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"不依赖射手"和"依赖射手"策略是守门员判断点球射门方向时的两个基本认知策略,其选择在很大程度上取决于出击前守门员能否从射手身上获得与之相关的视觉反馈信息.通过分析获得这些信息的可能性,推断出预先决定出击方向,集中注意力预测出击开始时间和球的飞行轨道是守门员应对点球时的最佳认知策略.为了进一步揭示优秀足球守门员应对点球的行动策略,收集了422个点球录像,对与守门员点球防守行动策略有关的内容进行了观测统计.结果表明,优秀足球守门员通常选择球门的左下侧、右下侧和中间3个方向为出击方向,主要防守球门的左(右)下半部,及早出击、正确判断射门方向和选择合理的防守区域是优秀足球守门员扑点球成功的关键.  相似文献   

足球守门员在防守点球运动情境中眼动特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用美国应用科学实验室(ASL)生产的504型眼动仪,以10名专业足球守门员和10名大学生足球守门员为被试,以防守点球为运动情境片段,对专业守门员的眼动特征进行实验性研究,比较两组守门员的眼动实验结果,探讨守门员在防守点球时眼动特征对决策准确性的影响.实验结果表明:1)在防守点球情境中,专业守门员与大学生守门员的眼动特征存在明显差异;2)专业守门员采用了相对合理的视觉搜索策略,注视点集中,注视分配主次明显,注视轨迹简单、实用,信息实效性更强;3)罚球运动员的支撑脚、摆动腿、脚触球是决定射门方向的主要观察点.在防守时,重点注视这三个区域,结合临场经验做出分析判断,可有效提高防守点球成功率;4)运动水平和临场经验对准确做出防守决策至关重要,运动水平越高,临场经验越丰富,防守决策准确率越高.  相似文献   

研究足球运动员动作预测过程中对当前信息和先验信息的认知加工机制。选取28名足球运动员(专家组)和29名普通大学生(对照组)作为研究对象,以守门员的视角,完成足球射门的动作预测任务。根据指导语描述的动作视频中射门方向信息(先验信息),设置三种实验条件:无先验信息、无偏向信息和有偏向信息。结果发现:(1)相比于其他条件,有偏向的先验信息显著提高了动作预测表现;(2)相比于无先验信息,无偏向的先验信息和有偏向的先验信息显著提升了专家组的动作预测速度,降低了N2波幅。研究证实了先验信息对足球运动员动作预测表现的促进作用,并进一步发现了足球运动员通过利用先验信息降低对当前信息的认知控制过程,提高了对当前信息的利用效率。  相似文献   

点球是现代足球竞赛中的重要技术,对比赛结果具有显著的影响。点球心理研究是足球心理研究中的热点议题。该文从队服颜色效应、罚球员与守门员的非言语行为、罚球员射门策略以及预测罚球员射门区域的先行线索等四个方面对国外足球点球心理研究现状进行了系统回顾与总结,认为每个影响守门员或罚球员的因素均可应用于守门员或罚球员的指导与训练。在对国外研究现状分析的基础上提出了未来的研究方向提高研究的生态学效度与加强质性研究,重视心理干预研究以提升球员的抗压能力。  相似文献   

通过观察专业运动员与业余练习者的反应时测验得出:专业运动员反应时不仅在安静状态比业余组短,而且在递增运动负荷时的反应时也都短于业余组。无论是反应时还是反应速度,专业组与业余组都存在一定的差异,因此体育运动能提高神经肌肉的反应性,促进灵敏素质的发展,增强机体适应能力。  相似文献   

<正>本文通过对足球守门员防守点球、预判点球方向的方法进行总结,望为足球守门员防守点球的教学与训练提供参考。  相似文献   

根据点球入门时间、动作录像慢镜头分析、点球入射空间位置统计和生理学反应时理论认为,足球守门员完全可能凭借自身的反应能力更为有效地对点球进行防守,从而对防守点球“不能靠人的思维反应进行防守”的观点,提出质疑  相似文献   

现阶段国内U-15少年足球守门员防守技术运用情况调研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用临场观察、访谈、文献资料调研以及逻辑分析等研究方法 ,对现阶段国内U 15少年足球守门员防守技术运用情况进行统计与分析研究。研究表明 ,少年足球守门员防射门球的预测判断能力不足 ,导致选位差、反应慢和接球易脱手 ,防守的成功率低 ;出击时机把握不好 ,对抗条件下难以有效发挥位置优势 ,强干扰下争夺球失误多。加强足球意识与心理培养 ,提高反应和接球动作质量要求是加强少年足球守门员水平稳定的重要环节。  相似文献   

一、心理预测与反预测。预测是守门员在扑点球时的第一心理反应。当裁判员鸣笛示意罚点球时,守门员表面上处于短暂的静止状态,实际上其大脑中正进行着非常紧张的思维活动。他通过罚球者在踢球前准备动作的几个环节,特别是助跑的角度,支撑腿着地时的身体姿势,支撑脚与球的距离,支撑脚的脚尖朝向,踢球腿的摆动幅度、方向和触球部位等动态信息来判断球射出的方向、高低、快慢和旋转性,并以此来决定扑球的动作。据国内外资料表明,最优秀的守门员预测时间最短为36~48毫秒。守门员对罚点球的预测能力主  相似文献   

设计羽毛球后场球落点判断的直觉性运动情景,采用眼动记录技术,分析羽毛球专业组与业余组的视觉搜索特征的差异。结果显示:在后场球落点判断时,专业组和业余组的反应时并没有显著差异,但在判断的准确性上,专业组明显高于业余组;从视觉搜索的时间特征来看,按照兴趣区注视次数从大到小排序,专业组依次为步法、躯干、球拍面;而业余组依次为球拍面、球、手臂,且专业组对所有注视点持续时间均明显小于业余组。从视觉搜索的空间特征来看,专业组的注视点分布比较规律,形成了从脚步到躯干以及到球出手这种对对方队员全方位视觉搜索的模式,而业余组的注视点分布集中在球与球拍触点周围,且视线较多追随球的空中运动。  相似文献   

Visual search, anticipation and expertise in soccer goalkeepers   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
We used a novel methodological approach to examine skill-based differences in anticipation and visual search behaviour during the penalty kick in soccer. Expert and novice goalkeepers were required to move a joystick in response to penalty kicks presented on film. The proportion of penalties saved was assessed, as well as the frequency and time of initiation of joystick corrections. Visual search behaviour was examined using an eye movement registration system. Expert goalkeepers were generally more accurate in predicting the direction of the penalty kick, waited longer before initiating a response and made fewer corrective movements with the joystick. The expert goalkeepers used a more efficient search strategy involving fewer fixations of longer duration to less disparate areas of the display. The novices spent longer fixating on the trunk, arms and hips, whereas the experts found the kicking leg, non-kicking leg and ball areas to be more informative, particularly as the moment of foot-ball contact approached. No differences in visual search behaviour were observed between successful and unsuccessful penalties. The results have implications for improving anticipation skill at penalty kicks.  相似文献   

We used a novel methodological approach to examine skill-based differences in anticipation and visual search behaviour during the penalty kick in soccer. Expert and novice goalkeepers were required to move a joystick in response to penalty kicks presented on film. The proportion of penalties saved was assessed, as well as the frequency and time of initiation of joystick corrections. Visual search behaviour was examined using an eye movement registration system. Expert goalkeepers were generally more accurate in predicting the direction of the penalty kick, waited longer before initiating a response and made fewer corrective movements with the joystick. The expert goalkeepers used a more efficient search strategy involving fewer fixations of longer duration to less disparate areas of the display. The novices spent longer fixating on the trunk, arms and hips, whereas the experts found the kicking leg, non-kicking leg and ball areas to be more informative, particularly as the moment of foot-ball contact approached. No differences in visual search behaviour were observed between successful and unsuccessful penalties. The results have implications for improving anticipation skill at penalty kicks.  相似文献   


This field experiment investigated the relative merits of approaching the penalty kick with either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. In the keeper-independent strategy, the shooter selects a target location in advance and disregards the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up. In the keeper-dependent strategy, the shooter makes a decision resting on the anticipation of the goalkeeper's movements during the run-up. Ten intermediate-level soccer players shot at one of two visually specified targets to the right and left side of the goal. In the keeper-independent strategy condition, participants were told that the visually specified target would not change. In the keeper-dependent strategy condition, participants were told that in half of the trials the visually specified target would change side at different times before ball contact, indicating that the direction of the kick needed to be altered. The results showed that penalty-taking performance was apt to be less than perfect in the keeper-dependent strategy condition. A decrease in the time available to alter kick direction resulted in a higher risk of not only an incorrect but also inaccurate shot placement. It is concluded that anticipating the goalkeeper's movements may degrade penalty kick performance, mainly due to insufficient time to modify the kicking action.  相似文献   

The goalkeeper’s difficulty in the soccer penalty kick originates from the extreme spatiotemporal constraints of the situation. The present review claims that the current understanding is biased toward attributing a goalkeeper’s success in saving a penalty kick to perceptual–cognitive skill. To investigate the goalkeeper’s skill, researchers have often adopted video tasks. In doing so, they studied perceptual skill in isolation from action. We use affordance-based control theory to propose an alternative understanding and research methodology. We argue that goalkeepers in the penalty kick situation should regulate their actions in ways that sustain the perception of stoppability. To capture this, we outline the building blocks for a required lateral velocity model, in which the goalkeepers’ required actions are scaled to their maximum capabilities. In doing so, we provide new directions for research.  相似文献   


The keeper-independent strategy, in which a football penalty kicker selects a target location in advance and ignores the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up, has been suggested to be the preferable strategy for taking a penalty kick. The current in-field experiment investigated the question of whether the goalkeeper can indeed be ignored. Ten intermediate-level football players were instructed to adopt a goalkeeper-independent strategy and to perform penalty kicks directed at one of two targets located in the upper corners of the goal under three conditions: without a goalkeeper, in the presence of a goalkeeper (who tried to save the ball), and in the presence of a goalkeeper who was informed by the penalty kickers where they intended to direct the ball. The mere presence of a goalkeeper impaired shot accuracy. The shots were more centralised, that is, biased toward the goalkeeper. The effects were enhanced for the condition in which the penalty kicker knew the goalkeeper was knowledgeable about ball direction. The findings were consistent with the response activation model that holds that aiming at a target can be biased toward salient visual non-targets. The implications for adopting and practising goalkeeper-independent strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法和录像观察法,对中超足球联赛守门员的技战术行为时间和空间特征进行分析。认为守门员的守门水平主要取决于移动中掌握技术的能力,判断不是最主要方面;而守门员用脚主动处理球时与脚法有关,被动处理与判断选位有关,在固定战术配合中角球判断选位更重要,任意球注重射入门角的来球站位。射门成功率最高的区域是16米以内的距离,守门员失误的诱因是判断、选位和基本姿势。  相似文献   


This study seeks to discover whether handball goalkeepers employ a general anticipatory strategy when facing long distance throws and the effect of uncertainty on these strategies. Seven goalkeepers and four throwers took part. We used a force platform to analyse the goalkeeper's movements on the basis of reaction forces and two video cameras synchronised at 500 Hz to film the throw using 3D video techniques. The goalkeepers initiated their movement towards the side of the throw 193 ± 67 ms before the release of the ball and when the uncertainty was reduced the time increased to 349 ± 71 ms. The kinematics analysis of their centre of mass indicated that there was an anticipatory strategy of movement with certain modifications when there was greater uncertainty. All the average scores referring to velocity and lateral movement of the goalkeeper's centre of mass are significantly greater than those recorded for the experimental situation with bigger uncertainty. The methodology used has enabled us to tackle the study of anticipation from an analysis of the movement used by goalkeepers to save the ball.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tested the consequences of attention towards goalkeepers in association football penalty shootouts that have exclusively been derived from laboratory experiments. We conducted a retrospective analysis of all penalty shootouts during FIFA World Cups (1986–2010) and UEFA European Football Championships (1984–2012). We linked key variables of previous laboratory research to observable behaviour in the field that was coded by two independent coders. The following hypotheses were tested: first, attention towards goalkeepers results in more saves/better goalkeeper performance; second, goalkeepers can deliberately distract penalty takers by drawing attention towards themselves which results in less accurate penalty kicks/better goalkeeper performance. Results were in line with previous laboratory analyses as they showed that attention towards goalkeepers resulted in more saves/better goalkeeping performance. Further, if goalkeepers distracted penalty takers this also resulted in better goalkeeping performance. The applied implications of these findings are discussed for both goalkeepers and penalty takers in association football.  相似文献   

李非 《体育科技文献通报》2010,18(11):34-34,129
足球比赛中运动员“罚点球”的命中率远远低于平时的训练水平,这主要与心理变化而影响正常技术的发挥有关。本文就运动员在“罚点球”时如何进行心理控制及训练的理论和方法作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

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