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目的探讨传统力量训练结合Stat.-Coord模式训练对陕西省跆拳道运动员膝、踝关节的力量及踝关节本体感受器感觉特征的影响。方法以陕西省跆拳道运动员16名为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,对照组8名运动员进行传统的肌肉力量训练,实验组8名运动员除进行传统的肌肉力量训练外,还采用ISDMED2000等速测试系统的Stat.-Coord模式训练进行力量训练。在实验前后分别在60°/s以及240°/s条件下测试2组运动员膝、踝关节的屈/伸肌群的向心/离心峰值力矩、平均功率、做功值以及实验前后踝关节的本体感觉,并对训练效果进行分析比较。结果两种力量训练方法对于受试运动员的膝关节屈伸肌群的向心力量均有显著地增加,实验组的力量训练模式对于提高其膝关节屈/伸肌群的离心力量具有显著性差异,对照组膝关节屈/伸肌群的离心力量有一定的提高,但是不具有显著差异;实验组的力量训练方法对于提高运动员踝关节跖/背屈的向心/离心力量具有显著效果,对照组虽有一定的提高,但是不具有显著性差异;实验前后实验组踝关节背屈和跖屈的回复角度差值之间有显著性差异。结论传统的训练方法对陕西省优秀跆拳道队员的膝关节屈伸肌群的向心力量有显著性的提高,对踝关节跖/背屈的向心力量有所提高,但是不具有显著性差异;传统力量训练结合Stat.-Coord模式训练对陕西省优秀跆拳道运动员膝关节屈/伸肌群的离心力量、踝关节的向心/离心力量以及踝关节本体感受能力的提高具有显著的效果。Stat.-Coord模式训练最大区别在于该模式增加了解决膝关节屈伸肌群离心力量训练手段不足、踝关节训练负荷不足以及关节活动范围不足的问题,并通过该模式的训练有效改善了膝关节屈伸肌群的离心力量,踝关节跖/背屈肌群的力量,以及踝关节本体感受器的敏感程度。  相似文献   

跳高运动员专项身体素质与专项成绩相关关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对 8名男子跳高运动员进行了专项成绩和身体素质测验 ,同时测试了运动员下肢髋、膝、踝 3个关节的等速屈伸肌力。通过相关分析探讨了跳高运动员专项身体素质、下肢力量水平与专项成绩之间的关系。结果表明 ,髋关节屈伸肌力矩、膝关节伸肌力矩、踝关节跖屈肌力矩与跳高专项成绩相关。  相似文献   

跳远运动员专项成绩与专项身体素质相关关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国 10名男子跳远运动员的专项成绩、专项身体素质以及下肢髋、膝和踝 3大关节等速屈伸肌力矩等指标进行测试。通过相关分析探讨了跳远运动员专项身体素质、下肢力量水平与专项成绩之间的关系 ,发现髋关节屈伸肌肌力、膝关节屈伸肌肌力和伸肌的离心肌力以及踝关节的跖屈肌力与跳远成绩相关  相似文献   

目的:了解在常规力量训练基础附加核心力量训练及振动训练方法对国家女子篮球队18名运动员腰背、膝关节、踝关节等速肌力的影响。方法:采用Pneu VIBE振动训练台对国家女子篮球运动员进行振动刺激力量训练,振动频率为25~40 Hz,同时进行核心区肌力训练。经过12周系统的力量训练,应用IsoMed 2000等速测试训练仪器对女子篮球运动员腰腹、膝、踝关节屈伸肌群进行等速力量测试分析。结果:经过12周综合力量训练,女子篮球运动员腰背等速肌力明显上升,屈肌峰力矩(PT)增加了14.35%,背伸肌力量增加了15.65%,差异具有显著性。而下肢力量膝关节峰力矩、屈伸肌峰力矩比率(H/Q)无显著变化。踝关节研究发现,左踝背屈峰力矩训练后稍有减弱,跖屈肌峰力矩以及跖屈/背屈比无显著变化。结论:在常规力量训练中增加先进的核心区训练可有效增加女子篮球运动员腰腹肌力,而振动训练以提高踝、膝关节肌力的方法的有效性需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

短跑途中跑支撑阶段支撑腿关节肌肉生物力学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用测力、测角加速度和多机多分辨拍摄技术对短跑途中跑支撑阶段肌肉动力学特征进行关节内力矩的计算与分析。研究表明,运动员踝关节跖屈肌的最大力矩与跑的速度呈显著相关;膝关节的伸肌在接近一半的支撑时间内是做离心收缩,离心收缩肌力矩的峰值要高于向心收缩的肌力矩峰值,离地前20%时刻膝关节屈肌起重要作用;髋关节在支撑阶段存在关节屈伸肌群交替工作,在着地后瞬间有较大的屈肌力矩,在离地前髋关节伸肌起重要作用,支撑阶段下肢关节肌肉快速退让性的离心收缩与主动收缩起同样重要的作用。  相似文献   

对10名跳远专项二级运动员8周系统的振动力量训练研究表明:在刺激频率为30~35 Hz、加速度25~30m/s2条件下,实验组(I组)和对照组(Ⅱ组)髋、膝、踝关节的伸屈肌群最大功都有不同程度提高,其中I组髋关节伸屈肌、膝、踝关节的屈肌最大功增长幅度比Ⅱ组大,屈肌最大功增长幅度比伸肌大,而且屈肌的最大功要比实验前呈现显著性增长;I组髋关节伸屈肌、膝关节屈肌、踝关节伸肌相对峰力矩的增值幅度比Ⅱ组大,而髋、膝、踝三个关节屈肌相对峰力矩增长幅度相对较小.髋、膝、踝关节肌力增长情况表明:髋关节前4周增长幅度较低,后4周增长幅度较高,呈现出明显的"先低后高"变化特征;而膝、踝关节前4周增长幅度较高,后4周提高幅度降低,呈现出明显的"先高后低"变化特征.  相似文献   

现代短跑力量训练是以速度为核心,以肌肉专项收缩形式为依据而进行的专项力量训练。根据运动员下肢力量的特点,首先应该选择伸髋、伸踝、屈膝、屈髋、仲膝的力量进行练习;练习的肌肉首先应选择臀大肌、股二头肌、髂腰肌、半腱肌、半膜肌和小腿三头肌;练习的部位依次是髋关节、足关节和膝关节。  相似文献   

短跑是周期性的速度、速度力量与技术相结合的体能项目,力量素质是短跑运动员必备的主要运动素质之一,是掌握和运用技术、战术的基础。力量训练是短跑运动员训练的核心内容,科学合理地进行专项力量素质训练,是提高短跑运动成绩的关键。一、现代短跑运动技术特征现代短跑技术已经从传统的"后蹬式"转向"屈蹬式",其本质特征是以髋为轴的高速摆动平动运动,在整个跑的过程中,运动员是以前脚掌着地,足踵基本不接触地面,脚掌趾和踝关节肌群  相似文献   

青少年男子短跑运动员膝关节等速肌力特征研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的:通过对36名二级青少年男子短跑运动员双侧膝关节进行等速测试,探析青少年短跑运动员膝关节向心屈伸肌群的生物力学特性.为运动训练、科学选材及临床康复等提供理论依据。方法:利用Kinitech等速康复肌力测试系统对青少年男子短跑运动员膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速测试。结果:青少年男子短跑运动员双侧膝关节屈伸峰力矩随测试速度的增加呈递减趋势,且膝伸肌大于膝屈肌(P〈0.05),峰力矩屈伸比(V/E)随给定测试速度的增加呈递增趋势;最大功率随测试速度的增大而增加,同一测试速度下屈、伸肌群最大功率无明显差异,左、右侧相比也无显著性差异(600/s伸肌除外);屈伸肌群达峰力矩的角度(APT)表现为伸肌角度明显低于屈肌角度,随速度增加左右两侧膝关节达峰力矩的角度无显著差异:双侧膝关节屈伸肌群达峰力矩的时间(TPT)随测试速度的增加而减小,同一测试速度下伸肌达峰力矩的时间大于屈肌;右侧膝关节屈肌相对峰力矩(PT/BM)与下肢形态学指标表现出不同程度的正相关。结论:青少年男子短跑运动员膝关节峰力矩变化规律与成年人相一致,但左右侧膝关节屈伸肌群做功能力发展不平衡,屈伸肌群运动达峰力矩角度、达峰力矩的时间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

男子短跑运动员上下肢关节力矩的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为科学评价运动员专项力量的发展水平,寻找适应短跑运动要求的合理的各关节肌肉力矩比率,科学地制定统一量化的专项力量评价指标,采用等速肌力测试系统,对男子儿童、少年、少体校运动员和青年运动员的髋、膝、肩关节肌力进行了测试研究。结果表明:各组髋、膝、肩关节屈伸肌的峰力矩、相对峰力矩随测试角速度的增大而逐渐减小;屈伸肌的峰力矩比值则随测试角速度的增大而逐渐增大;各组左、右膝关节的伸肌快速力与绝对力量的比值均值小于屈肌,特别是运动员和少体校组差异明显;各组左、右髋关节的伸肌快速力与绝对力比值均大于屈肌;以髋关节为基准求出各髋、膝、肩关节在60°/s时相对峰力矩的比值,运动员与儿童组相比膝关节平均比值增幅较大,而肩关节同比增幅较小。  相似文献   

In this study, we compared sprint kinematics of sled towing and vest sprinting with the same relative loads. Twenty athletes performed 30-m sprints in three different conditions: (a) un-resisted, (b) sled towing, and (c) vest sprinting. During sled towing and vest sprinting, external loads of 15% and 20% of body mass were used. Sprint times were recorded over 10 and 30 m. Sagittal-plane high-speed video data were recorded at 5, 15, and 25 m from the start. Relative to the un-resisted condition, sprint time increased (7.5 to 19.8%) in both resisted conditions, resulting mainly from decreased step length ( ? 5.2 to ? 16.5%) with small decreases in step frequency ( ? 2.7 to ? 6.1%). Sled towing increased stance phase duration (14.7 to 26.0%), trunk angle (12.5 to 71.5%), and knee angle (10.3 to 22.7%), and decreased swing phase duration ( ? 4.8 to ? 15.2%) relative to the un-resisted condition. Vest sprinting increased stance phase duration (12.8 to 24.5%) and decreased swing phase duration ( ? 8.4 to ? 14.4%) and trunk angle ( ? 1.7 to ? 13.0%). There were significant differences between the two resisted conditions in trunk, thigh, and knee angles. We conclude that sled towing and vest sprinting have different effects on some kinematics and hence change the overload experienced by muscle groups.  相似文献   


Resisted sled towing is a popular and efficient training method to improve sprint performance in adults, however, has not been utilised in youth populations. The purpose therefore was to investigate the effect of resisted sled towing training on the kinematics and kinetics of maximal sprint velocity in youth of different maturation status. Pre- and post-intervention 30 metre sprint performance of 32 children, 18 pre-peak height velocity (PHV) and 14 mid-/post-PHV, were tested on a non-motorised treadmill. The 6-week intervention consisted of ~12 sessions for pre-PHV and 14 for mid-/post-PHV of resisted sled towing training with each sessions comprised of 8–10 sprints covering 15–30 metres with a load of 2.5, 5, 7.5 or 10% body mass. Pre-PHV participants did not improve sprint performance, while the mid-/post-PHV participants had significant (P < 0.05) reductions (percent change, effect size) in sprint time (?5.76, ?0.74), relative leg stiffness (?45.0, ?2.16) and relative vertical stiffness (?17.4, ?0.76) and a significant increase in average velocity (5.99, 0.76), average step rate (5.65, 0.53), average power (6.36, 0.31), peak horizontal force (9.70, 0.72), average relative vertical forces (3.45, 1.70) and vertical displacement (14.6, 1.46). It seems that sled towing may be a more suitable training method in mid-/post-PHV athletes to improve 30 metre sprint performance.  相似文献   

Effects of weighted vests and sled towing on sprint kinematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we compared sprint kinematics of sled towing and vest sprinting with the same relative loads. Twenty athletes performed 30-m sprints in three different conditions: (a) un-resisted, (b) sled towing, and (c) vest sprinting. During sled towing and vest sprinting, external loads of 15% and 20% of body mass were used. Sprint times were recorded over 10 and 30 m. Sagittal-plane high-speed video data were recorded at 5, 15, and 25 m from the start. Relative to the un-resisted condition, sprint time increased (7.5 to 19.8%) in both resisted conditions, resulting mainly from decreased step length (-5.2 to -16.5%) with small decreases in step frequency (-2.7 to -6.1%). Sled towing increased stance phase duration (14.7 to 26.0%), trunk angle (12.5 to 71.5%), and knee angle (10.3 to 22.7%), and decreased swing phase duration (-4.8 to -15.2%) relative to the un-resisted condition. Vest sprinting increased stance phase duration (12.8 to 24.5%) and decreased swing phase duration (-8.4 to -14.4%) and trunk angle (-1.7 to -13.0%). There were significant differences between the two resisted conditions in trunk, thigh, and knee angles. We conclude that sled towing and vest sprinting have different effects on some kinematics and hence change the overload experienced by muscle groups.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the coefficient of friction of a running surface on an athlete's sprint time in a sled-towing exercise. The coefficients of friction of four common sports surfaces (a synthetic athletics track, a natural grass rugby pitch, a 3G football pitch, and an artificial grass hockey pitch) were determined from the force required to tow a weighted sled across the surface. Timing gates were then used to measure the 30-m sprint time for six rugby players when towing a sled of varied weight across the surfaces. There were substantial differences between the coefficients of friction for the four surfaces (μ = 0.21–0.58), and in the sled-towing exercise the athlete's 30-m sprint time increased linearly with increasing sled weight. The hockey pitch (which had the lowest coefficient of friction) produced a substantially lower rate of increase in 30-m sprint time, but there were no significant differences between the other surfaces. The results indicate that although an athlete's sprint time in a sled-towing exercise is affected by the coefficient of friction of the surface, the relationship relationship between the athlete's rate of increase in 30-m sprint time and the coefficient of friction is more complex than expected.  相似文献   

短距离速度滑冰运动员专项力量训练的内容、方法和手段,对训练有效性与比赛成绩具有重要的影响作用。通过对速度滑冰短距离项目的肌肉力学特征、供能系统特征和滑行技术特征进行分析,指出短距离速度滑冰运动员力量训练要从专项角度需要出发,注意发力时机与膝关节发力的角度,使力量训练与专项技能之间的转化更为直接、有效。认为最大力量、速度力量和耐力力量存在的一些弊端,导致运动员下肢比较粗大、肌肉横断面大、技术相对粗糙和不稳定等问题;应摒除陈旧的力量训练观念,采取提高神经对快速募集肌肉能力、肌肉速度力量与超等长力量训练、高强度间歇训练等方法,提高我国速滑短距离运动员专项力量。  相似文献   

This study used a mathematical model to examine the effects of the sled, the running surface, and the athlete on sprint time when towing a weighted sled. Simulations showed that ratio scaling is an appropriate method of normalising the weight of the sled for athletes of different body size. The relationship between sprint time and the weight of the sled was almost linear, as long as the sled was not excessively heavy. The athlete’s sprint time and rate of increase in sprint time were greater on running surfaces with a greater coefficient of friction, and on any given running surface an athlete with a greater power-to-weight ratio had a lower rate of increase in sprint time. The angle of the tow cord did not have a substantial effect on an athlete’s sprint time. This greater understanding should help coaches set the training intensity experienced by an athlete when performing a sled-towing exercise.  相似文献   

Sprinting while towing a sled improves sprinting parameters, however, only kinematic and temporal–spatial variables have been reported. The purpose of this study was to determine how lower extremity joint moment impulses alter when towing a sled compared to normal walking. Twelve participants walked normally, walked while towing a sled with a 50% body weight load attached at the waist, and with a 50% body weight load attached at the shoulders. Joint moment impulses were calculated for the hip, knee, and ankle. A mixed-model ANOVA with a between-subject factor of limb and repeated measures of condition was used to compare differences between limbs and towing conditions for each joint. Towing a sled increased joint moment impulses at the hip, knee, and non-dominant ankle. When compared with normal walking waist attachment increased hip extension moment impulse by 214.5% ( ? 3.31 vs. ? 10.41 Nms/kg), and shoulder attachment increased knee extension moment impulse by 166.9% (4.62 vs. 12.33 Nms/kg). The dominant limb produced greater knee extension moment impulse (p < 0.001), while the non-dominant limb produced greater hip extension (p < 0.001) and ankle plantarflexion moment impulse (p < 0.001) across all conditions. Results suggest that walking while towing may increase hip and knee extension strength.  相似文献   

目的:通过运动学指标分析,对自行车短距离项目几种力量耐力和速度力量训练方法的专项性和有效性进行对比研究。方法:选择上海自行车队短组3名男子优秀运动员为对象。选择2011年全国比赛8场1km计时赛,以及期间分别进行的8节原地750m和蓝线行进750m训练课进行力量耐力训练方法分析;选择同期进行的12场争先赛200m资格赛,以及12节大坡行进200m和牵引125+200m训练课进行速度力量训练方法分析。采用德国SRM系统采集运动学指标,分析数据包括各训练比赛中的功率、频率、速度,同时记录运动成绩。结果:(1)原地750m训练的前两个250m分段及总平均功率(Pmean)和平均频率(Cmean)均显著低于1km计时赛;蓝线行进750m各分段Pmean、Cmean和即刻速度均高于原地750m,且总Pmean和Cmean与1km计时赛相比无明显差异。(2)牵引125+200m训练的两个100m分段的Pmax和Cmean、200m总Cmean和50m分段即刻速度均显著高于大坡行进200m训练和争先资格赛。结论:蓝线20km/h行进出发750m和摩托车牵引125+200m训练方法可能是更加符合专项要求的自行车短距离专项力量耐力和速度力量训练。  相似文献   


Athletes use weighted sled towing to improve sprint ability, but little is known about its biomechanics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of weighted sled towing with two different loads on ground reaction force. Ten physically active men (mean ± SD: age 27.9 ± 1.9 years; stature 1.76 ± 0.06 m; body mass 80.2 ± 9.6 kg) performed 5 m sprints under three conditions; (a) unresisted, (b) towing a sled weighing 10% of body mass (10% condition) and (c) towing a sled weighing 30% of body mass (30% condition). Ground reaction force data during the second ground contact after the start were recorded and compared across the three conditions. No significant differences between the unresisted and 10% conditions were evident, whereas the 30% condition resulted in significantly greater values for the net horizontal and propulsive impulses (P < 0.05) compared with the unresisted condition due to longer contact time and more horizontal direction of force application to the ground. It is concluded that towing a sled weighing 30% of body mass requires more horizontal force application and increases the demand for horizontal impulse production. In contrast, the use of 10% body mass has minimal impact on ground reaction force.  相似文献   

中学生短跑运动员专项力量及其训练   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
短跑专项力量是运动员完善专项技术,提高运动成绩的决定因素。短跑专项力量训练必须重视以应为轴的摆动力量;以踝关节肌群为主的离心—向心收缩力量;以肩为轴的上肢摆动力量,才能使短跑的力量训练产生事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

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