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在北美地区,学科馆员的职责包括馆藏发展、参考服务、担任教职员与学科联络人、分类与编目以及书目管理。学科馆员还需要负责专业学科系所、单位、甚至是学术团体的相关业务。北美地区的经验启发我们,要提升培养目标的层次和实用性,强化教育与职业的联系,开发内容丰富、联系紧密的课程体系。  相似文献   

图书馆的创新发展要求馆员须具备良好的数据素养,这既是图书馆在服务职能和教育职能下的双重需要,也是馆员身处大数据情境下自身发展的需要。文章以高校图书馆馆员的数据素养教育为研究对象,提出数据认知、数据知识、数据技能3方面共10项能力要求。通过问卷调查了解不同岗位馆员的数据工作场景、能力认知、课程需求,进一步构建出馆员数据素养培育模块化课程体系,给出针对不同能力的教学内容、教学方式和课程安排,设计出区分岗位的数据情景化应用和课程选择指南,以此提升馆员对数据素养的认知,旨在为开展馆员教育提供参考。  相似文献   

教育部新颁布的《普通高等学校图书馆规程》规定"图书馆馆员包括专业馆员和辅助馆员,专业馆员的数量应不低于馆员总数的50%"。就30多年来我国教育事业的发展和高校图书馆人事制度的变革,确认设立专业馆员制度的现实意义,并对专业馆员制度建设提出建议。  相似文献   

馆员队伍建设是图书馆事业稳定发展的基石。回顾40年发展历程,上海交通大学图书馆始终坚持紧密围绕学校“人才强校”发展战略需要,围绕着学术性和创新型两个关键词,不断调整和优化组织机构以及馆员队伍结构,探索建立了一条创新型馆员队伍建设实践路径,包括一个办馆理念、三项办馆视野、一套队伍建设体系、四项馆员基本能力,即“1314”路线图,以培养一支高水准馆员队伍,建设与世界一流大学相匹配的高水准、智慧型、特色化的信息知识服务中心。  相似文献   

从图书馆需要与馆员职业生涯需要的整合,图书馆目标与馆员职业生涯目标的整合,图书馆文化与馆员职业生涯的融合三方面阐述图书馆需要、图书馆目标及图书馆文化在馆员职业生涯规划与发展中的激励作用,并提出满足馆员需要,实现目标的新途径。  相似文献   

论图书馆员职业生涯规划与发展中激励要素的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从图书馆需要与馆员职业生涯需要的整合,图书馆目标与馆员职业生涯目标的整合,图书馆文化与馆员职业生涯的融合三方面阐述图书馆需要、图书馆目标及图书馆文化在馆员职业生涯规划与发展中的激励作用,并提出满足馆员需要,实现目标的新途径。  相似文献   

青年馆员是发展图书馆事业的一支重要力量,在信息网络环境下,要采取多种措施,提高他们的综合素质.1.强化青年馆员爱岗敬业精神的培养.目前,一些青年馆员的职业思想不稳定,缺乏爱岗敬业精神.对此,图书馆领导要深入做好思想政治工作,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;青年馆员要加强政治理论学习,热爱图书馆事业,热爱本职工作,培养自己全心全意为读者服务的精神,尽最大努力满足读者的文献信息需求.2.切实提高青年馆员的业务水平.在青年馆员中,有些人学的是非图书情报专业,有些虽有专业知识但缺乏实际工作能力,因此,要大力提高他们的业务水平.图书馆可组织青年馆员参加各种业务研讨班、专业学术会议等,也可选派一些骨干到高校进修,进一步丰富他们的专业知识和相关学科知识.同时,青年馆员要在工作中边干边学,尽快掌握计算机技术、通讯技术和网络技术等,并掌握1~2门外语,以适应现代图书情报工作的需要.3.提倡青年馆员向老馆员学习.青年馆员参加工作时间不长,经验少,要经常与老馆员谈心,探讨工作中出现的问题及解决的方法;老馆员要发扬传、帮、带的优良传统,向青年馆员传授经验,帮助他们提高服务质量.4.实行季度考核.加强青年馆员的培养与教育,考核是一种行之有较的方法.考核的项目包括思想品德、工作效率、工作态度、服务质量及读者满意程度等,可每季度进行一次,根据考核结果,奖优罚劣.  相似文献   

蔡箐 《图书情报工作》2014,58(10):94-98
认为图书馆职业资格认证制度在中国的实施需要突破口,而学科馆员制度作为提升图书馆专业化和职业化水准的关键,也亟需推行资格认证。指出厘清学科馆员制度与图书馆职业资格制度之间的关系,有助于图书馆职业资格制度的确立和学科馆员制度的发展完善;从二者结合的角度出发,探讨学科馆员资格认证制度的实现路径,具体包括学科馆员资质认证标准和评价标准的设立、认证方式和评价方法的选择以及相应的管理制度的建立。  相似文献   

金声 《图书馆》2012,(3):102-104
与普通本科教育不同,高职教育的核心是专业建设,其专业对口服务机制应称为专业馆员制度。专业馆员制度实为学科馆员制度在高职院校中的具体应用,但又有其自身特点,它的发展可分为准专业馆员制度和专业馆员制度两个阶段。  相似文献   

复合环境下图书馆员的队伍建设   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
蒋颖 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(4):15-18
由于信息环境和组织结构的变化,复合图书馆对图书馆员提出了更高的要求和挑战。为了提高馆员素质,适应复合图书馆的要求,图书馆人力资源管理部门需要从人力资源计划、业绩评估与激励机制、培训与发展等角度进行复合型图书馆员队伍建设,同时通过职业资格认证制度保障馆员的整体素质,利用职业道德教育等方式提高馆员的职业道德水平。  相似文献   


Taking advantage of professional development opportunities is imperative for new academic librarians. Even if not a position requirement, continuing education and professional involvement have the potential to inspire and improve job performance. While online resources should not replace traditional professional development experiences such as conferences, they can certainly provide additional ways to develop skills and expertise. Connecting with other librarians electronically through listservs, virtual conferences, and other online opportunities can make such involvement more accessible for new professionals.  相似文献   

美国各州已有公共图书馆员职业认证制度,其认证制度由各个州自行决定,差别较大。通过文献调研和比较研究的方法,对美国不同州的公共图书馆员职业认证制度进行分析,发现美国公共图书馆员职业认证制度包括以下特点:重视继续教育及职业发展;加强小型公共图书馆员认证;强化公共图书馆领导认证;政府成为认证制度的推手;职业认证成为一种趋势。美国公共图书馆的馆员认证制度可为我国公共图书馆员职业认证制度的建立和发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

马月丽 《图书馆建设》2012,(5):59-61,64
通过对图书馆从业人员继续教育制度、职业资格认证制度、专业技术职称制度的比较分析可知,继续教育制度是职业资格认证制度和专业技术职称制度的基础,专业技术职称制度是职业资格认证制度的过渡阶段。因此,图书馆应改变"论文定终身"的评审条件;拓宽图书馆专业技术职称制度的考核内容;对从业人员进行划分,采取职业资格认证制度与继续教育制度并行的考核方式。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(30):105-118
Rapidly developing technology has changed the environment in libraries so that some degree of computer search ability is required now in order to give standard, non-obsolete reference service. New library school graduates regularly receive a basic understanding of DIALOG, BRS and other database utilities, but some feel more inclined toward working with computers than others. At the same time, seasoned librarians are faced with new learning requirements for computer searching. How do librarians in the "transition generation" handle the change required by professional technological development? A wide range of responses - from enthusiastic to reluctant - requires flexibility and variety in training and continuing education methods. This paper will address the human factor in some issues of broad technological change. The authors will offer some observations about how we as a profession are adapting to the new environment of computer-enhanced information. A case study of one library's experience with training and continuing education for online searching will illustrate a response to this changing library environment.  相似文献   

科学发展观与高校图书馆员的继续教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用科学发展观对图书馆员进行继续教育,是新世纪图书馆的必然要求,深刻认识图书馆在人力资源建设中的重要性,为广大图书馆员创造有利条件,不断地培养专业人员,壮大图书馆管理队伍,适应新的需要。  相似文献   

The teachable moment is the time when a learner is ready to accept new information for use conceptually or in practice. Adult educators are always searching for that "moment" and models in which it has been incorporated. This article reviews the changing paradigm for continuing education of the health professional and the impact of information from the context of university-based providers of continuing education and information. Providers of continuing education and information face similar external opportunities and threats. The continuing education provider is a "marginal dweller" in the organization. The information provider (the library), although moving in that direction as technology affects the way information is accessed and managed, is much more a part of the core institutional mission. These parallel conditions provide opportunities for both organizations to work closely together to identify successful models to serve the "teachable moments" of all health care practitioners. A range of new library roles that suggest strong interaction with continuing educators is presented. Workable models are identified as well as characteristics of successful models. Suggestions for survival for continuing educators and librarians in "stalking the teachable moment" are discussed.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(43):173-182
In today's rapidly changing world, it is imperative that reference librarians remain current in their knowledge of the evolving information industry and the strategies with which needed information can be identified and accessed. In order to maintain professional competence and currency, librarians need to engage in frequent, appropriate continuing professional education. In some states, certification and censure are either in place or under discussion in an attempt to mandate participation in continuing education. It is important to recognized that the profession has entered into a new paradigm and, as the twenty-first century approaches, the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to remain a significant "player" in the information industry will require continual updating.  相似文献   

The roles of academic health sciences librarians are continually evolving as librarians initiate new programs and services in response to developments in computer technology and user demands. However, statistics currently collected by libraries do not accurately reflect or measure these new roles. It is essential for librarians to document, measure, and evaluate these new activities to continue to meet the needs of users and to ensure the viability of their professional role. To determine what new measures should be compiled, the authors examined current statistics, user demands, professional literature, and current activities of librarians as reported in abstracts of poster sessions at Medical Library Association annual meetings. Three new categories of services to be measured are proposed. The first, consultation, groups activities such as quality filtering and individual point-of-need instruction. The second, outreach, includes activities such as working as liaisons, participating in grand rounds or morning report, and providing continuing education. The third area, Web authoring, encompasses activities such as designing Web pages, creating online tutorials, and developing new products. Adding these three measures to those already being collected will provide a more accurate and complete depiction of the services offered by academic health sciences librarians.  相似文献   

浅谈图书馆员的继续教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙心 《江西图书馆学刊》2009,39(4):97-97,101
随着计算机、网络技术的应用,图书馆正在向数字化、网络化图书馆发展。新技术、新设备以及全新管理模式和服务方式给每一个图书馆工作者带来了机遇和挑战。接受继续教育已成为图书馆员必须面对的问题。分析了开展图书馆员继续教育工作的意义,并探讨了图书馆员继续教育的内容。  相似文献   

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