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明治时期是日本王学的高峰,王阳明文献在日本流传的过程中,通过不同人物的翻刻、评注、选辑,形成了各自鲜明的版本特征,阳明的文学创作与哲学思辨在国内外形成了两个传刻的倾向与线索,在日本学者对阳明文献的重刻与编辑中也逐渐形成了哲学文献与文学文献的传刻途径,反映出王阳明文献在日本的文献接受与日本本土的文化语境紧密结合。论文关注明治时期日本学者对王阳明文献的翻刻与接收,主要考察日本学者对王阳明文献的整理与编撰,探讨王阳明文献在日本学界与社会的流传版本及文化交流作用。  相似文献   
为了办好刊物,突出地方农业科技刊物的特色,作者总结了天津农林科技刊物办刊40多年的经验,提出了应该抓住的五条线:a.要坚持放眼全国突出地方特色的主干线,b.要紧扣带有时代特色的分界线,c.要掌握实用价值的标准线,d.要不离具有先进技术的水平线,和e.抓住科技信息的高速线。  相似文献   
解读了《图书馆合作与信息资源共享武汉宣言》在三个方面的呼吁:关注信息技术对知识整理和知识交流的影响,开展相关的活动;注重与其他知识传播主体的合作,有效地利用行业分工;密切注意法律框架的变化,争取更有利的制度安排。  相似文献   
分析数字权益管理系统中各主体之间的授权关系,给出DRM中的分发控制特点,并在此基础上提出扩展使用控制模型。  相似文献   
学术信息传播是社会传播系统的重要组成部分,研究社交媒体上学术信息的传播机理,有助于研究人员积极使用社交媒体,促进学术信息的传播。文章首先对学术传播的发展历程及模式演进进行研究,其次分析了社交媒体的信息传播特点及要素,最终得出社交媒体环境下的学术信息传播模型及传播动力机制。  相似文献   
二战以后的50年里,《聊斋志异》在日本的传播和研究获得新的巨大发展。表现在翻译方面.不但数量大大超过此前,尤其有以各种版本的《聊斋志异》为底本的译作先后问世。其次是改编的成绩前所未有。不但各种文艺形式都有,而且时日本文学产生了积极影响。最引人注目的还是对蒲松龄厦其著作(主要是《聊斋志异》)的研究得到了长足发展,并且持续近半个世纪之久,涌现出一批出色的硕儒新进。取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   
浅谈在线考试系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的广泛使用,各类计算机考试也应运而生,这类考试多为上机考试,因此,考试系统的设计和实现非常重要。在网络技术逐渐渗入社会生活各个层面的今天,采用网络考试是一个趋势。目前,网络考试系统的实现,可以采用传统的客户机/服务器模式,也可以采用目前流行的浏览器/服务器模式。本系统采用的后一种模式,本文将介绍该模式的实现方法及考试系统的特点和实现的关键技术。  相似文献   
Reducing information asymmetry between investors and a firm can have an impact on the cost of equity, especially in an environment or times of uncertainty. New technologies can potentially help disseminate corporate financial information, reducing such asymmetries. In this paper we analyse firms’ dissemination decisions using Twitter, developing a comprehensive measure of the amount of financial information that a company makes available to investors (iDisc) from a big data of firms’ tweets (1,197,208 tweets). Using a sample of 4131 firm-year observations for 791 non-financial firms listed on the US NASDAQ stock exchange over the period 2009–2015, we find evidence that iDisc significantly reduces the cost of equity. These results are pronounced for less visible firms which are relatively small in size, have a low analyst following and a small number of investors. Highly visible firms are less likely to benefit from iDisc in influencing their cost of equity as other communication channels may have widely disseminated their financial information. Our investigations encourage managers to consider the benefits of directly spreading a firm’s financial information to stakeholders and potential investors using social media in order to reduce firm equity premium (COE).  相似文献   
云南陆疆侨乡的形成与马帮文化有着千丝万缕的联系,侨乡传统信息传播的方式更是打上了马帮文化的烙印。侨乡红河的信息传播经历了由传统以马帮为媒介的人工口信与家书到现代信息传播方式的变迁,这种变迁正是云南侨乡人信息传播的一个缩影。  相似文献   

Participatory programs are increasingly recognised as effective in assisting rural communities identify issues of concern, determine their needs, and draw in resources to enact social and environmental change. A fundamental assumption of these programs is that farmer knowledge is used and valued in the process of group interaction and social learning. The role of farmer knowledge in group learning in Australia is explored in this paper using case studies of Landcare and Prograze. In both case studies, group activity focused upon building landholder knowledge and skills for sustainable pasture management. Research findings suggest farmer knowledge can remain dormant unless critical factors in group learning and development are addressed. These include experiential learning, integrating information, effective facilitation, group autonomy and building ongoing relationships and learning opportunities.  相似文献   
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