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从当前家庭、学校、社会三位一体的体育健康教育基本思想、方法及相关原则着手,建立相应的假设,再运用探索性(EFA)及验证性(CFA)因子分析相结合的方法,构建出青少年阳光体育活动长效机制模型,并对模型进行验证。模型路径表明:青少年体育健康教育应以学校为中心,家庭为基础,社区为依托的基本工作思路;进一步分析显示,学校体育健康教育应以"运动督导"为重心,家庭体育健康教育应突出"家长榜样"的作用,而社区体育健康教育要把抓"组织管理"放在首位;回归模型的路径图及路径系数提示:学校、家庭、社区健康干预的直接效果集中体现在青少年"知觉利益"的改变,并据此引起青少年体育锻炼行为的改变。  相似文献   

为了进一步保障"健康中国"背景下青少年体育锻炼的有序开展,对吕梁市两所中学青少年体育锻炼情况进行调查。结果显示:制约青少年体育锻炼的因素按重要程度排序分别是课业负担、学校体育政策、自身运动技能与兴趣、场地、健身指导缺失、家庭条件限制、父母影响。建议学校转变青少年体育锻炼的指导思想,践行"健康第一"的指导思想,足量保障体育课课时,在青少年体育锻炼中引入家庭、社区参与,推动青少年体育健身生活化;政府加大对青少年体育锻炼服务设施的投入,利用供给侧思维调控青少年体育锻炼的资源;各责任主体要强化责任意识,提升健康服务水平和质量,遵循"预防为主"的工作原则,对问题学生进行"专项帮扶"。  相似文献   

1前言 新时期,我国青少年体育发展呈现出新趋势,学校体育、社会体育和家庭体育是青少年在不同时期、不同生活领域中参加体育活动的实践过程,我国的学校体育应该向社会体育和家庭体育延伸,才能适应终身体育和健康教育的要求.《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》中明确指出,“把培养青少年良好的体育锻炼习惯和健康的生活方式作为当前和今后一个时期加强青少年体育工作的要求之一.”其中进一步指出,“加强家庭和社区的青少年体育活动,形成学校、家庭和社区的合力.”在此背景下,以重视发挥个人、家庭、社会的健康潜能为核心取向的,基于社会生态观的个体和环境交互作用的健康促进理论为我们建立“三位一体”健康教育模式提供了充分的理论依据.  相似文献   

从家庭、学校和社会层面分析青少年体质健康问题的症结,对青少年体质健康促进的"家、校、社"联动模式的概念与内涵进行研究。认为"家、校、社"联动模式即通过家庭、学校以及社会的协调配合,共同培养青少年的体育锻炼习惯,促进青少年积极参加体育锻炼,从而提高其体质健康水平的一种形式。其中,家校合作是基础,家庭为引导,社会为补充,三者合力对青少年体质健康问题的解决有着重要现实意义。  相似文献   

任杰  平杰  舒盛芳  杨烨  代俊 《体育科学》2012,32(9):31-36
为构建青少年体育健康教育模型,探索有效的教育干预策略,调查了3 055名上海地区中、小学生,通过探索性因子分析发现,中、小学生的健康教育受7个潜在因子影响。通过验证性因素分析验证了学校、家庭和社区三位一体教育模型的适配性。研究结果还显示,上海地区的社区教育明显落后于学校和家庭教育,低年级较高年级学生容易接受健康教育指导。建议加强社区健康教育,对不同年级学生应采用不同的健康教育方法。  相似文献   

体育锻炼在提升青少年认知能力和学业成绩上发挥了重要作用,但国内鲜有基于全国样本数据的深入实证分析。基于中国教育追踪调查的基线数据,以周末体育锻炼为例,采用倾向得分匹配法,从教育效果公平的视角,分析了体育锻炼对不同特征青少年认知能力和学业成绩的影响,结果发现:1)体育锻炼显著改善了青少年学生的认知能力,并提升了青少年学生的学科成绩;2)体育锻炼发挥了促进教育效果公平的功能,主要表现在体育锻炼改善了中低收入家庭的青少年认知能力和学业成绩,对高收入家庭的青少年认知能力和学业成绩的影响不显著。  相似文献   

青少年学区体育教育的新体系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近期体质监测表明,青少年耐力、力量、速度等体能素质指标持续下降,视力不良率居高不下,城市超重和肥胖青少年的比例明显增加,部分农村青少年营养状况亟待改善.随着体育教学改革的深入,单纯的学校体育教育已经远远不能满足青少年增强体质的需要,社区体育和家庭体育也应该承担起部分体育教育的职责.为此,提出构建以学校体育为主体,以家庭体育和社会体育为补充的"三位一体"的青少年学区体育教育新体系.  相似文献   

<正>一、将家庭与社区资源引入学校体育工作的意义我国青少年体育教育正从过去单一的学校体育教育,逐步走出校门、走进家庭、走入社区。青少年要想获取更多的体育知识、掌握更多的技术动作、获得更多的运动技能、养成良好的体育锻炼习惯,从而增强体质,形成终身体育的意识,就必须将家庭和社区资源与学校体育工作相结合,科学、有效地发挥家庭与社区的  相似文献   

研究采用2008年中国城市综合调查的数据,运用文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法,从家庭层面的角度研究其对城市社区居民体育锻炼行为的影响,使用分层线性模型技术对我国城市社区居民的个体体育锻炼行为进行了探讨。重点分析城市社区居民的体育锻炼行为是否受到家庭层次变量的影响,研究论证了城市社区居民的体育锻炼是受到个体层次的变量和高层次自变量的共同影响。结果表明:个体层次自变量个人每周工作时间、受教育年限、个人年收入与高层次自变量家庭月支出共同影响社区居民体育锻炼行为的发生;家庭年收入、每年医疗费、每年教育费用、性别等变量不显著。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法和实地访谈法,对我国青少年体育生活方式状况进行调查。青少年体育生活方式可以从功能认知、态度展示、技能准备、环境建设和行为实践等方面进行分析。研究发现:青少年对体育功能认知较为清晰,喜欢参加体育运动,基本上能够掌握一项以上的运动技能,在家庭、社区和学校等青少年体育环境方面,尚存在一些欠缺,青少年参加体育锻炼的比例较高,但尚未达到每天一小时的标准。  相似文献   

通过对皖北地区高级中学女生的运动参与状况进行跟踪研究,针对当前的情况进行综合分析后,提出运用"三位一体"法来培养其运动参与的构想:即通过发挥学校教育的基础性作用、积极开展家庭体育为主的家庭教育以配合、充分地利用社区体育的力量3个方面的相互协调、相互渗透达到提升高中女生的运动参与水平。  相似文献   

Sport is often considered as a promising instrument for reaching a wide array of policy objectives. Social inclusion is one of the goals frequently mentioned. Though one can argue about the feasibility of the many claims made, sport can only reasonably be expected to play a role if the targeted population is effectively taking part in sports. This is what is investigated in this study. The focus lies on the sports participation of children (primary school) and adolescents (secondary school), more particularly in a club-organised setting. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether family related factors associated with a higher risk for social exclusion can be considered as determinants of club sport participation among children and adolescents. Data are based on a large-scale cross-sectional survey (2009), collected in 39 schools in Flanders (Belgium), with a total of 3005 children and adolescents (aged 6–18) participating in the research. A multilevel logistic regression has been conducted, controlling also for differences between schools. Income poverty and parental education come forward as important determinants for club-organised sports participation. No evidence was found that living in a single parent-household affects the likelihood of club-organised sports participation. While sport is often considered as an important instrument for social inclusion, the study shows that children and adolescents who are likely to occupy a more vulnerable position in society as a whole, have higher odds to be left out with regard to sport club participation as well.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to identify differences between the sexes in extra-curricular participation in sports and to determine its association with body fat and socio-demographic factors in Spanish adolescents. A total of 2165 adolescents (1124 males and 1041 females) aged 13.0-18.5 years from the AVENA Study participated. Participants filled in an ad hoc questionnaire for extra-curricular participation in sports, which was the dependent variable. Independent variables were: age, percent body fat, and father's and mother's educational level and occupation. Chi-square tests and logistic regression were applied. Bivariate analysis showed for male adolescents that age and father's occupation were related to extra-curricular participation in sports. In addition, body fat and mother's education and occupation (all P?相似文献   

陈肖  李恩荆 《湖北体育科技》2016,(12):1044-1047
运用文献资料法,从青少年的身体形态、生理功能、身体素质、心理素质、社会适应5个方面阐述家庭体育的重要性。研究发现家庭体育对青少年学生运动行为的影响主要从内在因素和外在因素分析,内在因素表现在家庭父母、家庭情况、家庭环境;外在因素表现在学校体育的制约和社区体育的制约。为此提出青少年学生家庭体育运动行为的策略研究建议应加大对家庭体育的宣传,转变体育观念,提高父母对青少年学生体育活动参与重要性的认识;从城乡两地出发,加大青少年公共服务组织建设;融合家庭、学校、社区体育一体化发展,构建青少年学生体育参与家庭培养体系。  相似文献   

以交互作用理论为基础,并结合健康信念理论和自我效能理论,采用锻炼行为交互作用、体质健康信念、自我效能、业余时间体育锻炼5个量表对878名中学生进行抽样调查,试图构建青少年锻炼行为促进模型,并给出科学的干预策略。结果表明:(1)青少年锻炼行为受到学校体育、家庭教育和社会环境3个外因潜在变量和体育教学、学校保障、制度安排、运动认知、家长影响、家庭支持、生活方式、社区体育、体育文化和社会舆论10个内因潜在变量的影响;(2)学校体育、家庭教育、社会环境、自我效能、体质健康信念均对青少年锻炼行为具有正向预测作用。进一步比较得知,学校体育的预测能力最强;(3)学校体育、家庭教育和社会环境对青少年锻炼行为的影响作用不仅具有直接效应,还可以通过体质健康信念和体质健康信念×自我效能产生中介效应,且中介效应量大于直接效应量;(4)对青少年锻炼行为进行干预,从宏观角度,应以社会环境为基础层,家庭教育为发展层,学校体育为创新层进行系统干预;从微观角度,应重视和强化青少年体质健康信念和自我效能教育。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to identify differences between the sexes in extra-curricular participation in sports and to determine its association with body fat and socio-demographic factors in Spanish adolescents. A total of 2165 adolescents (1124 males and 1041 females) aged 13.0–18.5 years from the AVENA Study participated. Participants filled in an ad hoc questionnaire for extra-curricular participation in sports, which was the dependent variable. Independent variables were: age, percent body fat, and father's and mother's educational level and occupation. Chi-square tests and logistic regression were applied. Bivariate analysis showed for male adolescents that age and father's occupation were related to extra-curricular participation in sports. In addition, body fat and mother's education and occupation (all P < 0.05) were related to extra-curricular participation of in sports for female adolescents. Logistic regression analysis showed that the likelihood of involvement in extra-curricular participation in sports was 5.3-fold (3.86–7.38) higher for males than females. Age and father's education in both males and females were independently associated with extra-curricular participation in sports. In summary, Spanish male adolescents were shown to engage in more extra-curricular sports than females. In addition, age and father's education (in both sexes) were associated with the participation of their offspring in extra-curricular sports during adolescence.  相似文献   


Sports clubs create conditions for people of all ages to pursue a healthy lifestyle through exercise in sports and attend to constructive pedagogical work which creates much value for society. This study investigates the relationship between adolescents' sports clubs participation and self-reported mental and physical conditions and future expectations. The participants were 10,987 pupils in the final three years of their compulsory education in Iceland (aged 14–16 years). The participants completed questionnaires administered to students in the classroom relating to health and behaviour. The results indicate that participation in sports clubs influences adolescents positively; adolescents who work hard at sport not only believe they are in better mental and physical condition, they also believe they can succeed in other areas such as their studies. Sports clubs promote positive influence on adolescents' mental and physical conditions and their future expectations toward work and happiness. It can be concluded that participation in organised sports clubs affects the participants in a positive way.  相似文献   

文章统计分析中国26-55岁城市居民参与体育运动的影响因素,找出阻碍中国26-55岁城市居民参与体育运动的共同的主要障碍;运用心理学的理论分析体育行为的产生、发展、形成的具体过程.结论:影响大众参加体育运动的主要因素是"人"本身,大众参加体育运动的决定因素是"人"这一行为主体,外部环境条件只起到推动、限制和导向等辅助作用.讨论:"人"的体育行为的特殊性--行为主体、行为客体、行为手段三者同一,解决大众参与体育运动的  相似文献   

基于CGSS2005、CGSS2015两期截面数据,运用logistic回归模型分析了中国居民体育参与的变化趋势及其影响因素,结果显示:(1)2005-2015年间,居民体育参与率显著提高,体育参与的群体异质性与阶层分化现象日益凸显;(2)传统社会分层变量对体育参与的影响呈现多样化特征:随着时间推移,个人受教育程度对体育参与的促进作用递增,职业分层的影响依旧显著,而收入对体育的促进作用不断减弱;(3)家庭社会经济地位的影响力在不断削弱,取而代之的是家庭教育资本的作用不断增强。因此,要关注体育参与群体异质性扩大化倾向。建议通过优化政策,降低结构性因素导致的体育参与不均衡问题,提高弱势群体的体育参与率。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):444-454
The purpose of this article is to explore the determining factors of household expenditures on sports participation. Due to a relatively large amount of zero-expenditures, simple regression methods are not suited. Because of methodological reasons, the two-step Heckman approach is used over the Tobit approach and the Double Hurdle approach. The participation decision (spend money or not) is influenced by sports participation of the parents, family income, education, sports club membership, and sports frequency. Determining factors of the intensity decision (amount of money that is spent on sports participation) are family income, sports participation of parents during their youth, sports club membership, sports frequency, age of youngest child, and household size. Moreover, the results indicate that a two-stage approach is needed because it gives a more in-depth insight in the household spending behavior. For example, higher educated households more often spend money on sports participation. However, this research demonstrates that once higher educated households have decided to spend money on sports participation, the amount of money spent does not differ from lower educated households.  相似文献   

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