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马宗耀  马志忠 《大观周刊》2012,(43):231-233
综述了我国设施内土壤盐碱化的严峻现实。分析了土壤盐碱化的成因,并归纳了我国土壤盐碱化的类型,回顾了近年来中国盐碱土壤修复的历程和研究成果,归纳了盐碱土壤修复的方法,并且评述了其各自的特性,分析了各个修复方法的优点点,肯定了成绩,指出了不足。最后,对设施盐碱土壤的修复指明了正确的方向,并提出了较高的期望。  相似文献   

如今,工作、生活条件好了,有的新闻工作者深入采访的作风却差了;接待高了,招待好了,新闻的精品却少了;交通方便了,离老百姓的距离亦远了。  相似文献   

长征途中,中国共产党极为重视党的宣传工作,通过创新宣传手段,丰富宣传内容,广泛争取群众,从而揭露了国民党反动派对红军的污蔑,树立了红军形象,宣传了党的民族统一战线政策,团结了各阶层的开明分子,瓦解了敌军,扩大了革命的力量,统一了战士们的思想,增强了战斗力,坚定了革命必胜的信念。  相似文献   

马冬花 《大观周刊》2012,(6):201-201
现代教育技术的快速发展,极大地丰富了教学内容、创新了教学模式,给语文课堂教学提供了一个广阔的舞台。多媒体快速走进了语文课堂,激发了学生的学习兴趣和想象力,扩大了课堂教学的信息传递,同时也弥补了教师自身的不足,并且很好的完善了课堂教学结构。  相似文献   

论民国时期云南地方志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期的云南地方志工作取得了很大的成果,编纂了一批方志。本文介绍了民国时期地方志编纂的基本情况,列举了一些比较有代表性的地方志,同时着重分析了云南民国时期的方志学理论,找出了创新点,指出了存在的问题。  相似文献   

中国一线市场的市场熟了,消费者理性了,渠道丰富了,终端饱和了,竞争加剧了,中国企业的老板开始紧张了,都准备把营销战场从一线城市拉到更低的地方了,这才有了激情四射的二三线市场营销竞争新格局。  相似文献   

上海世纪出版集团自1999年2月24日成立以来,已经走过了三年多的历程,顺利地渡过了过渡期、磨合期,进入了发展期。三年多来,我们高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以江泽民同志“三个代表”思想为指导,调整了出书结构,出版了一批精品力作;重组了发行资源,拓展了图书进入市场的通路;开展了数字化工作,启动了信息化建设;初步形成了新的管理体制,不断完善了新的运行机制,进一步扩大了经济实力。与集团组建前的1998年相比,2001年集团的利润增长了42%,净资产增长了 71%。  相似文献   

甘肃民歌中的劝戒鸦片歌谣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“刀刀切了羊肉了,你把洋烟曷(不要)斗了!洋烟那么老百姓为什么要种植鸦片呢?鸦片容易种植吗?把你吃瘦了!柏木改了柏板了,你把洋烟曷管了!洋烟把从一首民歌中来看看农民种植鸦片的艰辛。山丹县的《种你吃懒了!你把洋烟曷斗了!洋烟把你吃瘦了!吃成一把洋烟》歌,以时间顺序唱出了种鸦片的过程,“正月里来骨都了!刀刀切了白菜了,洋烟把你吃坏了!吃者人人不吧是新春,清朝家遗留下种洋烟。多种花儿少种了田,上爱了!你把洋烟曷管了,洋烟把你吃懒了!门上来人不管去抽一口鸦片烟。二月里来吧龙抬头,庄稼人收拾了把田了!斧头剁了红桦了,洋烟把你难下…  相似文献   

①“信仰”的意识、服从的意识淡了,分析意识、批评意识强了。②保守意识淡了,创新意识强了。③依赖意识淡了,竞争意识强了。④政治意识相对淡了,经济意识、科学意识、审美意识强了。⑤道德意识相对淡了,功利意识强了,并正在形成新的伦理道德观念。⑥集体意识在某些方面淡了,自我意识强了,并向二者结合的趋向发展。  相似文献   

新年随想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新年钟声的敲响,我们辞别了2003年,迎来了充满希望的2004年,《图书情报工作》也迈入了第4个“本命之年”。48年的风风雨雨的发展历程,铸就了办刊理念,形成了办刊风格,打造了品牌,取得了令人鼓舞的成就。成绩所得,不仅倾注了编辑们的心血和努力,更蕴涵了广大作者、读  相似文献   

This article surveys a sample of sources of the information about Romania available to British readers in nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals. It traces first contacts between the Romanian lands and Britain after the union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia in 1859, then after their independence from the Ottoman Empire. The article highlights an increased Romanian interest in British periodicals, which reported and reviewed Romanian literature and scholarship. The article concludes that nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals offer a great variety and wealth of new material previously unavailable or unknown to researchers. It also states that only a portion of a large quantity of this material has been indexed and is therefore available via the bibliographic sources mentioned in the article. The author argues for the need of a new and updated British-Romanian bibliography, which can draw on new online resources offering access to thousands of new newspapers and periodical records.  相似文献   

利益相关者视角下的图书馆电子借阅服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 以图书馆提供电子借阅服务过程中所涉及的利益相关者为研究对象,厘清各利益相关者的利益关系,提出建立基于社会平衡机制的图书馆电子借阅服务系统的主要路径。[方法/过程] 介绍图书馆电子书和电子借阅的发展现状,引入利益相关者理论分析作者、提供商、图书馆与用户之间的利益关系。[结果/结论] 研究发现图书馆电子借阅服务涉及作者与提供商的商业利益、图书馆提供信息资源的权利和用户获取知识的权利,不同利益主体存在既冲突又合作的关系;图书馆电子借阅服务系统不够成熟,产生明显的资源供需失衡问题。提出以下建议:完善法律制度,维护公共利益;扶持电子书产业发展,规范市场行为;建立许可协议标准模板,保护各方利益;控制采购成本,促进电子书资源利用;发挥电子书优势,促进电子书阅读推广。  相似文献   

Employers’ use of online information increases the communicative demands and complexity of employability. For employers, gathering online information for personnel selection—a process called cybervetting—supplements or augments existing information acquisition processes. For workers, cybervetting’s extractive processes require considering potential and possible career stories employers might construct. Workers increasingly need to engage in prospective and retrospective storying to communicate and maintain employability and employment. Drawing on exemplars from employers’ reports, this essay highlights: (a) how employers report assembling and making sense of workers’ information during personnel selection; (b) the limitations of existing employability strategies; as well as (c) the increased and unequally distributed uncertainty and risk; and (d) the associated and different work expected of workers as the primary site and authorship of career stories shift.  相似文献   

李纲  李阳 《图书情报工作》2014,58(24):66-72
突发事件的监测与识别是应急决策情报体系的一个重要环节.为构建一个以情报为核心的突发事件监测与识别的理论架构,从情报视角出发,将突发事件的监测与识别归纳为:①一个目标:为应急决策情报体系服务;②两个侧重:过程与方法;③3个原则:全源情报、实时情报、精准情报;④3个步骤:情报收集、情报分析、情报评估与利用.最后,对情报视角下突发事件监测与识别的前景进行分析.  相似文献   

作为信息科学领域的权威会议,ASIS&T年会是展示和传播信息科学领域最新研究成果的重要场所。本文以第82届ASIS&T年会收录的74篇会议论文为研究对象,从信息行为、信息组织与管理、信息技术与计量、信息服务四方面进行详细述评和动态解析。信息行为研究内容涉及阅读、研究、游戏、健康、检索等方面,更贴近人们日常学习生活中的信息行为;信息组织更关注元数据、实体间的数据关联、数据复用与数据治理;信息管理方面,无论是个人信息管理还是机构信息管理都更注重用户体验、用户情感因素;信息技术更关注文本分析技术,信息计量更关注跨学科的知识结构,为审稿与撤稿的研究提供了新视角;在强调信息道德与数据伦理基础上,信息服务聚焦于面向特殊人群的图书馆全纳支持服务、面向数字人文的信息系统开发与数据组织,面向社交网络的数据分析与社区服务。  相似文献   

Lewis Wickes Hine exploited the powerful impact of the visual image to arouse the reforming spirit among the middle and upper classes and to inspire them to do something about the living and working conditions of thousands of America's poor. Hine was acquainted with many of the men and women who were involved in the Progressive social reform campaigns that were popular in the United States during the early twentieth century. A trained sociologist, he became interested in photography while teaching at the Ethical Culture School. Hine quickly realized that photographs could be powerful instruments of social reform and was able to effectively combine his interests in social welfare and photography. Hine believed that this efforts as a photographer should be guided by a social conscience and referred to his work as "social photography." His photographs of men, women and children enduring dangerous and inhuman working conditions were both sensitive and intense. As a result of his social conscience and artistic commitment Hine raised the cultural and social awareness of his contemporaries and made a significant contribution to social reform efforts in the United States.  相似文献   

开放获取和权益保护是目前数字环境下信息资源传播的两大重要课题。作为下一代科技文献资源的传播体系,需要在同时实现面向资源消费者的开放获取功能以及资源创作者所有权益保护的功能方面,进行系统的升级设计,从而实现文献资源流通领域的平衡发展。这也是下一代NSTL面临的挑战性课题之一。该研究在2011年NSTL建设项目的支持下,以下一代NSTL系统为基础,设计可以整合多国期刊OA资源的服务平台,并引入了DRM的功能。通过与多国OA资源提供机构及权益保护相关机构进行国际合作,在OA资源整合服务及知识产权保护方面,进行了多方面的探索与实施。文章首先介绍下一代NSTL中OA平台的整体架构;其次,重点介绍平台的多国OA期刊的XML元数据交换与更新功能;再次,介绍资源的权益信息获取服务;最后,给出结论和未来的实施规划。  相似文献   


This article offers statistical information about the future of our profession and the role that mentoring may play in retaining and promoting academic librarians into leadership positions within an organization. An overview of the history and definition of the word mentor and current terminology is offered to provide the reader with understanding of the complexity surrounding the concept of mentoring. Mentoring as process is explained, and both formal and informal mentoring processes are discussed and examples provided. The benefits of mentoring are detailed and include the benefits for mentors, mentees, and academic libraries, with a special focus on minorities and generational considerations now prevalent in libraries. Qualitative methodologies are examined to determine relationships, and the methods used include interviews, questionnaires, and print and online surveys. Case studies from across the nation are analyzed and offered as evidence that mentoring does in fact work well in many academic libraries, but librarians should be mindful that these mentoring processes must be evaluated periodically to remain viable. A brief discussion and future considerations section offer helpful information on gaps in the literature and the challenges that academic libraries face as they create and implement mentoring processes in their respective academic organizations.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes two prominent art history-based CD-ROMs published in 1996 and 1997, and suggests trends in the information and interface design of cultural multimedia programs. It reviews first- and second-generation feature sets, and assesses the initial impact of object-oriented programming. Both CD-ROMs are described in detail, and their interfaces and navigational structures appraised. Other questions treated include the virtues and pitfalls of hyperlinking, the audience for such ambitious projects, the impact of market dynamics, and potential transferability to the WorldWide Web.  相似文献   

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