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通过对地方文献馆员信息素养现状的分析.探讨了地方文献馆员应具备的信息素养,进而提出了几种提升地方文献馆员信息素养的措施.  相似文献   

王朗  欧兆虎  蔡焰辉 《图书馆》2012,(5):127-129
新环境下,高校图书馆建设与服务内涵更加丰富。高校图书馆要以信息素养型馆员为基础,建立团队战略思维。以信息素养要求为核心,构建馆员能力素质模型,规划、规范和提升馆员的信息素养。提炼主要由信息素养要求和馆员职业精神构成核心能力素质,是构建能力素质模型的关键。  相似文献   

高校图书馆员信息素养刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息素养处于图书馆工作者综合素养之核心,是网络环境下高校图书馆工作者必备的素质。本文研究和探讨了馆员信息素养的内涵及提高馆员信息素养的几种有效途径。  相似文献   

教师、学生、馆员是高校信息素养实践活动链上不可脱扣的环节。徐州师范大学问卷抽样调查显示:教师、学生、馆员在信息意识、信息知识、信息技术能力、信息获取能力方面各有其特点。根据对三者信息素养的相关性及制约性的分析,应该在全校营造良好的信息素养教育环境与信息化校园文化,加强三者之间的交流沟通,将高校教师及馆员的信息素养培养融入教育工作中,改变由"图书馆"承担"信息素养培训"的单一培养模式,将"信息素养教育"融入"专业课程教育"的课程整合。  相似文献   

从高职院图书馆员信息素养状况分析出发,提出高职馆员的信息素养必须从信息意识、信息道德、信息能力三个方面强化培训,使之能与高职教育相适应。  相似文献   

针对信息素养教育具有跨学科、跨专业的特点,强调馆员与教师的合作教学。通过分析馆员与教师合作教学的障碍,讨论馆员与教师在合作关系中各自扮演的角色,并在此基础上构建了基于馆员—教师合作的嵌入式信息素养教育模型。  相似文献   

文章从数据库培训、检索技能提升、文献检索课程、论文写作、考研指导等方面调研河南省高校图书馆信息素养培养状况。其中存在过于依赖外部第三方机构、馆员素质有待进一步提升、缺乏反思总结等问题,提出从提升馆员业务素养、根据学习阶段开展读者信息素养培育、举办阅读活动等方面优化信息素养教育效果,从而提升读者的信息素养能力。  相似文献   

通过分析信息素养教育的现状及问题,论述了高校图书馆及馆员在信息素养教育中的作用.  相似文献   

开展馆员——教师协作的信息素养教育,能够为学生搭建起信息检索和专业学习融合的桥梁,是一种新型的信息素养教学方法。通过生物学学科馆员和细胞生物学专业教师在教学内容、教学方法和教学效果评估等方面进行密切合作,协作教学激发了学生学习兴趣,增强了学生学以致用能力,提升了学生信息素养,教学效果显著提高。  相似文献   

先引入信息素养教育的概念,接着论述认了高校图书馆实行信息素养教育的必要性,再针对高校读者:馆员、教师、学生提出相应的信息素质教育的内容、方式。  相似文献   

文章以问卷的形式对辽宁省高校图书馆员信息素养状况进行了调研,并运用SPSS对调研数据进行统计学分析,得出信息素养各层面密切相关;信息素养水平与年龄及职称无关联,但具有显著的学历、所从事的工作的差异性。在此基础上提出了从国家层面加强对信息素养教育的监督与管理;加强高校图书馆员的学历教育;加强学习,提高图书馆员整体信息素养水平等建议。  相似文献   

论数字图书馆员的信息素质   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张俊玲 《图书馆》2007,(2):88-89
文章论述提高数字图书馆员信息素质的意义和数字图书馆员信息素质的内容,探讨了培养数字图书馆员信息素质的途径。  相似文献   

通过对212所高校图书馆网站的馆员信息素质学习栏目建设情况进行调查,从栏目设置、培训内容、培训方式等方面进行了分析。在此基础上,提出要从职业道德、业务素质和学术素质三方面培养高校图书馆馆员的信息素质,并强调高校图书馆馆员信息素质培养网上平台的建设策略:一是注重平台的互动性;二是提供课程资源共享;三是提供网上模拟考试系统。  相似文献   

As part of the ongoing debates over the best methods for teaching information literacy, some librarians have argued for a “teach the teachers” strategy. In this approach, librarians concentrate some of their instructional energies on teaching disciplinary faculty to teach information literacy. In this paper, multiple examples of “teach the teachers” efforts are reviewed, in order to provide insight into the impact that taking this approach might have on librarians, faculty, and students. Results indicate that the “teach the teachers” approach shows promise as one method by which librarians can support the integration of information literacy into the curriculum, but that more assessment is needed to determine the long-term impact of such initiatives on faculty teaching practices and students' information literacy development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this literature review was exploring how medical librarians are addressing health literacy barriers, with an emphasis on enhancing the patient care experience. This literature review contributes up-to-date information related to health literacy barriers, with a specific focus on medical librarianship and enhancing the patient care experience. Medical librarians can positively impact health literacy barriers. By partnering with other healthcare professionals, medical librarians are in a position to ensure health information can be understood, which will ultimately improve health literacy and enhance the patient care experience. Improving health literacy rates may improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.  相似文献   

文章在阐述健康素养和健康信息素养内涵的基础上,全面探讨了美国和英国医学图书馆员在为医务人员和公众进行健康信息素养教育和提供健康信息服务所采取的有效措施。他们主要发挥了以下作用。1)可以对医务人员进行健康信息素养培训,一为医务人员提供优质的信息资源以及开发新的医学信息资源。2)可以促进医务人员与公众和患者的交流和沟通;开发新技术促进公众对健康信息资源的利用。5)可帮助政府制定积极的卫生政策,促进公众健康素养的提升。  相似文献   

Broward College, an early adopter of Guided Pathways, has made efforts to incorporate information literacy throughout the curriculum by embedding librarians in pathways and through General Education learning outcomes. However, although college administrators and faculty acknowledge that the integration of information literacy instruction throughout the curriculum is crucial to student success, librarians have struggled to become true teaching partners. A survey was administered to discipline faculty to determine attitudes, perceptions, and a self-assessment of information literacy. This study includes a nuanced analysis of discipline faculty responses and reveals conflicting attitudes and behaviors related to information literacy instruction.  相似文献   

Findings from in-depth interviews with academic librarians reveal initial perceptions of the value of the new Association of College and Research Libraries' Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and information about individual experiences in implementing the framework into information literacy skills instruction. Fifteen academic librarians, recruited through the ILI-L listserv, participated in Skype interviews that averaged 50?min in length. Participants shared that the Framework has had an impact on their teaching, helps them to better articulate the role of the librarian and the concept of information literacy, supports collaboration with faculty, and presents new empirical research opportunities for academic librarians. At the same time, acceptance of the Framework by librarians has not been universal, implementing the Framework into one-shot information literacy instruction is difficult, and full implementation of the Framework may require a restructuring of how information literacy education is approached.  相似文献   

Regional accreditation organizations increasingly include student learning outcomes for information literacy in their standards and other documents, often emphasizing the importance of collaboration between librarians and faculty. Through content analysis of published articles and listserv postings, this study analyzes how librarians acknowledge such accreditation organizations in the context of information literacy.  相似文献   

文章论述了信息素质的基本内涵,并阐明信息时代高校图书馆员应具备的信息素质,指出提高馆员信息素质的途径与方法。  相似文献   

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