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This paper describes a GEMISIS doctoral research project nearing completion at the University of Salford, U.K. and offers some preliminary findings. The aim of the project was to design an interactive multimedia application for a portable computer in a museum setting, to assess the application as an aid to interpretation and to examine its impact on the visitor's understanding and enjoyment of the museum experience. It will discuss the introduction of portable computers into museum galleries, briefly describe the design and development process of the interactive multimedia application, review the methodology employed and provide a summary of preliminary findings.  相似文献   

在当今社会,博物馆为提升全民素质起到越来越重要的作用。为了更好地发挥博物馆的社会教育功能,博物馆馆员在教育活动设计或者展览设计的过程中有必要了解观众的参观需求以及参观偏好。因此,为了体现“以观众为中心”的工作理念,作者从“观众”的视角,对一次博物馆的参观体验进行观察和反思。本次探索发现,由于观众自身所处的社会文化背景的差异,他们面对同一件展品有着不同的关注点和兴趣点。这种差异性提醒博物馆馆员在与观众进行互动的过程中,需要了解观众的不同需求和不同偏好。并且,这种参观视角的多样性也为博物馆的教育工作提供了创意的源泉。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为缩小博物馆图像检索中的语义鸿沟现象,探究社会标签及其分类机制在博物馆资源组织中的应用价值,以期进一步推进文化遗产在博物馆中的虚拟展示并提高其资源访问率。[方法/过程]将现有的图像需求表达分类框架进行扩展,构建社会标签分类模型,搭建社会标签分类平台,研究标签分布与用户语言表达规律。[结果/结论]研究表明:用户更偏好描述图像的主题内容而非其外部特征,更习惯使用通用类型的语词来表达图像主题内容,更倾向于描述人或物的相关内容。  相似文献   

Following passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), many museums improved the accessibility of their facilities. Even so, individuals with disabilities still lag behind in participation and engagement in museum experiences. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides an alternate model for the design of museum programs and exhibit spaces, one that is more aligned to progressive concepts of disability, providing not only physical access but also access to engagement in learning. In this article we argue that UDL has the potential to substantially improve the design of informal learning environments. Through two illustrative examples, we describe how the UDL design guidelines can be used to improve the probability that engagement will occur as individuals interact with exhibits, programs, and people in museums.  相似文献   

博物馆学习的研究成果表明,展览除了可以通过自身的内容来对观众施加影响之外,环境设计也同样会对观众的参观效果产生影响。因此,合理评估展览环境的效果、并针对性地发现环境设计中的不足之处,将有助于展览提升总体的教育效果和观众的参观体验。本文以2017—2018年间在山东博物馆所进行的一系列博物馆学习相关研究与展览评估实践为基础,从观众的注意力水平入手,计算展厅中各个区域的“吸引力”,进而实现对展览环境效果的评估。此外,在这一过程中发现,展厅环境中的“展线”与“照明”设计,对观众的学习效果有潜在影响,值得引起博物馆在环境设计时的关注。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理国内外博物馆社交媒体应用的相关研究,发现国外研究主要聚焦于社交媒体对博物馆权威影响的探讨、博物馆社交媒体应用情况的综合分析、社交媒体促进博物馆教育的策略应用、社交媒体对博物馆管理的影响、行业社交媒体应用指南的发布,这些主题从分析社交媒体应用的可行性到观察应用效果,再到思考应用影响、提出初步的应用规范。而国内研究主题明显分为三个时段,即以借鉴启示为主的萌芽阶段、以传播营销为主的实践阶段、博物馆核心职能实践与探讨阶段,整体上更关注社交媒体应用的正面效应。相对而言,国内博物馆社交媒体应用研究主要集中于传播和营销,特别关注现象级博物馆社交平台运营策略;在国内各类博物馆社交媒体应用的定量研究中,研究对象类型比较单一;少部分研究关注社交媒体与博物馆教育等核心功能及相关管理机制的影响,但极少关注如何规范社交媒体的运营以确保博物馆的权威性和可信度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to find the critical factors that influence Taiwan's national museum business performance based on its curators’ views. The study explored the causal relationships among the criteria that emerged in the study and of each sub‐criteria. Since developing a business strategy is a multiple‐criteria decision‐making (MCDM) problem, this study adopted the causal‐effect model of decision‐making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique. The DEMATEL technique simplifies and visualizes the interrelationships among decision‐making criteria. The study identified four core criteria – benefits, opportunity, costs, and risks, as key influencers in the national museum business performance. Each key criteria was supported by a set of sub‐criteria which, when considered together, produced an influential network relations map. The results of this study provided Taiwan's national museum curators with an idea‐based understanding of how to create business and marketing strategies that could enhance exhibition features, experience activities, and facilities that could be linked to satisfaction of visitors’ desires and offer a potentials strategy for assessing likelihood of return visits.  相似文献   

Many museums offer specialized programs for young people during out‐of‐school time, yet the consequences of such programs are not well documented. This article explores the potential utility of borrowing a conceptual framework from the youth development literature as a tool for assessment. The authors map findings from three studies of museum youth programs onto the youth development framework as an exercise in understanding the extent to which this model may be useful in developing museum youth programs. Results from this preliminary analysis demonstrate that the framework could serve as a viable tool for program design, and could offer a clear, grounded framework with common language for articulating program impacts often known intuitively and/or anecdotally but not formalized.  相似文献   

Taxidermic collections have become perceived as extraneous in modern museums, and as such have become vulnerable to disassembly during periods of economic austerity and/or shifts in curatorial perceptions. In this paper we argue that rich educational opportunities could be lost through such actions. We highlight the ways that taxidermy provides a useful context for learning about, and understanding, the relationships between life and death in the animal kingdom. We draw attention to research on the ways taxidermic display is currently used, the ways children learn through family conversation, and the types of understandings children are known to have about life and death. We believe these collections represent potential research spaces for understanding the impact of parental communication on children's understandings of life and death. Our preliminary research plans, and conversations with curatorial partners, suggest that recording and analyzing family conversations at these sites has much to offer. Furthermore, we propose such studies might facilitate new interdisciplinary relationships between museum curators and researchers, thus contributing to wider debate on the place of natural history collections in society.  相似文献   

基于共同创造的视角,对博物馆在观众参与的过程中,如何实现展览教育的创新发展进行探究。在共同创造的视角下,打开观众参与谱系的后三个阶段和参与创造性控制框架三个层次之间的“黑箱”,从而探索利用共同创造实现博物馆展览教育创新发展的过程模型。研究发现在观众参与谱系与参与创造性控制框架的各阶段特点和各层次特点会相互影响,最终形成一个动态的观众参与过程。这些分析细化后的共同创造的过程路径有利于博物馆展览教育的创新发展,也对我国博物馆展览中的观众参与的创新发展具有启发和指导意义。  相似文献   

典籍博物馆的概念有广义和狭义两种,本文主要从狭义方面对典籍博物馆的概念、功能、与图书馆的关系以及图书馆设立典籍博物馆的意义进行了探讨内容。典籍博物馆与图书馆有着深厚的历史渊源,现实也有共同的基本元素和相似的功能。典籍博物馆在汇聚典籍精品、服务社会大众、提升图书馆精神价值方面具有重要意义。对典籍博物馆的规划建设,需秉持因地制宜,继承传统,发挥专长,办出特色的原则。在图书馆中设立典籍博物馆,既可作为实体,也可作为理念,强调以典籍博物馆功能在图书馆内实现为目的的原则。在此基础上,探讨了国家典籍博物馆的初步规划。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of young children and the nature of their learning through museum experiences. Environments such as museums are physical and social spaces where visitors encounter objects and ideas which they interpret through their own experiences, customs, beliefs, and values. The study was conducted in four different museum environments: a natural and social history museum, an art gallery, a science center, and a hybrid art/social history museum. The subjects were four‐ to seven‐year old children. At the conclusion of a ten‐week, multi‐visit museum program, interviews were conducted with children to probe the saliency of their experiences and the ways in which they came to understand the museums they visited. Emergent from this study, we address several findings that indicate that museum‐based exhibits and programmatic experiences embedded in the common and familiar socio‐cultural context of the child's world, such as play and story, provide greater impact and meaning than do museum exhibits and experiences that are decontexualized in nature.  相似文献   

Museums present different contexts for learning, particularly when compared with places such as schooos, universities and libraries. They have been described as free-choice learning environments visited by a broad range of people. Museums have the opportunity to shape identities—through access to objects, knowledge and information visitors see themselves and their culture reflected in ways that encourage new connections, meaning making and learning. However, across the world museums are finding themselves competing with other leisure and learning experiences in an increasingly global world. The long history of audience research in the cultural sector demonstrates the interest museums have had in their visitors over time. This paper outlines the development of audience research in museums, the context within which it operates, and describes the processes of audience research through a series of case studies drawn from the work of the Australian Museum Audience Research Centre. It is argued that the shift in museums from mission-led program development to balancing content and audience needs through a transaction approach requires a broader research-focused agenda. While traditional ways of conducting evaluations are necessary and useful, to remain viable audience research needs to be more strategic, working across the sector in new ways and utilising new methods. How programs impact on users and facilitate learning about a wide range of key issues that museums are concerned with is a leadership role that audience research can take across both the cultural sector and other free-choice learning contexts. To achieve this, a communities of practice approach is suggested as a potential framework for audience research in the contemporary museum.  相似文献   

最近十年间,博物馆观众研究取得一系列具有共识性和启发性的研究成果。然而,绝大多数研究都是站在博物馆的立场,经由观众研究的发现来审视展览传播的有效性,甚至为博物馆机构的合法性提供论据。鲜有研究去真正关注博物馆体验在观众的日常生活情景中究竟扮演着什么角色。基于此,本文将从米歇尔·埃弗雷特和玛格丽特·巴雷特的富有启发性的研究入手,详细讨论该研究的个体叙事、研究发现、研究对象、方法论框架、数据收集、数据分析等方面的内容,希冀为国内博物馆观众研究领域提供另一种具有可行性的研究路径。  相似文献   

近年来,随着信息技术的高速发展和科技馆管理要求的不断提高,为更好地了解和掌握观众所需,提升科技馆的管理和服务能力,采用大数据等先进的信息技术手段,创新更加人性化的贴身服务,已成为科技馆的迫切需求。本文以中国科技馆观众大数据分析平台为例,介绍了如何通过移动终端信号监测解决场馆内精准定位问题,并运用运营商大数据实现对科技馆客流统计、观众画像和行为分析,为大数据在科普场馆智慧化应用方面提供参考。  相似文献   

博物馆观众研究逐渐成为博物馆研究的一个重要分支领域。作为博物馆运行评估中的重要内容,科学准确地获得观众意见已经成为博物馆的常态化工作。当前,关于家庭观众的行为和特点已经有不少研究成果,但在案例的丰富性、问题意识和研究深度上仍有所欠缺。本研究以常州博物馆所属少儿自然博物馆为案例,采用跟踪观察及个别访谈的研究方法,结合问卷调查数据,对目的地选择(即家庭观众如何选择博物馆或展览)、展项或活动的使用、亲子关系在参观学习中的互动性(行为与表现)以及博物馆空间的影响等四个议题做了分析,所得结论具有一定代表性和比较价值。  相似文献   

我国科技博物馆在数量和规模蓬勃发展的同时,在展览展示方面也暴露出重视科学知识,忽视科学精神传播的问题。这并不符合国家科普事业发展要求和博物馆行业发展趋势,如何通过展览呈现科学精神内涵,是博物馆人需要面对的重要议题。本文以美国CDC博物馆EIS班级礼物在线展览为例,讨论科技博物馆发挥科技藏品的“物证”功能,利用在线展览创造更充分的讲述空间,形成对“求真、怀疑、客观、逻辑”等科学精神内涵更好呈现的做法及实践,以期给博物馆同仁借鉴及参考。  相似文献   

Danielle Rice and Philip Yenawine are veteran art museum educators who have wrestled for decades with the thorny issues involved in teaching about and learning from art objects in the museum setting. While there is general agreement within art museums today that the object should be the focus of educational practice, debate continues as to the most effective processes for facilitating learning. Gallery teaching is one of the most contested arenas, with much of the disagreement centering on the place of information in teaching beginning viewers. In art museums, the issue of what and how to teach is complicated by the fact that many people, including artists, museum professionals, psychologists and educators consider art primarily as something to be enjoyed, and they posit this enjoyment in direct opposition to learning about art. Partly because of this, the function of art museum education and gallery‐based instruction is still evolving.  相似文献   

Text Categorization Based on Regularized Linear Classification Methods   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A number of linear classification methods such as the linear least squares fit (LLSF), logistic regression, and support vector machines (SVM's) have been applied to text categorization problems. These methods share the similarity by finding hyperplanes that approximately separate a class of document vectors from its complement. However, support vector machines are so far considered special in that they have been demonstrated to achieve the state of the art performance. It is therefore worthwhile to understand whether such good performance is unique to the SVM design, or if it can also be achieved by other linear classification methods. In this paper, we compare a number of known linear classification methods as well as some variants in the framework of regularized linear systems. We will discuss the statistical and numerical properties of these algorithms, with a focus on text categorization. We will also provide some numerical experiments to illustrate these algorithms on a number of datasets.  相似文献   

For the permanent exhibition at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum the design approach was minimal and transparent, and the designers were in dialogue only with the story — not with the history of design or the conventions governing most museum presentations. We reached for a sense of immersion by trying to erase the seams between exhibits and architecture. Display strategies included the removal of conventional barriers of certain glass-encased vitrines: some objects can be touched, and reactions sought are as visceral as they are intellectual. We tried above all to see that people leave the museum not profoundly dejected but with some other feeling evoking the resilience of life and hope. The design intended to make the environment so united with its subject that memory of the museum experience and the sharing of memory through discussion will carry on in the lives of the visitors.  相似文献   

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