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生理学家阿斯刺伦认为:“当想得到某一专项所需要的肌肉力量的时候,最好是从事该项运动的锻炼。”每个运动项目对肌肉用力时间的长短、速度快慢都有其特殊的要求;再者,每个运动项目对运动员身体各部位力量的要求也有所不同。举重运动要求的是动作速度——爆发力。因此,我们在进行力量训练时,要根据每个运动员的身体和技术状况,采取有针对性的训练方法。通过技  相似文献   

最大力量、快速力量、弹跳力的训练方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最大力量、快速力量、弹跳力的训练方法●王宝林力量素质是各种运动项目的基础素质,在体能训练中,普遍受到人们的重视。决定肌肉力量的因素有肌肉的生理横断面的大小、神经肌肉的协调性配合的精密程度、给予肌肉刺激的强度、参加运动的运动单位数目的多少、肌肉收缩前的...  相似文献   

中小学生正值身体生长发育时期,身体各部位尚未发育成熟,其运动器官也是如此。因此,他们的力量素质较差。如果过多地采用负重练习,尤其是大重量的杠铃练习,不仅会造成学生肌肉的横断面加大,导致身体形态向横向发展;而且会影响肌肉质量,使肌肉僵硬,缺乏弹性。从生...  相似文献   

一、运动后肌肉酸痛的原因(一)肌肉结构的“微”损伤训练前,没有做准备活动或准备活动不充分,肌肉的力量和伸展性较差,运动中各部位的功能没有得到相应的提高,关节的活动范围较小,神经系统对肌肉的协调指挥能力较低,再加上训练初期机体对运动的适应能力较差,所以运动时容易造成肌肉结构的“微”损伤。这种损伤非常小,只有在电子显微镜下才能看到。损伤后,坏死的组织被蛋白溶解酶所分解,其分解产物使局部小血管扩张、血管壁的通透性增高,血液中的液体、蛋白质和白细胞等通过血管壁形成渗出液,造成肌肉内压力增加,刺激肌肉内的…  相似文献   

肌肉力量是人体进行各项运动的基础,因为骨骼肌收缩产生的力量是人体运动的动力来源,肌肉力量的大小与肌肉的体积、初长度、肌肉类型、收缩方式、收缩速度、神经控制等多种因素有关。肌肉力量训练可以有效地刺激肌肉增加其力量或改变其特性,达到提高运动索质的目的。身体各项素质相互联系、相互作用,力量素质是速度、耐力、柔韧、灵敏、平衡等运动索质的基础,是其它素质发展的必:要条件,良好的肌肉力量可增加关节的稳定性,提高动作的平衡能力,使神经肌肉系统、骨骼、关节和韧带能够承受大负荷、高强度的运动和训练,能够有效降低和防止运动损伤。  相似文献   

<正> 随着全民健身计划的全面实施,越来越多的青年学生注重健身运动。他们常常涉足健身房,从事全身各部位的肌肉运动。有的为了发展力量;有的为了发展肌肉;有的为了减肥、健美;也有的为了某种运动需要增长爆发力、力量耐力。要达到上述目的,都可采用力量练习。发展力量并不是“练”就可以达到目的的,而是要掌握正确的练习方法与要领。现将有关的练习方法介绍如下(练习中的运动负荷适合高中生和大学生)。 1.发展绝对力量的练习。以最  相似文献   

力量训练每周3次如果每周至少5次力量训练,身体各部位锻炼2~4次的话,说明力量训练过头了。每周3次,身体各部位锻炼2次则最为理想。肌肉练到有点僵才好在做举重、  相似文献   

以辽宁青年男篮和沈阳体育学院男篮为研究对象,采用8通道ME6000型肌电测量仪、Footscaninsole足底压力测量仪,对不同水平运动员跳投时核心区肌肉的IEMG、肌肉做功负荷百分比、肌肉的激活顺序以及足底压力参数进行对比分析,研究结果显示:IEGM随着运动员水平的升高而降低,这是长期运动训练使机能节省化的表现。省队运动员肌肉的做功/负荷百分比具有一定的均衡性,是注重核心区肌肉训练的结果。不同水平运动员跳投时肌肉激活顺序不同,运动水平越高的运动员其神经调节肌肉运动的模式越成熟,核心区肌肉可以将下肢蹬地、伸髋的力量有效的传递到上肢。省队的足底压力波形是一个光滑的波峰曲线,说明省队控制身体稳定性的能力比院队运动员的能力强.不同水平运动员垂直方向受力值与体重值的比值具有显著性差异,说明核心区良好的肌肉力量可以使中枢神经系统得到良好的适应,提高对肌肉的控制能力。因此,教练员在训练中应重视核心区肌肉的力量训练,以此来加强跳投时身体各部位的协调用力,增加腾空的稳定性,以此提高投篮的命中率。  相似文献   

铅球运动是非周期性多轴动作,多球节组合运动。它涉及到身体各部位的肌肉、关节、中枢神经参与的协调一致的身体复杂活动过程,是作用力与反作用力、速度与力量的统一过程,也是线性运动与抛物运动的统一过程。因此投掷铅球的远度就取决于运动员的合理完整实效的技术,适  相似文献   

对国家体委颁布的第八套广播体操创编的动作在人体各部位基本动作,主要关节和主要肌肉的运动功能进行了分析研究,为其在全国普及、推广和发展提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the yearly changes in body composition as well as absolute and relative isokinetic forearm flexion and extension strength of high school wrestlers. Evaluations of body composition (underwater weighing) were performed on 27 high school wrestlers prior to three consecutive seasons. In addition, isokinetic forearm flexion and extension strength values at 180°/s (Cybex II) were available for 20 of the subjects. The mean ages at the times of laboratory testing were 15.5 (± .5), 16.5 (± .5), and 17.5 (± .5) years. Repeated measures ANOVA or ANCOVA with Tukey post-hoc comparisons were used to locate significant (p<.05) differences across age for height, body weight, relative fat, body density, fat weight, fat-free weight, absolute muscular strength, and muscular strength covaried for body weight and fat-free weight. There were yearly increases in all variables except fat weight, forearm flexion covaried for fat-free weight and forearm extension covaried for fat-free weight. The results of this study indicated that the improved wrestling performance and the increase in weight classification which normally occurs during high school are, in part, a function of yearly changes in body composition and muscular strength.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine age-related differences in muscular strength and muscular endurance among 73 female masters swimmers aged 24 to 71 years. Each subject was assessed on measures of body size, grip strength, peak isokinetic torque of shoulder and knee flexion and extension, and endurance of shoulder and knee movements. Although swim training appears to have resulted in higher strength values for these swimmers than for less active women, an age-related decline in muscular strength values was nevertheless apparent. The results fail to reveal a similar age-related trend for muscular endurance, suggesting that swim training influences muscular endurance more than muscular strength among adult women.  相似文献   

采用交变负荷力量训练系统,对实验对象进行交变负荷力量训练,通过和传统杠铃下肢力量训练相比较,发现交变负荷力量训练能够在短时间内有效地提高肌肉的最大力量,同时实验对象身体形态指标正常(体重稍有下降、体脂趋于优化)。  相似文献   

交变负荷训练对机体影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用交变负荷力量训练系统,对实验对象进行交变负荷力量训练,通过和传统杠铃下肢力量训练相比较,发现交变负荷力量训练能够在短时间内有效地提高肌肉的最大力量,同时实验对象身体形态指标正常(体重稍有下降、体脂趋于优化)。  相似文献   

振动力量训练对肌肉力量的影响研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用自制的振动台对实验组进行全身振动刺激力量训练,振动刺激的频率范围为20-25HZ,振动的加速度为15-20m/s2。通过对振动刺激力量法和传统力量训练方法的比较研究,发现附加全身振动刺激的实验组下肢三大关节屈伸肌肌群的一般和快速力量在实验后明显提高,其增长幅度明显大于对照组,组间比较具有显著性差异。表明肌肉动态训练中附加全身振动刺激能有效地提高肌肉力量训练的效果。  相似文献   

采用文献资料研究法,分析了拉丁舞对人体的心肺功能、体脂成分、肌力、肌耐力和柔软性的影响,提出拉丁舞对健康体适能具有促进作用,旨在为指导科学健身提供依据。  相似文献   

A randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine eight weeks of resistance training (RT) with and without time-restricted feeding (TRF) in order to assess nutrient intake and changes in body composition and muscular strength in young recreationally active males. The TRF programme consisted of consuming all calories within a four-hour period of time for four days per week, but included no limitations on quantities or types of foods consumed. The RT programme was performed three days per week and consisted of alternating upper and lower body workouts. For each exercise, four sets leading to muscular failure between 8 and 12 repetitions were employed. Research visits were conducted at baseline, four, and eight weeks after study commencement. Measurements of total body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and muscle cross-sectional area by ultrasound were obtained. Upper and lower body strength and endurance were assessed, and four-day dietary records were collected. TRF reduced energy intake by ~650?kcal per day of TRF, but did not affect total body composition within the duration of the study. Cross-sectional area of the biceps brachii and rectus femoris increased in both groups. Effect size data indicate a gain in lean soft tissue in the group that performed RT without TRF (+2.3?kg, d?=?0.25). Upper and lower body strength and lower body muscular endurance increased in both groups, but effect sizes demonstrate greater improvements in the TRF group. Overall, TRF reduced energy intake and did not adversely affect lean mass retention or muscular improvements with short-term RT in young males.  相似文献   

本文利用形态测量、数理统计等方法,对湖北省15所高等院校健美操队员进行了身体形态、身体成分的测量分析.试图探索健美操队员形体与动作技能能力的关系,以及健美操运动训练对人体形态的影响.研究结果显示:健美操队员的身体形态、身体成分形态指数对完成高质量的动作有重要影响,而且长期的健美探训练中可以增加瘦体重,改善身体成分,提高肌肉力量;使胸、腰、臀各个部分的比例趋于协调、合理,有利于形成健康健美的形体.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine the effect of weight training on the self-concepts of college males. Another purpose was to identify the types of males, relative to measures of extroversion, neuroticism, body cathexis, somatotype, and muscular strength, who experience the most improvement in self-concept during a lifting program. Subjects of the experimental group (n = 113) trained with weights twice each week for 16 weeks, while controls (n = 127) were educated relative to personal health concepts. The results revealed significant posttest differences in global, internal, and external self-concept between the groups, confirming the hypothesis that regular weight training is positively associated with the improvement of self-concept. Pretest body cathexis, self-concept, and neuroticism scores were significant predictors of global self-concept change from the pretest to the posttest, whereas pretest measures of extroversion, somatotype, and muscular strength were not. Changes in neuroticism, body cathexis, and muscular strength scores were significant predictors of self-concept change, while extroversion change was not, indicating that the positive association between weight training and self-concept enhancement is multivariately determined, and that some types of males experience more improvement of self-concept than others during a weight training regime.  相似文献   

血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性与运动能力关系的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献资料法,总结和分析了ACE基因多态性与人体有氧代谢能力、肌肉力量及对人体运动能力机制等方面影响的研究成果。结果提示:ACE基因多态性与人体运动能力存在一定关联,但其通过何种途径影响运动能力尚有争议。因此,ACE基因能否作为人类运动能力的遗传标志,用于训练和运动员的科学选材,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

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