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目的:以不同方式的摄氧取值以及不同强度的测试次数建立相应的速度-摄氧预测方程,比较各方程所得最大累积氧亏的差异,对最大累积氧亏的测试方案进行简化设计并对其有效性进行论证.方法:15名男子1 500m跑运动员在标准田径跑道上分别完成1次递增负荷测试、1次1 500 m跑测试及2次持续各5回合、每回合10 min的恒定负荷测试.以10回合恒定负荷测试中8~10 min的摄氧取值建立的预测方程为标准,比较4~6 min、6~8min固定时段的摄氧取值以及遥测稳态摄氧取值对建立预测方程的影响,并比较减少不同次数的高负荷、中等负荷以及低负荷测试对建立预测方程的影响.结果:遥测稳态摄氧的判定时间在4 min 12 s~8 min 46 s之间,以遥测稳态摄氧建立方程所计算的需氧量和最大累积氧亏与标准值无明显差异(P>0.0167);减少中间负荷测试的次数≦3时,对速度-摄氧方程的预测效果无显著影响(P>0.0167);以安静站立时的摄氧量作为预测方程的截距,并减少最低两级负荷以及中间两级负荷测试构建预测方程,其所得的最大累积氧亏与标准值间的一致性边界为-2.22~4.77 ml O2/kg,仅有6.7%的值处于一致性边界之外;简化方程所得最大累积氧亏的时间相对值(ml O/kg/s)与1 500m跑的成绩有显著的相关性(r=-0.561,P<0.05).结论:设定安静站立时的摄氧量为截距,减少4次负荷分别为70%~80%及100%~105%无氧阈强度的恒定负荷测试,以遥测稳态摄氧取值构建预测方程,可在保证最大累积氧亏计算准确性的前提下,大幅节省测试耗时.  相似文献   

目的探讨长期补充槲皮素配方运动饮料对自行车运动员运动能力及抗氧化水平的影响并分析其内在关系。方法 22名受试者随机分成两组进行两阶段交叉、双盲安慰对照试验,每阶段干预4周,中间洗脱期4周。各阶段干预前后进行耗氧动力学和体能测试,测试前后取肘静脉血、中段尿液各3 mL,经处理后测血浆抗氧化酶活性及脂质过氧化产物。结果干预后,槲皮素干预组(Q组)与安慰对照组(P组)相比,20 km平均功率、转速明显提高(P<0.05),干预后耗氧动力学参数t值明显减小(P<0.01);干预后,超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)未见显著性差异(P>0.05),而血浆总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)在安静值、运动后值及干预前后不同状态下的差值呈现明显组间差异。尿液脂质过氧化产物8-异构前列腺素(8-isoPGF2a)干预前后差值变化仅在运动后存在显著性差异(P<0.05),其它情况下及丙二醛(MDA)均未见显著性组间差异(P>0.05)。结论长期槲皮素干预提高了自行车运动员运动中的运动表现,耗氧动力学有明显改善;长期槲皮素干预使机体血浆总抗氧化能力有所升高,降低了长时间大强度运动后的氧化应激损伤水平;但本试验尚不能完全解释运动能力的改善和抗氧化能力变化之间的必然关系。  相似文献   

探索中跑运动员跑步经济性(running economy,RE)与运动成绩的相关性,通过实验探索出中跑运动员RE测试的最佳负荷。根据.VO2max相对值及800 m运动成绩,最终确定7人为研究对象。研究结果发现,7名受试者运动成绩的排序和RE12的排序相关性呈现出高度显著性(r=0.98,P=0.00)。研究结论表明,800 m运动成绩越好,RE12水平越好;同时也发现,选择12.0 km/h的测试速度评价中跑运动员的RE水平比较适合。  相似文献   

极限负荷时运动持续时间和运动水平密切相关。研究发现运动后睾酮(T)水平与耗氧平台(VO2maxPD)显著相关,β-内啡肽(β-EP)分泌水平与最大耗氧量,耗氧平台,呼吸频率显著相关。揭示耗氧平台的维系,可能有垂体—性腺轴的参与。而β-内啡肽对呼吸频率及耗氧平台的维系也存在着调控作用。耗氧平台时心率和通气量较之安静时大辐度增长,间接说明儿茶酚胺在极限负荷时对循环系统的支持。  相似文献   

本文以菜农为对象,在实验室用极限下不同负荷连续工作测试了心率、耗氧率和肺通气量,以所获数据建立了负荷与心率、耗氧率及肺通气量的多元回归方程。同时,为便于现场调查应用,还建立了上述指标相互间的单元回归方程。  相似文献   

目的:针对当前国内对跑节省化(RE)关注度的逐渐提高而又无统一测试方法,国外在VO2计算方法、负荷强度的选择等方面存在不一致性的局面,旨在推导出单一RE测试负荷,确定VO2收集和计算时间,建立一套适合我国普通男性青年完整的RE测试方法。方法:以63名新兵为实验对象,分成A组和B组。首先,A组在活动跑台上分别以55%、60%、65%和70%VO2max对应的速度完成RE测试,然后,测定其5km成绩并以此作为因变量,上述4个RE值分别为自变量进行线性相关分析,应用r2判定系数法判断RE与5km跑成绩线性关系,找出最佳线性模型;以5km跑成绩作为效标,以R-RE与5km跑成绩的4个相关系数r为基础进行曲线拟合,推导适宜的最佳RE负荷跑速。另外,测试B组RE与5km成绩,以检验最适宜负荷的有效性,并从B组中随机抽取50%受试者进行RE重测,以检验RE指标的可靠性和稳定性。结果:11.5km/h的跑速可作为我国普通男性青年测定RE的适宜负荷,单位采用ml/kg/min表示;应计算末尾2min的VO2所得均值作为RE值;有效性检验显示,以11.5km/h的速度测定的RE结果有代表性;RE重测可靠性高。结论:建立了一套完整的RE测试方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国北方汉族男性亚铁螯合酶(FECH)基因-252A/G多态性与耐力训练敏感性的关联,寻找与有氧耐力训练效果的分子标记。方法:选取102名中国北方汉族男性健康受试者,以95%~105%个体无氧阈强度进行5 000米跑训练,每周3次,共18周,训练前后测定VO2max、RE等指标。使用PCR-RFLP和测序方法解析该基因多态性的分布特征,并进行该多态与上述生理指标进行关联性分析。结果:1)耐力训练前,AA基因型跑节省化时的心率(RE/HR)、跑节省化时的最大摄氧量(RE/rVO2)起始值均显著性低于GG基因型(P<0.01);2)有氧耐力训练后,AA基因型通气阈时的摄氧量(△VT/VO2)增加的幅度显著性高于GG基因型(P<0.05);AA基因型在跑节省化时的心率(△RE/HR)下降的幅度显著性高于GG基因型(P<0.05)。结论:在FECH基因-252A/G多态性中,AA基因型耐力训练具有较高的训练敏感性,可作为预测有氧耐力训练敏感性的分子标记。  相似文献   

陈耕  王琳 《体育科研》2002,(1):20-22
观察生活在拉巴斯(波利维亚3700m海拔)的7~15岁儿童发现①最大吸氧量值35~45ml/min/kg;最高心率188~194次/分;这些值分别比低海拔地区降低了10-20 %和10~15次/分.②无论生活在高海拔还是低海拔地区.只要在青春发育期有充足的营养供应,无氧代谢能力不受久居高原低氧环境的影响;在最大吸氧量利用率方面,高海拔与低海拔地区氧债的次最大值是相似的;在超负荷练习中,最大氧债和血乳酸浓度也是相同的.至今在儿童中没有观察到高、低海拔间通气阈和乳酸阈的不同,拉巴斯3700米的海拔高度没有改变7-15岁儿童的张力-速度测试中的无氧工作能力.但在30秒无氧功(温格特Wigate)测试中,无氧功率减少14-17%,这种减少可以认为是糖原酵解和有氧代谢参与较少的结果.③对久居拉巴斯的男性儿童观察发现,较差社会经济和营养条件对有氧能力没有影响;但与具有较好社会经济背景的儿童相比,会导致最大无氧功率的降低(17-25%).④久居拉巴斯,不会影响儿童青春发育期的有氧和无氧代谢能力的发展.  相似文献   

李勤  肖国强 《体育学刊》2007,14(9):59-63
为了解散打运动的供能特点及其影响因素.以26名一级、武英级水平散打运动员为试验对象,并以42名100~1 500m跑等6个项目的一级运动员为对照.通过对尿肌酐系数、气体(能量)代谢、运动后血乳酸浓度、个体乳酸阈、散打平均每次对抗时间和每次非对抗期时间等指标的测定与分析.结果发现每局比赛总对抗时间占每局比赛时间的28.6%,总间歇期(非对抗期)时间占每局比赛时间71.4%.3局比赛中各对抗运动时段的总耗氧量为8.338 L,运动后过量耗氧共为46.162 L,分别占15.3%和84.7%,氧亏较大.安静时的尿肌酐系数与100、200 m跑运动员无明显差异((38.8±7.9)与(39.7±8.5)与(39.5±8.2)mg/kg,P>0.05);各局比赛后即刻的血乳酸浓度明显偏低于400、800m跑运动员;个体乳酸阈与200、1 000 m跑的运动员差异无显著性(P>0.05),最大糖酵解能力与400、800 m跑运动员差异有显著性(14.53±2.31、16.82±1.49与16.65±2.23,P<0.05).研究表明散打运动是以磷酸原系统为主,乳酸能系统配合供能的对抗性变速运动项目.提示人们只有充分了解散打运动员机体的供能特点及疲劳产生的原因,才能有针对性地提高运动员的基本身体素质,取得优良的成绩.  相似文献   

影响跑步经济性的动力学因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索影响中跑运动员个体间跑步经济性(running economy,RE)差异的动力学因素,根据VO2max相对值及800 m运动成绩,最终确定7人为研究对象(年龄(21.43±0.53)岁;身高(172.8±3.79)cm;体重(63.66±3.82)kg;训练年限(4.57±0.98)年;RE(35.65±2.58)mL·kg-1.min-1).研究结果发现,RE分别与力的峰值、力的波动范围及冲量相关性都不显著.研究结果表明,垂直方向、前后方向和内外方向的地面反作用力以及跑步支撑阶段冲量,并不是造成中跑运动员RE差异的原因,但是,RE较差的中跑运动员表现出在垂直方向冲量较大的趋势,RE的差异可能是人体下肢肌肉做功的差异造成的.  相似文献   

探讨全身性振动介入抗阻力训练对能量消耗的影响,为体重控制及健身减肥者制定有效的运动处方提供依据。方法:以我院体育教育专业健康男性为对象,利用气体代谢分析仪及心率表对"振动介入+抗阻力训练"(实验组,Resistance exercise+Vibration,REV)及单纯"抗阻力训练"(对照组,Resistance exercise, RE)模式下的摄氧及能量消耗等指标进行监测,并运用SPSS17.0对相关指标进行统计分析。结果:1)REV组在训练中及训练后0-25分、25-50分的总每分钟能量消耗及每分钟最大摄氧显著高于RE组;2)抗阻力训练结束后相当长的时间内以脂肪消耗供能为主,表现为REV组脂肪供能比例明显高于RE组;3)抗阻力训练能显著提升训练中呼吸交换率及换气量,表现为REV组提升率高于RE组。结论:全身性振动介入抗阻力训练可比单纯抗阻力增加更多能量消耗,且在训练后恢复期能提升脂肪供能比例,故控体重运动员及健身减肥者将振动作为辅助训练手段是非常有效的。  相似文献   

目的:了解优秀运动员在全程马拉松跑过程中通气量、摄氧量(V·O2)、潮气量、心率、总能耗、糖消耗量、脂肪消耗量以及乳酸产生量等的变化。方法:以1名肯尼亚优秀马拉松运动员为实验对象,在跑步机上以接近于其80%最大摄氧量(V·O2max)强度的18 km·h^-1速度完成全程马拉松跑,并在全过程中通过运动心肺测试系统采集能量代谢相关指标,并与3天前进行的V·O2max测试获得相关指标的最大值进行对比。结果:1)在马拉松过程中,单位时间内的V·O2、通气量、潮气量相对稳定,平均值分别占递增速度V·O2max测试中最大值的75.4%、67.0%、81.0%;2)在不补充水分时,心率从第40 min开始出现逐渐上升的趋势,结束时心率达到最大心率的92.5%,全程平均心率为最大心率的88.8%;3)全程每公斤体重的每公里能耗基本保持稳定,呼吸商在0.9~1.0之间,能量供应以糖的有氧代谢为主,乳酸产生量极少,糖和脂肪消耗总量为8.4 g·kg^-1和0.5 g·kg^-1;4)从静脉血部分指标的变化来看,红细胞总数及其参数变化幅度较小,白细胞总数、单核细胞数以及粒细胞数的增加幅度分别达到了100.9%、142.7%和186.1%。结论:优秀马拉松运动员在全程马拉松跑过程中,动作经济性能够保持相对稳定,补水不足时心率呈上升趋势,能量供应主要以糖的有氧代谢为主,乳酸产生量极少。运动前后红细胞数变化较小,白细胞等免疫相关细胞的变化较大。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the sequence of strength training before endurance training (ST/ET) is more or less effective than endurance training followed by strength training (ET/ST). Twenty‐three females and 11 males were assigned to one of three groups: ST/ET (n= 15), ET/ST (n= 15) or control (n = 4). The 7‐week training programme consisted of strength training using 10 exercises for two sets of 3–12 repetitions and running for 20–25 min at 60–90% of heart rate reserve. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) was measured during a graded treadmill test, and muscular strength was assessed using one‐repetition maximum tests for the bench press (BP), shoulder press (SP), arm curl (AC) and leg press (LP). The VO2 max significantly (P < 0.05) increased 6.7 and 6.2% for the ST/ET and ET/ST groups, respectively. There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference between the two experimental groups. Muscular strength significantly (P <0.05) improved by 15.2% (BP), 16.6% (SP), 17.2% (AC) and 11.9% (LP) for the ST/ET group and 19.9% (BP), 24.1% (SP), 20.9% (AC) and 14.0% (LP) for the ET/ST group. There were no significant (P > 0.05) differences between the two experimental groups for the BP, AC and LP; however, the ET/ST group increased (P < 0.05) SP strength more than the ST/ET group. In conclusion, adaptations to a combination of short‐term endurance and strength training as assessed by VO2 max and BP, AC and LP strength appear to be independent of whether endurance training occurs prior to or following strength training.  相似文献   

Ingesting carbohydrate plus protein following prolonged exercise may restore exercise capacity more effectively than ingestion of carbohydrate alone. The objective of the present study was to determine whether this potential benefit is a consequence of the protein fraction per se or simply due to the additional energy it provides. Six active males participated in three trials, each involving a 90-min treadmill run at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 1) followed by a 4-h recovery. At 30-min intervals during recovery, participants ingested solutions containing: (1) 0.8 g carbohydrate x kg body mass (BM)(-1) h(-1) plus 0.3 g kg(-1) h(-1) of whey protein isolate (CHO-PRO); (2) 0.8 g carbohydrate x kg BM(-1) h(-1) (CHO); or (3) 1.1 g carbohydrate x kg BM(-1) h(-1) (CHO-CHO). The latter two solutions matched the CHO-PRO solution for carbohydrate and for energy, respectively. Following recovery, participants ran to exhaustion at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 2). Exercise capacity during run 2 was greater following ingestion of CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO than following ingestion of CHO (P< or = 0.05) with no significant difference between the CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO treatments. In conclusion, increasing the energy content of these recovery solutions extended run time to exhaustion, irrespective of whether the additional energy originated from sucrose or whey protein isolate.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性离心运动伴4种不同程度的血流限制对年轻女性外周疲劳及心脏自主神经功能的影响,综合评价各方案的安全性,为长期血流限制运动干预提供参考。方法:将40名女大学生随机分为4组,分别进行小强度抗阻(30%1RM)伴0%(CON组)、40%(BFR40组)、60%(BFR60组)和80%(BFR80组)动脉闭塞压(AOP)的血流限制运动。各小组进行4组伸膝离心运动,第1组重复30次,后3组重复15次,组间休息30 s。检测运动前、运动后即刻、15 min、30 min、1 h以及24 h的骨骼肌收缩性能(最大径向位移、收缩速度)、最大等长力量和心脏自主神经功能。结果:1)与CON组相比,BFR40组的副交感神经活性受到轻微抑制(P<0.05),可在运动后30 min内恢复(P>0.05);2)BFR60组的最大等长力量在运动后显著下降(P<0.01),副交感神经活性进一步抑制(P<0.01),交感神经支配增强(P<0.05),运动后30 min内恢复交感—副交感神经的平衡性(P>0.05);3)BFR80组运动后诱发显著的外周疲劳(P<0.01),使副交感恢复显著延迟,交感活性大幅增强(P<0.05),需更长时间恢复交感—副交感神经的平衡性(24 h内);4)相关性分析显示,副交感神经活性分别与最大径向位移(r=0.65)、收缩速度(r=0.62)和最大等长力量(r=0.55)呈正相关(P<0.05),交感神经活性与上述3个指标呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:血流限制运动中,40%AOP会抑制迷走神经活性;60%AOP可明显影响交感神经活性和交感—副交感调控的平衡性;80%AOP可诱发显著的外周疲劳,且与心脏自主神经调控密切相关。综上所述,不建议心血管风险高的患者使用80%AOP训练。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to measure and compare peak oxygen uptake and paddling efficiency in recreational and competitive junior male surfers. Eight male recreational surfers (mean age 18 years, s=2; mass 66.8 kg, s=13.0; height 1.75 m, s=0.10) and eight male competitive surfers (mean age 18 years, s=1; mass 68.0 kg, s=11.7; height 1.72 m, s=0.10) performed an incremental paddling test consisting of four 3-min constant load work stages followed by a ramp increase in power output of 20 W · 30 s?1 until exhaustion. The oxygen uptake–power output relationship of the four constant load work stages and peak values obtained during the incremental paddling test were used to calculate paddling efficiency. No differences (P>0.05) were observed between the recreational and competitive surfers for peak oxygen uptake (recreational: 2.52 litres · min?1, s=0.5; competitive: 2.66 litres · min?1, s=0.35) or efficiency (recreational: 24%, s=3; competitive: 21%, s=4). Blood lactate concentration was significantly greater in recreational (2.4 mmol · l?1, s=0.9) than competitive surfers (1.6 mmol · l?1, s=0.5) during submaximal paddling. There were no differences in peak oxygen uptake or paddling efficiency between recreational and competitive surfers suggesting that peak oxygen uptake and efficiency are not sensitive to differences in surfing ability. The increase in blood lactate concentration during submaximal paddling in recreational compared with competitive surfers suggests that other determinants of paddling endurance, such as blood lactate threshold, might be better at distinguishing surfers of differing ability.  相似文献   

Aim was to identify critical load (CL) in young and elderly apparently healthy male cohorts. To contrast the metabolic, cardiovascular and perceptual responses on CL according to age. We evaluated 12 young (23 ± 3 years) and 10 elderly (70 ± 2 years) apparently healthy active males, who underwent: (1) 1 repetition maximum (1RM) test on a 45° Leg Press; (2) on different days, three high-intensity resistance exercise constant load tests (60%, 75% and 90% 1RM) until fatigue (Tlim). Absolute values of both the CL asymptote and curvature constant (kg) were significantly lower in elderly subjects (P < 0.05). In contrast, elderly subjects demonstrated a significantly higher number of repetitions at CL when compared with young subjects (P < 0.05). As expected, oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) during maximal aerobic exercise testing were significantly reduced in older subjects. However, percent-predicted aerobic capacity were higher in older subjects (P < 0.05). In addition, blood lactate ([La?]) corrected to Tlim and rating of perceived exertion values were greater in younger subjects at all intensities (P < 0.05). These findings, despite reduced force production in older subjects, endurance-related parameters are well preserved according to age-adjusted percent-predicted values in apparently healthy males.  相似文献   

不同负荷方式对大学生最大吸氧量和无氧阈的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过斜度跑台、平台及功率自行车三种不同负荷方式,在渐增负荷运动中测定最大吸氧量(VO2max)和无氧阈(AT),探讨了三种不同负荷方式对大学生最大吸氧量和无氧阈的影响。结果发现,在三种不同负荷方式中,斜度跑台测定的VO2max和AT要大于平台、功率自行车的值。VO2max和AT受运动负荷方式不同的影响。因此,在测定大学生VO2max和AT时,应选择斜度跑台进行测定  相似文献   

The present study compared the energy expenditure (EE) during and after two water aerobics protocols, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate continuous training (CONT). A crossover randomized design was employed comprising 11 healthy young women. HIIT consisted of eight 20s bouts at 130% of the cadence associated with the maximal oxygen consumption (measured in the aquatic environment) with 10s passive rest. CONT corresponded to 30 min at a heart rate equivalent to 90–95% of the second ventilatory threshold. EE was measured during and 30 min before and after the protocols and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) was calculated. Total EE during session was higher in CONT (227.62 ± 31.69 kcal) compared to HIIT (39.91 ± 4.24 kcal), while EE per minute was greater in HIIT (9.98 ± 1.06 kcal) than in CONT (7.58 ± 1.07 kcal). Post-exercise EE (64.48 ± 3.50 vs. 63.65 ± 10.39 kcal) and EPOC (22.53 ± 4.98 vs.22.10 ± 8.00 kcal) were not different between HIIT and CONT, respectively. Additionally, oxygen uptake had already returned to baseline fifteen minutes post-exercise. These suggest that a water aerobics CONT session results in post-exercise EE and EPOC comparable to HIIT despite the latter supramaximal nature. Still, CONT results in higher total EE.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that the oxygen uptake (VO2) response to the onset of moderate-intensity exercise may be both mature from childhood and independent of sex. Yet the cardiorespiratory response to exercise and the metabolic profile of the muscle appear to change with growth and development and to differ between the sexes. The aim of this study was to investigate further changes in the VO2 kinetic response with age and sex. Participants completed a series of no less than four step change transitions, from unloaded pedalling to a constant work rate corresponding to 80% of their previously determined ventilatory threshold. Each participant's breath-by-breath responses were interpolated to 1 s intervals, time aligned and then averaged. A single exponential model that included a time delay was used to analyse the averaged response following phase 1 (15 s). Participants with parameter confidence intervals more than +/- 5 s were removed from the sample; the results for the remaining 13 men and 12 women (age 19-26 years), 12 boys and 11 girls (age 11-12 years) were used for statistical analysis. Children had a significantly shorter time constant than adults, both for males (19.0+/-2.0 and 27.9+/-8.6 s respectively; P<0.01) and females (21.0+/-5.5 and 26.0+/-4.5 s respectively; P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the time constant between the sexes for either adults or children (P>0.05). A significant relationship between the time constant and peak VO2 was found only in adult males (P<0.05). A shorter time constant in children may reflect an enhanced potential for oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

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