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随着中国逐渐走进国际,使用英语的范围也越来越广,使得英语现在成为一门很重要的课程,新世纪对于英语人才的要求不仅体现在扎实的基本语言技能,更关注于思维能力的培养,二者同等重要,因此,思维能力的培养是英语语言教学的一项重要任务。本文针对目前学生在英语学习中存在的思维障碍,从教学大纲出发,提出了帮助学生克服障碍,探讨学生英语逻辑思维、哲学思维和创新思维能力的培养。  相似文献   


Secondary school-leaving English examination results are often regarded as indicators of students’ competence to study in English-medium universities, which is usually demonstrated through source-based academic writing. In English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) contexts, many English-medium universities require local undergraduates to enrol in an academic writing course, unless they received outstanding English results in secondary school-leaving examinations. This study investigates the relationship between ESL undergraduates’ secondary school-leaving English examination results and their academic writing performance through latent profile analysis. Results show that students can be grouped into four classes of academic writing performer (AWP), namely Complex-AWP, High-AWP, Medium-AWP and Low-AWP. Surprisingly, the Complex-AWP group had the highest means in structure, argument and language, but the lowest in citation. Secondary school-leaving English examination results can generally predict students’ class membership in language, argumentation and, to some extent, structure, but not citation. An important implication is that students with high English proficiency do not necessarily do well in all aspects of academic writing. This study can inform university senior management on how to set policies about who needs an academic writing course and provide appropriate training in various aspects of academic writing for university students with diverse English proficiency.  相似文献   

英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展。现行中学英语新教材呈现一纲多本,多样化的特点。它们从不同程度上折射了课标的课程理念并凸显了教材的情感、文化、策略和思维等方面的优势。而一线教师对教材隐含的思维因素还尚未有过多的关注。文章就以初中英语仁爱版教材为例,探讨初中英语教材的思维优势及在教学中应如何发挥这些思维优势。  相似文献   

杨云  张柳娟 《海外英语》2012,(9):137-139
Chinglish is what occurs when the Chinese language and English language crash into one another.When native Chinese speakers who are learning English attempt to directly translate Chinese into English,using Chinese sentence structure,wording and grammar,a blend of Chinese and English happens.Among Chinese English teachers and English as a second language (ESL) foreign experts working with students,this phenomenon is commonly referred to as Chinglish.In order to help students to overcome Chinglish in their oral English and cultivate their sensibility of foreign culture and mode of thinking the awareness of the causes of Chinglish is a must.This paper focuses on analyzing the causes in terms of negative transfer of mother tongue and the differences between modes of thinking and cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

One of the skills that can be taught in an English proficiency class that adopts literary texts for teaching the language is critical thinking. The background, characters and their motives are among those that invite critical inquiry and interpretation. Although it has been claimed that discussing literary texts in the traditional way can help develop students’ critical thinking skills, it is yet to be proved whether the use of a teaching aid can help the process. This study is, therefore, carried out to see if the use of computer software can help to develop such skills. It specifically looks at the potential of a literary text, Othello, and a concordancer in developing and enhancing critical thinking abilities of 40 English as a Second Language (ESL) students at the International Islamic University Malaysia. An experimental study was carried out, where an experimental group was exposed to text analysis using a concordancer whilst the control group analysed the text manually. The Cornell Critical Thinking Test was used to analyse the critical thinking ability of the students. The experimental group outperformed the control group in all the subscales measured, but the percentage of variance in the scores was low.  相似文献   

《中国学生发展核心素养》提出"全面发展的人"的培养目标,学科教师要在课程实施中落实学生核心素养的发展。基于核心素养的中学英语文学阅读教学实践从语言学习、认知发展、社会生活三方面促进学生的发展。在语言学习目标层面,学生在准确理解故事文本基础上,通过准确拼读、流利朗读、正确复述、互动讨论、创新表演、创意写作等系列活动,提高语言理解、赏析和创意表达能力;在认知发展层面,学生在语言交流活动中培养思维的逻辑性、批判性和创新性,掌握语言知识学习策略,提升分析和解决问题能力、元认知能力;在社会生活层面,学生通过一系列阅读、思考和创作分享活动,形成正确的人生观、价值观,培养自尊、自信、自强的良好品格,学会做人、做事,提高文明素养和社会责任感。  相似文献   

苏雪梅 《鸡西大学学报》2012,12(1):82-83,87
通过讨论英语教学的语言技能训练与思辨能力培养之间相互促进的关系,指出整合学生语言技能训练与思辨能力培养在大学英语教学改革中的重要性,探索了在大学英语视听说课程教学中如何具体实施整合学生语言技能训练与思辨能力的培养。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):221-241

Although mother tongue education is recommended by policymakers, researchers and language learning authorities, the reality in South Africa is that many parents/caregivers and learners believe that English is the best choice as Language of Learning and Teaching. Many English second-language (ESL) learners experience barriers to learning, because of a limited English proficiency. An empirical study was conducted to identify the needs and perceptions of Grade 4 educators regarding ESL learners with a limited English proficiency. The following factors were targeted in the study: demographic factors; language issues; educators' perception of learners with language barriers; and teaching of ESL learners who have limited English proficiency. The findings suggest that educators teaching ESL learners are in need of support.  相似文献   

教育部于2012年4月印发的《高等教育专题规划》将提高人才培养质量置于十分重要的地位,而衡量高校人才培养质量的一个重要指标是学生的思辨能力.作为高校英语专业核心课程的英美文学,对学生思辨能力的培养起着重要作用.学术训练导向视域下英美文学教学改革,旨在通过课程学习引导学生阅读英语文学经典,通过英语文学论文的写作进行规范的学术训练,培养学生的创新思维,提高学生的语言能力与人文素养.  相似文献   

在外语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新教育强调以学生为主体,通过“启发式”教学,让学生主动参与教学过程,并在自主学习中培养独立思考和创造的能力。外语学科是学生学习语言及跨文化知识的独特学科,如何使学生在语言学习中拓展他们的创造性思维及开发个人潜力,这是值得每一位教师研究的问题。  相似文献   

新课改要求教师把课堂还给学生,让学生在教师指导下通过自主学习、合作探究的方式构建高效课堂。那么在课堂教学中如何发展学生能力呢?从发展学生创新思维、合作学习、语言表达能力等方面来阐述。  相似文献   

论高师英语专业学生创新思维的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语学科的基本特点是人文性和工具性的统一,人文性是其根本属性,与创新思维的培养密切相关;高师英语专业学生创新素质的培养是一个系统工程,学校、教师和学生个人都应该积极参与这个系统工程,学校应致力于推进教育改革,营造创新的大环境。教师要致力于创新教学,启迪学生创新思维,而学生本人则应主动创新学习,提升创新思维能力。  相似文献   

本文首先讨论大学英语教学的语言能力目标和课程定位、中国人的英语能力以及中国人英语学习的目标语等,接着讨论大学校本英语水平考试设计中的几个核心能力构念,即语言能力的可分性、语言能力的工具性与人文性、跨文化交际语言能力与思辨能力等.认为,如果考试设计成员对这些核心理念或者能力构念模糊不清、观点不明,就会直接影响考试设计的质...  相似文献   

我国高校英语专业学生的思辨能力薄弱是一个不容忽视的问题,这个问题尤其体现在其英语写作上。构建基于学习共同体的英语写作课堂有助于激励学生的学习参与、加强学生的思辨能力及提升学生的综合语言能力。英语写作课堂学习共同体的构建需通过三个步骤:重构教师对写作课堂的认识;培养学生课堂学习共同体意识;引入研究性写作模式。  相似文献   

教育信息化2.0时代给民办高校的教育带来机会的同时,也给师生的信息技术能力及信息素养带来了挑战。审辩思维是信息素养提高的前提,也是21世纪人才重要的特征,非常适合通过大学英语来培养。教材是大学英语教学的关键,但是现有教材的审辩思维比较笼统、含糊,教师有必要系统、深入地学习审辩思维并提升相关能力,再对教材进行系统、深入地审辩思维技能或倾向加工,实现大学英语对审辩思维既知其神又知其形的培养和提升,进而促进英语习得、跨文化交际和英语信息素养的培养。  相似文献   

The current educational context in many English speaking countries is one where literacy is understood to be essentially monolingual in orientation; that is, an understanding of literacy around a single common language, with the emphasis on identifying universal, normative ‘standards’ and ‘benchmarks’, such as the National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy in Australia, the Primary National Strategy in the United Kingdom, and No Child Left Behind in the United States. This paper aims to problematise such assumptions by examining how teachers, themselves, understand “teaching literacy” when their students come to the teaching/learning relationship with a first language other than English. With a focus on teachers working with bilingual and multilingual students in their early stages of acquiring English as a second language (ESL), the study thus acknowledges the increasingly diverse sociolinguistic profile of students in Australia and elsewhere in the varying degrees of communicative competence they bring to the mainstream in their use of ESL. Moreover, it draws on ESL teacher knowledge and expertise which has been identified as increasingly marginalised within mainstream educational discourse. Through case studies of three ESL teachers in the middle years, salient themes around the interrelated notions of literacy as learning, language for literacy and language as literacy were identified with respect to the literacy needs of second language learners.  相似文献   

批判式阅读是一种以培养学生综合语言能力为核心的教学方法。通过对河北省5所高校100余名英语教师的问卷调查和访谈发现:高校英语教师对批判式阅读教学理论和教学策略的认知有待进一步深化;在教学实践过程中仍需要进一步转变教学观念,在拓展学生语言知识的同时兼顾学生批判性思维能力及评析能力的培养。  相似文献   

本研究对泰州学院中外合作背景下58名ESL(English as Second Language)学习者的二语写作过程进行了问卷调查;并对调查结果中的认知思维做了相关分析.结果显示:(1)ESL学习者在写作中大量借助母语思维;(2)学习者在文本创作过程中借鉴了语码转换、重复、边写边说、头脑风暴等认知思维技巧;(3)头脑风暴等认知策略能够帮助学习者进行文本内容、结构的构思,有助于提高学习者的二语写作水平.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论马歇尔大学在网络环境中如何应用讨论工具来促进批判性思维的发展.在高等教育中发展批判性思维的重要作用已经得到了各国及其学校的重视.本研究以马歇尔大学研究生院教育与专业发展专业所开设的英语为第二语言的一些课程为对象,分析了讨论法在这些课程中培养批判性思维的状况.在开展本研究的那个学期末,研究者编制了一份问卷,调查这种讨论法实施的效果,以及对这种方法加以改善的可能性.问卷随后被分发给三个班的所有学生,他们都来自西佛吉尼亚州的中小学教师.在21个被调查的学生中,15人全部回答了问卷所提出三个问题.结果显示,几乎所有的被调查者都认为,讨论对促进学习和批判性思维有帮助.大部分学生赞成教师参与网上讨论,教师参与讨论的作用是在发展批判性思维中担当帮助者的角色.  相似文献   

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