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User feedback on Web site design can be vital to understanding what issues library users may encounter when visiting a Web site, but obtaining this feedback can be time consuming, difficult to structure, and expensive. In past years, staff working on the Cal Poly Pomona University Library Web site collected user feedback from surveys and usability testing. This team was interested in acquiring a more basic understanding of how users interact with the Web in general, whether for research or other purposes, and how such experiences could inform design decisions. This article will discuss what focus groups are, why libraries should consider conducting focus groups for Web site testing and development, how focus groups can complement usability testing, and if focus groups are worth the time and effort. Results from focus group sessions will also be shared and discussed including information that fueled design decisions and benefits that participants gained from the experience.  相似文献   

The importance of customer feedback and the value that it adds to product development and enhancements cannot be overstated. Customer feedback also plays a key role in the development of online resources. But how do you merge customer feedback and the development of new proposals for product design? The balance between customer feedback and strategic direction is something EBSCO strives for in every build of new product enhancements. Many of the company's most important products and interface enhancements can trace their origins back (at least in part) to customer feedback or customer‐based advisory boards. By keeping an open channel of communication between customers and developers, EBSCO has positioned itself as a global leader in matching ongoing product development to current customer need. In doing so, the company has also laid the foundation for ascertaining and responding to the future needs of customers.  相似文献   

The Web Redesign Committee at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) of the University of Maryland was formed to evaluate its site and oversee the site's redesign. The committee's goal was to design a site that would be functional, be usable, and provide the library with a more current image. Based on a literature review and discussions with colleagues, a usability study was conducted to gain a better understanding of how the Website was used. Volunteers from across the campus participated in the study. A Web-based survey was also used to gather feedback. To complement user input, library staff were asked to review the existing site. A prototype site was developed incorporating suggestions obtained from the evaluation mechanisms. The usability study was particularly useful because it identified problem areas, including terminology, which would have been overlooked by library staff. A second usability study was conducted to refine the prototype. The new site was launched in the spring of 2000. The usability studies were valuable mechanisms in designing the site. Users felt invested in the project, and the committee received valuable feedback. This process led to an improved Website and higher visibility for the library on campus.  相似文献   

Usability testing is an important element when designing useful, usable academic library Web sites. Since 2001, members of the Florida International University Libraries Web team have worked toward establishing a process that identifies user needs through usability testing. Starting with the libraries’ first Web site redesign project in 2001, the team has taken an active part in improving Web site user experience. After engaging in multiple redesign efforts, the Web team has developed a process that supports awareness of user experience through continual usability testing and feedback gathering. This article presents strategies and practices to measure Web site user experience, including classic usability testing methods (e.g., card sorting activities, focus groups, and task-based user testing), as well as the team's latest effort to assess Web site analytics and content to identify Web site usage patterns and areas of concern. A history of the Florida International University Libraries’ Web site redesign process is presented to illustrate lessons learned and best practices to facilitate future redesign and testing efforts. Taking a longitudinal look at usability testing at one institution, the study aims to inform the development of an effective strategy for user research and content management.  相似文献   

面对SNS网站的快速发展及图书馆与SNS网站日益密切的联系,文章从SNS适用于图书馆虚拟参考咨询的特征、SNS网站为图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务提供的基础、图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务在SNS网站上应用的模式等方面探讨了虚拟参考咨询服务面临的新思路、新模式。  相似文献   


This case study reviews the responsive Web design project undertaken by the Library, Institute of Technology Tallaght, with Granite Digital, including the preparatory literature review, the design process, task allocation, and the technologies leveraged to deliver the final design. The library is a small academic library with limited resources, and the project took place during a particularly challenging period in Ireland. The different types of testing the site underwent before launch are discussed, including testing of the design itself across browsers, accessibility testing using free online resources, testing the responsive design using free online resources, and physical device testing. The article outlines how feedback was gathered and addressed, and discusses plans for future upkeep and development. Finally, the article concludes that it is possible for a small academic library to successfully deliver a high quality library Web site using responsive design.  相似文献   

论述北京大学图书馆学科馆员如何在梳理、评估、展示馆藏学科资源的基础上,通过资源评估和调研为采购提供信息,借助专业课程为师生整合资源,发掘免费资源补充馆藏,由点及面,逐步满足读者的资源需求。同时,介绍学科馆员跟踪学科发展趋势,为高校学科资源规划提供前瞻性建议,促进学科资源建设发展的情况。  相似文献   

档案受众研究逐渐成为档案学界关注的热点问题,从档案受众需求入手建立档案资源开发模式顺势已提上日程。本文分析档案受众构成、凭借大数据及网络信息等技术、统筹人员配备是建立新模式的必要条件,明确开发要素与影响因子、优化档案资源开发内容、整合传播媒介、注重反馈,最终建立“受众—开发—反馈(受众需求)—再开发”环式螺旋上升开发模式将成为以受众需求为基础的档案资源开发模式的运行机制。  相似文献   

随着数字人文在档案学领域的不断深入,传统的档案资源开发利用方式与路径已经无法适应数字人文研究的需要。本文从主客体入手,梳理出在数字人文视角下档案资源开发主体呈现多元化的变革趋势,而档案资源开发客体则显示出数字化的变革态势。在上述主客体双重变革的影响下,探究出面向数字人文的档案资源利用新路径,即用户研究分析、反馈协作体系、档案资源查询利用服务平台与档案可视化及虚拟现实服务,为数字时代档案资源开发利用工作提供新思路。  相似文献   

Digital government is universally gaining acceptance as the public becomes more technologically advanced. It is critical for the government to embrace new technology for minimizing costs and maximizing utility of services to the taxpayers. While administrative services have been easily ported to the digital world, there are still many important citizen-centric services that have not yet been effectively migrated. Quick Response codes (QR codes) provide a means to effectively distribute many different varieties of information to the public. We propose to integrate QR code systems and corresponding smartphone applications into existing government services with the goal of providing a new level of interactivity for the public. We illustrate this through two case studies, examining the National Park Services and the Mobile Environmental Information Services (MENVIS). The focus is on developing a QR code waypoint system for park navigation, as well as incentivizing park use through gamification of site attractions. The system provides increased safety for park goers, disseminates information more effectively and accurately, and improves feedback.  相似文献   


At Valparaiso University's main library, the Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources (formerly the Moellering Library), student employees are an integral part of day-to-day operations. Students work at the reference desk and must be able to handle reference questions. Since the fall 2000 semester, the Reference Services Librarian has been creating a training program for the student assistants, consisting of an initial training period and a series of quizzes combined with review sessions. Student assistants are also indispensable in Instruction Services. These students are charged with library web site and instruction materials' updates. Methods, lessons learned throughout the process, and quiz questions are used to illustrate the development of the training program. Student performance evaluations and feedback are positive.  相似文献   

The transition to a new architecture and design for an academic library Web site does not always proceed smoothly. In this case study, a library at a large research university hired an outside Web development contractor to create a new architecture and design for the university's Web site using dotCMS, an open-source content management system. The library participated in the design and development process along with other campus units. Because the university-wide process focused on marketing the university to prospective students, parents, and donors, the contractor's fact-finding process focused on how the library's site design could incorporate Web 2.0 technologies. The resulting library Web site showcased Web 2.0 technology more than it provided users with access to library resources. The library's users quickly communicated their dissatisfaction and confusion, which led to some immediate changes and a commitment to redesign the site based on expressed and demonstrated user needs. The library then hired another contractor to conduct iterative usability testing on both the new site and prototypes for a redesigned version. The testing showed that Web 2.0 technology that does not meet existing user needs creates obstacles for both novice and experienced users. In collaboration with the university's information technology unit, the library developed and launched a revised Web site, which helped users connect to the resources they needed. In the upgrade, Google Search Appliance replaced the native dotCMS search functionality. The authors of this case study demonstrate that libraries may need to advocate for different Web design priorities than those used at the university-wide level and that working with outside contractors presents different challenges and opportunities depending on the contractor's hiring unit. These experiences also demonstrate that libraries can do a better job learning about their users when they lead the fact-finding process. Following these experiences, the library committed to conducting iterative usability testing on a regular basis.  相似文献   


Traditionally, distance students have completed their research in an electronic environment and off-campus librarians have strived to meet the needs of these students using a variety of methods. Today our students are familiar with the Web as a medium of interaction, and library usage has changed as a result of electronic services on the Internet. Given the dramatic increase in usage of our Off-Campus Library Services' Web site, a survey was conducted to determine whether the content of the site and the services offered were simple and useful to our users. This paper presents the results of the survey as well as a discussion of the changes to the site as a result of feedback from students.  相似文献   

Like many libraries, the Bridge Consortium (the shared library of Carleton College and St. Olaf College) had outgrown the existing catalog and needed to find an improved search interface for collections. Seeking something that would work with the existing Innovative Interfaces Inc.'s Millennium integrated library system, researchers explored everything from catalog enhancements provided by Innovative Interfaces to a completely separate, Web-scale discovery tool. For the past year, they worked to implement VuFind as a catalog overlay, continually customizing and enhancing it based on user feedback. At the same time, they continued to research a broader solution and recommended a discovery tool to their consortium leadership group that they believe will redefine student research at their colleges and give new shape and direction to their consortium. By thinking of discovery as more than a product and staggering their implementation, they were better able to meet their consortium's needs. This article details their evaluation process and provides reflection on the decisions made. Many libraries are considering Web-scale discovery products. As part of the process, they confront questions about open source tools, Web site redesigns, incorporating user feedback, and consortial needs. The researchers hope to contribute to these libraries' processes by outlining their process and considerations, and what they learned along the way to arrive at their current solution.  相似文献   

复杂性思维方式视野中的图书馆管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂性科学为人们提供了认识复杂世界的一种新的思维范式,这种新的思维范式就是以一种整体思维、协同思维、非线性思维来思考和把握复杂问题。从复杂性特征来看,图书馆系统本身是一个复杂系统,即图书馆系统具备开放性、动态演化性、混沌性及系统各要素间存在非线性相互作用等特征。利用复杂性思维方法来指导图书馆的管理,认为应该推进图书馆开放式服务,建立互动发展的反馈机制,建立相互配合的协同机制,加强、完善各类涨落机制。  相似文献   

In recent years, academic libraries have expanded their traditional focus on intellectual and scholarly pursuits, with many libraries now initiating programs that support student growth, development, and wellness. Although providing animal-assisted activities to college students is a fairly new concept, the social and therapeutic benefits of pet ownership or simply interacting with a companion animal are well documented. The University of Connecticut's Homer Babbidge Library on the Storrs campus chose to support the physical and emotional well-being of students during the stress-filled week of finals by providing therapy dogs. Student interaction and feedback were overwhelmingly positive.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 调查和分析英国高校图书馆学科服务的内容、组织结构、教学和培训的主要方式、技术手段和反馈模式,发掘其对国内学科服务的参考价值。[方法/过程] 利用Qualtrics网上调查平台,对英国高校图书馆的学科服务内容、组织架构、教学和培训的方式、新技术和反馈手段等进行调查,收到来自英国50所高校图书馆的58份有效问卷,并利用Qualtrics和SPSS对数据进行分析。[结果/结论] 英国高校图书馆的学科服务内容由传统的馆藏资源建设、学科联系、信息素养培训逐渐外延,面向用户提供多项科研支持服务。功能性组织架构成为英国高校图书学科服务的主流结构,但基于学科的服务模式依然占有一席之地,部分图书馆采用二元结构,兼顾功能角色和学科角色。通识教学和嵌入式教学相结合已成为英国高校图书馆教学和培训的主流方式,新技术在英国高校图书馆教学和培训中应用广泛,教学和培训的反馈方式多样化。  相似文献   

基于内容的图像检索反馈技术概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎琳  赵英 《图书情报工作》2006,50(11):95-98
在对现有的相关反馈算法进行总结的基础上,介绍一些有所改进的反馈算法,同时展示各种算法的基本原理和检索效果。通过对比各种算法的查全率与查准率,展示各种算法的优缺点、应用范围;介绍现有的几个使用相关反馈技术的基于内容的图像检索系统,并针对相关反馈领域的研究预测其有挑战性的发展方向。  相似文献   

杜婕  吴鸣 《图书情报工作》2018,62(17):136-142
[目的/意义] 对ACRL高校图书馆卓越奖的评选标准以及获奖图书馆的特色创新服务进行研究,旨在把握当今国际高校图书馆创新发展的趋势,为我国高校图书馆的创新服务发展提供启示和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用网络调研和文献调研相结合的方法,对2000-2017年间获得ACRL高校图书馆卓越奖的图书馆特色创新服务,以及其中2个图书馆的典型案例进行深入分析,归纳整理出图书馆创新服务的发展历程。[结果/结论] 从图书馆服务战略规划、新型教学活动、用户反馈评估、机构协同合作、员工职业发展等方面,提出可供我国高校图书馆借鉴的启示与建议。  相似文献   

嵌入新药研发过程的信息服务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国科学院4个研究所从事新药研发的用户为对象,对新药研发不同阶段的信息需求展开问卷调研和深度访谈,概括出新药研发过程中所需的6项基本服务,包括:检索查新、专题培训、专题报告、信息咨询、信息交流共享平台搭建、信息动态推送。结合学科馆员工作实践,从服务内容、时机、形式、协同机制、评价反馈等服务要素上对这6项基本服务进行设计,提出针对新药研发不同阶段的服务模式并实证其可行性与效果,形成嵌入新药研发过程的信息服务模式。  相似文献   

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