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Affective pedagogical agent (PA) is an image of a character embedded in multimedia lessons with the ability to influence learners' affective experiences and learning performance. Prior studies on the effects of affective PA have shown inconsistent findings. In this study, we conducted four separate meta-analyses to address whether adding an affective PA to multimedia lessons can increase learners' retention performance, transfer performance, positive emotions, and intrinsic motivation, and to explore several moderators that may have contributed to the inconsistencies of previous studies. The research framework mainly includes introducing the concept of affective PA, reviewing research on the impact of affective PA on learning performance, emotions, and motivation, analyzing the moderators that may affect the effects of affective PA, performing a meta-analysis, and discussing the results based on the findings of the meta-analysis. We found 36 articles met the inclusion criteria. The results of the meta-analysis indicated that affective PA could increase learners’ positive emotions (k = 25, g = 0.26), improve intrinsic motivation (k = 26, g = 0.26), and facilitate learning performance (retention: k = 35, g = 0.26; transfer: k = 45, g = 0.34). Furthermore, moderator analysis found that affective PA characteristics (i.e., appearance, the number of emotional cues, and body movement) and learning materials characteristics (i.e., subject domain, pacing of presentation) moderated the effects of affective PA. We discussed these findings from different theoretical perspectives. In general, affective PA could help students be happier and more motivated to learn in multimedia learning environments.  相似文献   

This paper presents an anthropocentric approach in human – machine interaction in the area of self-regulated e-learning. In an attempt to enhance communication mediated through computers for pedagogical use we propose the incorporation of an intelligent emotional agent that is represented by a synthetic character with multimedia capabilities, modelled to imitate human behaviour. The agent is aiming to provide cognitive support to users with learning difficulties and attention disorders and is designed to accommodate self regulated learning elements. We review the basic principles of self regulated learning which, in turn, act as a basis for designing and implementing our system. Kolb’s learning cycle is used to provide a framework upon which agents’ pedagogical behaviour is constructed. A study between 24 students from higher education with learning difficulties and attention disorders is presented. The learning particularities of this special group that contradict with the principles of self regulated learning are reported. The study refers to students in higher education, in the domain of information technology. The analysis of results indicates that emotional agents improve communication between users of the particular learning group and learning environments by providing cognitive support through behavioural communication, compared to agents with neutral behaviour.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examines the effects of Montessori Education (ME) on five dimensions of development and learning in preschool and school-age children. It includes data from 33 experimental or quasi-experimental studies comparing ME with other pedagogical approaches (268 effect sizes; n = 21,67). These studies were conducted in North-America, Asia and Europe, and published between 1991 and 2021. Effect size estimated using Hedges’ unbiased g, and a 3-level multilevel meta-analytic approach applied due to the dependency among the effect sizes obtained from the same study. Results showed that ME’s effects on development and learning are positive and vary from moderate to high, depending on the dimension considered: cognitive abilities (g = 0.17), social skills (g = 0.22), creativity (g = 0.25), motor skills (g = 0.27), and academic achievement (g = 1.10). Analyses of different moderators did not reveal differences by school level, type of publication and continent.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was undertaken to reexamine near- and far-transfer effects following working-memory training and to consider potential moderators more systematically. Forty-seven studies with 65 group comparisons were included in the meta-analysis. Results showed near-transfer effects to short-term and working-memory skills that were sustained at follow-up with effect sizes ranging from g = 0.37 to g = 0.72 for immediate transfer and g = 0.22 to g = 0.78 for long-term transfer. Far-transfer effects to other cognitive skills were small, limited to nonverbal (g = 0.14) and verbal (g = 0.16) ability and not sustained at follow-up. Several moderators (e.g., duration of training sessions, supervision during training) had an influence on transfer effects, including far-transfer effects. We present principles for how best to improve working memory through training in the narrow-task paradigm and conjecture how best to improve basic cognitive functions in complex activity contexts.  相似文献   

The effective design of course materials is critical for student learning, especially for large lecture introductory courses. This quantitative study was designed to explore the effect multimedia and content difficulty has on students’ cognitive load and learning outcomes. College students (n = 268) were randomized into 1 of 3 multimedia groups: text + graphics (Group 1–TG); audio + text + graphics (Group 2–ATG); or video + audio + text + graphics (Group 3–VATG). Participants answered a demographic survey and pretests before viewing 2 food science supplemental lecture materials (i.e., water mobility and amino acid structures) and completing the cognitive load instrument and post‐tests within a noncontrolled setting. Cognitive load scores were tabulated and compared using a 3 × 3 ANOVA and Tukey post hoc analysis across multimedia groups and food science supplemental lecture materials. Based on the post hoc, students in Group 1–TG had higher intrinsic cognitive load scores than Group 2–ATG (ANOVA, P < 0.05). Cognitive load and post‐test scores were tabulated and compared using a spearman correlation across groups. In Group 1–TG, students that reported less intrinsic cognitive load had higher post‐test scores. Also, students that reported more germane cognitive load had higher post‐test scores. In Groups 2–ATG and 3–VATG, students that reported less extraneous cognitive load had higher post‐test scores (ANOVA, P < 0.05).  相似文献   

This is a design study meant to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating three rather different theoretical perspectives for future efforts in multimedia instructional design. A multimedia instructional grammar program contextualized within the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL) was developed and evaluated. The program design was grounded in Mayer’s multimedia learning theory (2001), Sweller’s cognitive load theory (CLT, 2005), and cognitive training theory using an inductive reasoning paradigm (Klauer and Phye, Rev Educ Res 78(1):85–124, 2008). A successful integration of cognitive training theory into program design is expected to facilitate the transition of student’s declarative knowledge of a grammar concept of passive voice to procedural knowledge (Phye, Contemp Educ Psychol 16:87–94, 1991; Phye et al., Empirical methods for evaluating educational interventions, Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego, 2005). Two studies involving ten and four adult ESL learners were conducted in a Midwest community college. Grammar teaching occurred within the context of history and geography of the USA. Students with low prior knowledge of passive voice grammar concepts, intermediate level of general vocabulary, and adequate basic knowledge of content (basic geography and history) benefited most from the program. Preliminary results are encouraging for the aforementioned integrative efforts.  相似文献   

梅耶的多媒体学习理论是建立在坚实的理论基础和可靠的实证经验基础上的科学体系。多媒体学习的认知理论是理解多媒体学习的关键。双重通道假设、容量有限假设和主动加工假设是梅耶构建多媒体学习认知理论的基石,也是整个多媒体学习科学体系的逻辑起点。这三大假设赖以成立的理论前提正是双重编码理论、工作记忆模型、生成学习理论和认知负荷理论,由此构成了多媒体学习的理论基础。具体而言,双重编码理论和工作记忆模型为多媒体学习的认知理论构建提供了关键概念与元素;生成学习理论则为多媒体学习的认知理论构建提供了基本的解释性框架;多媒体学习的认知理论正是由这些关键概念、元素和解释性框架整合而成;而认知负荷理论则以多媒体学习的认知理论为基础,进而为多媒体教学的系列设计原理提供了关键支撑。  相似文献   

多媒体学习理论是一个贯通了学习理论与教学理论的科学体系。作为学习理论的多媒体学习认知理论基于双重编码理论、工作记忆模型以及生成加工理论,解释了学习者通过加工语词与画面所呈现的材料来建构知识的学习机制,属于解释性理论;作为教学理论的多媒体教学设计理论发展出一系列教学设计应遵循的原则,为教育实践提供了具有处方性意义的行动指南,属于处方性理论。解释性的学习理论为处方性的教学理论提供了扎实可靠的科学基础。在多媒体学习研究从学习理论向教学理论转化的过程中,多媒体教学设计理论是实现跃迁的关键环节,而认知负荷理论则是理论跃迁成功的关键变量。基于认知负荷理论,梅耶提出多媒体学习认知负荷三元模型,包括必要认知加工、外来认知加工和生成性认知加工。围绕这三类认知加工,梅耶及其同事进行了大量的实验研究,最终确定了12项与多媒体学习认知理论及其前提假设保持高度逻辑一贯性的多媒体教学设计原则。这些原则都是经得起实践检验的,但教学设计人员在应用的过程中,应明确各项原则的问题情境、适用范围等边际条件。  相似文献   

Previous studies of multimedia presentations have determined the effects of the combination of text and pictures on vocabulary learning, but not those of the sound of new words. This study was intended to confirm those previous findings from the integration of mobile technologies and the approach of cognitive load. It adopted a within-subjects design and recruited 32 eighth graders in central Taiwan to participate in a vocabulary learning program on mobile phones. During the program the participants needed to learn four sets of target words in four different weeks. Each set was presented in one of the four modes: text mode, text-picture mode, text-sound mode, and text-picture-sound mode. Immediately after learning each set, all participants took a vocabulary test and completed a cognitive load questionnaire; and, two weeks later, they took the vocabulary test again. Their perceptions of the vocabulary learning program were also collected in a post-program questionnaire. The findings were that audio input helped our participants recall new words’ meanings after two weeks; and, it reduced their cognitive load of learning new words. Our participants also provided positive feedback on the mobile-assisted vocabulary learning program featuring multimedia presentations.  相似文献   

多媒体学习的认知机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多媒体学习的认知机制是从两个层面上加以研究的。一个层面是专门的多媒体认知机制理论,包括双重编码理论、多媒体学习模型与新双重编码理论,另一个层面是一般性的认知机制理论,包括工作记忆模型、分布式认知理论、认知负荷理论以及生成学习理论等。这些理论对前一层面的模型起支撑作用,并能指导对多媒体学习的深入研究。但是,多媒体学习的认知机制研究应当是以建构主义学习理论而不是认知主义的学习理论为背景的,应当具有大脑认知神经科学的证据予以支持,应当是关注学习的情境性问题。  相似文献   

Distance learning has evolved over many generations into its newest form of what we commonly label as online learning. In this second-order meta-analysis, we analyze 19 first-order meta-analyses to examine the impact of distance learning and the special case of online learning on students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. We examine to what extent distance learning generation level, and instructional setting moderate the influences of distance learning on cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. This second-order meta-analyses also analyzes the first-order meta-analyses for methodological quality and robustness. The findings revealed a statistically significant overall average effect size (g = 0.156, p < .001 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.087–0.224) of distance learning impacting cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes in comparison to face-to-face learning. Meta-analyses on higher education had a statistically significant larger effect size than K-12 education. Limitations, implications, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

多媒体教学能够促进有意义的学习,同时多媒体学习受认知负荷的影响又是十分明显的。在多媒体学习理论框架内研究了具体多媒体学习情境下的认知超负荷现象,提出了相应的减负方法。  相似文献   


In this paper we present the results of a naturalistic study carried out with higher education students which describes their learning environments when working on academic tasks in groups and individually. In this study we want to analyse how they organize their learning activities and knowledge processes (reading, reflecting and sharing) and how these learning processes are integrated into their Personal Learning Environments (PLE). In order to achieve that, students had to reflect about the basic ‘components’ that make up their learning process: reading (using not only by text but also multimedia), doing/reflecting (creating cognitive artefacts) and sharing (discussing, showing, and offering and receiving feedback from and to a community of reference). Students formed relationships between those components and any technological tools they used and created mind maps to represent their PLEs. The main objective is to try to understand how PLEs are organized and how they are perceived by learners, not from a technological perspective but from a learning perspective. The main results confirm the strong nature of PLEs as a pedagogical approach with a strong technological base. In addition, those results suggest a close relationship between students’ beliefs and expectations regarding academic tasks as well as the importance they give to each component in their learning process.  相似文献   

Student engagement that leads to enhanced learning outcomes involves three interdependent facets: behaviour, emotion and cognition. As such, learning activities that encourage deep learning and the intellectual challenging of minds should provide opportunities for reasoning and critical and creative thinking. An approach that resonates strongly with student engagement involves fostering student voice in the classroom, and the generation and utilization of students’ questions is one means of achieving this. Implicit in this approach is the need for both teachers and students to pose questions that engage and intellectually challenge thinking. In this pilot case study, eight volunteer teachers from one school chose to investigate their own practice by either focusing on their own questioning skills to foster student engagement in the classroom or, on how they could support their students to generate intellectually challenging questions that lead to increasing student voice, engagement and deeper learning in the classroom. Key findings were that who does the questioning is not an either-or dichotomy, and that significant pedagogical shifting requires a long-term focus. This shift is influenced by teachers’ commitment to using questioning as a pedagogical approach for enhancing student learning.  相似文献   

This article examines teacher professional learning about pedagogy for teachers of students with severe intellectual disabilities within broader teacher education and pedagogical frameworks for this group of learners. The article presents and discusses findings from a USA–England research project, involving classroom observations and interviews with nine teachers of students with severe intellectual disabilities from four specialist public school settings, intended to explore teachers’ pedagogical decision-making and learning. The theoretical lens of situated learning and the conceptual lens of evidence-based practice are used to contextualise and examine the teachers’ views about the what, how and when they learn about pedagogical approaches and strategies. Teachers emphasised the situated and interactional nature of their learning, particularly highlighting the personal responses of students and their relationship with these students. They use this knowledge and understanding to adapt evidence-based strategies and programmes and inform their pedagogical decisions. This affords the concepts of ‘situated generalization’ and ‘practice based evidence’ an influential role in how teachers engage in the process of pedagogical decision-making. An implication for teacher educators is the need to support teachers in making connections of new pedagogical understandings and skills with the individual learning profiles and responses of their students with severe intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of pedagogical agents on students’ learning outcomes, but so far, beneficial effects have not been consistently demonstrated. The ambiguous results might partly be due to the strong emphasis on cognitive outcomes, which is characteristic for research in teaching and learning. The paper suggests a shift of attention to socio-emotional and relational variables, which might be considered as relevant moderator variables in learning or even as learning outcomes per se, for example, in social learning. In order to achieve this goal, we suggest a systematic account of the results from social psychology and in particular from nonverbal communication research, and findings from studies on the social effects of embodied agents in general. This perspective will include (1) a distinction between static and dynamic aspects of embodiment, such as the visual appearance of agents and their nonverbal behavior, and (2) a more systematic approach concerning the functions of embodiment and nonverbal behavior, such as modeling, discourse and dialogue functions, and socio-emotional effects. A further argument addresses the necessity of complementing outcome measures by process measures, which are sensitive to the tasks and the changing situational demands that occur during learning processes and tutor-learner interaction.  相似文献   

多媒体学习的认知体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对主要的认知体系进行了概述,据此可以形成多媒体教学设计的理论基础.这些认知体系包括对记忆存储、记忆编码以及认知操作的描述.与多媒体学习相关的认知体系有Paivio的双重编码理论、Baddeley的工作记忆模型、Engelkamp的多模块理论、Sweller的认知负荷理论、Mayer的多媒体学习理论以及Nathan的动画理论.本文重点讨论传统研究和教学应用之间的交互作用,教学应用主要涉及如何增加回忆率、减少干扰、降低认知负荷以及加强理解等方面.得出的初步结论是:虽然各自有所侧重,不同的理论之间仍有一些共性;这些模型中缺乏对学习者多元编码整合作用的研究;在心理模拟足够的情况下并不需要动画教学;动作必须有意义才能有效果;多模块教学比单个不同的特定模块更加有效.  相似文献   

Action learning is a pedagogical practice that helps participants learn by talking about their workplace action with fellow participants (‘comrades in adversity’) in their action learning set. This paper raises questions about the action in action learning, such as: how do members of an action learning set learn from and through each other? How do they learn through their developing conversation and interaction?

To answer such questions, I argue that, ‘ethnomethodology’ (the study of ‘member's methods’ or ‘folk methods’ for doing any kind of practical action) is useful for showing the intricacy of the practical learning process in action learning, as in learning in action, more generally. The paper illustrates the conversational and interactional work of members doing things and learning together in action (for example discovering things in science and in board meetings); and argues that this approach may also be used to study action learning in practice.  相似文献   


There is widespread agreement that student teachers need to construct an integrated knowledge base across multiple domains. This study examined the contributions of intraindividual factors of self-regulated learning to explaining student teachers’ (a) integration of knowledge across topics and domains (i.e., integrative learning) and (b) disjointed processing of potentially domain-specific learning content (i.e., separative learning). The factors considered were study approaches; cognitive, metacognitive, and resource-related learning strategy use; epistemological and pedagogical beliefs; and career choice motivation. The study applied a cross-sectional survey design and examined separative and integrative learning in N = 103 student teachers by way of multiple regression analyses with backward eliminations. A key finding is that deep and strategic study approaches and certain cognitive learning strategies contributed significantly to explaining integrative learning in student teachers. Epistemological and pedagogical beliefs were not able to predict integrative learning. Regarding separative learning, the study identified the surface study approach, specific epistemological and pedagogical beliefs, and the “usefulness” motive for career choice as positive predictors and critical thinking as a negative predictor. The study demonstrates differences in how integrative and separative learning are shaped by distinct intraindividual factors. Implications are discussed with regard to student teachers’ self-regulated learning and pre-service teacher education.


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