与髌骨劳损的预防   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索传统武术训练中的骑马蹲裆式对髌骨劳损的预防作用,作者用积累了十年的运动损伤资料和文献,从解剖学,生物力学,运动医学的解度,论述了膝关节半蹲位诸姿势中以骑马蹲裆式其髌韧带的力臂最长,髌股关节面接触面大,髌股关节面的压应力大并有利于发展股内侧肌的力量,可以限制髌骨外移,从而预防髌骨劳损的有效方法。  相似文献   

Eccentric strength training is thought to be important for improving functional performance. A form of training that may enhance the eccentric training stimulus is the attachment of a rubber bungy to the strength-training apparatus in such a way that the return velocity and, therefore, the force required to decelerate the load at the end of the eccentric phase are increased. To determine the effects of elastic bungy training, we performed two studies. In the first, we examined the electromyographic (EMG) and kinematic characteristics of three different squat techniques: traditional squat, non-bungy jump squat and bungy jump squat. In the second study, we examined whether jump squat training with and without the attachment of a rubber bungy to an isoinertial supine squat machine affects muscle function, multidirectional agility, lunge ability and single leg jump performance. The EMG activity of the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius muscles was recorded. An instrumented isoinertial supine squat machine was used to measure maximal strength and various force, velocity and power measures in both studies. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a control group and two weight-trained groups, one of which performed bungy squat jumps and one of which performed non-bungy squat jumps. The two experimental groups performed 10 weeks of ballistic weight training. The kinematic and EMG characteristics of the bungy and non-bungy squat techniques differed significantly from those of the traditional squat on all the variables measured. The only difference between the bungy squat and non-bungy squat training was greater EMG activity during the later stages (70-100%) of the eccentric phase of the bungy squat condition. The 10 weeks of bungy squat and non-bungy squat jump weight training were found to be equally effective in producing improvements in a variety of concentric strength and power measures (10.6-19.8%). These improvements did not transfer to improved performance for the single leg jump and multidirectional agility. However, bungy weight training did lead to a significant improvement in lunge performance (21.5%) compared with the other groups.  相似文献   

Isometric multi-joint tests are considered reliable and have strong relationships with 1RM performance. However, limited evidence is available for the isometric squat in terms of effects of familiarization and reliability. This study aimed to assess, the effect of familiarization, stability reliability, determine the smallest detectible difference, and the correlation of the isometric squat test with 1RM squat performance. Thirty-six strength-trained participants volunteered to take part in this study. Following three familiarization sessions, test–retest reliability was evaluated with a 48-hour window between each time point. Isometric squat peak, net and relative force were assessed. Results showed three familiarizations were required, isometric squat had a high level of stability reliability and smallest detectible difference of 11% for peak and relative force. Isometric strength at a knee angle of ninety degrees had a strong significant relationship with 1RM squat performance. In conclusion, the isometric squat is a valid test to assess multi-joint strength and can discriminate between strong and weak 1RM squat performance. Changes greater than 11% in peak and relative isometric squat performance should be considered as meaningful in participants who are familiar with the test.  相似文献   

Nine males (age 24.7 ± 2.1 years, height 175.3 ± 5.5 cm, body mass 80.8 ± 7.2 kg, power clean 1-RM 97.1 ± 6.36 kg, squat 1-RM = 138.3 ± 20.9 kg) participated in this study. On day 1, the participants performed a one-repetition maximum (1-RM) in the power clean and the squat. On days 2, 3, and 4, participants performed the power clean, squat or jump squat. Loading for the power clean ranged from 30% to 90% of the participant's power clean 1-RM and loading for the squat and jump squat ranged from 0% to 90% of the participant's squat 1-RM, all at 10% increments. Peak force, velocity, and power were calculated for the bar, body, and system (bar + body) for all power clean, squat, and jump squat trials. Results indicate that peak power for the bar, body, and system is differentially affected by load and movement pattern. When using the power clean, squat or jump squat for training, the optimal load in each exercise may vary. Throwing athletes or weightlifters may be most concerned with bar power, but jumpers or sprinters may be more concerned with body or system power. Thus, the exercise type and load vary according to the desired stimulus.  相似文献   

浅析挺举上挺技术动作的重要性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过采用文献资料法、观察调查法对国内外优秀举重运动员的挺举上挺技术进行研究,研究结果表明:上挺的关键所在是预蹲动作,在预蹲过程中应保持身体重心与杠铃重心垂直向下运动,而且要迅速地由预蹲中的制动转为上挺发力。制动是预蹲与发力的中间环节,起着承上启下的衔接作用。制动时应做到尽快地由预蹲的退让性工作转化为发力阶段的克制性工作,这是上挺成功的关键所在。  相似文献   


Nine males (age 24.7 ± 2.1 years, height 175.3 ± 5.5 cm, body mass 80.8 ± 7.2 kg, power clean 1-RM 97.1 ± 6.36 kg, squat 1-RM = 138.3 ± 20.9 kg) participated in this study. On day 1, the participants performed a one-repetition maximum (1-RM) in the power clean and the squat. On days 2, 3, and 4, participants performed the power clean, squat or jump squat. Loading for the power clean ranged from 30% to 90% of the participant's power clean 1-RM and loading for the squat and jump squat ranged from 0% to 90% of the participant's squat 1-RM, all at 10% increments. Peak force, velocity, and power were calculated for the bar, body, and system (bar + body) for all power clean, squat, and jump squat trials. Results indicate that peak power for the bar, body, and system is differentially affected by load and movement pattern. When using the power clean, squat or jump squat for training, the optimal load in each exercise may vary. Throwing athletes or weightlifters may be most concerned with bar power, but jumpers or sprinters may be more concerned with body or system power. Thus, the exercise type and load vary according to the desired stimulus.  相似文献   

田径速度项目运动员身体素质训练结构特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、特征解析法、访谈法和定基比增长系数计算等研究方法,对田径速度性项目世界优秀运动员的身体素质训练结构进行研究。研究揭示,速度素质的增长具有“早熟”特征,其训练结构体现出以提高最大速度为核心,以最大负荷强度和较少负荷量的短距离跑练习为主要手段等特征;力量素质的增长呈现出“两头慢、中间快”的发展特征,其训练手段主要是由单腿或双腿的连续跳跃、跨步跑(跳)、高抬腿跑和多次数的深蹲或半蹲练习构成;而专项耐力的训练方法则主要是由长翼项距离和比赛距离的重复跑和间歇跑等要素构成。  相似文献   

Dynamic squat is one of the most executed fitness exercise. Its use is widespread both for rehabilitation and training purposes. Several typologies of the squat exercise can be performed. The most important are the front squat and the back squat. In the front squat the barbell is held in front of the body across the clavicles and deltoids, while in the back squat exercise the bar is held on the back of the body at the base of the neck. In this paper we will refer to dynamic back squat. The squat exercise can be performed with or without the help of a machine that has the scope of guiding the person during the movement and ensuring his stability and safety. The use of this type of machine is often necessary when the workout is heavy and the risk of incorrect exercise and injuries is high. On the other hand, the rigid structure of this device often overconstrains the lifting movement. From all these observations, the purpose of the paper is to discuss an alternative design of a mechanism able to maintain the advantage to allow a free-body execution and to preserve the safety of the athletes as well. The proposed mechanism has been designed starting from an anthropometric study on the squat movement. This has been performed by using a motion capture system and applying computer-aided engineering techniques. The design activity started from the experimental investigation of the trajectory of the barbell during the natural execution of the unrestricted back squat exercise. The tests have been performed on several subjects with different mass, anthropometry and gender. In a second phase, the data have been processed and analyzed and a specific mechanism, able to reproduce the natural trajectories, has been synthetized. Finally, the design and optimization of the entire structure has been performed through the use of virtual prototyping techniques.  相似文献   

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