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王实甫的<西厢记>自问世以来深受广大人民的喜爱,一方面是因为他反映了一个永恒的爱情主题,另外成功塑造了一批人物,尤其是张生这个形象,他既热爱功名又向往爱情,既风雅又粗俗,有时机智有时痴傻,有时勇敢有时懦弱,总之,他是一个矛盾的集合体.  相似文献   

本研究采用<父母教养方式评价量表>和<缺陷感量表>探讨父母教养方式对听障初中生自尊水平的影响,结果发现父母情感温暖与理解教养方式对听障初中生自尊水平有显著的积极影响,惩罚严厉、拒绝否认、过度保护教养方式则有极其显著的消极影响.在昕障初中生一些群体中,父母教养方式对听障初中生自尊水平的影响作用和预测效果存在差异.从父母教养方式各维度来看,父母某些消极教养方式对听障初中生自尊水平的影响作用更明显.本研究还提出有关建议,为听障初中生的父母教养子女提供参考.  相似文献   

行政管理的宗旨是服务社会造福人民.行政机关及其工作人员应维护社会秩序,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法利益,决不应损害其合法权益.但受种种因素的影响,行政不作为现象还时有发生,行政不作为国家应赔偿非常有必要,建立这种制度有利于社会稳定和促进行政机关依法行政.  相似文献   

云南护国首义,是中国近代史上辉煌的一页,也是云南历史上的光辉篇章.云南护国首义是资产阶级革命派、资产阶级改良派、云南地方实力派在全国反对袁世凯复辟帝制的斗争浪潮中联合进行的一次革命.在这次革命中,三个派别的代表人物,尤其是留日学生对云南护国起义的爆发起了重要作用.他们在全国一致的反袁浪潮下,以拥护共和、反对复辟帝制为共同目标,团结一致,积极行动,以蔡锷作为纽带,最终促成了全国反袁阵线的形成,为云南护国首义的发动创造了有利的政治条件.云南首举义旗后,由留日学生构成的护国军政府进行了卓有成效的战前军事、政治、经济动员,为取得战争的胜利奠定了坚实的基础;护国三军总司令蔡锷、李烈钧、唐继尧及大部分将领均为留日学生,他们构成了护国军的各级骨干,在战争中身先士卒,英勇奋战,保证了护国首义的胜利,在中国近代革命史上书写了光辉的一笔.  相似文献   

On the advice of his companion they had brought along blankets. The women of the ranchito brought other bedding, and a comfortable bed soon awaited the Americans.  相似文献   

著名作曲家吕其明在41年前创作的管弦乐作品《红旗颂》魅力不减,每天央视播出《永远的丰碑·红色记忆》节目便能聆听到这首震撼心灵的主旋律,其全新总谱也由上海音乐出版社多次再版,各地订购者甚众.其实,在庆祝香港、澳门回归祖国期间,在每年纪念党的生日、欢度国庆佳节期间,《红旗颂》总被北京、上海、香港、澳门、广州、深圳、青岛等地频频奏响.在广州,《红旗颂》的旋律曾被2000多名合唱团员、300多名乐手、70多架钢琴同时演奏,这是这部作品问世以来最大的一次演出阵容.  相似文献   

太阳系新家谱 根据国际天文学联合会大会通过的新定义,一个包括行星、矮行星和太阳系小天体在内的太阳系新"家谱"呈现在了我们面前.根据新定义,行星是指围绕太阳运转,自身引力足以克服其刚体力而使天体呈圆球状,并且能够清除其轨道附近其他物体的天体.其成员包括水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星.  相似文献   

李壁<王荆文公诗笺注>所收集的王诗,虽比<临川先生文集>多出72首,但其中明显有误收.对其中一些误收的作品进行探讨,是必要的.不过综观学界已有的讨论,大都均以直接判定为多,而以分析说理为少.这样的讨论往往显得猜测有余而研究不足,令人觉得说服力不强.一般而言,判断一篇作品是否属于误收,应当要展示出令人信服的依据来.故本文试图重在突出事实根据,对一些误收之作力求搜寻出相关的人物事迹和版本年代来,然后再以这些史实为依据,用来证明其确系误收.  相似文献   

在美国建国初期,基于维护新生的合众国的统一性和增强民族凝聚力等方面的考虑,计划创办一所国立大学,但是由于缺乏宪法的支持等原因,最后这一计划以失败而告终.这对美国高等教育的发展带来了深远的巨大影响,使得美国高等教育更富有多样性和竞争性,也在一定程度上影响了联邦政府干预高等教育的方式.  相似文献   

高二阶段主要培养阅读能力,着重能力的运用.在这一阶段,学生已扫除了记单词的障碍,掌握了一些方法.我们应该使记单词和阅读同步进行,而且应该把重心放在后者,在阅读中培养记忆单词和学会通过上下文猜词的能力.我们要以课本为纲,因为新教材的选材比较典型,语言地道,语言句式比较规范.对于一篇文章的处理教师一般可以分为两个课时来完成.  相似文献   

肯定形式的固定结构如but从句 /短语、ifonly/onlythat从句、Itis…that/who…句型、that/ratherthan短语、from/off/outof短语、too…to…短句、thelast+不定式或从句could/might/should/oughtto/would +不定式的守成体等用于表达间接否定语义 ,这是英语中一种比较特别的表达方式。  相似文献   

Preschoolers' Attention to and Memory for Attachment-Relevant Information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the relation between attachment quality in infancy and attention and memory at 31/2 years. Sixty-eight children participated in 2 attention tasks and 1 memory task. In the first attention task, children were shown several sets of drawings; each set depicted a different mother-child dyad engaged in positive, negative, and neutral interaction. Insecure/avoidant children looked away from the drawings; more than the other children. In the second attention task, children were shown different sets of drawings; each set depicted a mother-child dyad engaged in positive interaction and an adult dyad expressing neutral affect. Insecure/avoidant and insecure/ambivalent children looked away from the mother-child drawings more than the secure children; when children did look at a drawing, insecure children were less likely than secure children to look at the mother-childdrawing. in the memory task, children were read 6 stories in which a mother responds to her child's bid for help. In 2 stories the mother responds sensitively to her child, in 2 stories the mother rejects her child, and in 2 stories the mother provides an exaggerated response to her child. Secure children recalled the responsive stories better than insecure/avoidant children and the rejecting stories better than the insecure/ambivalent children. Findings are discussed in terms of the proposition from attachment theory that attachment experiences influence attention and memory process.  相似文献   

Three studies compared the common Likert agree/disagree question form to a behavioural observation form in which students report recalled frequencies of described teaching or learning events. The agree/disagree form seemed to prompt global, impressionistic approaches to responding, while the behavioural observation form seemed to prompt more objective approaches. Between‐student response consistency was greater for the behavioural observation form than for the agree/disagree form. Across separate samples of teaching, mean overall ratings derived from behavioural observation form questionnaires spread more broadly than did those from agree/ disagree forms. Across separate elements within an individual's teaching, the ratings from the behavioural observation form spread more than those from the agree/disagree form. The conclusions drawn were that using behavioural observation form questions rather than agree/disagree questions in teaching evaluation questionnaires can yield measurable improvements in inter‐rater reliability and in the capability to distinguish amongst levels of teaching quality.  相似文献   

简要介绍了用原位聚合合成PET及PET/SiO2纳米复合材料的方法,并对合成材料的力学性能和摩擦性能进行了研究。研究表明:PET/SiO2纳米复合材料的拉伸强度、冲击强度、弯曲强度等较纯PET有较大提高。当SiO2含量为2%时,复合材料的拉伸强度、弯曲强度分别比纯PET提高26.4%、25.2%,当SiO2用量为1%时,其冲击强度是纯PET的1-31倍。PET/SiO2纳米复合材料比纯PET具有较好的耐磨性。  相似文献   

利用生态足迹方法定量分析湄潭县的生物资源消费足迹、能源消费足迹和生态承载力,科学判断湄潭县的可持续发展状态。结果表明:2009年,湄潭县实际人均生态承载力为0.6580hm2/cap.高于贵州省平均水平,低于全国平均水平;人均生态足迹为1.1833hm2、cap,低于贵州省和全国平均水平;生态赤字-0.5253hm2/eap.,低于贵州省和全国平均水平。  相似文献   

小叶女贞果实抗氧化活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以乙醇为溶剂提取小叶女贞果实,经减压浓缩后,依次用乙酸乙酯和正丁醇进行萃取。用DPPH自由基的清除能力来评价两个部位的抗氧化活性。结果表明,乙酸乙酯部位浓度为500μg/mL时自由基清除率大于75%,IC50=302.818μg/mL,正丁醇部位浓度为300μg/mL时自由基清除率大于75%,IC50=189.241μg/mL。正丁醇部位抗氧化能力比乙酸乙酯部位更好,是乙酸乙酯部位的1.6倍。  相似文献   

C60是碳的一种同素异形体,具有很多奇特的物理化学性质,[1]Langmuir-Blodgett膜(LB膜)是形成C60分子有序结构的一种有效的方法。[2]通过研究沉积在亲水玻璃基底上的单层C60/SA LB复合膜和单层C60/AA LB复合膜的π-A曲线和原子力显微镜(AFM)图片,发现C60/SA LB复合膜排列更为均匀有序,而C60/AA LB复合膜排布不如C60/SA LB复合膜均匀有序,但是膜的厚度较薄。  相似文献   

沱江内江段福寿螺中重金属调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法检测沱江内江段下游福寿螺肌肉与内脏Cd,Pb和Cu的含量.结果表明:沱江内江段福寿螺体内Cd,Pb和Cu的含量远高于国家规定标准,内脏高于肌肉;Cd的含量大于0.2ug/g,超过国家规定标准1.2倍以上.Cu的含量大于200μg/g,超过国家规定标准3倍以上.福寿螺对Cu的富集高于Cd,Pb,沱江Cu,Cd污染是比较严重的.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified different moral judgments in liberals and conservatives. While both care about harm/fairness (‘individualizing’ foundations), conservatives emphasize in-group/authority/purity (‘binding’ foundations) more than liberals. Thus, some argue that conservatives have a more complex morality. We suggest an alternative view—that consistent with conservatism as ‘motivated social cognition’, binding foundation activation satisfies psychological needs for social structure/security/certainty. Accordingly, we found that students who were dispositionally threat-sensitive showed stronger binding foundation activation, and that conservatives are more dispositionally threat-sensitive than liberals. We also found that in a heightened threat situation liberals (especially social liberals) showed increased binding foundation activation. These results support the view that the binding foundations function differently in our moral cognition than the individualizing foundations.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students. Method: 431 junior high school students are measured by Students’ Basic Information Questionnaire (SBIQ) and Middle School Students’ Spiritual Beliefs Questionnaire (MSSSBQ). Results: (1) The overall characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students are as follows: social beliefs rank first, practical faith second, and supernatural beliefs last. The ranks of the seven beliefs from high to low are nationalism, political conviction, family’s doctrine, life worship, religious beliefs, money/material and gods worship. (2) Boy students have higher political conviction and money/material faith than girl students. Girl students have higher religious beliefs than boy students. (3) On the beliefs of money/material and life worship, students in Grade 9 take the first place, Grade 8 second and Grade 7 last. (4) Non-student cadres have stronger money/material faith than cadres. (5) League members have higher political beliefs than non-members. (6) Students who are good at studies have stronger national faith than students who are average or poor at studies. Students who are poor at studies have stronger money/material faith than other students. Conclusion: The spiritual beliefs of junior high school students are positive. __________ Translated from Psychology Development and Education, 2005:2.  相似文献   

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