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本文在研究大量运动方法和训练实践积累以及在研究设计的基础上为运动员、教练员和运动训练学研究人员提供了对于自行车项目有参考价值的信息。有很多因素会影响自行车运动水平的发挥,在诸多因素中,空气动力学是一项主要的限制因素,是需要自行车运动员必须克服的,这可以通过设备技术的改进和身体姿势结构的改变来调整。完成从身体机能到自行车骑行训练的功率转换首先要考虑到自行车的构造和骑行的身体位置。  相似文献   

研究认为:科研辅助支持系统包括:生理、生化监控,健康和运动损伤监控。营养和体重监控,心理咨询与监控,技术训练辅助系统,训练质量管理系统,体能训练辅助系统,运动员训练数据库。跳水运动训练的深层次研究重点定位于:(1)跳水技术训练的检测与评定;(2)跳水运动员专项力量素质的训练;(3)女子运动员的营养与体重的监控;(4)优秀跳水运动员的赛前心理训练。  相似文献   

对女子短距离自行车运动员45 s全力冲刺骑行进行下肢运动学分析,探讨不同水平运动员速度能力的特点,筛选可评价下肢踏蹬技术的运动学指标。使用三维红外运动捕捉系统及SRM自行车测功仪,采集上海自行车队4名女子短距离运动员场地车滚筒练习台上45 s全力冲刺骑行中的下肢运动学参数和踏频。结果表明,钟××速度能力较好,45 s全力冲刺骑行各阶段平均速度较高,但下肢踏蹬"圆滑度"还需进一步提高;顾××和姚××后程速度下降明显,速度耐力明显不足。在全力冲刺骑行后期,运动水平较高的运动员(钟××)踝关节活动度下降明显小于运动水平较低的运动员(顾××和姚××),提示踝关节活动度下降是影响自行车短距离项目运动员速度耐力的因素之一。  相似文献   

马国强  李之俊  杨涛  刘茂 《体育科研》2010,31(5):63-66,69
在场地专项力量耐力训练课期间,设计了在训练组间间歇先恢复骑行再按摩的消除疲劳干预模式,与仅进行按摩和恢复骑行两种模式进行了比较分析。研究发现,按摩放松可有效缓解运动员场地大强度力量耐力训练后局部肌肉的酸胀、疼痛感,对于保证训练强度作用显著;而主动恢复性骑行可改善神经肌肉系统机能,加快代谢产物消除,预防疲劳积累。初步确定在力量耐力训练组间间歇进行恢复骑行10min后再局部按摩10min的个体化最佳疲劳消除干预模式。  相似文献   

马国强  刘茂  唐琪 《体育科研》2016,(4):91-94,99
自行车骑行效率通常被定义为自行车骑行过程中一定氧耗和能耗水平下的功率输出,自行车骑行能力的增强,多伴随骑行效率的提高。性别、年龄、骨骼肌纤维类型的差异会对骑行效率产生不同影响;而自行车骑行过程中踏蹬技术、身体姿态,甚至运动器材的变化,则可通过改变踏蹬过程中骨骼肌发力和能耗影响骑行效率;专业自行车运动员的骑行效率与训练强度呈正相关关系,阶段性的肌力或专项训练可能通过提高做功和能量节省化促进骑行效率的。  相似文献   

自行车运动员骑行性外阴部摩擦性损伤是自行车运动员骑行训练中普遍存在的一种严重的损伤病症,采用以清热解毒、化湿收敛为主的十二味中草药制成的骑行性外阴部损伤专用洗剂,对长期困扰自行车运动员的难言之隐得到了缓解,在近年的全国自行车和冠军赛(及山地自行车赛)的18个省、市代表队286例运动员进行了试用。结果表明,临床治愈率运动员为79.5%,总有效率为100%。经过运动员个体前后对照有显著的效果。说明本洗剂对自行车运动员不但减少了训练中的痛苦,而且缩短了训练的周期,提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

赛艇可视化多功能智能测试训练系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研制了一种赛艇可视化训练测试系统。该系统采用液压作阻力源,以正确地模拟桨叶在水中划动时的阻力特性,利用微机进行采集以测试赛艇运动员技术动作的力学指标,利用图形软件来显示模拟赛艇在水中的运动情况,构成一整套赛艇模拟测试的可视化系统。通过该系统不仅可以进行赛艇运动员的身体力量训练,还可以从生物力学角度研究赛艇技术动作,以评价和完善运动员的技术动作,是一个能进行测试、比赛、训练、分析评估的智能化的赛艇可视化测试训练系统。  相似文献   

运动对ICOS的诱导表达作用及其生物学功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的立足于运动训练对运动员免疫功能的影响,就运动对ICOS分子表达的诱导作用及其生物学功能做一探索性研究.方法随机抽取17~23岁运动员共35名为实验对象,建立人体运动免疫研究实验模型;运用密度梯度细胞分离法,获得运动员运动前、期间、运动后不同时段的外周血PBMC;运用细胞体外培养技术、MTT法和流式细胞术、RT-PCR技术,体外检测各时段T细胞活化增殖程度、T细胞亚群变化及T细胞表面ICOS及T细胞ICOSmRNA表达水平;将ICOS特异性配体GL-50与上调表达ICOS分子的T细胞体外共育,5天后ELISA法检测细胞培养液中IL-10水平,同时检测运动员运动前后血清IL-10、IL-2、IFN-γ水平.结果运动可激发T细胞活化增殖,导致T细胞亚群变化;运动可诱导活化T细胞上调表达ICOS和ICOS mRNA;ICOS/GL50共刺激信号可刺激T细胞合成分泌IL-10;持续4周运动训练后,运动员血浆IL-10水平显著提高,IL-2、IFN-γ水平明显下降.结论长期运动应激可诱导活化T细胞上调表达ICOS分子;ICOS分子具有加强T细胞合成分泌IL-10、诱导Th2细胞增殖分化的重要功能;ICOS/GL50共刺激信号诱导IL-10分泌、Th1/Th2失衡,是运动后机体对感染性疾病易感性增高的"运动性免疫抑制"现象的重要免疫学基础.  相似文献   

间歇性低氧训练是利用低氧仪在平原条件下模拟不同海拔高度的高原低氧环境,对运动员进行间歇性(脉冲式)的低氧刺激,以提高运动员有氧代谢能力和抗缺氧能力的一种训练方法.20世纪90年代由俄罗斯逐渐传到其他国家,并应用到运动训练中.但是间歇性低氧训练实践一直存在争议:多数受试者的运动水平并不高,或者并没有设对照组,真正运用到优秀运动员并设有对照组的研究并不多,还有一些研究显示间歇性低氧训练不能提高运动能力.  相似文献   

通过对12名篮球专项运动员进行12周的运动视力训练,检测训练前后运动员技术水平的提高情况并与对照组进行比较。结果显示:受试者与训练前相比,运动视力水平以及行进间投篮命中率、传球成功率、篮板球成功率、抢断球成功率均有了明显提高(P0.05)。结论:训练可提高运动员的运动视力水平,应重视篮球运动员运动视力的专项训练。  相似文献   

A system was developed for measuring and analyzing the forces placed on a bicycle pedal during operation of a stationary ergometer. Forces are measured in the plane parallel to the ergometer in directions normal and tangential to the surface of the pedals, encompassing the plane of propulsive forces. The pedals are designed to be structurally and functionally equivalent to standard clipless pedals. The stock pedal spindle and bearing assembly was replaced with a new spindle that was instrumented with two Wheatstone bridges of foil strain gauges. The bearings were relocated to the crank-arm/pedal-spindle interface. The original pedal body was then pinned to the new spindle. Additionally, the pedals were instrumented with optical encoders to measure the pedal angle relative to the crank arm. An optical encoder was also mounted near the bottom bracket to measure crank-arm angle. Signals were transmitted via a cable tethered to the cyclist’s leg from the pedals to an instrumented chassis, where the strain gauge signals were conditioned and the digital optical encoder signals converted to analogue signals. From the instrumented chassis, seven signals are ready for standard analogue data collection. Data collected from this new system has proved to be both comparable with previously published literature and accurate when compared with expected power output values.  相似文献   


The study investigated the absolute and relative (% maximal) physiological demands of constant power output at three pedal rates chosen to incorporate the range used by racing cyclists. Following the assessment of maximal exercise capabilities utilizing a recently developed racing cycle ergometry system, ten highly trained racing cyclists undertook a randomized sequence of work bouts at low (70.0 ± 1.1), medium (94.8 ± 0.8) and high (126.5 ± 1.1) pedal rates per minute at constant power output under an unloaded (free wheel) condition and under a loaded (196.2 ± 8.0 W) condition which demanded approximately 75% VO2 max. In both the unloaded and loaded conditions absolute cardiorespiratory demands of work at the highest pedal rate were significantly higher than those at the low and medium pedal rates (P<0.05). Similarly, the relative (% max) cardiorespiratory demands of unloaded work at the highest pedalling rate were significantly greater that at low and medium pedal rates (P < 0.05). There were clear, but nonsignificant trends of elevated relative cardiorespiratory demands during loaded work at the highest pedal rate, compared with low and medium pedal rates. Furthermore, net muscular efficiency demonstrated a significant decline (P<0.01) at the highest pedalling rate (21.2%) compared with the medium (24.0%) and low (25.6%) pedalling rates, confirming that metabolic economy of constant power output declined with increased pedalling rate under simulated racing cycling conditions.  相似文献   

利用SRM功率车以及安装在功率车上的测力系统(Powertec-System)研究不同踏蹬频率下场地自行车运动员一个踏蹬周期内作用于曲柄的切向踏蹬力特征。以8名自行车运动员为研究对象,在SRM功率车上进行10min、90rpm、120w的准备活动后,进行阻力负荷为500watt的骑行,踏蹬频率分别为100、120、130、140rpm,顺序随机选择,骑行稳定后,采集连续5s的踏蹬力数据。结果表明,随着踏蹬频率的提高,作用在左、右两侧曲柄的切向踏蹬力分量的正均值、均值、最大值减小,两侧切向踏蹬力分量之和的均值及峰值也减小(p<0.01);左、右侧正切向踏蹬力分量的起止位置、最值位置、双侧切向踏蹬力分量之和的峰值位置均随着踏蹬频率的增大而提前(p<0.01);在踏蹬周期的下半段,踏蹬频率越高,切向踏蹬力曲线越低,在踏蹬周期的上半段,踏蹬频率越高,切向踏蹬力曲线越高。  相似文献   

现状调查法、文献法、数理统计法等,对年第六全国高等师范大学生田径运动会(甲、乙、丙三个组别)三级跳远决赛中,男、女运动员的助跑踏跳调查分析,旨在给教练员和运动员充分认识到助跑踏跳准确的重要性,科学地进行针对性的训练,稳定助跑踏跳的准确性,提高运动成绩,为读者提供参考。  相似文献   


To minimise lap times during car racing, it is important to build up brake forces rapidly and maintain precise control. We examined the effect of the amplification factor (gain) between brake pedal force and a visually represented output value on a driver's ability to track a target value. The test setup was a formula racing car cockpit fitted with an isometric brake pedal. Thirteen racing drivers performed tracking tasks with four control-display gains and two target functions: a step function (35 trials per gain) and a multisine function (15 trials per gain). The control-display gain had only minor effects on root mean-squared error between output value and target value, but it had large effects on build-up speed, overshoot, within-participants variability, and self-reported physical load. The results confirm the hypothesis that choosing an optimum gain involves balancing stability against physical effort.  相似文献   

Clap冰刀蹬冰技术动作原理的探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过对第 10届冬季运动会、世界锦标赛的调研以及对 clap冰刀结构和性能的分析 ,探讨了 Clap冰刀蹬冰技术动作原理。认为尽管对 clap冰刀的功效有多种解释 ,但其核心是以提高踝关节的灵活性来达到增大下肢各关节协调作用的目的。在比较传统冰刀和 clap冰刀肌群工作特点后 ,提出 clap冰刀技术动作的训练重点 ,应强化臀大肌、股二头肌、背肌等伸肌群的训练。  相似文献   

Body position is known to alter power production and affect cycling performance. The aim of this study was to compare mechanical power output in two riding positions, and to calculate the effects on critical power (CP) and W′ estimates. Seven trained cyclists completed three peak power output efforts and three fixed-duration trial (3-, 5- and 12-min) riding with their hands on the brake lever hoods (BLH), or in a time trial position (TTP). A repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that mean power output during the 5-min trial was significantly different between BLH and TTP positions, resulting in a significantly lower estimate of CP, but not W′, for the TTP trial. In addition, TTP decreased the performance during each trial and increased the percentage difference between BLH and TTP with greater trial duration. There were no differences in pedal cadence or heart rate during the 3-min trial; however, TTP results for the 12-min trial showed a significant fall in pedal cadence and a significant rise in heart rate. The findings suggest that cycling position affects power output and influences consequent CP values. Therefore, cyclists and coaches should consider the cycling position used when calculating CP.  相似文献   

心理训练对三级跳远运动员起跳犯规干预的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、问卷调查和逻辑分析法对100名国家二级以上三级跳远运动员起跳犯规的心理状况进行分析,研究结果表明:心理调节能力对于提高三级跳远踏板的准确性而言非常重要;不能只注重身体素质训练而忽视心理技能训练;培养良好的心理素质可以有效促进三级跳远成绩的发挥。  相似文献   

Limited evidence showed that higher workload increases knee forces without effects from changes in pedalling cadence. This study assessed the effects of workload and cadence on patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joint forces using a new model. Right pedal force and lower limb joint kinematics were acquired for 12 competitive cyclists at two levels of workload (maximal and second ventilatory threshold) at 90 and 70 rpm of pedalling cadence. The maximal workload showed 18% larger peak patellofemoral compressive force PFC (large effect size, ES) than the second ventilatory threshold workload (90 rpm). In the meantime, the 90-rpm second ventilatory threshold was followed by a 29% smaller PFC force (large ES) than the 70-rpm condition. Normal and anterior tibiofemoral compressive forces were not largely affected by changes in workload or pedalling cadence. Compared to those of previous studies, knee forces normalized by workload were larger for patellofemoral (mean = 19 N/J; difference to other studies = 20–45%), tibiofemoral compressive (7.4 N/J; 20–572%), and tibiofemoral anterior (0.5 N/J; 60–200%) forces. Differences in model design and testing conditions (such as workload and pedalling cadence) may affect prediction of knee joint forces.  相似文献   

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