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中国知识产权法律制度与国际接轨进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO以后,为了适应全球知识产权保护标准的统一化趋势,根据《知识产权协定》(TRIPS)和《专利合作条约》(PCT)等国际公约的要求,我国对著作权法、商标法、专利法、计算机软件保护条例等知识产权法律制度进行了修改和完善。中国知识产权法律制度已基本与国际接轨,提高了知识产权的国际保护范围和保护力度,实现了与《知识产权协定》及其他国际公约的共同发展。参考文献7。  相似文献   

The concept of Intellectual Property has drawn much more attention in the worldwide arena than before, and the protection of intellectual property all over the world is now at a dynamic stage of transformation. With the international cooperation on science and technology and the development of economy and trade, the legal protection of intellectual property is playing a more and more important role in society and is receiving even greater attention worldwide. But in the developing countries, intellectual property protection does not match that of the developed countries. This paper provides a brief introduction to intellectual property and intellectual property rights in the global economy. The focus is to examine the current situation of intellectual property protection in China. The study shows that the existing intellectual property protection framework can be evaluated as sufficient, but the problem of the insufficiency of effective, intensive and extensive enforcement of intellectual property exists. While discussing the problems of intellectual property protection in China, the paper also suggests some possible measures based on the current situation analysis.  相似文献   

Copyright, a legal discipline concerned with the protection of the moral and economic rights of the creators of literary, scientific and artistic works, is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 27.2), as are the rights to information and culture. This intellectual right amounts to a monopoly on exploitation for authors, which is the subject of national legislation and international conventions designed to ensure its worldwide harmonization. Since the invention of printing, which brought it into being, copyright has been adapted to the various technologies for disseminating and communicating works of the mind that have subsequently developed. Because respect for copyright is a fundamental requirement for the full development of the creative work for which it provides remuneration, copyright today is faced with the difficulty of maintaining the delicate balance among the legitimate interests of authors, successors-in-title and the general public in the digital environment. This paper illustrates a highly topical international debate, analyses international agreements adopted under the aegis of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) last December and describes UNESCO's doctrine on the subject.  相似文献   

文章通过专利产出分析探索高校知识产权信息中心建设途径。基于Innography检索南方医科大学近30年专利,分析总体态势、有效专利、技术类别、专利受让、专利强度等,总结专利产出与转移转化的态势。提出南方医科大学知识产权信息服务中心建设策略:关注已授权PCT专利,提高PCT国际申请授权率;建立专利布局与预警机制,重视高强度权利;提高有效专利占比,加大国际专利申请力度;推进高校知识产权贯标,加强知识产权转移转化;筹建知识产权信息服务中心,助力高水平大学建设。在分析高校知识产权信息服务中心成立沿革、专利信息服务是高校知识产权信息服务主要形式的基础上,提出以专利信息服务为重点推进知识产权信息服务,对标高校国家知识产权信息服务中心的建设思路。  相似文献   

电子文献传递过程中的知识产权风险及规避措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了电子文献传递过程中涉及的知识产权问题,列举现阶段相关的知识产权保护方面的国际国内法规,并作了相应的阐释,给出了建设性的风险规避措施。  相似文献   

数字化与图书馆知识产权国际研究综述与展望   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
对国际上关于数字图书馆知识产权的研究现状作了较为详尽的阐述,指出一些国际专业组织还在为数字图书馆责任豁免争取更多的权利,文章最后针对数字化与图书馆知识产权研究方面仍存在的一些关键问题进行了述评。参考文献33。  相似文献   

数字图书馆的知识产权评估方法研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
针对数字图书馆资源的知识产权评估内容,提出要对馆藏电子文献的复制数、使用年限、信息量大小、版权以及数字图书馆技术的新颖性、实用性、创造性、存取方式等进行评估,同时提出需对馆藏资源中虚拟资源的知识产权进行定性、定量评估的观点。  相似文献   

知识产权电子政务建设的国内外比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国知识产权电子政务建设的起点和国外比较,并无悬殊差距。国外知识产权类网站的开发者主要是国际协会或组织、大型的网络信息服务商、地区或国家知识产权局,行政管理网站占据主要地位。我国是以中央的知识产权信息网站带动地方的知识产权信息网站建设,实现各知识产权信息库的资源共享。参考文献9。  相似文献   

期刊编辑部取得著作权的几个要件   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
随着知识产权保护意识的加强,期刊编辑部必须明确自己拥有的著作权,通过签订版权转让合同取得著作权,依法办事,大胆创新,用足用好期刊编辑部的合法权益,实现经济效益和社会效益双丰收。  相似文献   

数据库的知识产权保护问题探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍数据库涉及的知识产权问题,分析国内外数据库知识产权保护的立法现状,提出版权保护、特殊权利保护和合同保护等多种保护方法综合应用的保护策略。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the progress of copyright enforcement in Taiwan in the period from 1985 to 2000. As a rapidly industrializing region, Taiwan has faced significant pressure from its international trade partners to improve intellectual property protection. This pressure has been strongest from the United States, Taiwan's largest partner. Analysis of the progress of intellectual property protection in Taiwan provides an opportunity to learn more about the dynamics of intellectual property policy development in developing countries, and the impact of U.S. actions on internal IP politics and cultural development. The paper will survey the significant milestones in Taiwanese copyright policy development over the last two decades and conclude with a conceptual model that can be tested by analysis of other case studies of cross-jurisdiction intellectual property relationships.  相似文献   

抽样调查我国部分核心期刊的版权协议,通过分析协议中的条款,了解期刊出版商对于版权、自存档等问题的态度及其对我国机构知识库发展的影响,认为我国期刊出版商的版权政策普遍较为严格,并针对这一现象提出建议,以促进机构知识库在我国的进一步发展。   相似文献   

知识产权服务和知识产权转化对科技创新具有重要推动作用。为高校国家知识产权信息服务中心平台探寻建设路径,对完善知识产权信息公共服务体系,丰富知识产权信息服务内容,促进高校协同创新和科技成果转移转化具有重要意义。从知识产权生态链角度出发,明确知识产权全流程服务的各个环节和不同角色的知识产权需求,以知识产权生态链为逻辑支撑,基于知识产权供给链构建知识产权资源供给管理系统、基于知识产权需求链构建知识产权需求匹配推荐系统、基于知识产权驱动链构建价值评估管理系统、基于知识产权融合链构建知识产权服务专家支持系统,以搭建知识产权信息服务平台的方式,为建设高校国家知识产权信息服务中心提供参考路径。以知识产权生态链构建服务平台模型,通过开发武汉大学知识产权信息服务平台进行验证,结果表明原型平台基本实现预定的目标与功能。  相似文献   

中国数据库产业知识产权的立法势在必行   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析我国数据库产业在知识产权方面存在的问题,提出应对措施,指出我国著作权法中应尽快设立有关数据库方面的条款,这些条款应遵守国际版权公约的基本原则,同时也要考虑我国数据库厂商的承受能力,保护我国新兴的数据库产业。  相似文献   

The study analyzes the dynamics of intellectual property (IP) negotiations between mainland China and the United States from the late 1970s to 2007. As China has industrialized, it has faced significant pressure from its international trading partners led by the United States to improve protection for intellectual property rights (IPR). Analysis of the progress of IP protection in China provides an opportunity to test and modify a model of IP policy development in developing countries, and the impact of U.S. actions on internal IP politics and cultural development.  相似文献   

图书馆知识产权管理现状的实证调查与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对高校、公共、科研三大系统的134个图书馆进行知识产权管理现状的问卷调查,统计数据显示:大多数图书馆都重视知识产权对图书馆的影响,部分单位还拥有自主的知识产权,有些单位缺乏明确的知识产权相关制度,并有一定的知识产权问题及障碍。据此,要重视知识产权培训,重视知识产权在图书馆具体实践中的贯彻,重视图书馆之间的合作,争取立法上的发言权。  相似文献   

高校知识产权信息服务培训体系设计研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
[目的/意义] 顺应国家知识产权强国战略发展要求,近年中国高校图书馆尝试开展知识产权信息服务,该服务突破高校图书馆原有的情报信息服务领域、范畴及深度,因此亟待培训出一批具备相应服务能力的学科馆员;此外高校作为知识产权重要产出地,高校图书馆馆长、科研人员和学生的知识产权信息素养都有待提高,因此急需建立一套完整、规范的高校知识产权信息服务培训体系。[方法/过程] 采用文献调研、专家访谈、问卷调查等方法,对国内高校4类群体进行广泛调研,构建面向高校多主体知识产权信息服务培训体系,培训内容共设置5大模块:知识产权意识强化、知识产权基础知识、知识产权信息检索、知识产权信息分析与运用、知识产权申请流程详解及专利文书撰写,其中基础知识、信息检索、信息分析与运用为重点模块,分为初、中、高3个深度级别,可采用模块化课程组合方式实施培训。[结果/结论] 该培训体系具有完整性、可操作性、适应性等优势,能够满足多层次、多群体、多样化高校知识产权培训需求,其有效实施将会全方位提升高校知识产权信息服务能力及知识产权信息素养。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In line with the national intellectual property strategic development, some university libraries have tried to develop intellectual property information services in recent years. Since the intellectual property information service breaks through the original information service, it is urgent to train a batch of librarians with corresponding service capabilities. In addition, as an important source of intellectual property, university library directors, researchers and students' intellectual property information literacy needs to be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a complete and standardized training system for intellectual property information services in universities.[Method/process] This paper used literature research, expert interviews, questionnaires and other methods to conduct extensive research on four groups of universities, and built a multi-agent intellectual property information service training system. The training content has five modules:intellectual property awareness strength, intellectual property basic knowledge, intellectual property information retrieval, intellectual property information analysis and application, as well as intellectual property application process explanation and patent document writing. Among which basic knowledge, information retrieval, information analysis and application were key modules, which were divided into primary, medium and high levels. The modular course can be assembled to implement the training.[Result/conclusion] The training system has the advantages of completeness, operability and adaptability. It can meet the needs of multi-level and diversified intellectual property training in universities. Its effective implementation will improve the intellectual property information service capabilities and intellectual property information literacy.  相似文献   

专利技术再创新及其查新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前我国知识产权意识和企业核心竞争力薄弱,科研经费投入不足的现状,提出有必要开展专利技术再创新,从而在已有专利基础上开发出具有自主知识产权的专利技术。介绍日本和国内开展专利技术再创新的情况,特别介绍该专项在上海的开展情况,从查新角度对专利技术再创新的查新与一般查新的异同点进行比较,并介绍项查新具体的操作方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为切实了解当前高校知识产权信息服务现状,以微信服务为切入点,对高校知识产权信息服务实践进行分析与总结,以期为高校图书馆知识产权信息服务创新提供思路.[方法/过程]对已自主成立知识产权信息服务中心的86家高校图书馆的官方订阅号进行调研,统计分析知识产权信息服务类文章的情况.从文章的发布时间、署名、服务栏目、...  相似文献   

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