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本研究是设计几种使用单板并可多变角度的单板滑雪平行大回转陆地训练器,克服现有训练方法和器械的不足,利用最新研制开发的模仿器进行力量训练.为提高单板平行大回转滑雪的专项力量、平衡、心肺功能和能力,研制了三种单板平行大回转滑雪陆地训练器,介绍了设计结构、功能和实验,对使用训练方法功效特征进行了分析.目标是训练极限加速运动所需要的肌肉运动系统力量、心肺功能系统能力,可有效提高专项力量水平,促进运动成绩的提高.在实验过程中对器械完成的动作和雪上动作技术相似性和训练效果特征进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

利用运动图像解析方法,分析瑞典选手Kalla在2010年冬奥会女子10 km自由式项目比赛中出发阶段和冲刺阶段上肢双撑杖动作的时相特征;利用视频透视动态标尺法,分析该选手撑杖动作时相的撑杖角和躯干角变化情况,进一步揭示越野滑雪运动员肌肉疲劳对上肢双撑推进技术动作影响的运动学特征.结果表明,越野滑雪运动员在中长距离比赛中存在肌肉疲劳,其运动学特征表现在双撑杖推进技术动作周期内,以推杖时相的持续时间延长为主,而收杖时相的持续时间相对缩短,同时撑杖角和躯干角相应增大,表明推杖力量变小,说明肌肉疲劳对推杖力量和技术动作产生影响.双撑杖推进技术动作中的推杖、收杖内部时相结构变化,有助于对肌肉疲劳运动学特征的认识,其时长比指标可以作为指导个性化专项力量耐力训练方法、方案的参考依据.  相似文献   

在越野滑雪的训练上,训练负荷的体力分配是非常重要的。然而,影响越野滑雪运动员运动技能发展的重要原因之一,就是在训练过程中对专项耐力的发展注意的不够,所以多年来我国越野滑雪成绩一直维持在较低的水平上。 通过我们多年的实践和研究表明,为了发展和维持越野滑雪运动员的专项耐力水平,在雪上训练期间,无论采用基本的专项训练方法,还是采用辅助训练方法,都必须取得良好效果。为了确定以发展或  相似文献   

张连涛 《冰雪运动》2011,33(2):91-93
我国单板U型场地滑雪运动员由于陆地训练时间是雪上训练时间的1倍,陆地训练手段的多样化、系统化和专项化对运动员显得尤为重要。目前,国内能实现单板U型场地滑雪运动员回荡平衡与提高力量的训练器械处于空白状态。从运动技术的生物力学与运动员技能的形成机制为视角,提出单板U型场地滑雪动态平衡力量训练器设计的基本要求与结构特征,添补国内空白,同时论述其工作原理与使用方法。  相似文献   

短距离越野滑雪是一项比赛强度高、轮次多、赛间间歇短的体能类项目,是我国备战2022年北京冬奥会的重要突破口。主要基于英文文献,探寻世界级短距离越野滑雪运动员专项体能特征,为提升我国该项目专项体能的科学训练水平提供参考。研究发现:1)世界级短距离越野滑雪男女运动员的身高分别为175~188 vs.166~176 cm,体重为70~92 vs.55~70 kg,瘦体重占比接近83 vs.70%;2)比赛中的能量供应以有氧代谢为主,并呈现有氧无氧动态交替主导;3)具有较高平均滑行速度和连续"多赛"能力,在起滑和冲刺阶段的速度最快,高速滑行中上、下肢呈现明显的"爆发式"用力特征,躯干力量对各种技术动作运用具有重要影响。为此,国家队冬奥备战科技助力应围绕专项体能突破展开重点攻关,深入探寻影响比赛高速滑行保持能力的生理学与运动学因素,加快提升比赛表现水平。  相似文献   

运用专项力量器械和专项力量训练方法手段是提高运动成绩的重要途径 ,为此研究设计了一种自行车运动员杠杆式专项力量训练器 ,介绍了主要结构功能及性能特征  相似文献   

短距离越野滑雪是一项比赛强度高、轮次多、赛间间歇短的体能类项目,是我国备战2022年北京冬奥会的重要突破口。主要基于英文文献,探寻世界级短距离越野滑雪运动员专项体能特征,为提升我国该项目专项体能的科学训练水平提供参考。研究发现:1)世界级短距离越野滑雪男女运动员的身高分别为175~188 vs.166~176 cm,体重为70~92 vs.55~70 kg,瘦体重占比接近83 vs.70%;2)比赛中的能量供应以有氧代谢为主,并呈现有氧无氧动态交替主导;3)具有较高平均滑行速度和连续"多赛"能力,在起滑和冲刺阶段的速度最快,高速滑行中上、下肢呈现明显的"爆发式"用力特征,躯干力量对各种技术动作运用具有重要影响。为此,国家队冬奥备战科技助力应围绕专项体能突破展开重点攻关,深入探寻影响比赛高速滑行保持能力的生理学与运动学因素,加快提升比赛表现水平。  相似文献   

学习国外先进经验,将适宜的塑材加工成可用于模拟越野滑雪训练用的滑道,强化越野滑雪运动员陆训阶段的专门性力量训练,以达到提高专项能力的目的.  相似文献   

越野滑雪模拟训练器越野滑雪模拟训练器采用双层滑动,等距传动的机械结构原理,能使越野滑雪运动员在此器械上穿滑雪板、持雪杖,在一定力量负荷及强度条件下,做出越野滑雪项目的各种技术动作。越野滑雪模拟训练器结构简单,方便操  相似文献   

我国冬奥雪上竞速类项目的竞技水平与世界优势国家存在较大差距。拟基于冬奥雪上竞速类项目的国际文献,探究世界级运动员的关键竞技特征及其训练策略,为我国雪上项目2022年冬奥备战冲刺年的精准训练明晰目标导向。研究显示:世界级雪上竞速类项目运动员核心技术动作的经济性更高,表现为越野滑雪平地双杖推撑的周期更长、周期速度降低更少,高山滑雪卡宾转弯的半径更短;各单项的能量代谢类型差异显著,但均具备高度发展的有氧、无氧及相互转换能力;快速推蹬时的下肢爆发力、控制姿态时的平衡能力以及持续高速时的速度耐力等运动素质表现更为突出。世界级雪上竞速类项目运动员的关键训练策略在于注重可穿戴等前沿技术多源采集并反馈动作参数,强调高原训练和间歇训练突出有氧代谢能力提升,加大移植引进及创新等多种路径融合发展训练方法,从而有力促进竞训水平的提升。  相似文献   

The purpose was to study the adaptation to speed in the temporal patterns of the movement cycle and determine any differences in velocity, cycle rate and cycle length at the maximum speed level in the different classical style and freestyle cross-country skiing techniques. Eight skilled male cross-country skiers were filmed with a digital video camera in the sagittal plane while skiing on a flat cross-country ski track. The skiers performed three classical style techniques the diagonal stride, kick double poling and the double poling technique and four freestyle techniques paddle dance (gear 2), double dance (gear 3), single dance (gear 4) and combiskate (gear 5) at four different self-selected speed levels slow, medium, fast and their maximum. Cycle duration, cycle rate, cycle length, and relative and absolute cycle phase duration of the different techniques at the different speed levels were analysed by means of a video analysis system. The cycle rate in all tested classical and freestyle techniques was found to increase significantly (p < .01) with speed from slow to maximum. Simultaneously, there was a significant decrease in the absolute phase durations of all the investigated skiing techniques. A minor, not significant, change in cycle length, and the significant increase in cycle rate with speed showed that the classical and freestyle cross-country skiing styles are dependent, to a large extent, on an increase in cycle rate for speed adaptation. A striking finding was the constant relative phase duration with speed, which indicates a simplified neural control of the speed adaptation in both cross-country skiing styles. For the practitioner, the knowledge about the importance of increasing cycle frequency rather than cycle length in the speed adaptation can be used to optimise a rapid increase in speed. The knowledge about the decrease in absolute phase duration, especially the thrust phase duration, points to the need for strength and technique training to enable force production at a high cycle rate and skiing speed. The knowledge that the relative phase duration stays constant with speed may be used to simplify the learning of the different cross-country skiing techniques.  相似文献   


Cross-country skiing is a complex endurance sport requiring technical skills, in addition to considerable physiological and tactical abilities. This review aims to identify biomechanical factors that influence the performance of cross-country skiers. Four electronic databases were searched systematically for original articles in peer-reviewed journals addressing the relationship between biomechanical factors (including kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activation) and performance while skiing on snow or roller skiing. Of the 46 articles included, 22 focused exclusively on the classical technique, 18 on the skating technique, and six on both. The indicators of performance were: results from actual or simulated races (9 articles); speed on specific tracts (6 articles); maximal or peak speed (11 articles); skiing economy or efficiency (11 articles); and grouping on the basis of performance or level of skill (12 articles). The main findings were that i) cycle length, most often considered as a major determinant of skiing speed, is also related to skiing economy and level of performance; ii) higher cycle rate related with maximal speed capacity, while self-selected cycle rate improves skiing economy at sub-maximal speeds; iii) cross-country skiing performance appears to be improved by joint, whole-body, ski, and pole kinematics that promote forward propulsion while minimizing unnecessary movement.  相似文献   

The physiological demands of cross-country skiing require competitive skiers to have high maximal oxygen uptakes and anaerobic thresholds. Anaerobic capacity has a relatively less important role, but may be of greater importance today with the faster race velocities resulting from the new skiing techniques of ski skating. Although use of the ski skating techniques results in faster race velocities than the classical techniques, it has been found that under some conditions the double-pole technique is more economical than other skiing techniques. It is suggested that this results from a more effective storage and recovery of elastic energy, a greater proportion of the forces being directed along the line of travel, and a lower air resistance due to greater trunk and hip flexion with the double-pole technique. The greater economy of the double-pole technique suggests that this may be advantageous in certain race conditions if the upper body is adequately prepared. The greater propulsive forces generated with the upper body with ski skating also suggest that training of the upper body should receive more emphasis. The potential cardiovascular adaptations from cross-country ski training appear to be similar for the classical and skating techniques, yet training specificity is important for optimal performance.  相似文献   

青少年越野滑雪运动员陆地身体素质训练   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为使青少年越野滑雪运动员竞技能力得到全面提高,经过多年训练实践,总结出青少年越野滑雪运动员陆地身体素质训练的具体方法:发展力量素质的训练方法有越野滑轮、拉力训练;发展耐力素质的训练方法有山地越野跑和模仿训练、滑轮场地滑轮训练和利用越野滑雪塑料滑道训练;发展速度素质训练的方法有上坡山地跑和模仿训练和滑轮训练;发展灵敏素质训练的方法有在滑轮比赛场地的锐角弯道处进行滑轮反复训练、小场地足球比赛及传抢游戏、半场篮球比赛等;发展协调素质的训练方法有短距离直道快速侧向跑和立卧撑等。  相似文献   

Cross-country skiers use roller skis for their snow-free training with the aim of imitating skiing on snow. Also, exercise laboratories evaluate the biomechanics and physiology of cross-country skiing using roller skis on a treadmill. The roller skis on the market that are constructed for use in the classical style are equipped with a front and a back wheel, one of which has a ratchet to enable it to grip the surface when diagonal striding and kick double poling (static friction). The aim of this study was to investigate static friction coefficients (μS) of ratcheted wheel roller skis, and compare the results to the μS reported from skiing on snow with grip-waxed cross-country skis. Also, a new type of roller ski with a camber and adjustable grip function was evaluated. The results showed that ratcheted wheel roller skis, on a treadmill rubber mat and on dry and wet asphalt surfaces, reached μS values that were five to eight times greater than the values reported from on-snow skiing with grip-waxed cross-country skis. For the roller skis with a camber and adjustable grip function, the μs could be varied from no grip at all up to the level of the tested ratcheted wheel roller skis.  相似文献   

范静  姜跃金 《冰雪运动》2010,32(1):46-49
越野滑雪是周期性耐力项目,运动时间多、距离长,能量消耗大,对运动员的心理和机体能力要求较高。越野滑雪运动员的运动训练恢复是运动训练中的重要组成部分,良好的消除疲劳方法,能提高运动水平。结合越野滑雪运动训练实践,运用理论分析方法阐述越野滑雪运动疲劳产生的机理和检测方法,并提出恢复训练、营养补充和心理训练等方法,旨在为促进越野滑雪运动员运动疲劳的积极恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Biomechanical aspects of new techniques in alpine skiing and ski-jumping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been considerable changes in equipment design and movement patterns in the past few years both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. These developments have been matched by methods of analysing movements in field conditions. They have yielded new insights into the skills of these specific winter sports. Analytical techniques have included electromyography, kinetic and kinematic methods and computer simulations. Our aim here is to review biomechanical research in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. We present in detail the techniques currently used in alpine skiing (carving technique) and ski-jumping (V-technique), primarily using data from the authors' own research. Finally, we present a summary of the most important results in biomechanical research both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. This includes an analysis of specific conditions in alpine skiing (type of turn, terrain, snow, speed, etc.) and the effects of equipment, materials and individual-specific abilities on performance, safety and joint loading in ski-jumping.  相似文献   

青少年越野滑雪运动员是我国越野滑雪事业的后备力量,承载着我国越野滑雪运动的未来和希望,出现运动损伤将破坏运动训练的系统性,影响青少年越野滑雪运动员的长远发展。如何避免运动损伤就成为青少年越野滑雪运动员提升训练质量、提高比赛成绩、保证竞技能力可持续发展的关键因素。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法与数理统计法对我国部分青少年越野滑雪运动员和教练员进行了调查研究。通过调查结果,分析了青少年越野滑雪运动员的伤病特征和致伤原因,总结了常见损伤的发生规律,并从训练学角度提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

随着越野滑雪裁判队伍的逐渐壮大,我国越野滑雪裁判员在成长过程中也有一些急需解决的问题。以我国越野滑雪裁判员为研究对象,运用文献资料法、专家访谈、调查问卷、数理统计法对越野滑雪裁判员人员结构、年龄结构、文化结构等进行调查研究,找出越野滑雪裁判员不足和需要加强的方面,从而使我国越野滑雪裁判员水平得到提高,为今后发展我国越野滑雪提供人才储备,为我国裁判队伍做好培养工作。  相似文献   

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