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英汉互译教学中的问题与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英汉互译的教学目的是培养和提高学生英汉双语互相转换的能力。实现英汉互译教学目的,需要从英汉互译教学的定位出发,了解教学实践中现存的问题并找出解决的办法,走出目前英汉互译教学的困境,改变“教师专注讲,学生糊涂听”的现状,促使学生了解文化差异,多阅读、勤背诵、常思考、重交流,熟练掌握英汉互译的技能。  相似文献   

语言是交际的工具,各国家、各民族之间要互相了解、互相沟通就需要翻译,翻译又与各国文化、历史、政治、风俗习惯等息息相关。因此,在翻译时要考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

跨文化交际(Cross-cultural communication),通俗来说就是和外国人打交道(由于存在语言和文化背景的差异)应该注意什么问题、应该如何得体地去交流。英语习语是英语语言中的瑰宝,是语言与文化的美妙组合,英语习语认知水平的培养直接影响到学生跨文化交际的能力,而学生对于英语习语的认知水平也决定了他们是否能恰如其分地翻译英语习语。  相似文献   

廖珊珊 《海外英语》2012,(12):165-167
称谓语是语言交际中不可缺少的一部分,在大多数情况下会传递给对方第一信息。不同的称谓可以反映交际双方年龄,性别,亲疏关系,社会地位,角色身份乃至说话场合等情况。语言交际所表达的意义,很多时候只需要通过称谓就可以了解清楚,因此称谓既是一种语言现象也是一种文化现象。而翻译通常会涉及俩种语言和文化。近年来,受到世界文化交流多元化的影响,翻译研究正逐渐加强对文化因素的关注,俩种语言对比的差异不仅表现在语言学层面上,也表现在文化层面上。该文试根据英汉社交称谓语的分类,以社交称谓的实际运用为研究对象,对它所体现的文化现象进行分析,同时,该文还探讨了社交称谓语在一定语境下的翻译策略,有助于人们了解英汉语言和文化差异。  相似文献   

外语学习的最终目的是为了交流,翻译是其中一种重要的交流形式。在国际经济合作和文化交流中,翻译是一座重要的桥梁。对于学生来说,翻译技巧是一种优先的学习策略,翻译能力是语言运用能力不可忽缺的一部分。本文从实际需要、理论支持以及条件有利等方面出发探讨了对非英语专业大学生进行翻译技巧教学的必要性。  相似文献   

关联理论是语用学研究领域的一个重要分支,对翻译有着极强的解释力。根据翻译关联观,翻译是一种明示一推理的过程。它涉及作者、译者和目标语读者三元关系。在明示一推理过程中,译者应用多种翻译策略有助于读者找到语境中的最佳关联,与作者成功交流。  相似文献   

语言的表达形式和确切含义无时无刻不受其所处语境的制约。在英汉翻译时,原词、句与它对应的译处于中西不同的语境中,因此,当我们进行译选择时,就必须对语境的影响和制约作用有充分的认识,并运用一定的技巧,从而使译从内容到形式都符合中西不同的语言习惯及化背景。  相似文献   

高雅 《海外英语》2014,(16):106-108,112
Great opportunities together with great challenges are brought to the development of Chinese economy with the globalization of the world economy. Foreign businessmen want to share the market of China, while Chinese enterprisers with a broader sight have been thinking about selling products to international markets. Languages and cultures of different nations have their own characteristics. In order to communicate with each other, human beings must make use of the methods of translation.Thus, it shows that translation, which is a social activity of inter-language, inter-culture and inter-community, is linked closely to culture. Meanwhile, the features of translation represent similarly in advertising translation. Generally speaking, when doing advertising translation, it can not only focus on language differences between the two sides, but also pay attention to cultural differences. Or else it would be difficult to translate satisfying advertisements.By taking examples from Chinese-English and EnglishChinese, this paper compares the different aspects between Chinese and Western thinking sets, traditional ideas and values in order to reflect differences of advertising translation based on different cultures. Finally, it will sum up some strategies of inter-cultural advertising translation.  相似文献   

模糊语言在人们的言语交际中起着重要的作用,在某种意义上,可以说模糊语言比精确语言表述的更准确、更生动。尤其是在文学创作中,恰当贴切地运用模糊语言,更能使作品产生神奇绝妙的表达效果,显示出巨大的表现能量。不仅如此,在情感的表达上,模糊语言也有其独到之处,它能使情感物化在言语表达之中,使情感产生一种张力,使读者产生共鸣。  相似文献   

古代汉语教学的翻译问题是大家既熟悉又陌生的问题,探讨古代汉语教学中的翻译问题,旨在提高古代汉语教学质量,更好地培养学生阅读古文献的能力。古代汉语教学翻译历史短暂,目前还没有总结出比较系统的经验。古代汉语教学改革走到多媒体时代的今天,翻译的问题应该引起人们的关注并做出回答,因为它在古代汉语教学中的作用是不能低估的。它有助于理解古代文献;有助于提高学生阅读古文献的能力;有助于对学生进行科学的考核。古代汉语的教学改革主要是教学内容(教材)的改革,应增加通论中关于翻译理论和实践训练。  相似文献   

论翻译中的可译性障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言翻译可使不同民族间相互交流,然而在翻译过程中除可译性外,还存在不可译性或可译性障碍问题,使得目标语很难再现原语的意义、功能、风格等。通过对诸多可译性障碍的分析,以便找出解决问题的办法,促进翻译的发展。  相似文献   

翻译教学中的跨文化交际意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要成功地进行语言转换必须熟悉两种语言所代表的文化,因为每一种语言都是植根于某种具体的文化之中的。因此,翻译教学要注重英汉文化的差异及其语言表达上的不同,在翻译教学中应渗透深刻的跨文化交际意识,使学生能够真正达到跨文化交流的目的。  相似文献   

为比较翻译中不同语言习得背景译者的词汇组织功能异同,研究选择英语专业大学二年级的本科生两个班60人,非英语专业大学二年级的本科生两个班60人,要求学生在相同的时间内完成相同任务的课堂定时翻译。其后,将学生译文转化成电子文档进行语料分析。研究表明,在高频词的重复使用方面,文科学生更加得心应手。但是,工科学生在某些富含生活体验和认知经验的词语方面的表达较文科学生更为贴切。就基于语言独特性的语料分析和统计来看,工科生的翻译创造性并不比文科生低,反而稍高,这说明翻译过程中语言习得背景的影响不是绝对的因素,除了语言能力,带有认知体验的翻译能力高低也是影响翻译结果的一个方面。  相似文献   

翻译专业教学作为高校的专业教学,应当区别于传统高校英语专业教学中的翻译教学,注重培养学生的翻译能力。而翻译能力不仅包括译者基本的语言能力,还包括实际翻译工作对译者提出的其他要求:一定的专业知识结构和翻译软件操作能力、良好的团队协作能力,以及良好的沟通能力。翻译工作坊实验室,依靠翻译软件平台,可提供真实的翻译环境,由此可全方位地提高学生的翻译能力。  相似文献   

Conclusions Although we do not understand very well what the processes are that contribute to language development, it is clear that communication plays a central role. As children strive to become increasingly skilled at communicating their ideas (White, 1959), as they have increasingly complex ideas to communicate (Piaget, 1955), and as they encounter an increasingly diverse set of people with whom to communicate (Brown, 1973), they must learn to use language which is richer and more flexible.When children come to school or to a day care center they already know a great deal about language. They have readily and actively mastered words, sentences and forms of communication which they need in their own family and community. In their new environment—the school or center—children's language development can further be fostered by adults who are receptive to children's efforts at communication. Adults who encourage children to use language in new ways, who attend to what children mean to say and who recognize that children's errors are often not mistakes, are likely to play a positive role in children's language development.Janet H. Kane and Karen Sheingold are on the Staff at Bank Street College of Education.  相似文献   

英语习语是英语经过长期使用而提炼出来的固定词组、短语或短句。英美民族文化的传统习俗、重大历史事件、神话传说都在习语中有所体现。习语的翻译必须在深谙其文化背景的基础上进行,需要采取直译、直译加注、意译等多种方法才能打破语言间的壁垒,准确传达信息。  相似文献   

英语和汉语中存在着大量的习语,如俗语、谚语、俚语等,它是在群众中广为流传的特殊的语言表达形式,堪称语言的精华。习语作为独立的语用单位比传统意义上的一般语言成分更具有典型性,但是,它的翻译却常产生偏差,文章就习语翻译的方法、修辞特点和技巧进行了阐述,并就翻译中一些常见的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

It is believed that language is an innate ability and, therefore, spoken language is acquired naturally and informally. In contrast, written language is thought to be an invention and, therefore, has to be learned through formal instruction. An alternate view, however, is that spoken language and written language are two forms of manifestations of the same inner language and that under certain circumstances, they both are acquired the same way. Nevertheless, in reality, the motor mechanisms for speech mature earlier than the ones needed for reading and writing, and, therefore, spoken language gains precedence and is acquired earlier than the written language. Based on this rationale, it is hypothesized that if the option to communicate through oral language is restricted, and children are made to communicate only through written language, we can expect written language skill to emerge with greater force. This hypothesis was put to test by conducting a pilot study in which children’s option to communicate with each other in the classroom was limited to written language for brief periods. One group of fourth graders were allowed to communicate with each other for half an hour a day, 4 days a week, for a period of one semester only through written language. No talking was allowed during this period. A comparison group of children were not restricted in this way. We labeled this project “Drop Everything and Write” (DEAW). Both the groups were administered pre- and post-tests of reading and spelling. After one semester of this program, children in the DEAW program achieved significantly higher scores on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and spelling than the comparison group. The DEAW group also improved greatly in written language use. The results are interpreted to support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

外语教学的主要任务之一是培养学生运用外语与不同文化背景的人进行交际的能力。做好跨文化教学,了解影响跨文化交际的因素,探索培养学生跨文化交际能力,对提高外语教学质量、培养适应未来社会外语人才极为重要。  相似文献   

随着网络的逐渐普及,越来越多的人开始通过网络来交流和沟通,于是形成了一种独特的社会方言——网络语言。网络语言不同于正规语言,它有着自己的特点,它诙谐幽默、创意十足,深受年青网民的喜爱。对于网络语言,我们不能横加指责,一味地限制,而应该加以正确地引导和规范。  相似文献   

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